Пример #1
        private void createOneProjectBranch(string projType, ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle)
            //SKRailwayItem item;
            var sgworld = new SGWorld66();
            //ITerraExplorerMessage66 cMessage = null;

            var parentID = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem("桥梁");

            if (!(projType.Equals("特大桥") || projType.Equals("中桥") || projType.Equals("大桥") || projType.Equals("框构桥")))
                parentID = string.Empty;
            var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup(projType, parentID);

            foreach (CRailwayProject item in CRailwayScene.mProjectList)
                //    item = (SKRailwayItem)CRailwayScene.mProjectList.mProjectList.ElementAt(j);
                if (item.mProfessionalName.Equals(projType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    var cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(item.mLongitude_Mid, item.mLatitude_Mid, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);
                    item.mLabel = sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, item.mProjectName, cLabelStyle, branch, item.mProjectName);
                    item.mLabel.ImageFileName = item.mLabelImage;
                    //string urlStr = "http://" + GlobalVar.gSTAT_SERVERIP + "/MNMIS/APP/ProjectMng.aspx?f=detail&sn=" + item.mSerialNo +
                    //    "&uacc=" + GlobalVar.gSTAT_USERACC + "&upwd=" + GlobalVar.gSTAT_USRPWD;
                    //cMessage = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, urlStr, MsgType.TYPE_URL, true);
                    ////cMessage.Height = 100;
                    ////MsgTargetPosition mtp =
                    //item.mLabel.Message.MessageID = cMessage.ID;
Пример #2
        private void createLabelWithProject()
            string[]      sProjType   = new string[] { "路基", "涵洞", "特大桥", "大桥", "中桥", "框构桥", "空心板桥梁", "预制", "铺架" };//, "大临", "站房工程"
            var           sgworld     = new SGWorld66();
            IColor66      bgcolor     = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 255, 255, 155);
            IColor66      forecolor   = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
            ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                //uint nBGRValue = 0x00000000;  // White
                //var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color
                //cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue);               // Set background to blue
                //cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(0.8);                      // Set transparency to 50%
                cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = bgcolor;         // Set label style background color
                cLabelStyle.TextColor       = forecolor;
                cLabelStyle.FontName        = "Arial";         // Set font name to Arial
                cLabelStyle.Italic          = true;            // Set label style font to italic
                cLabelStyle.Scale           = 3;               // Set label style scale
                cLabelStyle.TextOnImage     = false;
            var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("桥梁");

            foreach (string str in sProjType)
                createOneProjectBranch(str, cLabelStyle);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 测试铁路链
        /// </summary>
        private void createMiddles()
            var sgworld = new SGWorld66();
            var branch  = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("进度");
            ITerrainPolyline66 polyline;
            ILabelStyle66      cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);

                cLabelStyle.FontName    = "Arial";                      // Set font name to Arial
                cLabelStyle.Italic      = true;                         // Set label style font to italic
                cLabelStyle.Scale       = 3;                            // Set label style scale
                cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false;
            //CRailwayProject item = mSceneData.mProjectList[0];
            foreach (CRailwayLine item in mSceneData.mMiddleLines.mLineList)
                double[] x;
                double[] y;
                double[] z;
                double[] d;
                //CRailwayLineList oo=null;
                int pointNum = item.getSubLine(item.mStart, item.mEnd, 1, out x, out y, out z, out d);
                if (pointNum > 0)
                    double[] cVerticesArray = new double[pointNum * 3];

                    for (int i = 0; i < pointNum; i++)
                        cVerticesArray[3 * i]     = x[i];
                        cVerticesArray[3 * i + 1] = y[i];
                        cVerticesArray[3 * i + 2] = z[i] + 10;

                        polyline = sgworld.Creator.CreatePolylineFromArray(cVerticesArray, sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 215, 0, 255),
                                                                           AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, branch, item.mDKCode + "里程");
                        //polyline.Visibility.MinVisibilityDistance = 1250;
                        //polyline.Spline = true;
                        //polyline.LineStyle.Width = -5;
                        polyline.Visibility.MaxVisibilityDistance = 10000000;
                        polyline.LineStyle.Width = -3.0;
                        polyline.Visibility.Show = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Creation Failed" + item.mDKCode);
Пример #4
        public ILabelStyle66 mLabelStyleL4; // 单位 20M 分辨率 墩,梁,百米标

        public CRWTEStandard()
            SGWorld66 sgworld = new SGWorld66();

            mLabelStyleL1 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL1.FontName            = "Arial";              // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL1.Italic              = false;                // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL1.Scale               = 200;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL1.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL1.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL1.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL1.FontSize            = 12;

            mLabelStyleL2 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL2.FontName            = "Arial";             // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL2.Italic              = false;               // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL2.Scale               = 50;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL2.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL2.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
                mLabelStyleL2.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL2.FontSize            = 12;

            mLabelStyleL3 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL3.FontName            = "Arial";             // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL3.Italic              = false;               // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL3.Scale               = 10;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL3.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL3.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL3.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL3.FontSize            = 12;

            mLabelStyleL4 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL4.FontName            = "Arial";            // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL4.Italic              = false;              // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL4.Scale               = 1;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL4.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL4.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL4.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL4.FontSize            = 12;
Пример #5
        public override void TECreate()
            var sgworld = new SGWorld66();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mGroupIDStatic))
                mGroupIDStatic = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("KML");
            ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL3;

            //= sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);

            //    uint nBGRValue = 0xFF0000;  // Blue
            //    double dAlpha = 0.5;        // 50% opacity
            //    var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color
            //    cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue);               // Set background to blue
            //    cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha);                      // Set transparency to 50%
            //    cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor;         // Set label style background color
            //    cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial";                         // Set font name to Arial
            //    cLabelStyle.Italic = true;                              // Set label style font to italic
            //    cLabelStyle.Scale = 3;                                  // Set label style scale
            //    cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false;

            foreach (CRailwayLine rl in mSceneData.mMiddleLines.mLineList)
                double[] x, y, z, w;
                int[]    f;
                int      num;
                num = rl.getKML(true, out x, out y, out z, out w, out f);
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(x[i], y[i], z[i] + 1, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, w[i]);
                    sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cp, f[i] + "", cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, rl.mDKCode + f[i]);
            //for (int i = 0; i < mSceneData.mMiddleLines.mPointNum; i += 100)
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建TextLabel
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateLabel()
            string               msg         = String.Empty;
            IPosition66          cPos        = null;
            ILabelStyle66        cLabelStyle = null;
            ITerrainImageLabel66 cTextLabel  = null;

                cPos = CreatePosition();

                SGLabelStyle eLabelStyle = SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT;
                cLabelStyle = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(eLabelStyle);

                uint   nBGRValue        = 0xFF0000;                    // Blue
                double dAlpha           = 0.5;                         // 50% opacity
                var    cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color
                cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue);              // Set background to blue
                cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha);                     // Set transparency to 50%
                cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor;        // Set label style background color
                cLabelStyle.FontName        = "Arial";                 // Set font name to Arial
                cLabelStyle.Italic          = true;                    // Set label style font to italic
                cLabelStyle.Scale           = 3;                       // Set label style scale

                string tText = "Skyline";
                cTextLabel = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, tText, cLabelStyle, string.Empty, "TextLabel");

                //FlyTo text label
                var cFlyToPos = cPos.Copy();
                cFlyToPos.Pitch = -89.0;
                this.sgWorld.Navigate.FlyTo(cFlyToPos, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO);
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = String.Format("CreateLabelButton_Click Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
Пример #7
        private void createKML()
            var           sgworld     = new SGWorld66();
            var           branch      = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("KML");
            ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);

                uint   nBGRValue        = 0xFF0000;                    // Blue
                double dAlpha           = 0.5;                         // 50% opacity
                var    cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color
                cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue);              // Set background to blue
                cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha);                     // Set transparency to 50%
                cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor;        // Set label style background color
                cLabelStyle.FontName        = "Arial";                 // Set font name to Arial
                cLabelStyle.Italic          = true;                    // Set label style font to italic
                cLabelStyle.Scale           = 3;                       // Set label style scale
                cLabelStyle.TextOnImage     = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.mPointNum; i += 100)
                                                (int)CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.meter[i] + "", cLabelStyle, branch, (int)CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.meter[i] + "");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加桥梁、路基、隧道模型与标签,FIXME目前模型与工点表ProjectInof不一致(有些工点没有模型,有些工点应该对应多个模型),模型生成程序有一个单独的Excel表TEProj,不通过程序添加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupID"></param>
        private void createProjectLabel()
            var sgworld = new SGWorld66();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mGroupIDStatic))
                mGroupIDStatic = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("Project");
            double lat, lon, z, dir;
            double cx, cy;

            //IColor66 bgcolor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 255, 255, 155);
            //IColor66 forecolor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
            ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL3;

            //    //uint nBGRValue = 0x00000000;  // White
            //    //var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color
            //    //cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue);               // Set background to blue
            //    //cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(0.8);                      // Set transparency to 50%
            //    cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = bgcolor;         // Set label style background color
            //    cLabelStyle.TextColor = forecolor;
            //    cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial";                         // Set font name to Arial
            //    cLabelStyle.Italic = true;                              // Set label style font to italic
            //    cLabelStyle.Scale = 3;                                  // Set label style scale
            //    cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false;
            foreach (CRailwayProject item in mSceneData.mBridgeList)
                var cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(item.CenterLongitude, item.CenterLatitude, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(cPos, item.ProjectName, CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"\Data\Textures\桥梁.png", cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, item.ProjectName);

                if (!mSceneData.mMiddleLines.getPosbyDKCode(item.DKCode, item.CenterMileage, out lon, out lat, out z, out dir))
                    //Console.WriteLine(item.ProjectName + " 工点 坐标错误");
                CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(lat, lon, dir, 90, 150, out cy, out cx);
                var cPos2 = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(cx, cy, 30, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -75, 0, 2000);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cPos2, 140, sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), mGroupIDStatic);

            foreach (CRailwayProject item in mSceneData.mRoadList)
                var cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(item.CenterLongitude, item.CenterLatitude, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(cPos, item.ProjectName, CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"\Data\Textures\路基.png", cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, item.ProjectName);
                if (!mSceneData.mMiddleLines.getPosbyDKCode(item.DKCode, item.CenterMileage, out lon, out lat, out z, out dir))
                    //Console.WriteLine(item.ProjectName + " 工点 坐标错误");
                CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(lat, lon, dir, 90, 150, out cy, out cx);
                var cPos2 = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(cx, cy, 30, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -75, 0, 2000);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cPos2, 140, sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), mGroupIDStatic);

            foreach (CRailwayProject item in mSceneData.mTunnelList)
                var cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(item.CenterLongitude, item.CenterLatitude, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(cPos, item.ProjectName, CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"\Data\Textures\涵洞.png", cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, item.ProjectName);
                if (!mSceneData.mMiddleLines.getPosbyDKCode(item.DKCode, item.CenterMileage, out lon, out lat, out z, out dir))
                    //Console.WriteLine(item.ProjectName + " 工点 坐标错误");
                CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(lat, lon, dir, 90, 150, out cy, out cx);
                var cPos2 = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(cx, cy, 30, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -75, 0, 2000);
                sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cPos2, 140, sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(127, 127, 127, 127), mGroupIDStatic);

            //bool isValue = mSceneData.mMiddleLines.getPosbyMeter(item.Mileage_Start_Ds, out lat, out lon, out z, out dir);
            //CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(lat, lon, z, 270, 300, out latcen, out loncen);
            //CoordinateConverter.LatLonToUTMXY(latcen, loncen, out x, out y, out zone);

            //int ccount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(item.AvgProgress * 180.0)));
Пример #9
        public static void Init()
            SGWorld66 sgworld = new SGWorld66();

            mLabelStyleL1 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL1.FontName            = "Arial";              // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL1.Italic              = false;                // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL1.Scale               = 200;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL1.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL1.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL1.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL1.FontSize            = 12;
                mLabelStyleL1.LineToGround        = true;

            mLabelStyleL2 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL2.FontName            = "Arial";             // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL2.Italic              = false;               // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL2.Scale               = 50;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL2.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL2.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
                mLabelStyleL2.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL2.FontSize            = 12;
                mLabelStyleL2.LineToGround        = true;

            mLabelStyleL3 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL3.FontName            = "Arial";             // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL3.Italic              = false;               // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL3.Scale               = 10;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL3.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL3.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL3.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL3.FontSize            = 12;

            mLabelStyleL4 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL4.FontName            = "Arial";            // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL4.Italic              = false;              // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL4.Scale               = 1;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL4.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL4.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
                mLabelStyleL4.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL4.FontSize            = 12;

            mLabelStyleL5 = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                mLabelStyleL5.FontName            = "Arial";            // Set font name to Arial
                mLabelStyleL5.Italic              = false;              // Set label style font to italic
                mLabelStyleL5.Scale               = 2;                  // Set label style scale
                mLabelStyleL5.TextOnImage         = false;
                mLabelStyleL5.TextColor           = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
                mLabelStyleL5.SmallestVisibleSize = 7;
                mLabelStyleL5.FontSize            = 12;

            mColor    = new IColor66[6];
            mColor[0] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
            mColor[1] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
            mColor[2] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
            mColor[3] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 255, 255);
            mColor[4] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 255, 255);
            mColor[5] = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 255, 0, 255);
Пример #10
        private void createStation()
            var sgworld = new SGWorld66();
            //var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem("站房工程");
            double xs, ys, zs, ds;

            double[]             p = new double[] { -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0 };
            IPosition66          cp;
            ITerrainImageLabel66 iLabel;
            //double t[10];

            ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT);
                //cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = bgcolor;         // Set label style background color
                //cLabelStyle.TextColor = forecolor;
                cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial";                         // Set font name to Arial
                cLabelStyle.Italic   = true;                            // Set label style font to italic
                cLabelStyle.Scale    = 100;                             // Set label style scale
                //cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false;

            var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("站房工程");

                foreach (CRailwayProject station in CRailwayScene.mStationList)
                    //    item = (SKRailwayItem)CRailwayScene.mProjectList.mProjectList.ElementAt(j);
                    if (station.mProfessionalName.Equals("站房工程", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        //x = station.mLongitude_Mid;
                        //y = station.mLatitude_Mid;
                        //z = 10;
                        CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findPosbyMeter(station.mMileage_Mid - 50, out xs, out ys, out zs, out ds);
                        CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(ys, xs, ds, station.mDirection, 25, out p[1], out p[0]);  //lat, lon
                        CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(ys, xs, ds, station.mDirection, 75, out p[4], out p[3]);
                        CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findPosbyMeter(station.mMileage_Mid + 50, out xs, out ys, out zs, out ds);
                        CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(ys, xs, ds, station.mDirection, 25, out p[10], out p[9]);
                        CoordinateConverter.LatLonOffest(ys, xs, ds, station.mDirection, 75, out p[7], out p[6]);

                        cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition((p[0] + p[3] + p[6] + p[9]) / 4, (p[1] + p[4] + p[7] + p[10]) / 4, 40, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);

                        iLabel = sgworld.Creator.CreateImageLabel(cp, station.mLabelImage, cLabelStyle, branch, station.mProjectName);
                        iLabel.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, station.mProjectName, MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID;
                        //iLabel.Visibility.MaxVisibilityDistance = 1000000;

                        IGeometry   buildingShp = null;
                        ILinearRing cSQRing     = sgworld.Creator.GeometryCreator.CreateLinearRingGeometry(p);
                        buildingShp = sgworld.Creator.GeometryCreator.CreatePolygonGeometry(cSQRing, null);
                        var model = sgworld.Creator.CreateBuilding(buildingShp, 15, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, branch, station.mProjectName);
                        //fileName = GlobalVar.gDataPath + @"\Data\Textures\Sky_w_tan.jpg";
                        model.Sides.Texture.FileName = GlobalVar.gDataPath + @"Common\Textures\Sky_w_tan.jpg";
                        model.Roof.Texture.FileName  = GlobalVar.gDataPath + @"Common\Textures\roof2.jpg";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Station Creation Error");