public ManualObject CreateNode(string name, SceneManager sceneMgr, bool isClosed) { if (lineNode == null) { lineNode = sceneMgr.CreateManualObject(name); MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create("Test/ColourPolygon", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).VertexColourTracking = (int)TrackVertexColourEnum.TVC_AMBIENT; int nSeg = 5; // Number of segments on the cap or join pieces BufferParameters param = new BufferParameters(nSeg, BufferParameters.BufferEndCapStyle.CapRound, BufferParameters.BufferJoinStyle.JoinRound, 2); IGeometry coordBuffer = line1.Buffer(0.5, param); Tesselate(coordBuffer.Coordinates); } return(lineNode); }
// FragmentFilter overrides public override FragmentList process(FeatureList input, FilterEnv env) { FragmentList output = new FragmentList(); //cuidado con las entidades dentro del for int i = 0; Vector3 scale; Vector3 distanceScale; Vector3 mScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); float lWidth = 1; if (Scale != null) { scale = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Scale).asVec3(); } else { scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); } if (CoordScale != null) { distanceScale = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(CoordScale).asVec3(); } else { distanceScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); } if (LineWidth != null) { lWidth = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(LineWidth).asFloat(); } if (MaterialScale != null) { mScale = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(MaterialScale).asVec3(); } SceneNode nodeIni = point3d(env.getName(), i, 0, 0, 0, null, env.getSceneMgr()); #if ESCALA_NODO_INICIAL if (Scale != null) { nodeIni.SetScale(Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Scale).asVec3()); } if (coordScale != null) { Vector3 vec3 = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Scale).asVec3(); nodeIni.SetPosition(nodeIni.Position.x * vec3.x, nodeIni.Position.y * vec3.y, nodeIni.Position.z * vec3.z); #if TRACE_BUILDGEOMFILTER System.Console.WriteLine("(" + n.Position.x + "," + n.Position.y + ")"); #endif } #endif Fragment fIni = new Fragment(nodeIni); output.Add(fIni); foreach (Feature feature in input) { //if type of features is Point if (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.Point) { SharpMap.Geometries.Point p = (SharpMap.Geometries.Point)feature.row.Geometry; i++; SceneNode n = point3d(env.getName(), i, (float)p.X, (float)p.Y, 0, nodeIni, env.getSceneMgr()); n.SetScale(scale); n.SetPosition(n.Position.x * distanceScale.x, n.Position.y * distanceScale.y, n.Position.z * distanceScale.z); Fragment f = new Fragment(n); output.Add(f); } //if type of features is Polygon else if (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon) { SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon polygon = (SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon)feature.row.Geometry; ManualObject polygonNode = null; if (polygonNode == null) { polygonNode = env.getSceneMgr().CreateManualObject(env.getName() + "Node_" + i); MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create("Test/ColourPolygon", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).VertexColourTracking = (int)TrackVertexColourEnum.TVC_AMBIENT; //Vector3 v = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Color, feature, null).asVec3(); MogreTessellationCallbacks callback = new MogreTessellationCallbacks(polygonNode, Color, feature); if (nameMaterial != null) { callback.Material = nameMaterial; // "Test/ColourPolygon2"; callback.MaterialScale = mScale; } GLUtessellatorImpl Glu = (GLUtessellatorImpl)GLUtessellatorImpl.gluNewTess(); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_VERTEX, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_BEGIN, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_END, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_ERROR, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_COMBINE, callback); Glu.gluTessBeginPolygon(null); Glu.gluTessBeginContour(); int numVertices = polygon.ExteriorRing.NumPoints /*/10+1*/; int numValores = 3; double[][] data = new double[numVertices][]; for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; j++) { data[j] = new double[numValores]; } int k = 0; //1 polygon = N vertices foreach (SharpMap.Geometries.Point point in polygon.ExteriorRing.Vertices) { //if (k % 10 == 0) { data[k /*/10*/][0] = point.X; data[k /*/10*/][1] = point.Y; data[k /*/10*/][2] = 0; } k++; //SceneNode n = point3d(env.getName()+i+k, k + 10, (float)point.X * 10.0f, (float)point.Y * 10.0f, 0, nodeIni, env.getSceneMgr()); } for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLength(0); j++) { Glu.gluTessVertex(data[j], 0, new Vector3((float)(data[j][1] * distanceScale.y), (float)(data[j][2] * distanceScale.z), (float)(data[j][0] * distanceScale.x))); } Glu.gluTessEndContour(); Glu.gluTessNormal(0, 0, 1); Glu.gluTessEndPolygon(); nodeIni.AttachObject(polygonNode); } i++; } //if type of features is MultiPolygon else if (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPolygon) { SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPolygon mp = (SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPolygon)feature.row.Geometry; // 1 MultiPolygon = N polygon foreach (SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon polygon in mp.Polygons) { ManualObject polygonNode = null; if (polygonNode == null) { polygonNode = env.getSceneMgr().CreateManualObject(env.getName() + "Node_" + i); MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create("Test/ColourPolygon", ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).VertexColourTracking = (int)TrackVertexColourEnum.TVC_AMBIENT; //Vector3 v = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Color, feature, null).asVec3(); MogreTessellationCallbacks callback = new MogreTessellationCallbacks(polygonNode, Color, feature); if (nameMaterial != null) { callback.Material = nameMaterial; // "Test/ColourPolygon2"; callback.MaterialScale = mScale; } GLUtessellatorImpl Glu = (GLUtessellatorImpl)GLUtessellatorImpl.gluNewTess(); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_VERTEX, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_BEGIN, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_END, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_ERROR, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_COMBINE, callback); Glu.gluTessBeginPolygon(null); Glu.gluTessBeginContour(); int numVertices = polygon.ExteriorRing.NumPoints; int numValores = 3; double[][] data = new double[numVertices][]; for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; j++) { data[j] = new double[numValores]; } int k = 0; //1 polygon = N vertices foreach (SharpMap.Geometries.Point point in polygon.ExteriorRing.Vertices) { data[k][0] = point.X; data[k][1] = point.Y; data[k][2] = 0; k++; //SceneNode n = point3d(env.getName(), i, (float)point.X, (float)point.Y, 0, nodeIni, env.getSceneMgr()); } for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLength(0); j++) { Glu.gluTessVertex(data[j], 0, new Vector3(((float)data[j][1]) * distanceScale.y, ((float)data[j][2]) * distanceScale.z, ((float)data[j][0]) * distanceScale.x)); } Glu.gluTessEndContour(); Glu.gluTessNormal(0, 0, 1); Glu.gluTessEndPolygon(); nodeIni.AttachObject(polygonNode); } i++; } } //if type of features is Line else if (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.ILineal /*SharpMap.Geometries.LineString*/) { System.Collections.Generic.List <SharpMap.Geometries.ILineal> lineas = new System.Collections.Generic.List <SharpMap.Geometries.ILineal>(); if (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.MultiLineString) { foreach (SharpMap.Geometries.LineString l in ((SharpMap.Geometries.MultiLineString)(feature.row.Geometry)).LineStrings) { lineas.Add(l); } } else { lineas.Add((SharpMap.Geometries.ILineal)(feature.row.Geometry)); } foreach (SharpMap.Geometries.ILineal line in lineas) { ManualObject lineNode = env.getSceneMgr().CreateManualObject("line" + i); //MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create(nameMaterial, //ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); //material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).VertexColourTracking = // (int)TrackVertexColourEnum.TVC_AMBIENT; //material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).SetDepthBias(100); //material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).LightingEnabled = false; int nSeg = 5; // Number of segments on the cap or join pieces BufferParameters param = new BufferParameters(nSeg, BufferParameters.BufferEndCapStyle.CapRound, BufferParameters.BufferJoinStyle.JoinRound, 2); IGeometryFactory <Coord> geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory <Coord>(new CoordSeqFac(new CoordFac(PrecisionModelType.DoubleFloating))); //IWktGeometryReader<Coord> reader = geometryFactory.WktReader; //string txt = feature.row.Geometry.AsText(); ILineString line1 = (ILineString)GeometryConverter.ToNTSGeometry((SharpMap.Geometries.LineString)line, geometryFactory); // (ILineString<Coord>)reader.Read(txt); IGeometry coordBuffer = line1.Buffer(lWidth, param); ICoordinateSequence coords = coordBuffer.Coordinates; //Vector3 v = Registry.instance().GetEngine("Python").run(Color, feature, null).asVec3(); MogreTessellationCallbacks callback = new MogreTessellationCallbacks(lineNode, Color, feature); if (nameMaterial != null) { callback.Material = nameMaterial; // "Test/ColourPolygon2"; callback.MaterialScale = mScale; } GLUtessellatorImpl Glu = (GLUtessellatorImpl)GLUtessellatorImpl.gluNewTess(); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_VERTEX, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_BEGIN, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_END, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_ERROR, callback); Glu.gluTessCallback(GLU.GLU_TESS_COMBINE, callback); Glu.gluTessBeginPolygon(null); Glu.gluTessBeginContour(); foreach (Coord coord in coords) { double[] data = new double[] { coord.X *distanceScale.x, coord.Y *distanceScale.y, (double.IsNaN(coord.Z) ? 0 : coord.Z) * distanceScale.z }; Glu.gluTessVertex(data, 0, new Vector3((float)data[1], (float)data[2], (float)data[0])); } Glu.gluTessEndContour(); Glu.gluTessNormal(0, 0, 1); Glu.gluTessEndPolygon(); i++; nodeIni.AttachObject(lineNode); } if ((feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon) | (feature.row.Geometry is SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPolygon)) { Fragment f = new Fragment(nodeIni); output.Add(f); } } } i = 0;//breakpoint /*foreach (Fragment fragment in output) * { * fragment.Node.Scale(0,0,0); * }*/ #if TODO // if features are arriving in batch, resolve the color here. // otherwise we will resolve it later in process(feature,env). is_batch = input.Count > 1; batch_feature_color = overall_color; if (is_batch && getColorScript() != null) { ScriptResult r = env.getScriptEngine().run(getColorScript(), env); if (r.isValid()) { batch_feature_color = r.asVec4(); } else { env.getReport().error(r.asString()); } } return(base.process(input, env)); #endif //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (successor != null) { if (successor is FeatureFilter) { FeatureFilter filter = (FeatureFilter)successor; FeatureList l = filter.process(input, env); //FeatureList l = successor.process(input, env); } else if (successor is FragmentFilter) { FragmentFilter filter = (FragmentFilter)successor; FragmentList l = filter.process(output, env); } } return(output); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public override void Start() { IPoint pointInLine = Factory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(20, 10)); IPoint pointOutLine = Factory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(20, 31)); ILineString aLine = Factory.CreateLineString(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(23, 32.2), new Coordinate(922, 11) }); ILineString anotherLine = Factory.CreateLineString(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(30, 30) }); try { Write(line.Area); Write(line.Boundary); Write(line.BoundaryDimension); Write(line.Centroid); Write(line.Coordinate); Write(line.Coordinates); Write(line.CoordinateSequence); Write(line.Dimension); Write(line.EndPoint); Write(line.Envelope); Write(line.EnvelopeInternal); Write(line.InteriorPoint); Write(line.IsClosed); Write(line.IsEmpty); Write(line.IsRing); Write(line.IsSimple); Write(line.IsValid); Write(line.Length); Write(line.NumPoints); Write(line.StartPoint); if (line.UserData != null) { Write(line.UserData); } else { Write("UserData null"); } Write(line.Buffer(10)); Write(line.Buffer(10, BufferStyle.CapButt)); Write(line.Buffer(10, BufferStyle.CapSquare)); Write(line.Buffer(10, 20)); Write(line.Buffer(10, 20, BufferStyle.CapButt)); Write(line.Buffer(10, 20, BufferStyle.CapSquare)); Write(line.Contains(pointInLine)); Write(line.Contains(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Crosses(pointInLine)); Write(line.Crosses(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Difference(pointInLine)); Write(line.Difference(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Disjoint(pointInLine)); Write(line.Disjoint(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Distance(pointInLine)); Write(line.Distance(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Equals(line.Clone() as LineString)); Write(line.EqualsExact(line.Clone() as LineString)); Write(line.ConvexHull()); Write(line.Intersection(pointInLine)); Write(line.Intersection(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Intersection(aLine)); Write(line.Intersects(pointInLine)); Write(line.Intersects(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Intersects(aLine)); Write(line.IsWithinDistance(pointOutLine, 2)); Write(line.IsWithinDistance(pointOutLine, 222)); Write(line.Overlaps(pointInLine)); Write(line.Overlaps(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Overlaps(aLine)); Write(line.Overlaps(anotherLine)); Write(line.Relate(pointInLine)); Write(line.Relate(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Relate(aLine)); Write(line.Relate(anotherLine)); Write(line.SymmetricDifference(pointInLine)); Write(line.SymmetricDifference(pointOutLine)); Write(line.SymmetricDifference(aLine)); Write(line.SymmetricDifference(anotherLine)); Write(line.ToString()); Write(line.AsText()); Write(line.Touches(pointInLine)); Write(line.Touches(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Touches(aLine)); Write(line.Touches(anotherLine)); Write(line.Union(pointInLine)); Write(line.Union(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Union(aLine)); Write(line.Union(anotherLine)); Write(line.Within(pointInLine)); Write(line.Within(pointOutLine)); Write(line.Within(aLine)); Write(line.Within(anotherLine)); string linestring = "LINESTRING (1.2 3.4, 5.6 7.8, 9.1 10.12)"; string anotherlinestringg = "LINESTRING (12345 3654321, 685 7777.945677, 782 111.1)"; IGeometry geom1 = Reader.Read(linestring); Write(geom1.AsText()); IGeometry geom2 = Reader.Read(anotherlinestringg); Write(geom2.AsText()); byte[] bytes = line.AsBinary(); IGeometry test1 = new WKBReader().Read(bytes); Write(test1.ToString()); bytes = new GDBWriter().Write(line); test1 = new GDBReader().Read(bytes); Write(test1.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/** * erzeugt eine Offset-Linie mit Hilfe von der buffer(offset) Funktion * * @param gf * @param baseline * @param offset ... rechts < 0, links > 0 * @return * @throws VipDatabaseException */ public static ILineString createOffsetLineNew(IGeometryFactory gf, ILineString baseline, double offset) { // 1.Schritt: Buffer bilden double offsetAbs = Math.Abs(offset); IGeometry buffer; { // prüfen, ob eine Berechung nötig/möglich ist if (offsetAbs < THIN) { return(baseline); } if (!baseline.IsSimple) { // sich kreuzende Linie aufteilen return(partialOffsetLine(gf, baseline, offset)); // aufteilen und für beiden Teilen versuchen } buffer = baseline.Buffer(offsetAbs, 12, EndCapStyle.Flat); if (buffer == null) { return(null); } if (buffer.IsEmpty) { return(baseline); } if (buffer is MultiPolygon || // wegen JTS Bug: bufer kann manchmal MultiPolygon sein (siehe Nasenweg mit distance=5 (buffer is Polygon && ((Polygon)buffer).NumInteriorRings > 0)) { // buffer hat Loch return(partialOffsetLine(gf, baseline, offset)); // aufteilen und für beiden Teilen versuchen } } Coordinate[] baseCoords = baseline.Coordinates; // 2.Schritt: aus der Bufferlinie die Segmente entfernen, die zu nah zu der Basislinie sind IGeometry bufferLine = buffer.Boundary; { // double minDist = Math.abs(offset) * 0.5; // Segmente der Bufferlinie die zur baseline näher sind als minDist, werden entfernt List <Coordinate> bufferCoords = buffer.Coordinates.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < bufferCoords.Count - 1; i++) { LineSegment segm = new LineSegment(bufferCoords.ElementAt(i), bufferCoords.ElementAt(i + 1)); ILineString segmLine = gf.CreateLineString(new Coordinate[] { segm.P0, segm.P1 }); LineSegment segmBeg = createRectangle(gf, baseCoords[0], baseCoords[1], offsetAbs); // Segment quer zur Anfang des Basislinie-Segments LineSegment segmEnd = createRectangle(gf, baseCoords[baseCoords.Length - 1], baseCoords[baseCoords.Length - 2], offsetAbs); // Segment quer zur Anfang des Basislinie-Segments if (contains(segmBeg, segm, THIN) || contains(segmEnd, segm, THIN)) { bufferLine = bufferLine.Difference(segmLine); // Segment liegt auf einem Quer-Segment des Basislinien-Segments } } } // 3.Schritt: die Bufferlinie sollte aus 2 Teilen bestehen (die 2 Offsetlinien) List <ILineString> lines = new List <ILineString>(); { if (bufferLine is MultiLineString) { lines = linesFromMultiLine(gf, (MultiLineString)bufferLine); } else if (bufferLine is LineString) { lines.Add((LineString)bufferLine); } else { return(partialOffsetLine(gf, baseline, offset)); // aufteilen und für beiden Teilen versuchen } } // 4. Schritt: jene Linie ist die Offsetlinie die ein Segment hat, // das auf dem Offset eines Anfang/Endsegments der Basisline ist ILineString line = null; { double sumDistMin = Double.MaxValue; foreach (ILineString linePart in lines) { // die beste Linie auswählen double sumDist = 0; // Summe Entfernung der Offset-Segmenten der Basislinie von der linePart for (int i = 1; i < baseCoords.Length; i++) { LineSegment segm = new LineSegment(baseCoords[i - 1], baseCoords[i]); LineSegment segmentOffset = createSegmentOffset(segm, offset); if (i == 1 || i == baseCoords.Count() - 1) { // Anfang- oder Endsegment if (segmOnLine(segmentOffset, linePart)) { // ein Segment der LInie linePart liegt auf dem segmentOffset line = linePart; // linePart ist die richtige sumDistMin = 0; break; } } ILineString segmOffsetLine = gf.CreateLineString(new Coordinate[] { segmentOffset.P0, segmentOffset.P1 }); double distance = linePart.Distance(segmOffsetLine); // Entfernung des Segments-Endpunktes von der linePart sumDist += distance * segmOffsetLine.Length; } if (sumDistMin > sumDist) { sumDistMin = sumDist; line = linePart; } } if (sumDistMin > baseline.Length * offsetAbs) { // die gefundene Linie ist wahrscheinlich doch nicht die richtige line = partialOffsetLine(gf, baseline, offset); // aufteilen und für beiden Teilen versuchen if (line == null) { return(null); } IGeometry lineOnBuffer = line.Intersection(buffer.Buffer(THIN)); { // di OffsetlLinie muß auf dem Buffer sein if (lineOnBuffer is LineString) { return(line); } } return(null); } } // 5. Schritt: eventuell die Linie umdrehen { Coordinate[] coords = line.Coordinates; IPoint baseLineBeg = gf.CreatePoint(baseCoords[0]); IPoint baseLineEnd = gf.CreatePoint(baseCoords[baseCoords.Length - 1]); Coordinate offsetLineBeg = coords[0]; Coordinate offsetLineEnd = coords[coords.Length - 1]; double distBegBeg = baseLineBeg.Coordinate.Distance(offsetLineBeg); double distEndBeg = baseLineEnd.Coordinate.Distance(offsetLineBeg); double distBegEnd = baseLineBeg.Coordinate.Distance(offsetLineEnd); double distEndEnd = baseLineEnd.Coordinate.Distance(offsetLineEnd); double maxDiff = offsetAbs + THIN; if (distBegEnd < maxDiff && distEndBeg < maxDiff && !(distBegBeg < maxDiff && distEndEnd < maxDiff)) { line = reverse(line); } else if (distBegBeg < maxDiff && distEndEnd < maxDiff && !(distBegEnd < maxDiff && distEndBeg < maxDiff)) { // line = line; } else { // Ergebnis ist nicht befriedigend // Buffer zu groß zu den Liniensegmenten return(partialOffsetLine(gf, baseline, offset)); // aufteilen und für beiden Teilen versuchen } } return(line); }
/** * die Linie auf 2 Teile zerlegen und für beiden Teilen rekursiv die Offsetlinie erzeugen * @param gf * @param baseline * @param offset * @return */ public static ILineString partialOffsetLine(IGeometryFactory gf, ILineString baseline, double offset) { Coordinate[] coords = baseline.Coordinates; if (coords.Length < 4) { // die Linie hat zu wenig Koordinaten, hat keinen Sinn mehr zu verteilen return(null); // Ende der Bemühungen } List <Coordinate> coordList = coords.ToList(); int halfIndx = coords.Length / 2; Coordinate midPoint = new LineSegment(coords[halfIndx - 1], coords[halfIndx]).MidPoint;// bei dem neuen Vertex wird die Linie getrennt List <Coordinate> coordList0 = new List <Coordinate>(coordList.Take(halfIndx)); coordList0.Add(midPoint); ILineString baseLine0 = gf.CreateLineString(coordList0.ToArray()); // erste Hälfte List <Coordinate> coordList1 = new List <Coordinate>(coordList.Skip(halfIndx)); coordList1.Insert(0, midPoint); ILineString baseLine1 = gf.CreateLineString(coordList1.ToArray()); // zweite Hälfte ILineString shiftLine0 = createOffsetLineNew(gf, baseLine0, offset); ILineString shiftLine1 = createOffsetLineNew(gf, baseLine1, offset); if (shiftLine0 == null && shiftLine1 == null) { return(null); // Ende der Bemühungen } IGeometry buffer = baseline.Buffer(Math.Abs(offset), 12, EndCapStyle.Flat); // Geometry buffer = baseline.buffer(Math.abs(offset), 0, BufferOp.CAP_BUTT); IGeometry bufferBoundary = buffer.Boundary.Buffer(THIN); List <Coordinate> shiftCoordList = new List <Coordinate>(); if (shiftLine0 == null) { shiftCoordList.AddRange(shiftLine1.Intersection(bufferBoundary).Coordinates); } else if (shiftLine1 == null) { shiftCoordList.AddRange(shiftLine0.Intersection(bufferBoundary).Coordinates); } else { if (shiftLine0.GetPointN(shiftLine0.NumPoints - 1).Distance(shiftLine1.GetPointN(0)) < 2 * THIN) { // Ende der ersten Linie ist bei Anfang der zweiten Linie shiftCoordList.AddRange(shiftLine0.Coordinates); shiftCoordList.AddRange(shiftLine1.Coordinates); shiftCoordList.RemoveAt(shiftLine0.NumPoints); // doppelter Punkt nur einmal } else { // Ende erster Linie ist nicht Anfang zweiter Linie shiftCoordList = concat(shiftLine0, shiftLine1); // List<Coordinate> list0 = Arrays.asList(shiftLine0.intersection(bufferBoundary).getCoordinates()); // shiftCoordList.addAll(list0); // List<Coordinate> list1 = Arrays.asList(shiftLine1.intersection(bufferBoundary).getCoordinates()); // shiftCoordList.addAll(list1); } } if (shiftCoordList.Count < 2) { return(null); } ILineString shiftLine = gf.CreateLineString(shiftCoordList.ToArray()); if (shiftLine.Length < 3 * SIGNIFICANTDIST) { // 3-fache Distanz, damit die reduzierte Linie auch größer wird als die Distanz return(null); } return(checkLineString(gf, shiftLine, SIGNIFICANTDIST, false)); }