Пример #1
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:MoveAndDeleteAppointment
                GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret");
                string         accessToken;
                string         refreshToken;
                GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken);

                // Get IGmailclient
                using (IGmailClient client = Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail))
                    string SourceCalendarId      = client.ListCalendars()[0].Id;
                    string DestinationCalendarId = client.ListCalendars()[1].Id;
                    string TargetAppUniqueId     = client.ListAppointments(SourceCalendarId)[0].UniqueId;

                    // Retrieve the list of appointments in the destination calendar before moving the appointment
                    Appointment[] appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Before moving count = " + appointments.Length);
                    Appointment Movedapp = client.MoveAppointment(SourceCalendarId, DestinationCalendarId, TargetAppUniqueId);

                    // Retrieve the list of appointments in the destination calendar after moving the appointment
                    appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId);
                    Console.WriteLine("After moving count = " + appointments.Length);

                    // Delete particular appointment from a calendar using unique id
                    client.DeleteAppointment(DestinationCalendarId, Movedapp.UniqueId);

                    // Retrieve the list of appointments. It should be one less than the earlier appointments in the destination calendar
                    appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId);
                    Console.WriteLine("After deleting count = " + appointments.Length);

                // ExEnd:MoveAndDeleteAppointment
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:QueryingCalendar
                // Get access token
                GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret");
                string         accessToken;
                string         refreshToken;
                GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken);

                // Get IGmailClient
                using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail))
                    // Initialize calendar item
                    Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar calendar1 = new Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar("summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null, "Europe/Kiev");

                    // Insert calendar and get back id of newly inserted calendar and Fetch the same calendar using calendar id
                    string id = client.CreateCalendar(calendar1);
                    Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar cal1 = client.FetchCalendar(id);
                    string calendarId1 = cal1.Id;
                        // Get list of appointments in newly inserted calendar. It should be zero
                        Appointment[] appointments = client.ListAppointments(calendarId1);
                        if (appointments.Length != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Wrong number of appointments");

                        // Create a new appointment and Calculate appointment start and finish time
                        DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;
                        DateTime endDate   = startDate.AddHours(1);

                        // Create attendees list for appointment
                        MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection();

                        // Create appointment
                        Appointment app1 = new Appointment("Location - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), startDate, endDate, "*****@*****.**", attendees);
                        app1.Summary       = "Summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        app1.Description   = "Description - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        app1.StartTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev";
                        app1.EndTimeZone   = "Europe/Kiev";

                        // Insert the newly created appointment and get back the same in case of successful insertion
                        Appointment app2 = client.CreateAppointment(calendarId1, app1);

                        // Create Freebusy query by setting min/max timeand time zone
                        FreebusyQuery query = new FreebusyQuery();
                        query.TimeMin  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                        query.TimeMax  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
                        query.TimeZone = "Europe/Kiev";

                        // Set calendar item to search and Get the reponse of query containing
                        FreebusyResponse resp = client.GetFreebusyInfo(query);
                        // Delete the appointment
                        client.DeleteAppointment(calendarId1, app2.UniqueId);
                        // Delete the calendar
                // ExEnd:QueryingCalendar
            catch (Exception ex)