Пример #1
        private void OnItemRemoved(object item, int position)
            IGeneratorHost   host      = this;
            DependencyObject container = this.ItemsHost.Children[position];

            this.ItemContainerGenerator.INTERNAL_TryUnregisterContainer(container, item);

            host.ClearContainerForItem(container, item);
Пример #2
        internal void Refresh(bool reuseContainers)
            IGeneratorHost host = this;

            DependencyObject[] oldContainers = new DependencyObject[Math.Max(this.ItemsHost.Children.Count, this.Items.CountInternal)];

            // First we need to get the containers and their associated item,
            // or they will be lost before being able to clear them.
            int containersCount = this.ItemsHost.Children.Count;

            object[] oldItems = new object[containersCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < containersCount; ++i)
                DependencyObject container = this.ItemsHost.InternalChildren[i];
                oldContainers[i] = container;
                oldItems[i]      = this.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(container);

            if (!reuseContainers)

                for (int i = 0; i < containersCount; ++i)
                    host.ClearContainerForItem(oldContainers[i], oldItems[i]);

            int count = this.Items.CountInternal;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                object           item = this.Items[i];
                DependencyObject recycledContainer = reuseContainers ? oldContainers[i] : null;
                DependencyObject container         = host.GetContainerForItem(item, recycledContainer);

                if (!reuseContainers)
                    this.ItemContainerGenerator.INTERNAL_RegisterContainer(container, item);
                    if (container != item)
                        container.SetValue(FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty, item);

                host.PrepareItemContainer(container, item);
Пример #3
        internal static void UnlinkContainerFromItem(DependencyObject container, object item, IGeneratorHost host)
            // When a container is removed from the tree, its future takes one of
            // two forms:
            //      a) [normal mode] the container becomes eligible for GC
            //      b) [recycling mode] the container joins the recycled list, and
            //          possibly re-enters the tree at some point, usually with a
            //          different item.
            // As Dev10 bug 452669 and some "subtle issues" that arose in the
            // container recycling work illustrate, it's important that the container
            // and its subtree sever their connection to the data item.  Otherwise
            // you can get aliasing - a dead container reacting to the same item as a live
            // container.  Even without aliasing, it's a perf waste for a dead container
            // to continue reacting to its former data item.
            // On the other hand, it's a perf waste to spend too much effort cleaning
            // up the container and its subtree, since they will often just get GC'd
            // in the near future.
            // WPF initially did a full cleanup of the container, removing all properties
            // that were set in PrepareContainerForItem.  This avoided aliasing, but
            // was deemed too expensive, especially for scrolling.  For Windows OS Bug
            // 1445288, all this cleanup work was removed.  This sped up scrolling, but
            // introduced the problems cited in Dev10 452669 and the recycling "subtle
            // issues".  A compromise is needed.
            // The compromise is tell the container to attach to a sentinel item
            // BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem.  We allow this to propagate into the
            // conainer's subtree through properties like DataContext and
            // ContentControl.Content that are normally set by PrepareItemForContainer.
            // A Binding that sees the sentinel as the data item will disconnect its
            // event listeners from the former data item, but will not change its
            // own value or invalidate its target property.  This avoids the cost
            // of re-measuring most of the subtree.


            // TreeView virtualization requires that we call ClearContainer before setting
            // the DataContext to "Disconnected".  This gives the TreeViewItems a chance
            // to save "Item values" in the look-aside table, before that table is
            // discarded.   (See Dev10 628778)
            host.ClearContainerForItem(container, item);

            if (container != item)
                DependencyProperty dp = FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty;

                #if DEBUG
                // Some ancient code at this point handled the case when DataContext
                // was set via an Expression (presumably a binding).  I don't think
                // this actually happens any more.  Just in case...
                EntryIndex entryIndex = container.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                Debug.Assert(!container.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp), "DataContext set by expression (unexpectedly)");

                container.SetValue(dp, BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem);
Пример #4
 private void Remove(GeneratedItemContainer container)
     host.ClearContainerForItem(container.Item, container.Container);