public static void Main(String[] args) { CP cp = new CP(); int nbHouses = 5; List <IIntExpr> ends = new List <IIntExpr>(); List <IIntervalVar> allTasks = new List <IIntervalVar>(); List <IIntervalVar> joeTasks = new List <IIntervalVar>(); List <IIntervalVar> jimTasks = new List <IIntervalVar>(); for (int h = 0; h < nbHouses; h++) { MakeHouse(cp, h, ends, allTasks, joeTasks, jimTasks); } IIntervalVar[] test = joeTasks.ToArray(); IConstraint cont = cp.NoOverlap(test); cp.Add(cp.NoOverlap(joeTasks.ToArray())); cp.Add(cp.NoOverlap(jimTasks.ToArray())); INumToNumStepFunction joeCalendar = cp.NumToNumStepFunction(); joeCalendar.SetValue(0, 2 * 365, 100); INumToNumStepFunction jimCalendar = cp.NumToNumStepFunction(); jimCalendar.SetValue(0, 2 * 365, 100); // Week ends for (int w = 0; w < 2 * 52; w++) { joeCalendar.SetValue(5 + (7 * w), 7 + (7 * w), 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(5 + (7 * w), 7 + (7 * w), 0); } // Holidays joeCalendar.SetValue(5, 12, 0); joeCalendar.SetValue(124, 131, 0); joeCalendar.SetValue(215, 236, 0); joeCalendar.SetValue(369, 376, 0); joeCalendar.SetValue(495, 502, 0); joeCalendar.SetValue(579, 600, 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(26, 40, 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(201, 225, 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(306, 313, 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(397, 411, 0); jimCalendar.SetValue(565, 579, 0); for (int i = 0; i < joeTasks.Count; i++) { joeTasks[i].SetIntensity(joeCalendar, 100); cp.Add(cp.ForbidStart(joeTasks[i], joeCalendar)); cp.Add(cp.ForbidEnd(joeTasks[i], joeCalendar)); } for (int i = 0; i < jimTasks.Count; i++) { jimTasks[i].SetIntensity(jimCalendar, 100); cp.Add(cp.ForbidStart(jimTasks[i], jimCalendar)); cp.Add(cp.ForbidEnd(jimTasks[i], jimCalendar)); } cp.Add(cp.Minimize(cp.Max(ends.ToArray()))); /// EXTRACTING THE MODEL AND SOLVING./// cp.SetParameter(CP.IntParam.FailLimit, 10000); if (cp.Solve()) { for (int i = 0; i < allTasks.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(cp.GetDomain(allTasks[i])); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No Solution found."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int D = 5; int W = 5; int H = 3; int G = 2; int T = 12; int[] k_g = new int[] { 2, 2 }; int ALLK = 4; int[] cc_d = new int[] { 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 }; int[] ave = new int[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; int[] dur = new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 }; int[] prf_D = new int[] { 2, 1, 1, 1, 100 }; int[] indexg_d = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }; CP roster = new CP(); // intern availbility INumToNumStepFunction resource_AveIntern = roster.NumToNumStepFunction(0, T, 100, "AvailibilityOfIntern"); for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) { if (ave[t] == 0) { resource_AveIntern.SetValue(t, t + 1, 0); } } // discipline IIntervalVar[] discipline_d = new IIntervalVar[D]; ICumulFunctionExpr hospitalNotRR = roster.CumulFunctionExpr(); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { discipline_d[d] = roster.IntervalVar(); discipline_d[d].EndMax = T; discipline_d[d].EndMin = dur[d]; discipline_d[d].LengthMax = dur[d]; discipline_d[d].LengthMin = dur[d]; discipline_d[d].SizeMax = dur[d]; discipline_d[d].SizeMin = dur[d]; discipline_d[d].StartMax = T; discipline_d[d].StartMin = 0; discipline_d[d].SetIntensity(resource_AveIntern, 100); hospitalNotRR.Add(roster.Pulse(discipline_d[d], 1)); discipline_d[d].SetOptional(); } IIntervalSequenceVar dis = roster.IntervalSequenceVar(discipline_d); roster.Add(roster.Ge(roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[1]), roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[4]))); roster.Add(roster.Before(dis, discipline_d[1], discipline_d[4])); roster.Add(roster.NoOverlap(discipline_d)); // desciplien for not renewable resources IIntVar[] height_t = new IIntVar[T]; for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) { height_t[t] = roster.IntVar(0, 1); } INumToNumSegmentFunction piecewise = roster.NumToNumSegmentFunction(new double[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11 }, new double[] { 10, 0, 10, 1, 10, 2, 10, 3, 10, 4, 10, 5, 10, 6, 10, 7, 10, 8, 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11 }); INumExpr rc = roster.NumExpr(); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { rc = roster.Sum(rc, roster.StartEval(discipline_d[d], piecewise, 0)); } for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) { } IIntervalVar[] disciplineNR_d = new IIntervalVar[D]; for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { disciplineNR_d[d] = roster.IntervalVar(); disciplineNR_d[d].EndMax = T; disciplineNR_d[d].EndMin = T; disciplineNR_d[d].LengthMax = T; disciplineNR_d[d].LengthMin = T; disciplineNR_d[d].SizeMax = T; disciplineNR_d[d].SizeMin = T; disciplineNR_d[d].StartMax = T; disciplineNR_d[d].StartMin = 0; disciplineNR_d[d].SetOptional(); roster.IfThen(roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]), roster.PresenceOf(disciplineNR_d[d])); } //roster.Add(roster.IfThen(roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[4]), roster.And(roster.Le(roster.EndOf(discipline_d[4]), roster.StartOf(discipline_d[0])),roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[0])))); //roster.Add(roster.StartBeforeEnd(discipline_d[4],discipline_d[0])); // hospital changes //ICumulFunctionExpr[] hospital //for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) //{ // roster.IfThen(roster.PresenceOf(disciplineNR_d[d]),); //} // hospital assignment IIntervalVar[][] Hospital_dh = new IIntervalVar[D][]; for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { Hospital_dh[d] = new IIntervalVar[H]; for (int h = 0; h < H; h++) { Hospital_dh[d][h] = roster.IntervalVar(); Hospital_dh[d][h].EndMax = T; Hospital_dh[d][h].EndMin = dur[d]; Hospital_dh[d][h].LengthMax = dur[d]; Hospital_dh[d][h].LengthMin = dur[d]; Hospital_dh[d][h].SizeMax = dur[d]; Hospital_dh[d][h].SizeMin = dur[d]; Hospital_dh[d][h].StartMax = T; Hospital_dh[d][h].StartMin = 0; Hospital_dh[d][h].SetOptional(); if (h == 0 && (d != 4)) { Hospital_dh[d][h].SetAbsent(); } if (h == 1 && (d == 4)) { Hospital_dh[d][h].SetAbsent(); } if (h == 2 && (d == 4)) { Hospital_dh[d][h].SetAbsent(); } } roster.Add(roster.Alternative(discipline_d[d], Hospital_dh[d])); } IIntervalVar[] disHospSetUp_dh = new IIntervalVar[D * H]; int[] type = new int[D * H]; for (int dh = 0; dh < D * H; dh++) { int dIndex = dh % D; int hIndex = dh / D; disHospSetUp_dh[dh] = roster.IntervalVar("DsiHosp" + "[" + dIndex + "][" + hIndex + "]"); type[dh] = hIndex; disHospSetUp_dh[dh].SetOptional(); disHospSetUp_dh[dh] = Hospital_dh[dIndex][hIndex]; } // changes IIntervalSequenceVar cc = roster.IntervalSequenceVar(disHospSetUp_dh, type); roster.NoOverlap(cc); IIntVar[][] change_dD = new IIntVar[D][]; for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { change_dD[d] = new IIntVar[D]; for (int dd = 0; dd < D; dd++) { change_dD[d][dd] = roster.IntVar(0, 1, "change_dD[" + d + "][" + dd + "]"); } } IIntVar[] change_d = new IIntVar[D]; for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { change_d[d] = roster.IntVar(0, 1, "change_d[" + d + "]"); } for (int dh = 0; dh < D * H; dh++) { int dIndex = dh % D; int hIndex = dh / D; IIntExpr chngD = roster.IntExpr(); chngD = roster.Sum(chngD, change_d[dIndex]); roster.Add(roster.IfThen(roster.And(roster.PresenceOf(disHospSetUp_dh[dh]), roster.Neq(roster.TypeOfNext(cc, disHospSetUp_dh[dh], hIndex, hIndex), hIndex)), roster.Eq(chngD, 1))); for (int ddh = 0; ddh < D * H; ddh++) { int ddIndex = ddh % D; int hhIndex = ddh / D; if (hhIndex == hIndex || dIndex == ddIndex) { continue; } } } //IIntVar[][] y_dD = new IIntVar[D][]; //for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) //{ // y_dD[d] = new IIntVar[D]; // for (int dd= 0; dd < D; dd++) // { // y_dD[d][dd] = roster.IntVar(0,1); // if (d == dd) // { // y_dD[d][dd] = roster.IntVar(0, 0); // } // } //} //for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) //{ // for (int dd = 0; dd < D; dd++) // { // if (d != dd) // { // for (int h = 0; h < H; h++) // { // for (int hh = 0; hh < H; hh++) // { // if (d != dd && h != hh && true) // { // IIntExpr yyy = roster.IntExpr(); // yyy = roster.Sum(yyy,roster.Prod(T,y_dD[d][dd])); // yyy = roster.Sum(yyy, roster.Prod(1, roster.EndOf(Hospital_dh[dd][hh]))); // yyy = roster.Sum(yyy, roster.Prod(-1, roster.StartOf(Hospital_dh[d][h]))); // roster.Add( roster.IfThen(roster.And(roster.PresenceOf(Hospital_dh[d][h]), roster.PresenceOf(Hospital_dh[dd][hh])), roster.AddGe(yyy, 0))); // } // } // } // } // } //} //for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) //{ // for (int dd = 0; dd < D; dd++) // { // if (d == dd) // { // continue; // } // IIntExpr change = roster.IntExpr(); // change = roster.Sum(change, change_dD[dd][d]); // change = roster.Sum(change, roster.Prod(-1, y_dD[dd][d])); // for (int ddd = 0; ddd < D; ddd++) // { // if (ddd == d || ddd == dd) // { // continue; // } // change = roster.Sum(change, change_dD[dd][ddd]); // } // roster.Add(roster.IfThen(roster.And(roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]), roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[dd])), roster.AddEq(change, 0))); // } //} // all group assignment IIntExpr allPossibleCourses = roster.IntExpr(); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { allPossibleCourses = roster.Sum(allPossibleCourses, roster.Prod(cc_d[d], roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]))); } roster.AddEq(allPossibleCourses, ALLK); // group assignment for (int g = 0; g < G; g++) { IIntExpr groupedCours_g = roster.IntExpr(); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { if (indexg_d[d] == g) { groupedCours_g = roster.Sum(groupedCours_g, roster.Prod(cc_d[d], roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]))); } } roster.AddGe(groupedCours_g, k_g[g]); } // stay in one hospital // objective function INumExpr objExp = roster.NumExpr(); // discipline desire for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { objExp = roster.Sum(objExp, roster.Prod(prf_D[d], roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]))); for (int dd = 0; dd < D; dd++) { objExp = roster.Sum(objExp, roster.Prod(-1, change_d[d])); } } objExp = roster.Sum(objExp, rc); IIntExpr makespan = roster.IntExpr(); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { makespan = roster.Max(makespan, roster.EndOf(discipline_d[d])); } IIntVar wait = roster.IntVar(0, T); IIntExpr waitConst = roster.IntExpr(); waitConst = roster.Sum(waitConst, wait); waitConst = roster.Sum(waitConst, roster.Prod(-1, makespan)); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { waitConst = roster.Sum(waitConst, roster.Prod(dur[d], roster.PresenceOf(discipline_d[d]))); } roster.AddEq(waitConst, 0); roster.AddMaximize(objExp); roster.ExportModel("Roster.cpo"); roster.SetParameter(CP.IntParam.TimeMode, CP.ParameterValues.ElapsedTime); roster.SetParameter(CP.IntParam.LogVerbosity, CP.ParameterValues.Quiet); roster.SetParameter(CP.IntParam.SolutionLimit, 10); // solve it now if (roster.Solve()) { Console.WriteLine("this is the cost of the CP column {0}", roster.ObjValue); for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { if (roster.IsPresent(discipline_d[d])) { Console.WriteLine("Discipline {0} with CC {1} and Dur {2} and Prf {3} started at time {4} and finished at time {5}", d, cc_d[d], dur[d], prf_D[d], roster.GetStart(discipline_d[d]), roster.GetEnd(discipline_d[d])); } } for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { for (int h = 0; h < H; h++) { if (roster.IsPresent(Hospital_dh[d][h])) { Console.WriteLine("Discipline {0} with CC {1} and Dur {2} and Prf {3} started at time {4} and finished at time {5} at Hospitail {6}", d, cc_d[d], dur[d], prf_D[d], roster.GetStart(Hospital_dh[d][h]), roster.GetEnd(Hospital_dh[d][h]), h); } } } for (int d = 0; d < D * H; d++) { int dIndex = d % D; int hIndex = d / D; if (roster.IsPresent(disHospSetUp_dh[d])) { Console.WriteLine("discpline " + dIndex + " in hospital " + hIndex); } } for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { if (roster.GetValue(change_d[d]) > 0.5) { Console.WriteLine("We have change for discipline {0}", d); } for (int dd = 0; dd < D; dd++) { if (d == dd) { continue; } } } Console.WriteLine("========================================="); Console.WriteLine("Wainting time {0}", roster.GetValue(wait)); } }