static IMultilingualUnicodeStringReference AddOrGetReferenceByName(Blam.CacheFile c,
                                                                           IMultilingualUnicodeStringList list, Blam.StringId name)
            // See if a reference already exists for [name]...
            foreach (var sref in list.StringRefs)
                if (sref.Name.Handle == name)

            // one doesn't, so add it and return the new block data
            IMultilingualUnicodeStringReference sr = list.NewReference();

            // Initialize name id
            sr.Name.Handle  = name;
            sr.Name.OwnerId = c.TagIndexManager.IndexId;

            // Initialize all the offsets to be invalid
            foreach (var lang_offset in sr.LanguageOffsets)
                lang_offset.Value = -1;

        public void ReconstructTagData(Blam.CacheFile c,
                                       IMultilingualUnicodeStringList list, int this_lang)
            for (int x = 0, dst_offset = mTagDataOffset, size; x < mReferenceCount; x++, dst_offset += size)
                var dst = list.StringData.Value;

                Blam.StringId name;
                size = mPack.CopyStringReferenceData(mReferenceIndex + x, dst, dst_offset, out name);

                var sref = AddOrGetReferenceByName(c, list, name);
                sref.LanguageOffsets[this_lang].Value = dst_offset;