Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to enable/disable a particular parameter based on the possible values
        /// in its domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramObj">
        /// The parameter to enabled/disable.  The domain for this parameter must be a
        /// IGPCodedValueDomain.
        /// </param>
        private void EnableDisableParamBasedOnDomain(object paramObj)
            IGPParameter3       param     = paramObj as IGPParameter3;
            IGPParameterEdit3   paramEdit = paramObj as IGPParameterEdit3;
            IGPCodedValueDomain domain    = param.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain;

            paramEdit.Enabled = (domain != null && domain.CodeCount > 0);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a domain containing the usernames of the users to whom a
        /// user can assign jobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wmxDb">A reference to the active Workflow Manager database</param>
        /// <param name="username">The name of the user to be tested</param>
        /// <param name="extraValues">An array of string values to be added to the list</param>
        /// <returns>A coded value domain of strings</returns>
        public static IGPDomain BuildAssignableUsersDomain(IJTXDatabase3 wmxDb, string username, string[] extraValues)
            IGPCodedValueDomain domain = null;

            // Only proceed if the user exists in the Workflow Manager database
            IJTXUser3 user = wmxDb.ConfigurationManager.GetUser(username) as IJTXUser3;

            if (user == null)
                return(domain as IGPDomain);

            // Case 1: If the user can assign the job to anyone, then
            // just use the "all users" list
            if (user.HasNamedPrivilege(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.Constants.PRIV_ASSIGN_ANY_JOB))
                domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildUsersDomain(wmxDb, extraValues) as IGPCodedValueDomain;
                domain = new GPCodedValueDomainClass();
                string[] eligibleUsers = null;

                // Case 2: The user can assign jobs to anyone within any of their groups
                if (user.HasNamedPrivilege(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.Constants.PRIV_GROUP_JOB_ASSIGN))
                    HashSet <string> usernames = new HashSet <string>();
                    IJTXUserGroupSet groups    = user.Groups;

                    for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++)
                        IJTXUserGroup group = groups.get_Item(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < group.Users.Count; j++)

                    eligibleUsers = usernames.ToArray();
                // Case 3: The user can assign jobs to themselves
                else if (user.HasNamedPrivilege(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.Constants.PRIV_INDIVIDUAL_JOB_ASSIGN))
                    eligibleUsers = new string[] { username };
                // Case 4: The user can't assign jobs to anyone
                    eligibleUsers = new string[0];

                // Sort the types first
                SortedList <string, string> sortedValues = new SortedList <string, string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < eligibleUsers.Length; i++)
                    sortedValues.Add(eligibleUsers[i], null);

                // Add the extra values, if any
                if (extraValues != null)
                    foreach (string s in extraValues)
                        sortedValues.Add(s, null);

                // Add the sorted types to the domain
                foreach (string value in sortedValues.Keys)
                    IGPValue tempGpVal = new GPStringClass();
                    domain.AddCode(tempGpVal, value);

            return(domain as IGPDomain);
Пример #3
        public void UpdateParameters(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                IGPUtilities3 gpUtilities3 = new GPUtilitiesClass();

                IGPValue inputOSMGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(in_osmFeatureClass));

                IFeatureClass osmFeatureClass = null;
                ITable        osmInputTable   = null;
                IQueryFilter  osmQueryFilter  = null;

                    gpUtilities3.DecodeFeatureLayer(inputOSMGPValue, out osmFeatureClass, out osmQueryFilter);
                    osmInputTable = osmFeatureClass as ITable;
                catch { }

                    if (osmInputTable == null)
                        gpUtilities3.DecodeTableView(inputOSMGPValue, out osmInputTable, out osmQueryFilter);
                catch { }

                if (osmInputTable == null)

                String illegalCharacters = String.Empty;

                ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = ((IDataset)osmInputTable).Workspace as ISQLSyntax;
                if (sqlSyntax != null)
                    illegalCharacters = sqlSyntax.GetInvalidCharacters();

                // find the field that holds tag binary/xml field
                int osmTagCollectionFieldIndex = osmInputTable.FindField("osmTags");

                // if the Field doesn't exist - wasn't found (index = -1) get out
                if (osmTagCollectionFieldIndex == -1)

                if (((IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelector)).Altered)
                    IGPParameter  tagCollectionParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelector) as IGPParameter;
                    IGPMultiValue tagCollectionGPValue   = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(tagCollectionParameter) as IGPMultiValue;

                    IGPCodedValueDomain codedTagDomain = tagCollectionParameter.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain;

                    for (int attributeValueIndex = 0; attributeValueIndex < tagCollectionGPValue.Count; attributeValueIndex++)
                        string   valueString    = tagCollectionGPValue.get_Value(attributeValueIndex).GetAsText();
                        IGPValue testFieldValue = codedTagDomain.FindValue(valueString);

                        if (testFieldValue == null)
                            codedTagDomain.AddStringCode(valueString, valueString);

                    // Get the derived output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This ensures
                    // that you don't get dublicate entries.
                    // Derived output is the third parameter, so use index 2 for get_Element.
                    IGPParameter3    derivedFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(out_osmFeatureClass);
                    IGPFeatureSchema schema          = (IGPFeatureSchema)derivedFeatures.Schema;
                    schema.AdditionalFields = null;

                    IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = new FieldsClass();

                    for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < tagCollectionGPValue.Count; valueIndex++)
                        string tagString = tagCollectionGPValue.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText();

                        if (tagString != "ALL")
                            // Check if the input field already exists.
                            string cleanedTagKey = convert2AttributeFieldName(tagString, illegalCharacters);
                            IField tagField      = gpUtilities3.FindField(inputOSMGPValue, cleanedTagKey);
                            if (tagField == null)
                                IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass();
                                fieldEdit.Name_2      = cleanedTagKey;
                                fieldEdit.AliasName_2 = tagCollectionGPValue.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText();
                                fieldEdit.Type_2      = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString;
                                fieldEdit.Length_2    = 100;

                    // Add the additional field to the derived output.
                    IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields;
                    schema.AdditionalFields = fields;

                //if (inputOSMGPValue.IsEmpty() == false)
                //    if (((IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(in_osmFeatureClass)).HasBeenValidated == false)
                //    {
                //        IGPParameter tagCollectionGPParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelector) as IGPParameter;
                //        IGPValue tagCollectionGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(tagCollectionGPParameter);

                //        IGPCodedValueDomain osmTagKeyCodedValues = new GPCodedValueDomainClass();
                //        if (((IGPMultiValue)tagCollectionGPValue).Count == 0)
                //        {
                //            if (osmTagKeyCodedValues == null)
                //                extractAllTags(ref osmTagKeyCodedValues, osmInputTable, osmQueryFilter, osmTagCollectionFieldIndex, true);

                //            if (osmTagKeyCodedValues != null)
                //            {
                //                tagsParameter = tagCollectionGPParameter as IGPParameterEdit;
                //                tagsParameter.Domain = (IGPDomain)osmTagKeyCodedValues;
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            // let's take the given values and make then part of the domain -- if they are not already
                //            // if we don't do this step then we won't pass the internal validation
                //            IGPCodedValueDomain gpTagDomain = tagCollectionGPParameter.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain;

                //            if (gpTagDomain != null)
                //            {
                //                if (gpTagDomain.CodeCount == 0)
                //                {
                //                    // let's add the value existing in the mentioned multi value to the domain
                //                    for (int i = 0; i < ((IGPMultiValue)tagCollectionGPValue).Count; i++)
                //                    {
                //                        string tagStringValue = ((IGPMultiValue)tagCollectionGPValue).get_Value(i).GetAsText();
                //                        gpTagDomain.AddStringCode(tagStringValue, tagStringValue);
                //                    }

                //                    ((IGPParameterEdit)tagCollectionGPParameter).Domain = gpTagDomain as IGPDomain;
                //                }
                //            }
                //        }

                //        // Get the derived output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This ensures
                //        // that you don't get dublicate entries.
                //        // Derived output is the third parameter, so use index 2 for get_Element.
                //        IGPParameter3 derivedFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(out_osmFeatureClass);
                //        IGPFeatureSchema schema = (IGPFeatureSchema)derivedFeatures.Schema;
                //        schema.AdditionalFields = null;

                //        // Area field name is the second parameter, so use index 1 for get_Element.
                //        IGPMultiValue tagsGPMultiValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelector)) as IGPMultiValue;

                //        IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = new FieldsClass();
                //        bool extractALLTags = false;

                //        // check if the list contains the "ALL" keyword
                //        for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < tagsGPMultiValue.Count; valueIndex++)
                //        {
                //            if (tagsGPMultiValue.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText().Equals("ALL"))
                //            {
                //                extractALLTags = true;
                //            }
                //        }

                //        if (extractALLTags)
                //        {
                //            if (osmTagKeyCodedValues == null)
                //            {
                //                extractAllTags(ref osmTagKeyCodedValues, osmInputTable, osmQueryFilter, osmTagCollectionFieldIndex, false);
                //            }

                //            if (osmTagKeyCodedValues != null)
                //            {
                //                for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < osmTagKeyCodedValues.CodeCount; valueIndex++)
                //                {
                //                    // Check if the input field already exists.
                //                    string cleanedTagKey = convert2AttributeFieldName(osmTagKeyCodedValues.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText(), illegalCharacters);
                //                    IField tagField = gpUtilities3.FindField(inputOSMGPValue, cleanedTagKey);
                //                    if (tagField == null)
                //                    {
                //                        IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass();
                //                        fieldEdit.Name_2 = cleanedTagKey;
                //                        fieldEdit.AliasName_2 = osmTagKeyCodedValues.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText();
                //                        fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString;
                //                        fieldEdit.Length_2 = 100;
                //                        fieldsEdit.AddField(fieldEdit);
                //                    }
                //                }
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < tagsGPMultiValue.Count; valueIndex++)
                //            {
                //                // Check if the input field already exists.
                //                string cleanedTagKey = convert2AttributeFieldName(tagsGPMultiValue.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText(), illegalCharacters);
                //                IField tagField = gpUtilities3.FindField(inputOSMGPValue, cleanedTagKey);
                //                if (tagField == null)
                //                {
                //                    IFieldEdit fieldEdit = new FieldClass();
                //                    fieldEdit.Name_2 = cleanedTagKey;
                //                    fieldEdit.AliasName_2 = tagsGPMultiValue.get_Value(valueIndex).GetAsText();
                //                    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString;
                //                    fieldEdit.Length_2 = 100;
                //                    fieldsEdit.AddField(fieldEdit);
                //                }
                //            }
                //        }

                //        // Add the additional field to the derived output.
                //        IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields;
                //        schema.AdditionalFields = fields;

                //    }
            catch { }