public RootQuery( IDroidRepository droidRepository, IHumanRepository humanRepository) { this.Name = "Query"; this.Description = "The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph."; this.FieldAsync <DroidObject, Droid>( "droid", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the droid.", }), resolve: context => droidRepository.GetDroid( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("1ae34c3b-c1a0-4b7b-9375-c5a221d49e68")), context.CancellationToken)); this.FieldAsync <HumanObject, Human>( "human", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <IdGraphType>() { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the human.", }), resolve: context => humanRepository.GetHuman( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")), context.CancellationToken)); }
public QueryObject( IDroidRepository droidRepository, IHumanRepository humanRepository) { this.Name = "Query"; this.Description = "The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph."; this.FieldAsync <DroidObject, Droid>( "droid", "Get a droid by its unique identifier.", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> > { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the droid.", }), resolve: context => droidRepository.GetDroid( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("1ae34c3b-c1a0-4b7b-9375-c5a221d49e68")), context.CancellationToken)); this.FieldAsync <DroidObject, Droid>( "randomDroid", "Get a random droid from the database.", resolve: context => droidRepository.GetRandomDroid(context.CancellationToken)); this.FieldAsync <HumanObject, Human>( "human", "Get a human by its unique identifier.", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >() { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the human.", }), resolve: context => humanRepository.GetHuman( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")), context.CancellationToken)); this.FieldAsync <HumanObject, Human>( "randomHuman", "Get a random human from the database.", resolve: context => humanRepository.GetRandomHuman(context.CancellationToken)); // Just include static info for info query in this case as it's not hitting the dummy repository/database. this.Field <InfoObject>( "info", resolve: context => { return(new Info { Id = "ed7584-2124-98fs-00s3-t739478t", Name = "", Description = "Dockerized ASP.NET Core GraphQL Template" }); }); }
public QueryObject( IDroidRepository droidRepository, IHumanRepository humanRepository) { this.Name = "Query"; this.Description = "The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph."; this.FieldAsync <DroidObject, Droid>( "droid", "Get a droid by it's unique identifier.", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the droid.", }), resolve: context => droidRepository.GetDroid( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("1ae34c3b-c1a0-4b7b-9375-c5a221d49e68")), context.CancellationToken)); this.FieldAsync <HumanObject, Human>( "human", "Get a human by it's unique identifier.", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <IdGraphType>() { Name = "id", Description = "The unique identifier of the human.", }), resolve: context => humanRepository.GetHuman( context.GetArgument("id", defaultValue: new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")), context.CancellationToken)); this.Connection <DroidObject>() .Name("droids") .Description("Gets pages of droids.") // Enable the last and before arguments to do paging in reverse. .Bidirectional() // Set the maximum size of a page, use .ReturnAll() to set no maximum size. .PageSize(MaxPageSize) .ResolveAsync(context => ResolveConnection(droidRepository, context)); }
public async Task <Human> GetHuman(int humanId) { return(await _repository.GetHuman(humanId)); }