private static void insertPointQuaReport(IHAction.SectionTimeSeg seg, string para_code) { IHAction ihopt = new IHAction(); IHAction.TimeSeg timeseg = new IHAction.TimeSeg(seg.starttime, seg.endtime, seg.type, seg.planno, para_code, seg.batchstart); InsertRecord(timeseg); }
private static void insertPointQuaReport(string starttime, string endtime, string para_code) { IHAction ihopt = new IHAction(); List <IHAction.TimeSeg> timesegs = ihopt.TimeCut(starttime, endtime, para_code); foreach (IHAction.TimeSeg seg in timesegs) { InsertRecord(seg); } }
//private static void InsertSectionQuaReport(string starttime, string endtime) //{ // MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); // DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select distinct r.section_code ,r.section_name from ht_pub_tech_section r left join ht_pub_tech_para s on substr(s.para_code,1,5) = r.section_code and s.is_del = '0' and s.is_valid = '1' where r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and s.para_type like '___1%' order by r.section_code"); // // IHDataOpt ihopt = new IHDataOpt(); // IHAction ihopt = new IHAction(); // foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows) // { // //判断该工艺段是否有批次报告记录 // int count = Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select count(rowid) as count from ht_qlt_data_record t where substr(para_code,1,5) = '" + row["section_code"].ToString() + "' and b_time <= '" + starttime + "' and e_time >= '" + endtime + "'", "count")); // string query = "select r.para_code from ht_pub_tech_para r where substr(r.para_code,1,5) = '" + row["section_code"].ToString() + "' and r.para_type like '___1%'"; // DataSet pointsets = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); // if (count < pointsets.Tables[0].Rows.Count && ihopt.TaskShiftNum(starttime, endtime, row["section_code"].ToString()) > 0) // { // foreach (DataRow prow in pointsets.Tables[0].Rows) // { // insertPointQuaReport(starttime, endtime, prow["para_code"].ToString()); // } // } // } //} private static void InsertSectionQuaReport(string starttime, string endtime) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select distinct r.section_code ,r.section_name from ht_pub_tech_section r left join ht_pub_tech_para s on substr(s.para_code,1,5) = r.section_code and s.is_del = '0' and s.is_valid = '1' where r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and s.para_type like '___1%' order by r.section_code"); IHAction ihopt = new IHAction(); foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows) { List <IHAction.SectionTimeSeg> segs = ihopt.sectionTimeCut(starttime, endtime, row["section_code"].ToString()); foreach (IHAction.SectionTimeSeg seg in segs) { int count = Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select count(rowid) as count from ht_qlt_data_record t where substr(para_code,1,5) = '" + row["section_code"].ToString() + "' and b_time <= '" + starttime + "' and e_time >= '" + endtime + "'", "count")); DataSet pointsets = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select t.para_name,t.para_code from ht_pub_path_section r left join ht_pub_path_node s on s.section_code = r.section_code and substr(r.pathcode,s.orders,1) = '1' and s.is_del = '0' left join ht_pub_tech_para t on t.path_node = and t.is_del = '0' where r.section_code = '" + seg.sectioncode + "' and r.is_del = '0' and r.pathcode = '" + seg.pathcode + "' and t.para_type like '___1%' union select r.para_name,r.para_code from ht_pub_tech_para r where r.para_type like '___1%' and r.is_del = '0' and r.para_code like '" + seg.sectioncode + "%' and r.path_node is null"); if (count < pointsets.Tables[0].Rows.Count) { foreach (DataRow prow in pointsets.Tables[0].Rows) { insertPointQuaReport(seg, prow["para_code"].ToString()); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 插入某工艺点质量统计报告 /// </summary> /// <param name="seg">开始、结束时间、数据点code、计划号</param> protected static void InsertRecord(MSYS.IHAction.TimeSeg seg) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); int recordnum = Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select count(rowid) as count from ht_qlt_data_record where plan_id = '" + seg.planno + "' and para_code = '" + seg.nodecode + "' and b_time = '" + seg.starttime + "' and e_time = '" + seg.endtime + "'", "count")); //if (recordnum > 0) // return; string teamcode = opt.GetSegValue("select team_code from ht_prod_schedule where date_begin <='" + seg.starttime + "' and date_end >='" + seg.endtime + "' and work_staus = '1'", "team_code"); IHAction ihopt = new IHAction(); //根据开始、结束时间、数据点code、计划号获取原始数据,返回的数据为三列:时间、值、状态;状态为料头、料尾、过程值、断流 List <IHAction.ParaRes> dt = ihopt.GetIHOrgDataSet(seg); if (dt == null) { return; } string gaptime = ""; string is_gap = "0"; List <IHAction.Gaptime> gaplist = ihopt.gaptimes(); if (gaplist == null) { gaptime = "0"; } else { int timecount = 0; foreach (IHAction.Gaptime time in gaplist) { timecount += time.gaptime; } gaptime = timecount.ToString(); } if (gaptime != "0") { is_gap = "1"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double[] samples = null; if (dt != null && dt.Count > 0) { List <IHAction.ParaRes> Rows = dt.FindAll(s => s.status == "过程值"); samples = Rows.Select(s => s.value).ToArray(); } ///////////////根据原始数据计算算统计数据/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (samples != null && samples.GetLength(0) > 0) { DataSet set = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select s.para_code,s.value,s.upper_limit,s.lower_limit from ht_pub_prod_design r left join ht_tech_stdd_code_detail s on r.tech_stdd_code = s.tech_code where r.prod_code = '" + seg.planno.Substring(8, 7) + "' and s.para_code = '" + seg.nodecode + "'"); if (set != null && set.Tables[0].Select().GetLength(0) > 0 && set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["value"].ToString() != "" && set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["upper_limit"].ToString() != "" && set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["lower_limit"].ToString() != "") { string CL = set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["value"].ToString(); string upvalue = set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["upper_limit"].ToString(); string lowvalue = set.Tables[0].Select()[0]["lower_limit"].ToString(); SPCFunctions spc = new SPCFunctions(samples, Convert.ToDouble(upvalue), Convert.ToDouble(lowvalue)); string[] tableseg = { "PLAN_ID", "PROD_CODE", "PARA_CODE", "TEAM", "B_TIME", "E_TIME", "AVG", "COUNT", "MIN", "MAX", "QUANUM", "QUARATE", "UPCOUNT", "UPRATE", "DOWNCOUNT", "DOWNRATE", "STDDEV", "ABSDEV", "IS_GAP", "CPK", "VAR", "RANGE", "GAP_TIME" }; string[] tablevalue = { seg.planno, seg.planno.Substring(8, 7), seg.nodecode, teamcode, seg.starttime, seg.endtime, spc.avg.ToString(), spc.count.ToString(), spc.min.ToString(), spc.max.ToString(), spc.passcount.ToString(), spc.passrate.ToString("f4"), spc.upcount.ToString(), spc.uprate.ToString("f4"), spc.downcount.ToString(), spc.downrate.ToString("f4"), spc.stddev.ToString("f4"), spc.absdev.ToString("f4"), is_gap, spc.Cpk.ToString("f4"), spc.var.ToString("f4"), spc.Range.ToString("f4"), gaptime }; opt.MergeInto(tableseg, tablevalue, 6, "HT_QLT_DATA_RECORD"); } } }