Пример #1
        public ServerLoop(IHubContext <GameHub> hubContext, IMapLoader mapLoader)
            _gameContextList = new List <GameContext>(MaxLobbyCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < MaxLobbyCount; i++)
                _gameContextList.Add(new GameContext(id: i, maps: mapLoader.LoadMaps()));

            var broadCastLoop = new Timer(BroadcastInterval);

            //Every set interval, send lobbies to clients
            broadCastLoop.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
                Parallel.ForEach(_gameContextList, async context =>
                    GameContext valContext = null;

                    await context.Update();

                    //If blocks have not changed, then do not send to frontend to save bandwidth
                    if (!context.BlocksHaveChanged)
                        //Create new Object to avoid mutating properties
                        valContext = new GameContext(context.Players, context.Ball, new GameMap(), context.ScoreBoard, context.LobbyState);

                    await hubContext.Clients.Group($"lobby{context.Id}").SendAsync("ReceiveContextUpdate", context.BlocksHaveChanged ? context : valContext);//send to frontend
