/// <summary>
        /// If a <see cref="ForbidResult"/> should be returned from actions due to conflicts with one or both of the <see cref="Api.Models.Instance.ConfigurationType"/> or the <see cref="IAuthenticationContext.SystemIdentity"/> or a given <paramref name="path"/> tries to access parent directories
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to validate if any</param>
        /// <param name="systemIdentityToUse">The <see cref="ISystemIdentity"/> to use when calling into <see cref="Components.StaticFiles.IConfiguration"/></param>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="ForbidResult"/> should be returned, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</returns>
        bool ForbidDueToModeConflicts(string path, out ISystemIdentity systemIdentityToUse)
            if (Instance.ConfigurationType == ConfigurationType.Disallowed ||
                (Instance.ConfigurationType == ConfigurationType.SystemIdentityWrite && AuthenticationContext.SystemIdentity == null) ||
                (path != null && ioManager.PathContainsParentAccess(path)))
                systemIdentityToUse = null;

            systemIdentityToUse = Instance.ConfigurationType == ConfigurationType.SystemIdentityWrite ? AuthenticationContext.SystemIdentity : null;