/// <summary> This method copy's each database field from the <paramref name="source"/> interface to this data row.</summary> public void Copy_From(IErstkommunion2008 source, bool includePrimaryKey = false) { if (includePrimaryKey) this.Id = source.Id; this.NameId = source.NameId; this.NumberOfPages = source.NumberOfPages; this.Titel = source.Titel; }
/// <summary> /// This method copy's each database field which is in the <paramref name="includedColumns"/> /// from the <paramref name="source"/> interface to this data row. /// </summary> public void Copy_From_But_TakeOnly(IErstkommunion2008 source, params string[] includedColumns) { if (includedColumns.Contains(Erstkommunion2008Table.IdCol)) this.Id = source.Id; if (includedColumns.Contains(Erstkommunion2008Table.NameIdCol)) this.NameId = source.NameId; if (includedColumns.Contains(Erstkommunion2008Table.NumberOfPagesCol)) this.NumberOfPages = source.NumberOfPages; if (includedColumns.Contains(Erstkommunion2008Table.TitelCol)) this.Titel = source.Titel; }
/// <summary> This method copy's each database field into the <paramref name="target"/> interface. </summary> public void Copy_To(IErstkommunion2008 target, bool includePrimaryKey = false) { if (includePrimaryKey) target.Id = this.Id; target.NameId = this.NameId; target.NumberOfPages = this.NumberOfPages; target.Titel = this.Titel; }