Пример #1
 public Singletons(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, GameReferenceTables> gameReferenceTables, int copyLimit = 40000)
     MetadataInfo        = metadataInfo;
     GameReferenceTables = gameReferenceTables;
     WorkDispatcher      = InstantDispatch.Instance;
     CopyLimit           = copyLimit;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public PixelFormat GetPixelFormat(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo)
            PixelFormat  retVal      = PixelFormat.Undefined;
            PropertyItem description = null;

            foreach (PropertyItem propertyItem in metadataInfo.PropertyItems)
                if (propertyItem.Id == PropertyTag.ImageDescription)
                    description = propertyItem; break;

            // if no/corrupted description => default to 32bits
            if (description == null)
                retVal = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
                string originalDepth = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(description.Value);
                if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(originalDepth, @"^\D*\d+\D*?") == false)
                    retVal = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
                    originalDepth = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(originalDepth, @"^\D*(\d+)\D*?", "$1");
                    retVal        = (PixelFormat)System.Convert.ToInt32(originalDepth);
Пример #3
 public StoredMetadata(
     IReadOnlyList <StoredAnchor> anchors = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedPointer> unmappedPointers = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredMatchedWord> matchedWords         = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredOffsetPointer> offsetPointers     = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredList> lists = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedConstant> unmappedConstants = null,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredGotoShortcut> gotoShortcuts         = null,
     IReadOnlyList <TableGroup> tableGroups = null,
     IMetadataInfo generalInfo   = null,
     StoredMetadataFields fields = null
     NamedAnchors      = anchors ?? new List <StoredAnchor>();
     UnmappedPointers  = unmappedPointers ?? new List <StoredUnmappedPointer>();
     MatchedWords      = matchedWords ?? new List <StoredMatchedWord>();
     OffsetPointers    = offsetPointers ?? new List <StoredOffsetPointer>();
     Lists             = lists ?? new List <StoredList>();
     UnmappedConstants = unmappedConstants ?? new List <StoredUnmappedConstant>();
     GotoShortcuts     = gotoShortcuts ?? new List <StoredGotoShortcut>();
     TableGroups       = tableGroups ?? new List <TableGroup>();
     Version           = generalInfo?.VersionNumber;
     if (fields == null)
         fields = new StoredMetadataFields();
     FreeSpaceSearch         = fields.FreeSpaceSearch;
     FreeSpaceBuffer         = fields.FreeSpaceBuffer;
     NextExportID            = fields.NextExportID;
     ShowRawIVByteForTrainer = fields.ShowRawIVByteForTrainer;
Пример #4
        private RunnableStep[] ProvideSteps(IMetadataInfo parent, IEnumerable <StepDescriptor> stepDescriptors, object context, IDependencyContainer container, string groupPrefix, Func <Exception, bool> shouldAbortSubStepExecutionFn)
            var descriptors = stepDescriptors.ToArray();

            if (!descriptors.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one step has to be provided");

            var metadataProvider = _context.IntegrationContext.MetadataProvider;

            var    totalSteps           = descriptors.Length;
            var    steps                = new RunnableStep[totalSteps];
            string previousStepTypeName = null;

            var extensions  = _context.IntegrationContext.ExecutionExtensions;
            var stepContext = new RunnableStepContext(_context.ExceptionProcessor, _context.ProgressNotifier, container, context, ProvideSteps, shouldAbortSubStepExecutionFn);

            for (var stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < totalSteps; ++stepIndex)
                var descriptor = descriptors[stepIndex];
                var stepInfo   = new StepInfo(parent, metadataProvider.GetStepName(descriptor, previousStepTypeName), stepIndex + 1, totalSteps, groupPrefix);
                var arguments  = descriptor.Parameters.Select(p => new MethodArgument(p, metadataProvider.GetValueFormattingServiceFor(p.ParameterInfo))).ToArray();

                steps[stepIndex]     = new RunnableStep(stepContext, stepInfo, descriptor, arguments, extensions.StepDecorators.Concat(metadataProvider.GetStepDecorators(descriptor)));
                previousStepTypeName = stepInfo.Name.StepTypeName?.OriginalName;

Пример #5
        public AboutWindow(IMetadataInfo metadata)
            Version.Text = $"Version {metadata.VersionNumber}";
            Usage.Text = "This is a preview release. Please report any bugs via GitHub or Discord.";
Пример #6
 internal void SetMetadata(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo)
     if (metadataInfo == null)
     _metadataInfo = (IMetadataInfo)metadataInfo.Clone();
Пример #7
 public StepInfo(IMetadataInfo parent, IStepNameInfo name, int number, int total, string groupPrefix)
     Parent      = parent;
     Name        = name;
     Number      = number;
     Total       = total;
     GroupPrefix = groupPrefix;
Пример #8
        private void InternalConstructor(Bitmap bmp)
            if (bmp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Bitmap passed in is null");
            _colors = new IColor[bmp.Width, bmp.Height];

            _metadataInfo = new MetadataInfo(bmp.PropertyItems);

            //Verify that metadata correctly set the DPI
            //In the case where no dpi meta is stored with the image it defaults to the screen resolution
            //we fix that here in the metadata info
            Point metaDpi = MetadataInfoHelper.GetDpi(_metadataInfo);
            Point bmpDpi  = new Point((int)Math.Round(bmp.HorizontalResolution), (int)Math.Round(bmp.VerticalResolution));

            if (!metaDpi.Equals(bmpDpi))
                MetadataInfoHelper.SetDpi(_metadataInfo, bmpDpi);

            ImageUtility image = null;

                image = new ImageUtility(bmp); // Conversion to 32 bits done internally.
                byte[] BGRAStream = image.GetStreamBufferBGRA();
                int size = BGRAStream.Length;
                for (int index = 0, x = 0, y = 0; index < size; index += 4, x++) // flat array to remove the cost of the computation (x + y *x)
                    if (x >= Width)
                        x = 0; y++;
                    _colors[x, y] = new ColorByte(BGRAStream[index + 3], BGRAStream[index + 2], BGRAStream[index + 1], BGRAStream[index]);
                    if (_colors[x, y].ARGB == 0)
                        _colors[x, y].IsEmpty = true;
                BGRAStream = null;
                if (image != null)
                    image.Dispose(); image = null;
Пример #9
 public static string GetUsageText(IMetadataInfo metadata)
     if (metadata != null && metadata.IsPublicRelease)
         return("This is a preview release. Please report bugs via GitHub / Discord.");
         return("This is an unstable version: use at your own risk!");
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the machineInfo associated with this object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static private string GetMachineInfo(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo)

            throw new NotImplementedException("GetMachineInfo API Not implemented yet");

 *          PropertyItem propertyItem = metadataInfo.PropertyItems[(int)PropertyTag.HostComputer];
 *          if (propertyItem == null) { return string.Empty; }
 *          return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(propertyItem.Value);
Пример #11
 public StoredMetadata(
     IReadOnlyList <StoredAnchor> anchors,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedPointer> unmappedPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredMatchedWord> matchedWords,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredOffsetPointer> offsetPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredList> lists,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedConstant> unmappedConstants,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredGotoShortcut> gotoShortcuts,
     IMetadataInfo generalInfo,
     StoredMetadataFields fields
     ) : this(anchors, unmappedPointers, matchedWords, offsetPointers, lists, unmappedConstants, gotoShortcuts, null, generalInfo, fields)
Пример #12
 // for backwards compatibility for tests
 public StoredMetadata(
     IReadOnlyList <StoredAnchor> anchors,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedPointer> unmappedPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredMatchedWord> matchedWords,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredOffsetPointer> offsetPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredList> lists,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedConstant> unmappedConstants,
     IMetadataInfo generalInfo,
     int freeSpaceSearch,
     int freeSpaceBuffer,
     int nextExportID
     ) : this(anchors, unmappedPointers, matchedWords, offsetPointers, lists, unmappedConstants, null, null, generalInfo, new StoredMetadataFields {
     FreeSpaceSearch = freeSpaceSearch,
     FreeSpaceBuffer = freeSpaceBuffer,
     NextExportID = nextExportID
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Build an ImageAdapter based on an existing IImageAdapter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageAdapterToClone"></param>
        public ImageAdapter(IImageAdapter imageAdapterToClone)
            // Check argument
            if (imageAdapterToClone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("imageAdapterToClone", "Argument passed in must be set to valid instanceof the object (null was passed in)");

            if (imageAdapterToClone.Width <= 0 || imageAdapterToClone.Height <= 0)
                string errorMessage = string.Empty;
                string actualValue  = string.Empty;

                if (imageAdapterToClone.Width <= 0)
                    errorMessage += "ImageAdapter Width is invalid (should be strictly > 0)\n";
                    actualValue  += "Width=" + imageAdapterToClone.Width + "\n";

                if (imageAdapterToClone.Height <= 0)
                    errorMessage += "ImageAdapter Height is invalid (should be strictly > 0)";
                    actualValue  += "Height=" + imageAdapterToClone.Height;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("imageAdapterToClone", actualValue, errorMessage);

            _colors = new IColor[imageAdapterToClone.Width, imageAdapterToClone.Height];
            for (int y = 0; y < imageAdapterToClone.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < imageAdapterToClone.Width; x++)
                    if (imageAdapterToClone[x, y] != null)
                        _colors[x, y] = (IColor)imageAdapterToClone[x, y].Clone();
            if (imageAdapterToClone.Metadata != null)
                _metadataInfo = (IMetadataInfo)imageAdapterToClone.Metadata.Clone();
Пример #14
 static internal void SetDpi(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo, Point dpi)
     foreach (PropertyItem pItem in metadataInfo.PropertyItems)
         if (pItem.Id == PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitX)
             pItem.Value[0] = (byte)dpi.X;
             pItem.Value[1] = pItem.Value[2] = pItem.Value[3] = 0;
         else if (pItem.Id == PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitY)
             pItem.Value[0] = (byte)dpi.Y;
             pItem.Value[1] = pItem.Value[2] = pItem.Value[3] = 0;
         else if (pItem.Id == PropertyTag.PixelUnit)
             //setting unit to dots per inch
             pItem.Value[0] = (byte)2; //1: dots per cm; 2: dots per inch
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the x and y DPI setting associate with this object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static internal Point GetDpi(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo)
            Hashtable map = new Hashtable();

            foreach (PropertyItem item in metadataInfo.PropertyItems)
                map.Add(item.Id, item);
            // ArrayList list = new ArrayList(metadataInfo.PropertyItems);
            if (map.Contains((int)PropertyTag.PixelUnit) == false)

                throw new NotSupportedException("This image does not have any embedded DPI information");
            if (map.Contains((int)PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitX) == false || map.Contains((int)PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitY) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("PixelPerUnitX and PixelPerUnitY must always be set when PixelUnit is set");
            byte[] buffer = ((PropertyItem)map[(int)PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitX]).Value;
            float  xDpi   = buffer[0] + (buffer[1] << 8) + (buffer[2] << 16) + (buffer[3] << 24);

            buffer = ((PropertyItem)map[(int)PropertyTag.PixelPerUnitY]).Value;
            float yDpi = buffer[0] + (buffer[1] << 8) + (buffer[2] << 16) + (buffer[3] << 24);

            if (((PropertyItem)map[(int)PropertyTag.PixelUnit]).Value[0] == (byte)0x1) // 1 : dots/meter -- 2 : dots/inch
                xDpi *= 2.54f / 100;                                                   // 1 inch = 2.54 cm ( in dots/meter so need to divide by 100 to get dot/cm)
                yDpi *= 2.54f / 100;
            xDpi = (float)Math.Round(xDpi);
            yDpi = (float)Math.Round(yDpi);

            return(new Point((int)xDpi, (int)yDpi));
Пример #16
 public StoredMetadata(
     IReadOnlyList <StoredAnchor> anchors,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedPointer> unmappedPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredMatchedWord> matchedWords,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredOffsetPointer> offsetPointers,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredList> lists,
     IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedConstant> unmappedConstants,
     IMetadataInfo generalInfo,
     int freeSpaceSearch,
     int freeSpaceBuffer,
     int nextExportID
     NamedAnchors      = anchors ?? new List <StoredAnchor>();
     UnmappedPointers  = unmappedPointers ?? new List <StoredUnmappedPointer>();
     MatchedWords      = matchedWords ?? new List <StoredMatchedWord>();
     OffsetPointers    = offsetPointers ?? new List <StoredOffsetPointer>();
     Lists             = lists ?? new List <StoredList>();
     UnmappedConstants = unmappedConstants ?? new List <StoredUnmappedConstant>();
     Version           = generalInfo?.VersionNumber;
     FreeSpaceSearch   = freeSpaceSearch;
     FreeSpaceBuffer   = freeSpaceBuffer;
     NextExportID      = nextExportID;
        public static StoredMetadata DecodeConstantsFromReference(IReadOnlyList <byte> model, IMetadataInfo info, StoredMetadata metadata, GameReferenceConstants constants)
            if (metadata == null)
            var words       = metadata.MatchedWords.ToList();
            var constantSet = new Dictionary <string, IList <StoredMatchedWord> >();

            foreach (var constant in constants.SelectMany(c => c.ToStoredMatchedWords()))
                if (!constantSet.ContainsKey(constant.Name))
                    constantSet[constant.Name] = new List <StoredMatchedWord>();
            foreach (var constant in constantSet.Values)
                if (constant.Any(c => c.Address + c.Length > model.Count))
                var virtualValues = constant.Select(c => (model.ReadMultiByteValue(c.Address, c.Length) - c.AddOffset) / c.MultOffset).ToList();
                var match         = virtualValues.All(vv => vv == virtualValues[0]);
                if (match)
            return(new StoredMetadata(metadata.NamedAnchors, metadata.UnmappedPointers, words, metadata.OffsetPointers, metadata.Lists, metadata.UnmappedConstants, metadata.GotoShortcuts, info,
                                      new StoredMetadataFields {
                FreeSpaceSearch = metadata.FreeSpaceSearch,
                FreeSpaceBuffer = metadata.FreeSpaceBuffer,
                NextExportID = metadata.NextExportID,
                ShowRawIVByteForTrainer = metadata.ShowRawIVByteForTrainer
Пример #18
 public MetadataTypeCatalog(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo, ICompositionElement definitionOrigin)
     this.metadataInfo       = metadataInfo;
     this._definitionOrigin  = definitionOrigin ?? this;
     this._contractPartIndex = new Lazy <IDictionary <string, List <ComposablePartDefinition> > >(this.CreateIndex, true);
Пример #19
 public AboutWindow(IMetadataInfo metadata)
     Version.Text = $"Version {metadata.VersionNumber}";
     Usage.Text   = GetUsageText(metadata);
Пример #20
 public StoredMetadata(IReadOnlyList <StoredAnchor> anchors, IReadOnlyList <StoredUnmappedPointer> unmappedPointers, IReadOnlyList <StoredMatchedWord> matchedWords, IReadOnlyList <StoredList> lists, IMetadataInfo generalInfo, int freeSpaceSearch)
     NamedAnchors     = anchors ?? new List <StoredAnchor>();
     UnmappedPointers = unmappedPointers ?? new List <StoredUnmappedPointer>();
     MatchedWords     = matchedWords ?? new List <StoredMatchedWord>();
     Lists            = lists ?? new List <StoredList>();
     Version          = generalInfo.VersionNumber;
     FreeSpaceSearch  = freeSpaceSearch;
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Marked as private to block the default constructor
 /// </summary>
 internal protected ImageAdapter()
     _metadataInfo = new MetadataInfo();
 public MetadataTypeCatalog(IMetadataInfo metadataInfo, ICompositionElement definitionOrigin)
     this.metadataInfo = metadataInfo;
     this._definitionOrigin = definitionOrigin ?? this;
     this._contractPartIndex = new Lazy<IDictionary<string, List<ComposablePartDefinition>>>(this.CreateIndex, true);