Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        override protected void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (XYZPoint == null)

            XYZ transformedPoint = scaledLcs.OfPoint(XYZPoint);

            if (transformedPoint == null)

            ElementId gstyleId      = shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId;
            Category  pointCategory = IFCCategoryUtil.GetSubCategoryForRepresentation(shapeEditScope.Document, Id, shapeEditScope.ContainingRepresentation.Identifier);

            if (pointCategory != null)
                GraphicsStyle graphicsStyle = pointCategory.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
                if (graphicsStyle != null)
                    gstyleId = graphicsStyle.Id;

            Point point = Point.Create(transformedPoint, gstyleId);

            if (point == null)

            shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, point));
        private void CreateBoxShape(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform scaledLcs)
            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter repSetter = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter(shapeEditScope, this))
                // Get the material and graphics style based in the "Box" sub-category of Generic Models.
                // We will create the sub-category if this is our first time trying to use it.
                // Note that all bounding boxes are controlled by a sub-category of Generic Models.  We may revisit that decision later.
                // Note that we hard-wire the identifier to "Box" because older files may have bounding box items in an obsolete representation.
                SolidOptions solidOptions = null;
                Category     bboxCategory = IFCCategoryUtil.GetSubCategoryForRepresentation(shapeEditScope.Document, Id, IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Box);
                if (bboxCategory != null)
                    ElementId     materialId    = (bboxCategory.Material == null) ? ElementId.InvalidElementId : bboxCategory.Material.Id;
                    GraphicsStyle graphicsStyle = bboxCategory.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
                    ElementId     gstyleId      = (graphicsStyle == null) ? ElementId.InvalidElementId : graphicsStyle.Id;
                    solidOptions = new SolidOptions(materialId, gstyleId);

                Solid bboxSolid = IFCGeometryUtil.CreateSolidFromBoundingBox(scaledLcs, BoundingBox, solidOptions);
                if (bboxSolid != null)
                    IFCSolidInfo bboxSolidInfo = IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, bboxSolid);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes IfcObjectDefinition attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObjectDefinition">The IfcObjectDefinition handle.</param>
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcObjectDefinition)

            ShapeType = GetShapeType(ifcObjectDefinition);

            // If we aren't importing this category, skip processing.
            if (!IFCCategoryUtil.CanImport(EntityType, ShapeType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't Import");

            // Before IFC2x3, IfcTypeObject did not have IsDecomposedBy.
            HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> elemSet = null;

            if (IFCImportFile.TheFile.SchemaVersion >= IFCSchemaVersion.IFC2x3 || !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(ifcObjectDefinition, IFCEntityType.IfcTypeObject))
                elemSet = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute
                          <HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcObjectDefinition, "IsDecomposedBy");

            if (elemSet != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle elem in elemSet)

            HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> hasAssociations = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute
                                                     <HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcObjectDefinition, "HasAssociations");

            if (hasAssociations != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle hasAssociation in hasAssociations)
                    if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(hasAssociation, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAssociatesMaterial))
                        IFCImportFile.TheLog.LogUnhandledSubTypeError(hasAssociation, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAssociates, false);

            // The default IFC2x3_TC1.exp file does not have this INVERSE attribute correctly set.  Encapsulate this function.
            ISet <IFCAnyHandle> hasAssignments = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetHasAssignments(ifcObjectDefinition);

            if (hasAssignments != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle hasAssignment in hasAssignments)

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point into the .NET IFC import code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importer">The internal ImporterIFC class that contains information necessary for the import process.</param>
        public void ImportIFC(ImporterIFC importer)
            TheImporter = this;

            IDictionary <String, String> options = importer.GetOptions();

            TheOptions = m_ImportOptions = IFCImportOptions.Create(options);

            // An early check, based on the options set - if we are allowed to use an up-to-date existing file on disk, use it.
                string fullIFCFileName = importer.FullFileName;
                if (!TheOptions.ForceImport && !NeedsReload(importer.Document, fullIFCFileName))

                // Clear the category mapping table, to force reload of options.

                if (TheOptions.Intent != IFCImportIntent.Reference)
                    ReferenceIFC(importer.Document, fullIFCFileName, options);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Importer.TheLog != null)
                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(-1, ex.Message, false);
                // The following message can sometimes occur when reloading some IFC files
                // from external resources.  In this case, we should silently fail, and not
                // throw.
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("Starting a new transaction is not permitted"))
                if (Importer.TheLog != null)
                if (IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)
        protected virtual void CreateParametersInternal(Document doc, Element element)
            if (element != null)
                // Set the element name.
                SetName(doc, element);

                // Set the element description.
                SetDescription(doc, element);

                // The list of materials.
                SetMaterialParameter(doc, element);

                // Set the "IfcSystem" parameter.
                SetSystemParameter(doc, element);

                // Set the element GUID.
                bool             elementIsType = (element is ElementType);
                BuiltInParameter ifcGUIDId     = GetGUIDParameter(element, elementIsType);
                Parameter        guidParam     = element.get_Parameter(ifcGUIDId);
                if (guidParam != null)
                    if (!guidParam.IsReadOnly)
                    ExporterIFCUtils.AddValueString(element, new ElementId(ifcGUIDId), GlobalId);

                // Set the "IfcExportAs" parameter.
                string ifcExportAs = IFCCategoryUtil.GetCustomCategoryName(this);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcExportAs))
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, "IfcExportAs", ifcExportAs, Id);

                // Add property set-based parameters.
                // We are going to create this "fake" parameter so that we can filter elements in schedules based on their property sets.
                string propertySetListName = elementIsType ? "Type IfcPropertySetList" : "IfcPropertySetList";
                IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, propertySetListName, "", Id);

                // Set the IFCElementAssembly Parameter
                if (Decomposes != null && Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly)
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, "IfcElementAssembly", Decomposes.Name, Id);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point into the .NET IFC import code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importer">The internal ImporterIFC class that contains information necessary for the import process.</param>
        public void ImportIFC(ImporterIFC importer)
            TheImporter = this;

            IDictionary <String, String> options = importer.GetOptions();

            TheOptions = m_ImportOptions = IFCImportOptions.Create(options);

            // An early check, based on the options set - if we are allowed to use an up-to-date existing file on disk, use it.
                string fullFileName = importer.FullFileName;

                string revitFileName = IFCImportFile.GetRevitFileName(fullFileName);
                if (!TheOptions.ForceImport && !NeedsReload(fullFileName, revitFileName))

                // Clear the category mapping table, to force reload of options.

                if (TheOptions.Intent != IFCImportIntent.Reference)
                    ReferenceIFC(importer.Document, fullFileName, options);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Importer.TheLog != null)
                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(-1, ex.Message, false);
                if (Importer.TheLog != null)
                if (IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create one or more elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document being populated.</param>
        /// <returns>The primary element associated with the IFCObjectDefinition, or InvalidElementId if it failed.</returns>
        public static ElementId CreateElement(Document doc, IFCObjectDefinition objDef)
            // This would be a good place to check 'objDef.GlobalId'.

            ElementId createdElementId = objDef.CreatedElementId;

                if ((createdElementId == ElementId.InvalidElementId) && objDef.IsValidForCreation)
                    ElementId gstyleId;
                    objDef.CategoryId        = IFCCategoryUtil.GetCategoryIdForEntity(doc, objDef, out gstyleId);
                    objDef.m_GraphicsStyleId = gstyleId;

                    if (objDef is IFCObject)
                        IFCObject asObject = objDef as IFCObject;
                        foreach (IFCTypeObject typeObject in asObject.TypeObjects)
                            IFCObjectDefinition.CreateElement(doc, typeObject);

                    createdElementId = objDef.CreatedElementId;
                    IFCImportFile.TheLog.AddCreatedEntity(doc, objDef);

                    if (IFCImportFile.CleanEntitiesAfterCreate)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (objDef != null)
                    objDef.IsValidForCreation = false;
                    IFCImportFile.TheLog.LogCreationError(objDef, ex.Message, false);
Пример #8
        protected virtual void CreateParametersInternal(Document doc, Element element)
            if (element != null)
                // Set the element name.
                SetName(doc, element);

                // Set the element description.
                SetDescription(doc, element);

                // The list of materials.
                SetMaterialParameter(doc, element);

                // Set the "IfcSystem" parameter.
                SetSystemParameter(doc, element);

                // Set the element GUID.
                bool             elementIsType = (element is ElementType);
                BuiltInParameter ifcGUIDId     = GetGUIDParameter(element, elementIsType);
                Parameter        guidParam     = element.get_Parameter(ifcGUIDId);
                if (guidParam != null)
                    if (!guidParam.IsReadOnly)
                    ExporterIFCUtils.AddValueString(element, new ElementId(ifcGUIDId), GlobalId);

                // Set the "IfcExportAs" parameter.
                string ifcExportAs = IFCCategoryUtil.GetCustomCategoryName(this);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcExportAs))
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, "IfcExportAs", ifcExportAs, Id);

                // Add property set-based parameters.
                // We are going to create this "fake" parameter so that we can filter elements in schedules based on their property sets.
                string propertySetListName = elementIsType ? "Type IfcPropertySetList" : "IfcPropertySetList";
                IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, propertySetListName, "", Id);

                // Set the IFCElementAssembly Parameter
                if (Decomposes != null && Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly)
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, "IfcElementAssembly", Decomposes.Name, Id);

                // Set additional parameters (if any), e.g. for Classification assignments
                if (AdditionalIntParameters.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> parItem in AdditionalIntParameters)
                        if (parItem.Value is string)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, parItem.Key, (string)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is double)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterDouble(doc, element, parItem.Key, UnitType.UT_Custom, (double)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is int)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterInt(doc, element, parItem.Key, (int)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is bool)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterBoolean(doc, element, parItem.Key, (bool)parItem.Value, Id);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes IfcObjectDefinition attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObjectDefinition">The IfcObjectDefinition handle.</param>
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcObjectDefinition)

            PredefinedType = GetPredefinedType(ifcObjectDefinition);

            // If we aren't importing this category, skip processing.
            if (!IFCCategoryUtil.CanImport(EntityType, PredefinedType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't Import");

            // Before IFC2x3, IfcTypeObject did not have IsDecomposedBy.
            HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> elemSet = null;

            if (IFCImportFile.TheFile.SchemaVersionAtLeast(IFCSchemaVersion.IFC2x3) || !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(ifcObjectDefinition, IFCEntityType.IfcTypeObject))
                elemSet = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute
                          <HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcObjectDefinition, "IsDecomposedBy");

            if (elemSet != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle elem in elemSet)

            HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> hasAssociations = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute
                                                     <HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcObjectDefinition, "HasAssociations");

            if (hasAssociations != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle hasAssociation in hasAssociations)
                    if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(hasAssociation, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAssociatesMaterial))
                    else if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(hasAssociation, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAssociatesClassification))
                        Importer.TheLog.LogUnhandledSubTypeError(hasAssociation, IFCEntityType.IfcRelAssociates, false);

            ISet <IFCAnyHandle> hasAssignments = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute <HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcObjectDefinition, "HasAssignments");

            if (hasAssignments != null)
                foreach (IFCAnyHandle hasAssignment in hasAssignments)

Пример #10
        protected virtual void CreateParametersInternal(Document doc, Element element)
            if (element != null)
                Category category = IFCPropertySet.GetCategoryForParameterIfValid(element, Id);

                Importer.TheProcessor.CreateOrUpdateElement(Id, GlobalId, EntityType.ToString(), CategoryId.IntegerValue, null);

                // Set the element name.
                SetName(doc, element, category);

                // Set the element description.
                SetDescription(doc, element, category);

                // The list of materials.
                SetMaterialParameter(doc, element, category);

                // Set the "IfcSystem" parameter.
                SetSystemParameter(doc, element, category);

                bool elementIsType = (element is ElementType);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GlobalId))
                    BuiltInParameter ifcGUIDId = GetGUIDParameter(element, elementIsType);
                    Importer.TheProcessor.SetStringParameter(element, Id, ifcGUIDId, GlobalId, true);

                // Set the built-in parameters.
                (string entityName, string predefinedType) = IFCCategoryUtil.GetEntityNameAndPredefinedType(this);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entityName))
                    BuiltInParameter ifcExportElementAsParam = elementIsType ? BuiltInParameter.IFC_EXPORT_ELEMENT_TYPE_AS : BuiltInParameter.IFC_EXPORT_ELEMENT_AS;
                    Importer.TheProcessor.SetStringParameter(element, Id, ifcExportElementAsParam, entityName, true);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(predefinedType))
                    BuiltInParameter ifcPredefinedTypeParam = elementIsType ? BuiltInParameter.IFC_EXPORT_PREDEFINEDTYPE_TYPE : BuiltInParameter.IFC_EXPORT_PREDEFINEDTYPE;
                    Importer.TheProcessor.SetStringParameter(element, Id, ifcPredefinedTypeParam, predefinedType, true);
                // Set the IFCElementAssembly Parameter
                if (Decomposes != null)
                    string containerParamName     = (Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly) ? "IfcElementAssembly" : "IfcDecomposes";
                    string containerParamGUIDName = (Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly) ? "IfcElementAssemblyGUID" : "IfcDecomposesGUID";
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, this, containerParamName, Decomposes.Name, Id);
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, this, containerParamGUIDName, Decomposes.GlobalId, Id);

                // Set additional parameters (if any), e.g. for Classification assignments
                if (AdditionalIntParameters.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> parItem in AdditionalIntParameters)
                        if (parItem.Value is string)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, this, parItem.Key, (string)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is double)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterDouble(doc, element, category, this, parItem.Key, SpecTypeId.Custom, UnitTypeId.General, (double)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is int)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterInt(doc, element, category, this, parItem.Key, (int)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is bool)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterBoolean(doc, element, category, this, parItem.Key, (bool)parItem.Value, Id);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item, and add to scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            IFCRepresentation parentRep = shapeEditScope.ContainingRepresentation;

            IList <Curve> transformedCurves = new List <Curve>();

            if (Curve != null)
                Curve transformedCurve = CreateTransformedCurve(Curve, parentRep, lcs);
                if (transformedCurve != null)
            else if (CurveLoop != null)
                foreach (Curve curve in CurveLoop)
                    Curve transformedCurve = CreateTransformedCurve(curve, parentRep, lcs);
                    if (transformedCurve != null)

            // TODO: set graphics style for footprint curves.
            IFCRepresentationIdentifier repId = (parentRep == null) ? IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Unhandled : parentRep.Identifier;
            bool createModelGeometry          = (repId == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Body) || (repId == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Axis) || (repId == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Unhandled);

            ElementId gstyleId = ElementId.InvalidElementId;

            if (createModelGeometry)
                Category curveCategory = IFCCategoryUtil.GetSubCategoryForRepresentation(shapeEditScope.Document, Id, parentRep.Identifier);
                if (curveCategory != null)
                    GraphicsStyle graphicsStyle = curveCategory.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
                    if (graphicsStyle != null)
                        gstyleId = graphicsStyle.Id;

            foreach (Curve curve in transformedCurves)
                if (createModelGeometry)
                    shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, curve));
                    // Default: assume a plan view curve.
Пример #12
        protected virtual void CreateParametersInternal(Document doc, Element element)
            if (element != null)
                Category category = IFCPropertySet.GetCategoryForParameterIfValid(element, Id);

                // Set the element name.
                SetName(doc, element, category);

                // Set the element description.
                SetDescription(doc, element, category);

                // The list of materials.
                SetMaterialParameter(doc, element, category);

                // Set the "IfcSystem" parameter.
                SetSystemParameter(doc, element, category);

                // Set the element GUID.
                bool             elementIsType = (element is ElementType);
                BuiltInParameter ifcGUIDId     = GetGUIDParameter(element, elementIsType);
                Parameter        guidParam     = element.get_Parameter(ifcGUIDId);
                if (guidParam != null)
                    if (!guidParam.IsReadOnly)
                    ExporterIFCUtils.AddValueString(element, new ElementId(ifcGUIDId), GlobalId);

                // Set the "IfcExportAs" parameter.
                string ifcExportAs = IFCCategoryUtil.GetCustomCategoryName(this);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcExportAs))
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, this, IFCSharedParameters.IfcExportAs, ifcExportAs, Id);

                // Set the IFCElementAssembly Parameter
                if (Decomposes != null)
                    string containerParamName     = (Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly) ? "IfcElementAssembly" : "IfcDecomposes";
                    string containerParamGUIDName = (Decomposes is IFCElementAssembly) ? "IfcElementAssemblyGUID" : "IfcDecomposesGUID";
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, containerParamName, Decomposes.Name, Id);
                    IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, containerParamGUIDName, Decomposes.GlobalId, Id);

                // Set additional parameters (if any), e.g. for Classification assignments
                if (AdditionalIntParameters.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> parItem in AdditionalIntParameters)
                        if (parItem.Value is string)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterString(doc, element, category, parItem.Key, (string)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is double)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterDouble(doc, element, category, parItem.Key, SpecTypeId.Custom, (double)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is int)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterInt(doc, element, category, parItem.Key, (int)parItem.Value, Id);
                        else if (parItem.Value is bool)
                            IFCPropertySet.AddParameterBoolean(doc, element, category, parItem.Key, (bool)parItem.Value, Id);
Пример #13
        public void ImportIFC(ImporterIFC importer)
            TheImporter = this;

            IDictionary <String, String> options = importer.GetOptions();

            TheOptions = m_ImportOptions = IFCImportOptions.Create(options);

            // An early check, based on the options set - if we are allowed to use an up-to-date existing file on disk, use it.
                string revitFileName = IFCImportFile.GetRevitFileName(importer.FullFileName);
                if (!TheOptions.ForceImport && !NeedsReload(importer.FullFileName, revitFileName))

                // Clear the category mapping table, to force reload of options.

                if (TheOptions.Intent != IFCImportIntent.Reference)
                    Document originalDocument = importer.Document;
                    Document ifcDocument      = null;

                    if (TheOptions.Action == IFCImportAction.Link)
                        string linkedFileName = IFCImportFile.GetRevitFileName(importer.FullFileName);

                        ifcDocument = LoadOrCreateLinkDocument(originalDocument, linkedFileName);
                        if (ifcDocument == null)
                        ifcDocument = originalDocument;

                    bool useCachedRevitFile = DocumentUpToDate(ifcDocument, importer.FullFileName);

                    // In the case where the document is already opened as a link, but it has been updated on disk,
                    // give the user a warning and use the cached value.
                    if (!useCachedRevitFile && ifcDocument.IsLinked)
                        useCachedRevitFile = true;

                    if (!useCachedRevitFile)
                        m_ImportCache = IFCImportCache.Create(ifcDocument, importer.FullFileName);

                        // Limit creating the cache to Link, but may either remove limiting or make it more restrict (reload only) later.
                        if (TheOptions.Action == IFCImportAction.Link)

                        // TheFile will contain the same value as the return value for this function.
                        IFCImportFile.Create(importer.FullFileName, m_ImportOptions, ifcDocument);

                    if (useCachedRevitFile || IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)
                        if (IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)
                            if (IFCImportFile.TheFile.IFCProject != null)
                                IFCObjectDefinition.CreateElement(ifcDocument, IFCImportFile.TheFile.IFCProject);
                            IFCImportFile.TheFile.EndImport(ifcDocument, importer.FullFileName);

                        if (TheOptions.Action == IFCImportAction.Link)
                            // If we have an original Revit link file name, don't create a new RvtLinkSymbol -
                            // we will use the existing one.
                            bool useExistingType = (TheOptions.RevitLinkFileName != null);
                            IFCImportFile.LinkInFile(importer.FullFileName, ifcDocument, originalDocument, useExistingType, !useCachedRevitFile);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)
                    IFCImportFile.TheFile.Log.LogError(-1, ex.Message, false);
                if (IFCImportFile.TheFile != null)