Пример #1
 public GRIB2Record(int disciplineNo, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2ProductDefinitionSection pds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms, GRIB2DataSection ds, long gdsOffset, long pdsOffset, long dataOffset)
     _gdsOffset  = gdsOffset;
     _pdsOffset  = pdsOffset;
     _dataOffset = dataOffset;
     _gds        = gds;
     _pds        = pds;
     _drs        = drs;
     _bms        = bms;
     _ds         = ds;
     _parameter  = ParametersFactory.GetParameter(disciplineNo, pds.ParameterCategory, pds.ParameterNumber);
Пример #2
 private GRIB_Point[] Jpeg2000Unpacking(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms)
Пример #3
        private GRIB_Point[] SimpleUnpacking(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms)
            // dataPoints are number of points encoded, it could be less than the
            // numberPoints in the grid record if bitMap is used, otherwise equal
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            int   dataPoints   = drs.DataPoints;
            float pmv          = drs.PrimaryMissingValue;
            int   nb           = drs.NumberOfBits;
            int   D            = drs.DecimalScaleFactor;
            float DD           = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)10, (double)D);
            float R            = drs.ReferenceValue;
            int   E            = drs.BinaryScaleFactor;
            float EE           = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)2.0, (double)E);
            int   numberPoints = gds.PointsNumber;

            GRIB_Point[] data   = new GRIB_Point[numberPoints];
            bool[]       bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
            //  Y * 10**D = R + (X1 + X2) * 2**E
            //   E = binary scale factor
            //   D = decimal scale factor
            //   R = reference value
            //   X1 = 0
            //   X2 = scaled encoded value
            //   data[ i ] = (R + ( X1 + X2) * EE)/DD ;
            if (bitmap == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < numberPoints; i++)
                    data[i].Index = i;
                    data[i].Value = (R + Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * EE) / DD;
                for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                    data[i].Index = i;
                    if (bitmap[i])
                        //data[ i ] = (R + ( X1 + X2) * EE)/DD ;
                        data[i].Value = (R + Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * EE) / DD;
                        data[i].Value = pmv;
Пример #4
        public GRIB_Point[] Read()
                if (_fs != null)
                    IGribBitMapSection bms    = null;
                    GRIB_Point[]       points = null;
                    bool isConstant           = false;
                    _fs.Seek(_dataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    if (_isBmsExist)
                        bms = new Grib1BitMapSection(_fs);
                    // octets 1-3 (section _length)
                    int dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);

                    // octet 4, 1st half (packing flag)
                    int unusedbits = _fs.ReadByte();

                    if ((unusedbits & 192) != 0)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("BDS: (octet 4, 1st half) not grid point data and simple packing ");

                    // octet 4, 2nd half (number of unused bits at end of this section)
                    unusedbits = unusedbits & 15;

                    // octets 5-6 (binary scale factor)
                    int binscale = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);

                    // octets 7-10 (reference point = minimum value)
                    float refvalue = GribNumberHelper.Float4(_fs);

                    // octet 11 (number of bits per value)
                    int numbits = _fs.ReadByte();
                    if (numbits == 0)
                        isConstant = true;
                    float refRenamed = (float)(Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * refvalue);
                    float scale      = (float)(System.Math.Pow(10.0, -_decscale) * System.Math.Pow(2.0, binscale));

                    if (_firstlat == 0 & _lastlat == 90)
                        if (bms != null)
                            bool[] bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
                            points = new GRIB_Point[bitmap.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                                int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                if (bitmap[i])
                                    if (!isConstant)
                                        points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[m].Index = i;
                                        points[m].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                        // rdg - added this to handle a constant valued parameter
                                        points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[m].Index = i;
                                        points[m].Value = refRenamed;
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = -9999f;
                            if (!isConstant)
                                points = new GRIB_Point[((dataLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / numbits];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                // constant valued - same min and max
                                int x = 0, y = 0;
                                _fs.Seek(_fs.Position - 53, SeekOrigin.Begin); // return to start of GDS
                                dataLength = (int)GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                if (dataLength == 42)
                                    // Lambert/Mercator offset
                                    _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    _fs.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                    if (dataLength == 32)
                                        // Polar sterographic
                                        _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                        x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        x = y = 1;
                                points = new GRIB_Point[x * y];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    int m = (_height - (int)(i / _width) - 1) * _width + (i % _width);
                                    points[m]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[m].Index = i;
                                    points[m].Value = refRenamed;
                        if (bms != null)
                            bool[] bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
                            points = new GRIB_Point[bitmap.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                                if (bitmap[i])
                                    if (!isConstant)
                                        points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[i].Index = i;
                                        points[i].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                        // rdg - added this to handle a constant valued parameter
                                        points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                        points[i].Index = i;
                                        points[i].Value = refRenamed;
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = -9999f;
                            if (!isConstant)
                                points = new GRIB_Point[((dataLength - 11) * 8 - unusedbits) / numbits];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = refRenamed + scale * Bits2UInt(numbits, _fs);
                                // constant valued - same min and max
                                int x = 0, y = 0;
                                _fs.Seek(_fs.Position - 53, SeekOrigin.Begin); // return to start of GDS
                                dataLength = (int)GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                if (dataLength == 42)
                                    // Lambert/Mercator offset
                                    _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                    _fs.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    dataLength = GribNumberHelper.Uint3(_fs);
                                    if (dataLength == 32)
                                        // Polar sterographic
                                        _fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                        x = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        y = GribNumberHelper.Int2(_fs);
                                        x = y = 1;
                                points = new GRIB_Point[x * y];
                                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                    points[i]       = new GRIB_Point();
                                    points[i].Index = i;
                                    points[i].Value = refRenamed;
                _fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);