/// <summary> /// Calling result on the task forces it to be synchronous /// </summary> public ResponseCode SendPlainMessageSynchronous() { var logEvent = new LogglyEvent(); logEvent.Data.Add("message", "Synchronous message at {0} using {1}", DateTime.Now, LogglyConfig.Instance.Transport.LogTransport); var r = _loggly.Log(logEvent).Result; return(r.Code); }
public static void Log(Exception e) { if (_client == null) { _client = GetClient(); } var logEvent = new LogglyEvent(); logEvent.Data.Add("version", GetExecutingAssemblyVersion()); logEvent.Data.Add("exception", e); _client.Log(logEvent); }
protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent) { var logglyEvent = ConvertToLogglyEvent(logEvent); if (logglyEvent != null) { var task = _client.Log(logglyEvent).ContinueWith(_receivedLogResponse); if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _pendingTaskCount) >= TaskPendingLimit) { task.Wait(); _pendingTaskCount = 0; } } }
public static void Log(string message, Exception exception = null, object additional = null, string language = null) { if (_client == null) { _client = GetClient(); } var logEvent = new LogglyEvent(); logEvent.Data.Add("version", GetExecutingAssemblyVersion()); logEvent.Data.Add("message", message); if (exception != null) { logEvent.Data.Add("exception", exception); } if (additional != null) { logEvent.Data.Add("additional", additional); } _client.Log(logEvent); }
public App() { var LogEvent = new LogglyEvent(); LogEvent.Data.Add("App Start detected", "{0}: Welcome new user!", DateTime.Now); fLoggly.Log(LogEvent); }
public void MonitorLog(string pLogFilePath) { Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Validating Log File" }); if (File.Exists(pLogFilePath)) { var LogEvent = new LogglyEvent(); LogEvent.Data.Add("Monitor Log", "{0}: valid Logfile={1}", DateTime.Now, pLogFilePath); fLoggly.Log(LogEvent); Properties.Settings.Default.LogFile = pLogFilePath; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); var DirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(pLogFilePath); var FileName = Path.GetFileName(pLogFilePath); Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Starting Initial Log Parse" }); onChanged(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.All, DirectoryPath, FileName)); Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Finished. Monitoring now..." }); fFileWatcher.Path = DirectoryPath; fFileWatcher.Filter = FileName; fFileWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; fFileWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(onChanged); fFileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } else { Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "I don't think you entered a valid Log File, try again?" }); var LogEvent = new LogglyEvent(); LogEvent.Data.Add("Monitor Log", "{0}: Invalid Logfile={1}", DateTime.Now, pLogFilePath); fLoggly.Log(LogEvent); } }
public IActionResult Get() { Log.Information("ConfigurationOptions:{@configurationOptions}", _configurationOptions.ToString()); _logglyEvent.Data.Add("ClientAppSettings:", "{0}", _configurationOptions.ToString()); _logglyClient.Log(_logglyEvent); return(Ok(new { _configurationOptions.OpenIdConnectConfiguration, _configurationOptions.LogglyClientConfiguration, })); }
public static void Log(LogglyEvent logglyEvent) { Client.Log(logglyEvent); }
public void GetDKPInformation() { fGuildRoster.Clear(); string html = string.Empty; string url = @"http://modestman.club/dkp"; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; try { try { using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { html = reader.ReadToEnd(); Properties.Settings.Default.DkpInfo = html; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Was able to get the latest DKP successfully" }); } } catch (Exception) { Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Was NOT able to get the latest DKP, using last known data on file" }); var LogEvent = new LogglyEvent(); LogEvent.Data.Add("Fetching DKP", "{0}: Error fetching latest DKP, site must be down", DateTime.Now); fLoggly.Log(LogEvent); html = Properties.Settings.Default.DkpInfo; } var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(html); HtmlNodeCollection playerList = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@class=\"table fullwidth trcheckboxclick hptt colorswitch scrollable-x\"]/tr"); foreach (HtmlNode player in playerList) { if (player.ChildNodes.Count >= 9 && !player.ChildNodes[3].InnerText.Trim().Equals("Name")) { MadeMan vMadeMan = new MadeMan() { Name = player.ChildNodes[3].InnerText, Rank = player.ChildNodes[5].InnerText, DKP = player.ChildNodes[7].InnerText, RA = player.ChildNodes[9].InnerText, }; fGuildRoster.Add(vMadeMan); } } } catch (Exception e) { //Typically bad practice to catch all, but f**k it Messenger.Default.Send <GenericMessage>(new GenericMessage() { Message = "Critical Error in DKPService" }); var LogEvent = new LogglyEvent(); LogEvent.Data.Add("Catch All DKP", "{0}:{1}", DateTime.Now, e); fLoggly.Log(LogEvent); } }