public bool EqualsNode(INavigableNode node)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Plans a path from start to goal
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of INavigableNode nodes in order of travel</returns>
        public List <INavigableNode> Plan()
            // 1. Add Start to Open list

            // 2. While Open list not empty
            // Console.WriteLine("2");
            while (open.Count != 0)
                // 3. Return and Remove node with lowest Cost from Open list
                INavigableNode current = (INavigableNode)open.Pop();

                // 4. If Current == Goal then we have found solution, terminate
                if (current.EqualsNode(goal))
                    goal = current;

                // 5. Otherwise get Successors of Current
                List <NavigableEdge> successors = current.OutgoingConnections;

                // 6. For each successor
                foreach (NavigableEdge successor in successors)
                    // 6.5 make sure successor is allowed to be planned over
                    if (this.removedEdges == null || !this.removedEdges.Contains(successor))
                        // 7. Get the cost estimate for the successor
                        double timeToHere = current.TimeToHere + current.TimeThroughAdjacent(successor);
                        double timeToGoal = successor.End.TimeTo(goal);
                        double time       = timeToHere + timeToGoal;

                        // flag to skip this successor
                        bool skip = false;

                        // 8. Skip successor if node is closed and we've not found a better node
                        if (closed.ContainsKey(successor.End.Name))
                            // 9. Get the matching node on the closed list
                            INavigableNode closedCopy = closed[successor.End.Name];

                            // 10. If we did not find a shorter route, skip; else remove from closed
                            if (closedCopy.Time <= time)
                                skip = true;
                        // 11. Skip if node is in open and we've not found a better node
                        if (!skip && open.Contains(successor.End.Name))
                            // 12. Find record in open list
                            INavigableNode openCopy = (INavigableNode)open.Find(successor.End.Name);

                            // 13. If we did not find a shorter route, skip; else remove from Open
                            if (openCopy.Time <= time)
                                skip = true;
                        // 14. If we're not to skip, it's an unvisited node or we've found a better path to a node we've previously visited
                        if (!skip)
                            // 15. Set costs for successor
                            successor.End.Previous   = current;
                            successor.End.TimeToHere = timeToHere;
                            successor.End.TimeToGoal = timeToGoal;
                            successor.End.Time       = time;

                            // 16. Add successor to open list

                // 17. Add current to closed list
                closed.Add(current.Name, current);
            }             // end while

            // check that we have planned to here
            if (goal.Previous != null)
                // 18. Set total time to get to the goal
                totalTime = goal.TimeToHere;

                // 19. Reverse the route here TESTING purposes for the moment
                List <INavigableNode> route = new List <INavigableNode>();
                INavigableNode        temp  = goal;
                while (temp.Previous != null)
                    temp = temp.Previous;

                if (start.Equals(goal))
                    this.totalTime = 0.0;
                    return(new List <INavigableNode>());
                    this.totalTime = Double.MaxValue;
                    return(new List <INavigableNode>());
        }         // end Plan()