Пример #1
        public async Task TestSimple()
            Simple.Place cave = new Simple.Place()
                name = "Cave of Hobbit"
            Simple.Place restaurant = new Simple.Place()
                name = "Restaurant Green Dragon"
            Simple.Place europe = new Simple.Place()
                name    = "Europe",
                country = GraphProperty.Create("country", "AT", "MetaTag1", "Austria").AddValue("FI", "MetaTag1", "Finnland")
            Simple.Path hobbitPath = new Simple.Path(cave, restaurant, 2); //TODO: find out why 2.3 has an issue

            await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Simple.Place>(collection, cave);

            await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Simple.Place>(collection, restaurant);

            await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Simple.Place>(collection, europe);

            await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Simple.Path>(collection, hobbitPath);

            MemoryGraph partialGraph = new MemoryGraph();

            string gremlinQueryStatement = "g.V().hasLabel('place')";

            Console.WriteLine($"Executing gremlin query as string: {gremlinQueryStatement}");
            var germlinQuery = client.CreateGremlinQuery <Vertex>(collection, gremlinQueryStatement);

            while (germlinQuery.HasMoreResults)
                // It is not required to pass in a context like partialGraph here. This parameter can be omitted.
                foreach (var result in await germlinQuery.ExecuteNextAsyncAsPOCO <Simple.Place>(partialGraph))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{result.Label} Name:{result.name}");

            #region EXPERIMENTAL DEMO
            /// =================================================================================================
            /// IMPORTANT: The following code makes use of the internal GraphTraversal class, which should not
            /// be used according to the documentation of Microsofts Graph Library. Use at your own risk.
            /// =================================================================================================
            // Connect with GraphConnection
            object graphConnection = GraphConnectionFactory.Create(client, collection);
            // Drop previous context (optional if the same graph)
            Microsoft.Azure.Graphs.GraphCommand cmd = GraphCommandFactory.Create(graphConnection);

            GraphTraversal placeTrav = cmd.g().V().HasLabel("place");
            GraphTraversal edgeTrav  = cmd.g().E().HasLabel("path");
                Console.WriteLine("Retrieving all places with 'NextAsPOCO'-Extension on GraphTraversal ");
                // Returns a list of all vertices for place
                var places = await placeTrav.NextAsPOCO <Simple.Place>(partialGraph);

                foreach (Simple.Place place in places)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{place.Label} Name:{place.name}");

            // Drop previous context (optional if the same graph)
            IGraphSerializer <Simple.Place> placeGraphSerializer = GraphSerializerFactory.CreateGraphSerializer <Simple.Place>(partialGraph);
            foreach (var p in placeTrav)
                IList <Simple.Place> places = placeGraphSerializer.DeserializeGraphSON(p); // Returns more than one result in each call
                foreach (Simple.Place place in places)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{place.Label} Name:{place.name}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Serializing to CosmosDB internal represenation: ");
                    string docDBJson = placeGraphSerializer.ConvertToDocDBJObject(place).ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine($"JSON ==> {docDBJson}");

            Console.WriteLine("Iterating over GraphTraversal Paths (Edges) and deserializing GraphSON to custom object ");
            IGraphSerializer <Simple.Path> pathGraphSerializer = GraphSerializerFactory.CreateGraphSerializer <Simple.Path>(partialGraph);
            foreach (var p in edgeTrav)
                IList <Simple.Path> paths = pathGraphSerializer.DeserializeGraphSON(p); // Returns more than one result in each loop
                foreach (Simple.Path path in paths)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Edge ==> Label:{path.Label} Weight:{path.weight}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Serializing to CosmosDB internal represenation: ");
                    string docDBJson = pathGraphSerializer.ConvertToDocDBJObject(path).ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine($"JSON ==> {docDBJson}");
        static async Task Demo()
                Console.WriteLine("Demo for the SpectoLogic.Azure.CosmosDB Extension Library");
                Console.WriteLine("(c) by SpectoLogic e.U. 2017");
                Console.WriteLine("written by Andreas Pollak");
                Console.WriteLine("Licensed under the MIT License");

                // Connect with DocumentClient and create necessary Database and Collection
                Console.Write("Creating Collection 'thehobbit'...");
                DocumentClient client = await CosmosDBHelper.ConnectToCosmosDB(Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit, Account_DemoBuild_Hobbit_Key);

                Database db = await CosmosDBHelper.CreateOrGetDatabase(client, "demodb");

                DocumentCollection collection = await CosmosDBHelper.CreateCollection(client, db, "thehobbit", 400, null, null, false);


                Console.WriteLine("DEMO: Delivery Demo ");

                Delivery.Demo d = new Delivery.Demo();
                await d.Execute(client, collection);

                Console.WriteLine("DEMO: Create custom objects and populate cosmosdb graph");

                Place cave = new Place()
                    name = "Cave of Hobbit"
                Place restaurant = new Place()
                    name = "Restaurant Green Dragon"
                Place europe = new Place()
                    name    = "Europe",
                    country = GraphProperty.Create("country", "AT", "MetaTag1", "Austria").AddValue("FI", "MetaTag1", "Finnland")
                Path hobbitPath = new Path(cave, restaurant, 2); //TODO: find out why 2.3 has an issue

                await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Place>(collection, cave);

                await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Place>(collection, restaurant);

                await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Place>(collection, europe);

                await client.CreateGraphDocumentAsync <Path>(collection, hobbitPath);

                Console.WriteLine("DEMO: Usage of 'ExecuteNextAsyncAsPOCO<T>'-Extension Method on typed Gremlin Query");

                MemoryGraph partialGraph = new MemoryGraph();

                string gremlinQueryStatement = "g.V().hasLabel('place')";
                Console.WriteLine($"Executing gremlin query as string: {gremlinQueryStatement}");
                var germlinQuery = client.CreateGremlinQuery <Vertex>(collection, gremlinQueryStatement);
                while (germlinQuery.HasMoreResults)
                    // It is not required to pass in a context like partialGraph here. This parameter can be omitted.
                    foreach (var result in await germlinQuery.ExecuteNextAsyncAsPOCO <Place>(partialGraph))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{result.Label} Name:{result.name}");

                #region EXPERIMENTAL DEMO
                /// =================================================================================================
                /// IMPORTANT: The following code makes use of the internal GraphTraversal class, which should not
                /// be used according to the documentation of Microsofts Graph Library. Use at your own risk.
                /// =================================================================================================
                Console.WriteLine("DEMO: Usage of 'NextAsPOCO<T>' with GraphCommand and GraphTraversal ");
                Console.Write("Connecting with GraphConnection object...");
                // Connect with GraphConnection
                object graphConnection = GraphConnectionFactory.Create(client, collection);

                // Drop previous context (optional if the same graph)

                Microsoft.Azure.Graphs.GraphCommand cmd = GraphCommandFactory.Create(graphConnection);

                GraphTraversal placeTrav = cmd.g().V().HasLabel("place");
                GraphTraversal edgeTrav  = cmd.g().E().HasLabel("path");
                    Console.WriteLine("Retrieving all places with 'NextAsPOCO'-Extension on GraphTraversal ");
                    // Returns a list of all vertices for place
                    var places = await placeTrav.NextAsPOCO <Place>(partialGraph);

                    foreach (Place place in places)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{place.Label} Name:{place.name}");

                Console.WriteLine("DEMO: Direct Usage of GraphSerializer<T> with GraphTraversal  ");
                // Drop previous context (optional if the same graph)

                Console.WriteLine("Iterating over GraphTraversal Places (Vertices) and deserializing GraphSON to custom object ");
                IGraphSerializer <Place> placeGraphSerializer = GraphSerializerFactory.CreateGraphSerializer <Place>(partialGraph);
                foreach (var p in placeTrav)
                    IList <Place> places = placeGraphSerializer.DeserializeGraphSON(p); // Returns more than one result in each call
                    foreach (Place place in places)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Vertex ==> Label:{place.Label} Name:{place.name}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Serializing to CosmosDB internal represenation: ");
                        string docDBJson = placeGraphSerializer.ConvertToDocDBJObject(place).ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine($"JSON ==> {docDBJson}");

                Console.WriteLine("Iterating over GraphTraversal Paths (Edges) and deserializing GraphSON to custom object ");
                IGraphSerializer <Path> pathGraphSerializer = GraphSerializerFactory.CreateGraphSerializer <Path>(partialGraph);
                foreach (var p in edgeTrav)
                    IList <Path> paths = pathGraphSerializer.DeserializeGraphSON(p); // Returns more than one result in each loop
                    foreach (Path path in paths)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Edge ==> Label:{path.Label} Weight:{path.weight}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Serializing to CosmosDB internal represenation: ");
                        string docDBJson = pathGraphSerializer.ConvertToDocDBJObject(path).ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine($"JSON ==> {docDBJson}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Demo failed with {ex.Message}.");