Пример #1
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region StructureValueType constructors
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // StructureValueType constructors
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StructureValueType"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        public StructureValueType(string key, Type type, bool isArrayItem)
            : base(key, isArrayItem)
            this.type = type;
            this.useCultureSensitiveConvert = typeof(double).Equals(type) ||
                                              typeof(decimal).Equals(type) ||

            this.underlyingNullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
            this.isNullableType         = underlyingNullableType != null;
            if (isNullableType)
                this.nullableUnderlyingTypeConverter = Structure.DetermineStructure(underlyingNullableType, key, null, isArrayItem);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the specified json string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json">The json.</param>
        /// <param name="currentReadIndex">Index of the current read.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object Deserialize(string json, ref int currentReadIndex, SerializationContext context)
            // check if value is null
            int expectedSepIndex = currentReadIndex + keyLength;

            if (json[expectedSepIndex] == 'n' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 1] == 'u' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 2] == 'l' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 3] == 'l')
                currentReadIndex = expectedSepIndex + 4;

            if (json[expectedSepIndex + 1] == Structure.CharQuotationMark &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 2] == '#' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 3] == 't' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 4] == 'y' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 5] == 'p' &&
                json[expectedSepIndex + 6] == 'e'
                return(DeserializeSpecialType(json, ref currentReadIndex, context, expectedSepIndex));

            if (isObject)
                Type objectTargetType = null;
                if (unknownTypeResolver != null)
                    context.Key             = this.key;
                    context.ValueStartIndex = currentReadIndex;
                    context.ArrayIndex      = null;
                    context.JsonString      = json;
                    if (type.IsInterface)
                        context.InterfaceType = this.type;

                    objectTargetType = unknownTypeResolver(context);

                    if (context.InterfaceType != null)
                        context.InterfaceType = null;

                if (objectTargetType == null)
                    objectTargetType = Structure.GetDefaultType(json, expectedSepIndex);

                    if (objectTargetType == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't determine target type for JSON key: \"" + context.Key + "\"");

                IJsonTypeStructure currentObjectStructure;
                if (!typeSerializerCache.TryGetValue(objectTargetType, out currentObjectStructure))
                    currentObjectStructure = Structure.DetermineStructure(objectTargetType, this.key, context, this.isArrayItem);
                    typeSerializerCache[objectTargetType] = currentObjectStructure;

                return(currentObjectStructure.Deserialize(json, ref currentReadIndex, context));
                if (json[currentReadIndex] != Structure.CharLeftBrace &&
                    if (json[currentReadIndex] == Structure.CharComma)
                        currentReadIndex += 1;

                    expectedSepIndex = currentReadIndex + keyLength - 1;

                    if (json[expectedSepIndex] == Structure.CharColon)
                        currentReadIndex = expectedSepIndex + 1;
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected JSON data!");

                if (this.concreteTargetType == null)
                    // try get static target type
                    if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract)
                        context.InterfaceType = type;
                        context.Key           = key;

                        Type itemTypeResolved = unknownTypeResolver(context);
                        if (itemTypeResolved != null)
                            concreteTargetType = itemTypeResolved;
                        context.InterfaceType = null;
                        concreteTargetType = type;

                // create target object
                object target;
                    target = TypeService.CreateInstance(this.concreteTargetType);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Can't create object instance for \"" + this.concreteTargetType + "\" - \"" + type + "\"!", ex);
                object oldParentObj = context.ParentObject;
                context.ParentObject = target;

                // jump over opening brace
                currentReadIndex += 1;

                for (int propIndex = 0; propIndex < objectStructure.Length; propIndex++)
                    IJsonTypeStructure structure = objectStructure[propIndex];
                    var setPropertyAccessor      = setAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex];

                    // check out of order json
                    int expectedKeyStartIndex = currentReadIndex + 1;
                    int actualKeyIndex        = json.IndexOf(structure.Key, expectedKeyStartIndex);
                    if (actualKeyIndex != expectedKeyStartIndex ||
                        json[structure.Key.Length + actualKeyIndex] != Structure.CharQuotationMark)     // Recognize key with the same begin string but different ending
                        // out of order key recognized

                        int keyEndIndex       = json.IndexOf(Structure.CharQuotationMark, expectedKeyStartIndex);
                        int?keyStructureIndex = null;
                        StructureComplexOutOfOrder cachedOutOfOrderStruct = null;
                        string actualKey = null;
                        if (keyEndIndex != -1)  // ignore if end of json is reached
                            actualKey = json.Substring(expectedKeyStartIndex, keyEndIndex - expectedKeyStartIndex);

                            // check if out of order structure is already cached
                            if (outOfOrderStructures != null)
                                for (int indexCachedOutOfOrder = 0; indexCachedOutOfOrder < outOfOrderStructures.Count; indexCachedOutOfOrder++)
                                    var cachedItem = outOfOrderStructures[indexCachedOutOfOrder];

                                    if (cachedItem.ObjectStructure[propIndex].Key == actualKey)
                                        cachedOutOfOrderStruct = cachedItem;

                            if (cachedOutOfOrderStruct == null)
                                // find out of order key
                                keyStructureIndex = FindOutOfOrderKey(objectStructure, actualKey);

                        if (cachedOutOfOrderStruct != null)
                            structure           = cachedOutOfOrderStruct.ObjectStructure[propIndex];
                            setPropertyAccessor = cachedOutOfOrderStruct.SetAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex];
                        else if (keyStructureIndex.HasValue)
                            lock (syncObj)
                                // create or move out of order structure

                                if (outOfOrderStructures == null)
                                    outOfOrderStructures = new List <StructureComplexOutOfOrder>();

                                // try reuse existing out of order array
                                StructureComplexOutOfOrder currentOutOfOrderStruct;
                                var existing = outOfOrderStructures.Where(ooo => ooo.MaxTargetIndex < propIndex).FirstOrDefault();

                                IJsonTypeStructure[]      sourceStructure = objectStructure;
                                Func <object, object>[]   sourceGetAccessorByPropertyIndex = getAccessorByPropertyIndex;
                                Action <object, object>[] sourceSetAccessorByPropertyIndex = setAccessorByPropertyIndex;

                                // create new cloned out of order strucutre
                                if (existing == null)
                                    currentOutOfOrderStruct = new StructureComplexOutOfOrder()
                                        ObjectStructure            = (IJsonTypeStructure[])sourceStructure.Clone(),
                                        GetAccessorByPropertyIndex = (Func <object, object>[])sourceGetAccessorByPropertyIndex.Clone(),
                                        SetAccessorByPropertyIndex = (Action <object, object>[])sourceSetAccessorByPropertyIndex.Clone()
                                    currentOutOfOrderStruct = existing;
                                    sourceStructure         = existing.ObjectStructure;
                                    structure = sourceStructure[propIndex];
                                    sourceGetAccessorByPropertyIndex = existing.GetAccessorByPropertyIndex;
                                    sourceSetAccessorByPropertyIndex = existing.SetAccessorByPropertyIndex;

                                    // search in chached object structure again
                                    keyStructureIndex = FindOutOfOrderKey(sourceStructure, actualKey);

                                // switch object structure to received json order
                                IJsonTypeStructure foundOutOfOrderStructure = sourceStructure[keyStructureIndex.Value];
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.ObjectStructure[propIndex] = foundOutOfOrderStructure;
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.ObjectStructure[keyStructureIndex.Value] = structure;
                                structure = foundOutOfOrderStructure;
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.MaxTargetIndex = propIndex;

                                // switch value setter
                                var currentAccessor         = sourceGetAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex];
                                var foundOutOfOrderAccessor = sourceGetAccessorByPropertyIndex[keyStructureIndex.Value];
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.GetAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex] = foundOutOfOrderAccessor;
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.GetAccessorByPropertyIndex[keyStructureIndex.Value] = currentAccessor;

                                var currentAccessorSet         = sourceSetAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex];
                                var foundOutOfOrderAccessorSet = sourceSetAccessorByPropertyIndex[keyStructureIndex.Value];
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.SetAccessorByPropertyIndex[propIndex] = foundOutOfOrderAccessorSet;
                                currentOutOfOrderStruct.SetAccessorByPropertyIndex[keyStructureIndex.Value] = currentAccessorSet;

                                setPropertyAccessor = foundOutOfOrderAccessorSet;

                                if (existing == null)
                            if (context.Serializer.IsMissingFieldDataAllowed)
                                if (SkipJsonElement(json, ref currentReadIndex))
                                    propIndex--; // re-read current structure
                                continue;        // ignore missing field
                                throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("The key: \"{0}\" is not present in the object structure! JSON: \"{1}\"; Target Type: \"{2}\"", actualKey, json, this.type.AssemblyQualifiedName));

                    object value = structure.Deserialize(json, ref currentReadIndex, context);

                    if (value != null)
                        setPropertyAccessor(target, value);

                    if (json[currentReadIndex] == Structure.CharRightBrace)
                        // end reached


                if (json[currentReadIndex - 1] != Structure.CharRightBrace)
                    if (context.Serializer.IsMissingFieldDataAllowed)
                        // json object contains more data than expected from the type structure
                        // skip futher object data
                        SkipJsonObject(json, ref currentReadIndex);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The json object contains more data than expected in target type! JSON: \"{0}\"; Key: \"{1}\"; Target Type: \"{2}\"", json, this.key, this.type.AssemblyQualifiedName));

                context.ParentObject = oldParentObj;

Пример #3
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region StructureArray properties
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // StructureArray properties
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region StructureArray methods
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // StructureArray methods
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the specified object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb">The string builder.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        public override void Serialize(StringBuilder sb, object obj, SerializationContext context)
            if (keyExpected)
                if (obj == null)

            if (isByteArray)
                // Optimization: add byte array as base64 encoded string
                byte[] data = (byte[])obj;

                //Type collType = obj.GetType();

                // check if own collection implementation exposes special target type // todo: check if possible and required
                //bool specialTypeAdded = false;
                //if (!collType.IsArray
                //    && !IsSystemCollection(collType))
                //    //&& !checkedSubInterfaceTypes.Contains(collType))
                //    var exposureAttributes = collType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExposeSubTypeAttribute), false);
                //    if (exposureAttributes.Length > 0)
                //    {
                //        // expose specialized sub interface type
                //        if (this.typeSerializerCache == null)
                //            this.typeSerializerCache = new Dictionary<Type, IJsonTypeStructure>();

                //        // add typed collection attribute
                //        sb.Append(Structure.TypeMetaTagJson);
                //        sb.Append(this.type.FullName);
                //        sb.Append(Structure.CharQuotationMark);

                //        specialTypeAdded = true;
                //    }
                //    //checkedSubInterfaceTypes.Add(collType);

                IEnumerable collection = (IEnumerable)obj;

                int count = 0;
                foreach (var item in collection)
                    //if (specialTypeAdded
                    //    && count == 0)
                    //    sb.Append(Structure.CharComma);

                    if (item != null)
                        if (isObject)
                            // determine serialize type
                            Type itemType = item.GetType();
                            IJsonTypeStructure currentObjectStructure;
                            if (!typeSerializerCache.TryGetValue(itemType, out currentObjectStructure))
                                Type targetType = null;
                                if (unknownTypeResolver != null)
                                    context.Key        = this.key;
                                    context.ArrayIndex = count;

                                    targetType = unknownTypeResolver(context);

                                    context.ArrayIndex = null;
                                if (targetType == null)
                                    targetType = itemType;
                                currentObjectStructure = Structure.DetermineStructure(targetType, GetNestedArrayKey(this.key, count), context, true);

                                typeSerializerCache[itemType] = currentObjectStructure;

                            currentObjectStructure.Serialize(sb, item, context);
                            if (itemSerializer == null)
                                this.itemSerializer = Structure.DetermineStructure(itemType, key, context, true);

                            // use static serialize type
                            itemSerializer.Serialize(sb, item, context);
                if (count > 0)
                    sb.Length -= 1; // remove last comma

Пример #4
        private object DeserializeArrayItem(string json, ref int currentReadIndex, int arrayItemIndex, SerializationContext context)
            if (json[currentReadIndex] == 'n' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 1] == 'u' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 2] == 'l' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 3] == 'l')
                currentReadIndex = currentReadIndex + 4;

            //Type objectTargetType = null;
            if (json[currentReadIndex + 2] == '#' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 3] == 't' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 4] == 'y' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 5] == 'p' &&
                json[currentReadIndex + 6] == 'e'
                return(DeserializeSpecialType(json, ref currentReadIndex, context, currentReadIndex));

            object itemValue;

            if (this.isObject)
                // determine target type during deserialization
                Type type = null;
                if (unknownTypeResolver != null)
                    context.Key             = this.key;
                    context.ValueStartIndex = currentReadIndex;
                    context.ArrayIndex      = arrayItemIndex;
                    context.JsonString      = json;

                    type = unknownTypeResolver(context);

                    context.ArrayIndex = null;

                if (type == null || type.Equals(typeof(object)))
                    type = Structure.GetDefaultType(json, currentReadIndex);

                    if (type == null)
                        int    readCount = Math.Min(json.Length - currentReadIndex, 25);
                        string jsonPart  = json.Substring(currentReadIndex, readCount);

                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to get the target type for array object index {0}; Key: {1}; JSON part: \"{2}\"", arrayItemIndex, this.key, jsonPart));

                IJsonTypeStructure currentObjectStructure;
                if (!typeSerializerCache.TryGetValue(type, out currentObjectStructure))
                    currentObjectStructure    = Structure.DetermineStructure(type, GetNestedArrayKey(this.key, arrayItemIndex), context, true);
                    typeSerializerCache[type] = currentObjectStructure;

                itemValue = currentObjectStructure.Deserialize(json, ref currentReadIndex, context);
                if (itemDeSerializer == null)
                    itemDeSerializer = Structure.DetermineStructure(itemType, key, context, true);

                // fixed array target type
                itemValue = itemDeSerializer.Deserialize(json, ref currentReadIndex, context);

Пример #5
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region StructureEnum constructors
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // StructureEnum constructors
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <c>StructureEnum</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public StructureEnum(string key, Type enumType, bool isArrayItem)
            : base(key, isArrayItem)
            this.enumType          = enumType;
            this.intEnumSerializer = new StructureInt(key, isArrayItem);