public MeetingPageViewModel(IScreen hs, IMeetingRef mRef)
            // Initial default values
            HostScreen = hs;
            Sessions   = new ReactiveList <SessionUserControlViewModel>();
            TalkFiles  = new ReactiveList <FileUserControlViewModel>();

            // And start off a background guy to populate everything.
 /// <summary>
 /// The meeting load failed for some reason. Offline and no cache, most likely. So we need to display something.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="meeting"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private IObservable <IMeeting> MeetingLoadFailed(IMeetingRef meeting)
            .Select(_ => new MessageDialog("Unable to connect to the meeting server. Either you are offline, or it doesn't exist."))
            .SelectMany(d => d.ShowAsync())
            .Do(_ => Locator.Current.GetService <RoutingState>().NavigateBack.Execute(null))
            .Where(_ => false)
            .Select(_ => (IMeeting)null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return meetings loaded from the internet. We will continue sending them if the meeting
        /// is currently running (e.g. doing constant updates).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meeting"></param>
        /// <returns>Stream of meetings</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The algorithm for this:
        /// 1. Always fetch the meeting at least one time.
        /// 2. If we are in the outer buffer region, check once an hour
        /// 3. If we are in the inner buffer region, then check every 5 minutes.
        /// Inner buffer region: meeting start and end times, with 30 minutes before the meeting, and 2 hours after the meeting.
        /// Outer buffer region: 1 day before the meeting to 1 day after the meeting.
        /// </remarks>
        private IObservable <IMeeting> MeetingLoader(IMeetingRef meeting)
            // Grab a copy of the meeting online.
            var firstMeeting = Observable.FromAsync(() => meeting.GetMeeting())
                               .Catch(Observable.Empty <IMeeting>())

            // Determine the two buffer times for this meeting, and create a "pulse" that will
            // fire at the required intervals during those buffered times.
            var laterUpdates = firstMeeting
                               .SelectMany(m =>
                var bufInner  = new TimePeriod(m.StartTime - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), m.EndTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
                var bufOutter = new TimePeriod(m.StartTime - TimeSpan.FromDays(1), m.EndTime + TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

                IObservable <Unit> reloadPulse;
                if (!bufOutter.Contains(DateTime.Now))
                    // This meeting is way late or way early.
                    // Don't waste any time doing the loading.
                    reloadPulse = Observable.Empty <Unit>();
                    Debug.WriteLine("Not triggering re-fetches for the meeting");
                    // We do both inner and outer so that if someone leaves this up for a long
                    // time it will work will.
                    var outter = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30))
                                 .Where(_ => bufOutter.Contains(DateTime.Now))
                                 .WriteLine("Getting meeting in outer buffer")
                                 .Select(_ => default(Unit));
                    var inner = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
                                .Where(_ => bufInner.Contains(DateTime.Now))
                                .WriteLine("Getting meeting in inner buffer")
                                .Select(_ => default(Unit));
                    reloadPulse = Observable.Merge(outter, inner);

                // Now, use it to trigger the meetings.
                       .SelectMany(_ => Observable.FromAsync(() => meeting.GetMeeting()).Catch(Observable.Empty <IMeeting>())));

            var meetingSequence = Observable.Merge(firstMeeting, laterUpdates);

            // TODO: why do we need this firstMeeting a published observable?
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a meeting, load the info. Since this is an asynchronous command, we have to schedule stuff off it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meeting"></param>
        private void LoadMeeting(IMeetingRef meeting)
            Debug.WriteLine("Staring a new LoadMeeting.");
            // Fetch the guy from the local cache.
            StartMeetingUpdates = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            var ldrCmdReady = StartMeetingUpdates
                              //.SelectMany(_ => Blobs.LocalStorage.GetAndFetchLatest(meeting.AsReferenceString(), () => MeetingLoader(meeting), null, DateTime.Now + Settings.CacheAgendaTime))
                              .SelectMany(_ => Blobs.LocalStorage.GetAndFetchLatest(meeting.AsReferenceString(), () => meeting.GetMeeting(), null, DateTime.Now + Settings.CacheAgendaTime))
                              .CatchAndSwallowIfAfter(1, (Exception e) => MeetingLoadFailed(meeting))

            .Select(m => m.Title)
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.MeetingTitle, out _title, "", RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            .Select(m => m.StartTime.ToString(@"M\/d\/yyyy h\:mm tt") + " - " + m.EndTime.ToString(@"h\:mm tt") + " (" + (m.EndTime - m.StartTime).ToString(@"h\:mm") + " long)")
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.StartTime, out _startTime, "", RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            // The talks that are in the meeting header.
            .Select(m => m.AttachedFiles.OrderBy(mt => mt.DisplayName).ToArray())
            .Subscribe(files => SetAsMeetingFiles(files));

            // We want to notify the user that the meeting has no talks. We need to turn on the "no talk" thing
            // and also switch off the "loading" (which is normally switched off after all the talks are loaded).
            var meetingIsEmpty = ldrCmdReady
                                 .Select(m => m.Sessions.SelectMany(s => s.Talks).Count() == 0 && m.Sessions.Length <= 1);

            .ToProperty(this, x => x.MeetingIsEmpty, out _meetingIsEmpty, false, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            .Where(mcnt => mcnt)
            .Subscribe(_displayDayIndex => MeetingIsReadyForDisplay = true);

            var ldrSessions = ldrCmdReady
                              .Select(m => m.Sessions)
                              .Select(s => s == null ? new ISession[0] : s);

            // Multi-day meetings are a bit more complex. Here we take the sessions and extract all the days associated with them.
            // Day's is a stream of date/times.
            var days = from meetingSessions in ldrSessions
                       select(from s in meetingSessions
                              group s.StartTime by s.StartTime.DayOfYear).Select(sgroup => sgroup.First()).Select(dt => new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day)).ToArray();

            // Select the first item on the list of days.
            // Give it a reasonable initial value so when everything is wired up we don't get a crash.
            DisplayDayIndex = -1;
            Days            = new ReactiveList <DateTime>();
            //.Select(lst => lst.Select(dt => string.Format("{0} ({1})", dt.DayOfWeek, dt.ToString("dd MMMM"))).ToArray())
            .Subscribe(ds =>
                if (DisplayDayIndex >= ds.Length)
                    DisplayDayIndex = ds.Length - 1;
                if (ds.Length > 0 && DisplayDayIndex < 0)
                    DisplayDayIndex = 0;

            // When we have a set of sessions, only display the day we want to show.
            var selectedByUserDay = this.ObservableForProperty(x => x.DisplayDayIndex)
                                    .Select(v => v.Value)
                                    .Select(index => index >= 0 && index < Days.Count ? Days[index] : new DateTime());
            var theDaysSessions = Observable.CombineLatest(ldrSessions, selectedByUserDay, (ses, day) => Tuple.Create(ses, day))
                                  .Select(x => x.Item1.Where(s => s.StartTime.DayOfYear == x.Item2.DayOfYear));

            // And prepare them for display
            .Select(s => s.OrderBy(ss => ss.StartTime).ToArray())
            .Subscribe(sessions => SetAsSessions(sessions, ldrSessions));

            // And mark this meeting as having been viewed by the user!
            var db = Locator.Current.GetService <IMRUDatabase>();

            Debug.Assert(db != null);
            .Subscribe(m => db.MarkVisitedNow(m));

            // Start everything off.

            // If they want to see it in the browser
            OpenMeetingInBrowser = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            .Subscribe(async _ => await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(meeting.WebURL)));