public static PostHandlerOutput[] PCNarration( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); source = source.Trim(); if (source.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return null; if (!sender.IsRoomPlayer(room)) return null; var player = room.Players.SingleOrDefault(x => x.MemberId == sender.Id); if (player == null) return null; var text = string.Concat( player.CharacterName, ": ", source); documentSession.CreatePost(room.Id, sender.Id, null, source, "pc-narration", text); return PostHandlerOutput.Empty; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] GMNarration( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); if (!sender.IsRoomOwner(room)) return null; source = source.Trim(); if (source.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return null; var text = string.Concat( "GM: ", source); documentSession.CreatePost(room.Id, sender.Id, null, source, "gm-narration", text); return PostHandlerOutput.Empty; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] RollCommand( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); var match = rollCommandRegex.Match(source); if (!match.Success) return null; var number = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); var sides = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value); var diceRolled = string.Join( ", ", fn.RollDice(number, sides).ToArray()); var text = string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0} rolled {1}d{2} with the result: {3}.", sender.Alias, number, sides, diceRolled); documentSession.CreatePost(room.Id, sender.Id, null, source, "roll-result", text); return PostHandlerOutput.Empty; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] OOCMessage( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); var match = oocMessageRegex.Match(source); if (!match.Success) return null; var message = match.Groups[1].Value; var text = string.Concat( "(( ", sender.Alias, ": ", message, " ))"); documentSession.CreatePost(room.Id, sender.Id, sender.EmailAddress.GravatarUrl(), source, "ooc-message", text); return PostHandlerOutput.Empty; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] HandlePost( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); if (_postHandlers == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Post handlers haven't been set yet."); if (!CanPost(room, sender)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Member '{0}' cannot post to room '{1}'.", sender.Id, room.Id)); } return _postHandlers .Select(slashCommand => slashCommand( documentSession, sender, room, source)) .FirstOrDefault(result => result != null); }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] InvitationsCommand( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("sender"); source.Ensure("source"); var match = invitationsRegex.Match(source); if (!match.Success) return null; if (!sender.IsRoomOwner(room)) return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = "Only the room's owner can view unused invitations.", type= "error" } }; var invitations = documentSession.GetInvitationsByRoom(room.Id) .ToArray(); if (invitations.Length == 0) return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = "There are no unused invitations.", type = "system" } }; var buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.AppendLine("Unused invitations:"); foreach (var invitation in invitations) { buffer.AppendFormat("- {0}?invitation-code={1}", fn.MakeAbsoluteUri(Paths.AcceptInvitationForm()), invitation.Code); buffer.AppendLine(); } return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = buffer.ToString(), type = "system" } }; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] NPCDialogue( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("room"); source.Ensure("source"); source = source.Trim(); var match = npcDialogueRegex.Match(source); if (!match.Success) return null; if (!sender.IsRoomOwner(room)) return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = "Only the room's owner can speak as an NPC.", type= "error" } }; var npc = match.Groups[1].Value; var dialogue = match.Groups[2].Value.Trim(); if (!dialogue.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) dialogue = String.Concat("\"", dialogue); if (!dialogue.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) dialogue = String.Concat(dialogue, "\""); var text = string.Concat( npc, ": ", dialogue); documentSession.CreatePost(room.Id, sender.Id, null, source, "npc-dialogue", text); return PostHandlerOutput.Empty; }
public static PostHandlerOutput[] InviteCommand( IDocumentSession documentSession, IMember sender, IRoom room, string source) { documentSession.Ensure("documentSession"); sender.Ensure("sender"); room.Ensure("sender"); source.Ensure("source"); var match = inviteRegex.Match(source); if (!match.Success) return null; if (!sender.IsRoomOwner(room)) return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = "Only the room's owner can invite players.", type= "error" } }; var playerInvitation = documentSession.CreatePlayerInvitation(room.Id); return new[] { new PostHandlerOutput { message = string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Give this URL to someone to join the game:{0}{1}?invitation-code={2}", Environment.NewLine, fn.MakeAbsoluteUri(Paths.AcceptInvitationForm()), playerInvitation.Code), type= "system" } }; }