Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add conflict. If RecordContextInConflict fails to set a context, and nodeToFindGeneratorFrom is non-null,
        /// attempt to add a context based on the argument.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddConflictToListener(IMergeEventListener listener, IConflict conflict, XmlNode oursContext,
												 XmlNode theirsContext, XmlNode ancestorContext,
												 IGenerateHtmlContext htmlContextGenerator, XmlMerger merger, XmlNode nodeToFindGeneratorFrom)
            // NB: All these steps are crucially ordered.
            if ((conflict.Context == null || conflict.Context is NullContextDescriptor) && nodeToFindGeneratorFrom != null)
                // We are too far up the stack for the listener to have been told a context.
                // Make one out of the current node.
                conflict.Context = merger.GetContext(nodeToFindGeneratorFrom);
            conflict.MakeHtmlDetails(oursContext, theirsContext, ancestorContext, htmlContextGenerator);
Пример #2
        private static void ProcessEntry(XmlWriter writer, IMergeEventListener eventListener, IMergeStrategy mergingStrategy,
			XmlNode ancestorDom, HashSet<string> processedIds,
			XmlNode sourceEntry, string sourceLabel, string sourcePath,
			IDictionary<string, XmlNode> otherIdNodeIndex, string otherLabel, string otherPath)
            var id = LiftUtils.GetId(sourceEntry);
            if (processedIds.Contains(id))
                return; // Already handled the id.
            XmlNode otherEntry;
            var commonEntry = FindEntry(ancestorDom, id);
            if (!otherIdNodeIndex.TryGetValue(id, out otherEntry))
                // It is in source, but not in target, so it clearly has been deleted by target (new style deletion).
                if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(sourceEntry))
                    if (!LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(commonEntry))
                        // source and target both deleted but in different ways, so make deletion change report.
                        // There is no need to write anything.
                        eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(sourcePath, commonEntry, sourceEntry));
                    //    // Make it go away without fanfare by doing nothing to writer, since target actually removed the dead entry.

                if (commonEntry == null)
                    // source added it
                    eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(sourcePath, sourceEntry));
                    writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
                    if (AreTheSame(sourceEntry, commonEntry))
                        // target's deletion wins with a plain vanilla deletion report.
                        eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(sourcePath, commonEntry, otherEntry));
                        // source wins over target's new style deletion on the least loss priciple.
                        // Add an edit vs remove conflict report.
                        eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(sourcePath, sourceLabel, "", otherLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin), null, sourceLabel));
                        writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
            else if (AreTheSame(sourceEntry, otherEntry))
                //unchanged or both made same change
                writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
            else if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(otherEntry))
                // source edited, target deleted (old style deletion using dateDeleted attr).
                eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(sourcePath, sourceLabel, "", otherLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin), null, sourceLabel));
            else if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(sourceEntry))
                // source deleted (old style), but target edited.
                // target wins with the least loss principle.
                // But generate a conflict report.
                eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", otherEntry, sourceEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(otherPath, otherLabel, "", sourceLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.TheyWin), null, sourceLabel));
                writer.WriteNode(otherEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
                // One or both of them edited it, so merge the hard way.
                using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(
                    mergingStrategy.MakeMergedEntry(eventListener, sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry)
                    writer.WriteNode(reader, false);
Пример #3
        private static void ProcessEntry(XmlWriter writer, IMergeEventListener eventListener, IMergeStrategy mergingStrategy,
                                         XmlNode ancestorDom, HashSet <string> processedIds,
                                         XmlNode sourceEntry, string sourceLabel, string sourcePath,
                                         IDictionary <string, XmlNode> otherIdNodeIndex, string otherLabel, string otherPath)
            var id = LiftUtils.GetId(sourceEntry);

            if (processedIds.Contains(id))
                return;                 // Already handled the id.
            XmlNode otherEntry;
            var     commonEntry = FindEntry(ancestorDom, id);

            if (!otherIdNodeIndex.TryGetValue(id, out otherEntry))
                // It is in source, but not in target, so it clearly has been deleted by target (new style deletion).
                if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(sourceEntry))
                    if (!LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(commonEntry))
                        // source and target both deleted but in different ways, so make deletion change report.
                        // There is no need to write anything.
                        eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(sourcePath, commonEntry, sourceEntry));
                    //    // Make it go away without fanfare by doing nothing to writer, since target actually removed the dead entry.

                if (commonEntry == null)
                    // source added it
                    eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(sourcePath, sourceEntry));
                    writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
                    if (AreTheSame(sourceEntry, commonEntry))
                        // target's deletion wins with a plain vanilla deletion report.
                        eventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(sourcePath, commonEntry, otherEntry));
                        // source wins over target's new style deletion on the least loss priciple.
                        // Add an edit vs remove conflict report.
                        eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(sourcePath, sourceLabel, "", otherLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin), null, sourceLabel));
                        writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
            else if (AreTheSame(sourceEntry, otherEntry))
                //unchanged or both made same change
                writer.WriteNode(sourceEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
            else if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(otherEntry))
                // source edited, target deleted (old style deletion using dateDeleted attr).
                eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(sourcePath, sourceLabel, "", otherLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin), null, sourceLabel));
            else if (LiftUtils.GetIsMarkedAsDeleted(sourceEntry))
                // source deleted (old style), but target edited.
                // target wins with the least loss principle.
                // But generate a conflict report.
                eventListener.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict("entry", otherEntry, sourceEntry, commonEntry, new MergeSituation(otherPath, otherLabel, "", sourceLabel, "", MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.TheyWin), null, sourceLabel));
                writer.WriteNode(otherEntry.CreateNavigator(), false);
                // One or both of them edited it, so merge the hard way.
                using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(
                                                         mergingStrategy.MakeMergedEntry(eventListener, sourceEntry, otherEntry, commonEntry)
                    writer.WriteNode(reader, false);