Пример #1
        public bool Validate(BlockHeader header)
            uint           epoch   = GetEpoch(header.Number);
            IEthashDataSet dataSet = _hintBasedCache.Get(epoch);

            if (dataSet == null)
                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn($"Ethash cache miss for block {header.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");
                _hintBasedCache.Hint(_hintBasedCacheUser, header.Number, header.Number);
                dataSet = _hintBasedCache.Get(epoch);
                if (dataSet == null)
                    if (_logger.IsError)
                        _logger.Error($"Hint based cache could not get data set for {header.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");

            ulong  fullSize     = GetDataSize(epoch);
            Keccak headerHashed = GetTruncatedHash(header);

            (byte[] _, byte[] result, bool isValid) = Hashimoto(fullSize, dataSet, headerHashed, header.MixHash, header.Nonce);
            if (!isValid)

            return(IsLessThanTarget(result, header.Difficulty));
Пример #2
 public FullDataSet(ulong setSize, IEthashDataSet cache)
     Data = new uint[(uint)(setSize / Ethash.HashBytes)][];
     for (uint i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)
         Data[i] = cache.CalcDataSetItem(i);
Пример #3
        public bool Validate(BlockHeader header)
            uint           epoch        = GetEpoch(header.Number);
            IEthashDataSet cache        = GetOrAddCache(epoch);
            ulong          fullSize     = GetDataSize(epoch);
            Keccak         headerHashed = GetTruncatedHash(header);

            (byte[] _, byte[] result) = Hashimoto(fullSize, cache, headerHashed, header.MixHash, header.Nonce);

            BigInteger threshold = BigInteger.Divide(BigInteger.Pow(2, 256), header.Difficulty);

            return(IsLessThanTarget(result, threshold));
Пример #4
        private IEthashDataSet GetOrAddCache(uint epoch, bool precompute = true)
            IEthashDataSet dataSet = _cacheCache.Get(epoch);

            if (dataSet == null)
                uint   cacheSize = GetCacheSize(epoch);
                Keccak seed      = GetSeedHash(epoch);
                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Building cache for epoch {epoch}");
                dataSet = new EthashCache(cacheSize, seed.Bytes);
                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Cache for epoch {epoch} built in {_cacheStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                _cacheCache.Set(epoch, dataSet);

            uint epochToPrecompute = epoch + 1;

            if (precompute && _epochsRequested.TryAdd(epochToPrecompute, null))
                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Asking to precompute epoch {epochToPrecompute}");
                PrecomputeCache(epochToPrecompute).ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.IsFaulted)
                        if (_logger.IsError)
                            _logger.Error($"Precompute failure at epoch {epochToPrecompute}");
                        if (_logger.IsDebug)
                            _logger.Debug($"Epoch precompute success at {epochToPrecompute}");

Пример #5
        public FullDataSet(ulong setSize, IEthashDataSet cache)
            //Console.WriteLine($"building data set of length {setSize}"); // TODO: temp, remove
            Data = new uint[(uint)(setSize / Ethash.HashBytes)][];
            for (uint i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)
                if (i % 100000 == 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine($"building data set of length {setSize}, built {i}"); // TODO: temp, remove

                Data[i] = cache.CalcDataSetItem(i);
Пример #6
        public (byte[], byte[]) Hashimoto(ulong fullSize, IEthashDataSet dataSet, Keccak headerHash, Keccak expectedMixHash, ulong nonce)
            uint       hashesInFull = (uint)(fullSize / HashBytes); // TODO: at current rate would cover around 200 years... but will the block rate change? what with private chains with shorter block times?
            const uint wordsInMix   = MixBytes / WordBytes;
            const uint hashesInMix  = MixBytes / HashBytes;

            byte[] nonceBytes = new byte[8];
            BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt64LittleEndian(nonceBytes, nonce);

            byte[] headerAndNonceHashed = Keccak512.Compute(Bytes.Concat(headerHash.Bytes, nonceBytes)).Bytes; // this tests fine
            uint[] mixInts = new uint[MixBytes / WordBytes];

            for (int i = 0; i < hashesInMix; i++)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(headerAndNonceHashed, 0, mixInts, i * headerAndNonceHashed.Length, headerAndNonceHashed.Length);

            uint firstOfHeaderAndNonce = GetUInt(headerAndNonceHashed, 0);

            for (uint i = 0; i < Accesses; i++)
                uint   p       = Fnv(i ^ firstOfHeaderAndNonce, mixInts[i % wordsInMix]) % (hashesInFull / hashesInMix) * hashesInMix; // since we take 'hashesInMix' consecutive blocks we want only starting indices of such blocks
                uint[] newData = new uint[wordsInMix];
                for (uint j = 0; j < hashesInMix; j++)
                    uint[] item = dataSet.CalcDataSetItem(p + j);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(item, 0, newData, (int)(j * item.Length * 4), item.Length * 4);

                Fnv(mixInts, newData);

            uint[] cmixInts = new uint[MixBytes / WordBytes / 4];
            for (uint i = 0; i < mixInts.Length; i += 4)
                cmixInts[i / 4] = Fnv(Fnv(Fnv(mixInts[i], mixInts[i + 1]), mixInts[i + 2]), mixInts[i + 3]);

            byte[] cmix = new byte[MixBytes / WordBytes];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(cmixInts, 0, cmix, 0, cmix.Length);

            if (expectedMixHash != null && !Bytes.AreEqual(cmix, expectedMixHash.Bytes))
                // TODO: handle properly
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); // TODO: need to change this

            return(cmix, Keccak.Compute(Bytes.Concat(headerAndNonceHashed, cmix)).Bytes);  // this tests fine
Пример #7
        private IEthashDataSet GetOrAddCache(uint epoch)
            DataSetWithAccessTime theOne;

            lock (_cacheCache)
                for (uint i = Math.Max(epoch, 2) - 2; i < epoch + 3; i++)
                    if (_cacheCache.Get(i) == default)
                        DataSetWithAccessTime someone = new DataSetWithAccessTime(i, BuildCache(i), Timestamper.Default.EpochSeconds);
                        _cacheCache.Set(i, someone);

                var now = Timestamper.Default.EpochSeconds;
                theOne            = _cacheCache.Get(epoch);
                theOne.AccessTime = now;

                HashSet <DataSetWithAccessTime> removed = null;
                foreach (DataSetWithAccessTime dataSetWithAccessTime in _cacheMonitor)
                    if (now - dataSetWithAccessTime.AccessTime > 15)
                        if (removed == null)
                            removed = new HashSet <DataSetWithAccessTime>();


                if (removed != null)
                    foreach (DataSetWithAccessTime dataSetWithAccessTime in removed)

            IEthashDataSet dataSet = theOne.DataSet.Result;

Пример #8
        public (Keccak MixHash, ulong Nonce) Mine(BlockHeader header, ulong?startNonce = null)
            uint           epoch   = GetEpoch(header.Number);
            IEthashDataSet dataSet = _hintBasedCache.Get(epoch);

            if (dataSet == null)
                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn($"Ethash cache miss for block {header.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");
                dataSet = BuildCache(epoch);

            ulong      fullSize     = GetDataSize(epoch);
            ulong      nonce        = startNonce ?? GetRandomNonce();
            BigInteger target       = BigInteger.Divide(_2To256, header.Difficulty);
            Keccak     headerHashed = GetTruncatedHash(header);

            // parallel for (just with ulong...) - adjust based on the available mining threads, low priority
            byte[] mixHash;
            while (true)
                byte[] result;
                (mixHash, result, _) = Hashimoto(fullSize, dataSet, headerHashed, null, nonce);
                if (IsLessThanTarget(result, target))

                    nonce += 1;

            return(new Keccak(mixHash), nonce);
Пример #9
        // TODO: in a separate thread
        private IEthashDataSet GetOrAddCache(uint epoch)
            IEthashDataSet dataSet = _cacheCache.Get(epoch);

            if (dataSet == null)
                uint   cacheSize = GetCacheSize(epoch);
                Keccak seed      = GetSeedHash(epoch);
                if (_logger.IsInfo)
                    _logger.Info($"Building cache for epoch {epoch}");
                dataSet = new EthashCache(cacheSize, seed.Bytes);
                if (_logger.IsInfo)
                    _logger.Info($"Cache for epoch {epoch} built in {_cacheStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                _cacheCache.Set(epoch, dataSet);
