Пример #1
        public void TestInitialize()
            queueManager      = Substitute.For <IQueueManagerAsync>();
            view              = Substitute.For <IExplorerView>();
            eventAggregator   = Substitute.For <IEventAggregator>();
            windowManagerEx   = Substitute.For <IWindowManagerEx>();
            networkOperations = Substitute.For <INetworkOperations>();
            explorer          = new QueueExplorerViewModel(queueManager, eventAggregator, windowManagerEx, networkOperations);

            queue    = new Queue("TestQueue");
            subQueue = new Queue("TestQueue.Subscriptions");

            IList <Queue> queues = new List <Queue> {
                queue, subQueue

            queueManager.GetQueues(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => queues));
            queueManager.GetQueues().Returns(Task.Run(() => queues));
            queueManager.GetMessageCount(Arg.Any <Queue>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => queues.Count));
            queueManager.IsMsmqInstalled(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => true));

            AsyncHelper.Run(() => explorer.AttachView(view, null));
            AsyncHelper.Run(() => explorer.ConnectToQueue(Environment.MachineName));

            queueNode = explorer.MachineRoot.Children.OfType <QueueExplorerItem>().First();
Пример #2
 public static void ExpandNodeIfRequired(this IExplorerView explorerView, ITreeNode nodeToExpand, bool shouldExpand)
     if (shouldExpand)
         ExpandNode(explorerView, nodeToExpand);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the view to this presenter and begin populating the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The simulation model</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view used for display</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter for this object</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            this.CommandHistory = new CommandHistory();
            this.ApsimXFile     = model as Simulations;
            this.view           = view as IExplorerView;
            this.mainMenu       = new MainMenu(this);
            this.ContextMenu    = new ContextMenu(this);

            this.view.Tree.SelectedNodeChanged += this.OnNodeSelected;
            this.view.Tree.DragStarted         += this.OnDragStart;
            this.view.Tree.AllowDrop           += this.OnAllowDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Droped  += this.OnDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Renamed += this.OnRename;


            ApsimFileMetadata file = Configuration.Settings.GetMruFile(ApsimXFile.FileName);

            if (file != null && file.ExpandedNodes != null)

Пример #4
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="pathOfParent">The path of the parent model to add the child to.</param>
 /// <param name="childStringToAdd">The string representation of the model to add.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view to work with.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The explorer presenter to work with.</param>
 public AddModelCommand(string pathOfParent, string childStringToAdd, IExplorerView explorerView, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
     parentPath  = pathOfParent;
     childString = childStringToAdd;
     view        = explorerView;
     presenter   = explorerPresenter;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the view to this presenter and begin populating the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The simulation model</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view used for display</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter for this object</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            // When the user undoes/redoes something we want to select the affected
            // model. Therefore we can use the same callback for both events.
            this.ApsimXFile     = model as Simulations;
            this.view           = view as IExplorerView;
            this.CommandHistory = new CommandHistory(this.view.Tree);
            this.mainMenu       = new MainMenu(this);
            this.ContextMenu    = new ContextMenu(this);

            this.view.Tree.SelectedNodeChanged += this.OnNodeSelected;
            this.view.Tree.DragStarted         += this.OnDragStart;
            this.view.Tree.AllowDrop           += this.OnAllowDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Droped  += this.OnDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Renamed += this.OnRename;


            ApsimFileMetadata file = Configuration.Settings.GetMruFile(ApsimXFile.FileName);

            if (file != null && file.ExpandedNodes != null)

Пример #6
        protected void HelpRequestedEventHandler(object sender, HelpRequestedEventArgs e)
            if (_helpView == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.HelpBaseUri))
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    _helpView = WorkItem.SmartParts.AddNew <ExplorerView>();

                    SmartPartInfo info = new SmartPartInfo();
                    info.Title = string.Format(StringResources.Application_Help_Title, Id);
                    Uri helpUri = new Uri(new Uri(e.HelpBaseUri), Id + "/default.htm");

                    _helpView.SetUrl(info.Title, helpUri.AbsoluteUri);

                    ShellInteractionService.Show(_helpView, info);
Пример #7
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddModelCommand"/> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmlOfModelToAdd">The XML of the model to add</param>
 /// <param name="toParent">The parent model to add the child to</param>
 public AddModelCommand(IModel parent, XmlNode child, TreeViewNode nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.parent          = parent;
     this.child           = child;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public MoveModelCommand(Model FromModel, Model ToParent, NodeDescriptionArgs nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.FromModel       = FromModel;
     this.ToParent        = ToParent;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>The constructor</summary>
 /// <param name="modelToDelete">The model to delete</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 public DeleteModelCommand(IModel modelToDelete, NodeDescriptionArgs nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.modelToDelete   = modelToDelete;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
     this.parent          = modelToDelete.Parent;
Пример #10
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="pathOfParent">The path of the parent model to add the child to.</param>
 /// <param name="child">The string representation of the model to add.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view to work with.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The explorer presenter to work with.</param>
 public AddModelCommand(string pathOfParent, IModel child, IExplorerView explorerView, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
     parentPath = pathOfParent;
     this.child = child;
     view       = explorerView;
     presenter  = explorerPresenter;
Пример #11
 /// <summary>The constructor</summary>
 /// <param name="modelToDelete">The model to delete</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 public DeleteModelCommand(IModel modelToDelete, NodeDescriptionArgs nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.modelToDelete = modelToDelete;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
     this.parent = modelToDelete.Parent;
Пример #12
        protected override void Context()
            _treeNodeFactory  = A.Fake <ITreeNodeFactory>();
            _projectRetriever = A.Fake <IProjectRetriever>();
            _observedDataTask = A.Fake <IObservedDataTask>();
            sut = new ObservedDataInExplorerPresenter(_projectRetriever, _treeNodeFactory, _observedDataTask);

            _explorerPresenter       = A.Fake <IExplorerPresenter>();
            _classificationPresenter = A.Fake <IClassificationPresenter>();
            _explorerView            = A.Fake <IExplorerView>();

            A.CallTo(() => _explorerPresenter.BaseView).Returns(_explorerView);

            _rootNodeObservedDataFolder = new RootNodeType("ObservedData", ApplicationIcons.ObservedDataFolder, ClassificationType.ObservedData);
            _rootNodeIndividualFolder   = new RootNodeType("Individual", ApplicationIcons.IndividualFolder);
            _observationRootNode        = new RootNode(_rootNodeObservedDataFolder);
            _individualRootNode         = new RootNode(_rootNodeIndividualFolder);

            sut.InitializeWith(_explorerPresenter, _classificationPresenter, _rootNodeObservedDataFolder);
            _project = A.Fake <IProject>();

            A.CallTo(() => _explorerPresenter.NodeByType(_rootNodeObservedDataFolder)).Returns(_observationRootNode);
            A.CallTo(() => _explorerView.TreeView.NodeById(_rootNodeObservedDataFolder.Id)).Returns(_observationRootNode);
            A.CallTo(() => _explorerView.AddNode(A <ITreeNode> ._)).ReturnsLazily(s => s.Arguments[0].DowncastTo <ITreeNode>());
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Explorer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        public PiscesSettings(IExplorerView view)
            this.m_view = view;

            // read TimeWindow settings.
            // m_db.ReadSettingsFromDatabase(TimeWindow);
Пример #14
 public override void AttachView(object view, object context)
     base.AttachView(view, context);
     _view = view as IExplorerView;
     if (!IsConnected)
Пример #15
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 /// <param name="modelToMove">The model to move.</param>
 /// <param name="up">if set to <c>true</c> [up].</param>
 public MoveModelUpDownCommand(IModel modelToMove, bool up, IExplorerView explorerView)
     if (modelToMove.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(modelToMove, string.Format("Unable to move {0} - it is read-only.", modelToMove.Name));
     this.modelToMove  = modelToMove;
     this.moveUp       = up;
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
Пример #16
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddModelCommand"/> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="xmlOfModelToAdd">The XML of the model to add</param>
 /// <param name="toParent">The parent model to add the child to</param>
 public AddModelCommand(IModel parent, XmlNode child, TreeViewNode nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     if (parent.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(parent, string.Format("Unable to add model to {0} - it is read-only.", parent.Name));
     this.parent          = parent;
     this.child           = child;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
Пример #17
 /// <summary>The constructor</summary>
 /// <param name="modelToDelete">The model to delete</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 public DeleteModelCommand(IModel modelToDelete, TreeViewNode nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     if (modelToDelete.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(modelToDelete, string.Format("Unable to delete {0} - it is read-only.", modelToDelete.Name));
     this.modelToDelete   = modelToDelete;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
     this.parent          = modelToDelete.Parent;
Пример #18
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 /// <param name="modelToReplace">The model to move.</param>
 /// <param name="modelToInsert">The new model to put in place of the old one</param>
 public ReplaceModelCommand(IModel modelToReplace, IModel modelToInsert, ExplorerPresenter presenter)
     if (modelToReplace.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(modelToReplace, string.Format("Unable to replace {0} - it is read-only.", modelToReplace.Name));
     this.modelToReplace = modelToReplace;
     this.modelToInsert  = modelToInsert;
     this.explorerView   = presenter.GetView() as IExplorerView;
     this.presenter      = presenter;
 public override async void AttachView(object view, object context)
     base.AttachView(view, context);
     _view = view as IExplorerView;
     if (!IsConnected)
         IsMSMQInstalled = await _queueManager.IsMsmqInstalled(LocalMachineName);
         if (IsMSMQInstalled)
             await ConnectToQueue(LocalMachineName);
Пример #20
        public override async void AttachView(object view, object context)
            base.AttachView(view, context);
            _view = view as IExplorerView;
            if (!IsConnected)
                IsMSMQInstalled = await _queueManager.IsMsmqInstalled(LocalMachineName);

                if (IsMSMQInstalled)
                    await ConnectToQueue(LocalMachineName);
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public MoveModelCommand(Model FromModel, Model ToParent, TreeViewNode nodeDescription, IExplorerView explorerView)
     if (FromModel.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(FromModel, string.Format("Unable to move {0} to {1} - {0} is read-only.", FromModel.Name, ToParent.Name));
     if (ToParent.ReadOnly)
         throw new ApsimXException(ToParent, string.Format("Unable to move {0} to {1} - {1} is read-only.", FromModel.Name, ToParent.Name));
     this.FromModel       = FromModel;
     this.ToParent        = ToParent;
     this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
     this.explorerView    = explorerView;
Пример #22
        public TestExplorer(IExplorerView view, IEventAggregator events, ITestFilterBar filterBar, ITestFilter filter,
                            IIconService icons)
            _view   = view;
            _events = events;
            _filter = filter;
            _icons  = icons;

            if (filterBar != null)
                filterBar.Observer = this;
            _navigator = new SuiteNavigator
                TestFilter  = _filter.Matches,
                SuiteFilter = _filter.Matches
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the view to this presenter and begin populating the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The simulation model</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view used for display</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter for this object</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            this.CommandHistory = new CommandHistory();
            this.ApsimXFile     = model as Simulations;
            this.view           = view as IExplorerView;
            this.mainMenu       = new MainMenu(this);
            this.contextMenu    = new ContextMenu(this);

            this.view.Tree.SelectedNodeChanged += this.OnNodeSelected;
            this.view.Tree.DragStarted         += this.OnDragStart;
            this.view.Tree.AllowDrop           += this.OnAllowDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Droped  += this.OnDrop;
            this.view.Tree.Renamed += this.OnRename;

Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the view to this presenter and begin populating the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The simulation model</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view used for display</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter for this object</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            this.CommandHistory = new CommandHistory();
            this.ApsimXFile     = model as Simulations;
            this.view           = view as IExplorerView;
            this.mainMenu       = new MainMenu(this);
            this.contextMenu    = new ContextMenu(this);

            this.view.ShortcutKeys         = new string[] { "F5" };
            this.view.SelectedNodeChanged += this.OnNodeSelected;
            this.view.DragStarted         += this.OnDragStart;
            this.view.AllowDrop           += this.OnAllowDrop;
            this.view.Droped             += this.OnDrop;
            this.view.Renamed            += this.OnRename;
            this.view.ShortcutKeyPressed += this.OnShortcutKeyPress;

Пример #25
        public override void Run()
            Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Licenser.LicenseKey = "DGP60-PF4JB-GTREY-3UXA";

            ShellInteractionService.HyperlinkExecuted += HyperlinkExecutedEventHandler;

            ShellInteractionService.SmartPartClosing += (s, e) =>
                if (e.SmartPart == _helpView)
                    _helpView = null;

            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                WorkflowRuntime runtime = WorkItem.Services.AddNew <WorkflowRuntime>();
            }), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);

Пример #26
 public static bool IsNodeExpanded(this IExplorerView explorerView, ITreeNode treeNode)
Пример #27
 public static void ToggleExpandState(this IExplorerView explorerView, ITreeNode node)
 public override void AttachView(object view, object context)
     base.AttachView(view, context);
     _view = view as IExplorerView;
Пример #29
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="oldPath">The old path.</param>
 /// <param name="newPath">The new path.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 public SelectNodeCommand(string oldPath, string newPath, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
     this.oldPath = oldPath;
     this.newPath = newPath;
Пример #30
        public void TestInitialize()
            queueManager = Substitute.For<IQueueManagerAsync>();
            view = Substitute.For<IExplorerView>();
            eventAggregator = Substitute.For<IEventAggregator>();
            windowManagerEx = Substitute.For<IWindowManagerEx>();
            networkOperations = Substitute.For<INetworkOperations>();
            explorer = new QueueExplorerViewModel(queueManager, eventAggregator, windowManagerEx, networkOperations);

            queue = new Queue("TestQueue");
            subQueue = new Queue("TestQueue.Subscriptions");

            IList<Queue> queues = new List<Queue> { queue, subQueue };
            queueManager.GetQueues(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => queues));
            queueManager.GetQueues().Returns(Task.Run(() => queues));
            queueManager.GetMessageCount(Arg.Any<Queue>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => queues.Count));
            queueManager.IsMsmqInstalled(Arg.Any<string>()).Returns(Task.Run(() => true));

            AsyncHelper.Run(() => explorer.AttachView(view, null));
            AsyncHelper.Run(() => explorer.ConnectToQueue(Environment.MachineName));

            queueNode = explorer.MachineRoot.Children.OfType<QueueExplorerItem>().First();
Пример #31
 public PiscesEngine(IExplorerView view, string fileName)
     this.m_view = view;
Пример #32
 public override void AttachView(object view, object context)
     base.AttachView(view, context);
     _view = view as IExplorerView;
     if (!IsConnected)
Пример #33
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 /// <param name="modelToMove">The model to move.</param>
 /// <param name="up">if set to <c>true</c> [up].</param>
 public MoveModelUpDownCommand(IModel modelToMove, bool up, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.modelToMove = modelToMove;
     this.moveUp = up;
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
Пример #34
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 /// <param name="modelToMove">The model to move.</param>
 /// <param name="up">if set to <c>true</c> [up].</param>
 public MoveModelUpDownCommand(IModel modelToMove, bool up, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.modelToMove  = modelToMove;
     this.moveUp       = up;
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
Пример #35
 public FixtureExplorer(IExplorerView view, IContainer container)
     _view      = view;
     _container = container;
 public override void AttachView(object view, object context)
     base.AttachView(view, context);
     _view = view as IExplorerView;
Пример #37
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 /// <param name="oldPath">The old path.</param>
 /// <param name="newPath">The new path.</param>
 /// <param name="explorerView">The explorer view.</param>
 public SelectNodeCommand(string oldPath, string newPath, IExplorerView explorerView)
     this.explorerView = explorerView;
     this.oldPath      = oldPath;
     this.newPath      = newPath;
Пример #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the view to this presenter and begin populating the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The simulation model</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view used for display</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter for this object</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            this.CommandHistory = new CommandHistory();
            this.ApsimXFile = model as Simulations;
            this.view = view as IExplorerView;
            this.mainMenu = new MainMenu(this);
            this.contextMenu = new ContextMenu(this);

            this.view.ShortcutKeys = new string[] { "F5" };
            this.view.SelectedNodeChanged += this.OnNodeSelected;
            this.view.DragStarted += this.OnDragStart;
            this.view.AllowDrop += this.OnAllowDrop;
            this.view.Droped += this.OnDrop;
            this.view.Renamed += this.OnRename;
            this.view.ShortcutKeyPressed += this.OnShortcutKeyPress;
