         * Creates a file with the specified name.
         * @param descriptor File descriptor of file or folder used for operation.
         * @param callback   Result of the operation.
         * @since v2.0
        public void Create(FileDescriptor descriptor, IFileResultCallback callback)
            // Start logging elapsed time.
            long     tIn    = TimerUtil.CurrentTimeMillis();
            ILogging logger = AppRegistryBridge.GetInstance().GetLoggingBridge();

            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Debug, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge executing create...");

            if (this._delegate != null)
                this._delegate.Create(descriptor, callback);
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Debug, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge executed 'create' in " + (TimerUtil.CurrentTimeMillis() - tIn) + "ms.");
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Error, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge no delegate for 'create'.");
         * Moves the current file to the given file destination, optionally overwriting and creating the path to the
         * new destination file.
         * @param source      File descriptor of file or folder used for operation as source.
         * @param destination File descriptor of file or folder used for operation as destination.
         * @param createPath  True to create the path if it does not already exist.
         * @param callback    Result of the operation.
         * @param overwrite   True to create the path if it does not already exist.
         * @since v2.0
        public void Move(FileDescriptor source, FileDescriptor destination, bool createPath, bool overwrite, IFileResultCallback callback)
            // Start logging elapsed time.
            long     tIn    = TimerUtil.CurrentTimeMillis();
            ILogging logger = AppRegistryBridge.GetInstance().GetLoggingBridge();

            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Debug, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge executing move...");

            if (this._delegate != null)
                this._delegate.Move(source, destination, createPath, overwrite, callback);
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Debug, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge executed 'move' in " + (TimerUtil.CurrentTimeMillis() - tIn) + "ms.");
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log(ILoggingLogLevel.Error, this.apiGroup.ToString(), "FileBridge no delegate for 'move'.");