Пример #1
        public Image GenerateImage(string imageKey, string topText, string bottomText)
            var img = _imageProvider.GetImage(imageKey);

            if (img == null)

            using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

                var topRectangle    = new RectangleF(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height / 2);
                var bottomRectangle = new RectangleF(0, img.Height / 2, img.Width, img.Height / 2);

                var upperTopText    = topText.ToUpper();
                var upperBottomText = bottomText.ToUpper();

                var topSize = CalculateOptimumFontSize(img, topRectangle, TopFormat, upperTopText);
                var btmSize = CalculateOptimumFontSize(img, bottomRectangle, BtmFormat, upperBottomText);

                var path = new GraphicsPath();

                path.AddString(upperTopText, FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, (int)FontStyle.Bold, topSize, topRectangle,
                path.AddString(upperBottomText, FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, (int)FontStyle.Bold, btmSize, bottomRectangle,

                g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, path);
                g.FillPath(Brushes.White, path);


Пример #2
 public Image CreateImage(
         String src,
         IDictionary<String, String> attrs,
         ChainedProperties chain,
         IDocListener document,
         IImageProvider img_provider,
         Dictionary<String, Image> img_store,
         String img_baseurl) {
     Image img = null;
     // getting the image using an image provider
     if (img_provider != null)
         img = img_provider.GetImage(src, attrs, chain, document);
     // getting the image from an image store
     if (img == null && img_store != null) {
         Image tim;
         img_store.TryGetValue(src, out tim);
         if (tim != null)
             img = Image.GetInstance(tim);
     if (img != null)
         return img;
     // introducing a base url
     // relative src references only
     if (!src.StartsWith("http") && img_baseurl != null) {
         src = img_baseurl + src;
     else if (img == null && !src.StartsWith("http")) {
         String path = chain[HtmlTags.IMAGEPATH];
         if (path == null)
             path = "";
         src = Path.Combine(path, src);
     img = Image.GetInstance(src);
     if (img == null)
         return null;
     float actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(
     if (actualFontSize <= 0f)
         actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
     String width;
     attrs.TryGetValue(HtmlTags.WIDTH, out width);
     float widthInPoints = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(width, actualFontSize);
     String height;
     attrs.TryGetValue(HtmlTags.HEIGHT, out height);
     float heightInPoints = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(height, actualFontSize);
     if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0) {
         img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
     } else if (widthInPoints > 0) {
         heightInPoints = img.Height * widthInPoints
                 / img.Width;
         img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
     } else if (heightInPoints > 0) {
         widthInPoints = img.Width * heightInPoints
                 / img.Height;
         img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
     String before = chain[HtmlTags.BEFORE];
     if (before != null)
         img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     String after = chain[HtmlTags.AFTER];
     if (after != null)
         img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     img.WidthPercentage = 0;
     return img;
Пример #3
        public virtual void StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h)
            if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag))
            style.ApplyStyle(tag, h);
            String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag];

            if (follow != null)
                Hashtable prop = new Hashtable();
                prop[follow] = null;
                cprops.AddToChain(follow, prop);
            FactoryProperties.InsertStyle(h, cprops);
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ANCHOR))
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
                if (currentParagraph == null)
                    currentParagraph = new Paragraph();
                currentParagraph = new Paragraph();
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.NEWLINE))
                if (currentParagraph == null)
                    currentParagraph = new Paragraph();
                currentParagraph.Add(factoryProperties.CreateChunk("\n", cprops));
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.HORIZONTALRULE))
                // Attempting to duplicate the behavior seen on Firefox with
                // http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_hr_test
                // where an initial break is only inserted when the preceding element doesn't
                // end with a break, but a trailing break is always inserted.
                bool addLeadingBreak = true;
                if (currentParagraph == null)
                    currentParagraph = new Paragraph();
                    addLeadingBreak  = false;
                if (addLeadingBreak)   // Not a new paragraph
                    int numChunks = currentParagraph.Chunks.Count;
                    if (numChunks == 0 ||
                        ((Chunk)currentParagraph.Chunks[numChunks - 1]).Content.EndsWith("\n"))
                        addLeadingBreak = false;
                String align   = (String)h["align"];
                int    hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                if (align != null)
                    if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left"))
                        hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
                    if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right"))
                        hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                String width   = (String)h["width"];
                float  hrWidth = 1;
                if (width != null)
                    float tmpWidth = Markup.ParseLength(width, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
                    if (tmpWidth > 0)
                        hrWidth = tmpWidth;
                    if (!width.EndsWith("%"))
                        hrWidth = 100; // Treat a pixel width as 100% for now.
                String size   = (String)h["size"];
                float  hrSize = 1;
                if (size != null)
                    float tmpSize = Markup.ParseLength(size, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
                    if (tmpSize > 0)
                        hrSize = tmpSize;
                if (addLeadingBreak)
                currentParagraph.Add(new LineSeparator(hrSize, hrWidth, null, hrAlign, currentParagraph.Leading / 2));
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.CHUNK) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.SPAN))
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.IMAGE))
                String src = (String)h[ElementTags.SRC];
                if (src == null)
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
                Image img = null;
                if (interfaceProps != null)
                    IImageProvider ip = (IImageProvider)interfaceProps["img_provider"];
                    if (ip != null)
                        img = ip.GetImage(src, h, cprops, document);
                    if (img == null)
                        Hashtable images = (Hashtable)interfaceProps["img_static"];
                        if (images != null)
                            Image tim = (Image)images[src];
                            if (tim != null)
                                img = Image.GetInstance(tim);
                            if (!src.StartsWith("http"))   // relative src references only
                                String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps["img_baseurl"];
                                if (baseurl != null)
                                    src = baseurl + src;
                                    img = Image.GetInstance(src);
                if (img == null)
                    if (!src.StartsWith("http"))
                        String path = cprops["image_path"];
                        if (path == null)
                            path = "";
                        src = Path.Combine(path, src);
                    img = Image.GetInstance(src);
                String align  = (String)h["align"];
                String width  = (String)h["width"];
                String height = (String)h["height"];
                String before = cprops["before"];
                String after  = cprops["after"];
                if (before != null)
                    img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                if (after != null)
                    img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                float actualFontSize = Markup.ParseLength(cprops[ElementTags.SIZE], Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
                if (actualFontSize <= 0f)
                    actualFontSize = Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
                float widthInPoints  = Markup.ParseLength(width, actualFontSize);
                float heightInPoints = Markup.ParseLength(height, actualFontSize);
                if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0)
                    img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
                else if (widthInPoints > 0)
                    heightInPoints = img.Height * widthInPoints / img.Width;
                    img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
                else if (heightInPoints > 0)
                    widthInPoints = img.Width * heightInPoints / img.Height;
                    img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
                img.WidthPercentage = 0;
                if (align != null)
                    int ralign = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN;
                    if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left"))
                        ralign = Image.LEFT_ALIGN;
                    else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right"))
                        ralign = Image.RIGHT_ALIGN;
                    img.Alignment = ralign;
                    IImg i    = null;
                    bool skip = false;
                    if (interfaceProps != null)
                        i = (IImg)interfaceProps["img_interface"];
                        if (i != null)
                            skip = i.Process(img, h, cprops, document);
                    if (!skip)
                    if (currentParagraph == null)
                        currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(cprops);
                    currentParagraph.Add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0));

            if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6"))
                if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.SIZE))
                    int v = 7 - int.Parse(tag.Substring(1));
                    h[ElementTags.SIZE] = v.ToString();
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST))
                if (pendingLI)
                skipText = true;
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
                List list = new List(false);
                    list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                }catch {
                    list.Autoindent = true;
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST))
                if (pendingLI)
                skipText = true;
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
                List list = new List(true);
                    list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                }catch {
                    list.Autoindent = true;
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.LISTITEM))
                if (pendingLI)
                skipText  = false;
                pendingLI = true;
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.DIV) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.BODY) || tag.Equals("p"))
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
            if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.PRE))
                if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.FACE))
                    h[ElementTags.FACE] = "Courier";
                cprops.AddToChain(tag, h);
                isPRE = true;
            if (tag.Equals("tr"))
                if (pendingTR)
                skipText  = true;
                pendingTR = true;
                cprops.AddToChain("tr", h);
            if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th"))
                if (pendingTD)
                skipText  = false;
                pendingTD = true;
                cprops.AddToChain("td", h);
                stack.Push(new IncCell(tag, cprops));
            if (tag.Equals("table"))
                cprops.AddToChain("table", h);
                IncTable table = new IncTable(h);
                tableState.Push(new bool[] { pendingTR, pendingTD });
                pendingTR = pendingTD = false;
                skipText  = true;
Пример #4
        virtual public Image CreateImage(
            String src,
            IDictionary <String, String> attrs,
            ChainedProperties chain,
            IDocListener document,
            IImageProvider img_provider,
            Dictionary <String, Image> img_store,
            String img_baseurl)
            Image img = null;

            // getting the image using an image provider
            if (img_provider != null)
                img = img_provider.GetImage(src, attrs, chain, document);
            // getting the image from an image store
            if (img == null && img_store != null)
                Image tim;
                img_store.TryGetValue(src, out tim);
                if (tim != null)
                    img = Image.GetInstance(tim);
            if (img != null)
            // introducing a base url
            // relative src references only
            if (!src.StartsWith("http") && img_baseurl != null)
                src = img_baseurl + src;
            else if (img == null && !src.StartsWith("http"))
                String path = chain[HtmlTags.IMAGEPATH];
                if (path == null)
                    path = "";
                src = Path.Combine(path, src);
            img = Image.GetInstance(src);
            if (img == null)

            float actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(

            if (actualFontSize <= 0f)
                actualFontSize = HtmlUtilities.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
            String width;

            attrs.TryGetValue(HtmlTags.WIDTH, out width);
            float  widthInPoints = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(width, actualFontSize);
            String height;

            attrs.TryGetValue(HtmlTags.HEIGHT, out height);
            float heightInPoints = HtmlUtilities.ParseLength(height, actualFontSize);

            if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0)
                img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
            else if (widthInPoints > 0)
                heightInPoints = img.Height * widthInPoints
                                 / img.Width;
                img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);
            else if (heightInPoints > 0)
                widthInPoints = img.Width * heightInPoints
                                / img.Height;
                img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints);

            String before = chain[HtmlTags.BEFORE];

            if (before != null)
                img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            String after = chain[HtmlTags.AFTER];

            if (after != null)
                img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            img.WidthPercentage = 0;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Encapsulates an algorithm for creating full-page images of a page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="positionProvider">The position provider used for moving to the actual stitch points.</param>
        /// <param name="region">The region to stitch. If <see cref="Region.Empty"/>, the entire image will be stitched.</param>
        /// <param name="fullarea">The wanted area of the resulting image. If unknown, pass in <c>null</c> or <see cref="Region.Empty"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="originProvider">A position provider used for saving the state before
        /// starting the stitching, as well as moving to (0,0). The reason it is separated from
        /// the <c>stitchProvider</c>is that the stitchProvider might have side-effects
        /// (e.g., changing the CSS transform of the page can cause a layout change at the
        /// top of the page), which we can avoid for the first screenshot (since it might be a
        /// full page screenshot anyway).</param>
        /// <param name="stitchOffset"></param>
        /// <returns>The screenshot as Bitmap.</returns>
        public Bitmap GetStitchedRegion(Region region, Region fullarea, IPositionProvider positionProvider,
                                        IPositionProvider originProvider, Size stitchOffset)
            ArgumentGuard.NotNull(region, nameof(region));
            ArgumentGuard.NotNull(positionProvider, nameof(positionProvider));

            logger_.Verbose("region: {0} ; fullarea: {1} ; positionProvider: {2}",
                            region, fullarea, positionProvider.GetType().Name);

            Point originalStitchedState = positionProvider.GetCurrentPosition();

            logger_.Verbose("region size: {0}, originalStitchedState: {1}", region, originalStitchedState);

            PositionMemento originProviderState = originProvider.GetState();

            logger_.Verbose("originProviderState: {0}", originProviderState);



            Bitmap initialScreenshot   = imageProvider_.GetImage();
            Size   initialPhysicalSize = initialScreenshot.Size;

            SaveDebugScreenshotPart_(initialScreenshot, region.ToRectangle(), "initial");

            IScaleProvider scaleProvider = scaleProviderFactory_.GetScaleProvider(initialScreenshot.Width);
            double         pixelRatio    = 1 / scaleProvider.ScaleRatio;

            Size initialSizeScaled = new Size((int)Math.Round(initialScreenshot.Width / pixelRatio), (int)Math.Round(initialScreenshot.Height / pixelRatio));

            ICutProvider scaledCutProvider = cutProvider_.Scale(pixelRatio);

            if (pixelRatio != 1 && !(scaledCutProvider is NullCutProvider))
                initialScreenshot = cutProvider_.Cut(initialScreenshot);
                debugScreenshotsProvider_.Save(initialScreenshot, "original-cut");

            Region regionInScreenshot       = GetRegionInScreenshot_(region, initialScreenshot, pixelRatio);
            Bitmap croppedInitialScreenshot = CropScreenshot_(initialScreenshot, regionInScreenshot);

            debugScreenshotsProvider_.Save(croppedInitialScreenshot, "cropped");

            Bitmap scaledInitialScreenshot = BasicImageUtils.ScaleImage(croppedInitialScreenshot, scaleProvider);

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(scaledInitialScreenshot, croppedInitialScreenshot))
                SaveDebugScreenshotPart_(scaledInitialScreenshot, regionInScreenshot.ToRectangle(), "scaled");

            if (fullarea.IsEmpty)
                Size entireSize;
                    entireSize = positionProvider.GetEntireSize();
                    logger_.Verbose("Entire size of region context: {0}", entireSize);
                catch (EyesException e)
                    logger_.Log("WARNING: Failed to extract entire size of region context" + e.Message);
                    logger_.Log("Using image size instead: " + scaledInitialScreenshot.Width + "x" + scaledInitialScreenshot.Height);
                    entireSize = new Size(scaledInitialScreenshot.Width, scaledInitialScreenshot.Height);

                // Notice that this might still happen even if we used
                // "getImagePart", since "entirePageSize" might be that of a frame.
                if (scaledInitialScreenshot.Width >= entireSize.Width && scaledInitialScreenshot.Height >= entireSize.Height)
                    logger_.Log("WARNING: Seems the image is already a full page screenshot.");
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(scaledInitialScreenshot, initialScreenshot))

                fullarea = new Region(Point.Empty, entireSize, CoordinatesTypeEnum.SCREENSHOT_AS_IS);

            float currentFullWidth = fullarea.Width;

            fullarea = sizeAdjuster_.AdjustRegion(fullarea, initialSizeScaled);
            float sizeRatio = currentFullWidth / fullarea.Width;

            logger_.Verbose("adjusted fullarea: {0}", fullarea);

            Point scaledCropLocation = fullarea.Location;

            Point physicalCropLocation = new Point(
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCropLocation.X * pixelRatio),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCropLocation.Y * pixelRatio));

            Rectangle sourceRegion;

            if (regionInScreenshot.IsSizeEmpty)
                Size physicalCropSize = new Size(initialPhysicalSize.Width - physicalCropLocation.X, initialPhysicalSize.Height - physicalCropLocation.Y);
                sourceRegion = new Rectangle(physicalCropLocation, physicalCropSize);
                // Starting with the screenshot we already captured at (0,0).
                sourceRegion = regionInScreenshot.ToRectangle();

            Rectangle scaledCroppedSourceRect = cutProvider_.ToRectangle(sourceRegion.Size);

            Rectangle scaledCroppedSourceRegion = new Rectangle(
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCroppedSourceRect.X / pixelRatio),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCroppedSourceRect.Y / pixelRatio),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCroppedSourceRect.Width / pixelRatio),
                (int)Math.Ceiling(scaledCroppedSourceRect.Height / pixelRatio));

            Size scaledCropSize = scaledCroppedSourceRegion.Size;

            // The screenshot part is a bit smaller than the screenshot size, in order to eliminate
            // duplicate bottom/right-side scroll bars, as well as fixed position footers.
            Size screenshotPartSize = new Size(
                Math.Max(scaledCropSize.Width, MinScreenshotPartSize_),
                Math.Max(scaledCropSize.Height, MinScreenshotPartSize_)

            logger_.Verbose("Screenshot part size: {0}", screenshotPartSize);

            // Getting the list of viewport regions composing the page (we'll take screenshot for each one).
            Rectangle rectInScreenshot;

            if (regionInScreenshot.IsSizeEmpty)
                int x = Math.Max(0, fullarea.Left);
                int y = Math.Max(0, fullarea.Top);
                int w = Math.Min(fullarea.Width, scaledCropSize.Width);
                int h = Math.Min(fullarea.Height, scaledCropSize.Height);
                rectInScreenshot = new Rectangle(
                    (int)Math.Round(x * pixelRatio),
                    (int)Math.Round(y * pixelRatio),
                    (int)Math.Round(w * pixelRatio),
                    (int)Math.Round(h * pixelRatio));
                rectInScreenshot = regionInScreenshot.Rectangle;

            fullarea = CoerceImageSize_(fullarea);

            ICollection <SubregionForStitching> screenshotParts = fullarea.GetSubRegions(screenshotPartSize, stitchOverlap_, pixelRatio, rectInScreenshot, logger_);

            Bitmap stitchedImage = new Bitmap(fullarea.Width, fullarea.Height);

            // Take screenshot and stitch for each screenshot part.
            StitchScreenshot_(stitchOffset, positionProvider, screenshotParts, stitchedImage, scaleProvider.ScaleRatio, scaledCutProvider, sizeRatio);


Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Forces all images sizes to be refreshed from the respective providers.
        /// </summary>
        protected void RefreshItemImages()
            Size imageSize = IconImageProvider.GetIconSize(ImageSize);

            ImageScalingSize = imageSize;

            bool           changesMade   = false;
            IImageProvider imageProvider = null;


            foreach (ToolStripItem item in Items)
                if (item.Size != imageSize)
                    imageProvider = null;

                    // If an image provider was registered with the toolstrip then...
                    if (ContainsImage(item))
                        if (IsImageSupported(item, ImageSize))
                            item.Image = GetImage(item, ImageSize);
                        else if (UseUnknownImageSizeIcon && IsImageSupported(ImageSize))
                            item.Image = GetImage(ImageSize);

                        changesMade = true;
                    else if (item is IImageProvider)
                        imageProvider = item as IImageProvider;
                    else if (item.Tag is IImageProvider)
                        imageProvider = item.Tag as IImageProvider;

                    // If an alternative image provider was found, attempt to use that.
                    if (!changesMade && imageProvider != null)
                        if (imageProvider.IsImageSupported(ImageSize))
                            item.Image  = imageProvider.GetImage(ImageSize);
                            changesMade = true;

                    // Were changes made?
                    if (changesMade)
                        // Automatically adjust the image scaling mode.
                        if (item.Image != null && item.Image.Size == imageSize)
                            item.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None;
                            item.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit;

Пример #7
        public async Task <CreateImageFromImageResult> CreateImageFromExistingImage(FolderIdType folderId, FileIdType fileId, FileIdType newFileId, int quality, int width, bool asProgressive = true)
            var fileName    = $"{_prefix}/{folderId}/{fileId}";
            var newFileName = $"{_prefix}/{folderId}/{newFileId}";

            var newGetRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest
                BucketName = _bucketName,
                Key        = newFileName

                var newGetResponse = await _client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(newGetRequest);

                var newUri = GetUri(fileName);
                throw new Exception($"The blob you want to create already exists - {newUri}!");
            catch (AmazonS3Exception ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == "NotFound")
                    var oldGetRequest = new GetObjectRequest
                        BucketName = _bucketName,
                        Key        = fileName

                    var oldRequest = await _client.GetObjectAsync(oldGetRequest);

                    var oldUri = GetUri(fileName);

                    if (oldRequest.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        byte[] bytes;

                        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                            await oldRequest.ResponseStream.CopyToAsync(ms);

                            ms.Position = 0;
                            bytes       = ms.ToArray();

                        var imageResult = await _imageService.GetImage(bytes, width, quality, asProgressive);

                        var uri = await Upload(folderId, newFileId, imageResult.Bytes, oldRequest.Headers.ContentType);

                        var thumbNailImageResult = await _imageService.GetImage(bytes, 250, 60, true);

                        var thumbnailUri = await Upload(folderId, newFileId, thumbNailImageResult.Bytes, oldRequest.Headers.ContentType, true);

                        return(new CreateImageFromImageResult
                            ImageProcessResult = imageResult,
                            Uri = uri,
                            ThumbnailUri = thumbnailUri
                        throw new Exception($"The blob you want to copy doesn't exists - {oldUri}!");
 private void LoadFromDisk(string fileName)
     _realImage = _imageProvider.GetImage(fileName);