Пример #1
        public static Task SendEmailPasswordResetAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                ActionUrl        = link,
                TextBeforeAction = "You requested for a password reset. Click the button below and choose a new password.",
                TextAfterAction  = "Do not share your password with anyone."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-d0224f347d57420bb39a025787b6443a", request));
Пример #2
        public static Task SendEmailPasswordResetAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                Subject          = "LUDUSTACK - Password Reset",
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Reset your password",
                TextBeforeAction = "You requested for a password reset. Click the button below and choose a new password.",
                TextAfterAction  = "Do not share your password with anyone."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-e9b748bc725c48b18f00b3d1cc88c790", request));
Пример #3
        public static Task SendEmailConfirmationAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Confirm your email",
                Greeting         = "Hi there,",
                TextBeforeAction = "You just registered yourself at INDIEVISIBLE community. Now you need to confirm your email.",
                TextAfterAction  = "After confirmation you will be able to enjoy interacting with other fellow game developers.",
                ByeText          = "And welcome to YOUR community."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-186b082218114c889a72a197c6ec2fa3", request));
Пример #4
        public static Task SendEmailApplicationAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string emailPoster, string emailApplicant, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Go to the job position",
                Greeting         = "Hi there",
                TextBeforeAction = string.Format("We have great news! Recently you posted a job position on the INDIEVISIBLE Jobs and now someone applied to the job position you posted. The applicant's email is {0}", emailApplicant),
                TextAfterAction  = "Log in to the INDIEVISIBLE platform to evaluate the applicants.",
                ByeText          = "Thank you for helping the game development industry. We hope you find a good collaborator so we all can grow together."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(emailPoster, "d-826fd97ae44d409f85408d64918c7be8", request));
Пример #5
        public static Task SendEmailConfirmationAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                Subject          = "LUDUSTACK - Email Verification",
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Confirm your email",
                Greeting         = "Hi there,",
                TextBeforeAction = "You just registered yourself at LUDUSTACK community. Now you need to confirm your email.",
                TextAfterAction  = "After confirmation you will be able to enjoy interacting with other fellow game developers.",
                ByeText          = "And welcome to YOUR community."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-e9b748bc725c48b18f00b3d1cc88c790", request));
Пример #6
        public static Task SendGiveawayEmailConfirmationAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string link, string giveawayName)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                Subject          = string.Format("{0} - Email Verification", giveawayName),
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Confirm your email",
                Greeting         = "Hi there,",
                TextBeforeAction = string.Format("You just entered a giveaway ({0}). Now you need to confirm your email.", giveawayName),
                TextAfterAction  = "After confirmation you receive an extra entry.",
                ByeText          = "See you there!."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-e9b748bc725c48b18f00b3d1cc88c790", request));
Пример #7
        public static Task SendEmailApplicationAsync(this INotificationSender notificationSender, string email, string emailApplicant, string link)
            EmailSendRequest request = new EmailSendRequest
                Subject          = "LUDUSTACK - New Job Applicant",
                ActionUrl        = link,
                ActionText       = "Go to the job position",
                Greeting         = "Hi there",
                TextBeforeAction = string.Format("We have great news! Recently you posted a job position on the LUDUSTACK Jobs and now someone applied to the job position you posted. The applicant's email is {0}", emailApplicant),
                TextAfterAction  = "Log in to the LUDUSTACK platform to evaluate the applicants.",
                ByeText          = "Thank you for helping the game development industry. We hope you find a good collaborator so we all can grow together."

            return(notificationSender.SendEmailAsync(email, "d-e9b748bc725c48b18f00b3d1cc88c790", request));