Пример #1
 public IEnumerable<Frame> Mixin_scores(IEnumerable<Frame> frames, IEnumerable<int> scores)
     return frames.Zip(scores, (f, s) => {
                                             f.Score = s;
                                             return f;
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects this power conversion element in Wye to <paramref name="connectTo"/>. Each phase of the
 /// <see cref="PowerConversionElement"/>in <paramref name="pcElementPhases"/> is connected to the phase of the same index in
 /// <paramref name="busPhases"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectTo">The <see cref="Bus"/> to connect this <see cref="PowerConversionElement"/> to.</param>
 /// <param name="pcElementPhases">The phases of this element that should be connected.</param>
 /// <param name="busPhases">The phases of <paramref name="connectTo"/> to connect to.</param>
 public void ConnectWye(Bus connectTo, IEnumerable<int> pcElementPhases, IEnumerable<int> busPhases)
     foreach (var phasePair in pcElementPhases.Zip(busPhases,(pcElementPhase,busPhase) => new {pcElementPhase,busPhase}))
         Connect(phasePair.pcElementPhase, connectTo, phasePair.busPhase);
Пример #3
 private static double Covariance(IEnumerable<double> xs, IEnumerable<double> ys)
     var xAvg = xs.Average();
     var yAvg = ys.Average();
     var cov = xs.Zip(ys, (x, y) => (x - xAvg) * (y - yAvg)).Average();
     return cov;
Пример #4
 public void LearnFrom(IEnumerable<char> english, IEnumerable<char> googlerese)
     foreach (var tuple in googlerese.Zip(english, (x, y) => Tuple.Create(x, y)))
         _charMapping[tuple.Item1] = tuple.Item2;
    public static double Calculate(ISymbolicTimeSeriesPrognosisExpressionTreeInterpreter interpreter, ISymbolicExpressionTree solution, double lowerEstimationLimit, double upperEstimationLimit, ITimeSeriesPrognosisProblemData problemData, IEnumerable<int> rows, IntRange evaluationPartition, int horizon, bool applyLinearScaling) {
      var horizions = rows.Select(r => Math.Min(horizon, evaluationPartition.End - r));
      IEnumerable<double> targetValues = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, rows.Zip(horizions, Enumerable.Range).SelectMany(r => r));
      IEnumerable<double> estimatedValues = interpreter.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeValues(solution, problemData.Dataset, rows, horizions).SelectMany(x => x);
      OnlineCalculatorError errorState;

      double mse;
      if (applyLinearScaling && horizon == 1) { //perform normal evaluation and afterwards scale the solution and calculate the fitness value        
        var mseCalculator = new OnlineMeanSquaredErrorCalculator();
        CalculateWithScaling(targetValues, estimatedValues, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, mseCalculator, problemData.Dataset.Rows * horizon);
        errorState = mseCalculator.ErrorState;
        mse = mseCalculator.MeanSquaredError;
      } else if (applyLinearScaling) { //first create model to perform linear scaling and afterwards calculate fitness for the scaled model
        var model = new SymbolicTimeSeriesPrognosisModel((ISymbolicExpressionTree)solution.Clone(), interpreter, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit);
        var scaledSolution = model.SymbolicExpressionTree;
        estimatedValues = interpreter.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeValues(scaledSolution, problemData.Dataset, rows, horizions).SelectMany(x => x);
        var boundedEstimatedValues = estimatedValues.LimitToRange(lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit);
        mse = OnlineMeanSquaredErrorCalculator.Calculate(targetValues, boundedEstimatedValues, out errorState);
      } else {
        var boundedEstimatedValues = estimatedValues.LimitToRange(lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit);
        mse = OnlineMeanSquaredErrorCalculator.Calculate(targetValues, boundedEstimatedValues, out errorState);

      if (errorState != OnlineCalculatorError.None) return Double.NaN;
      else return mse;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the param XML element to Markdown safely.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements">The param XML element list.</param>
        /// <param name="paramTypes">The paramater type names.</param>
        /// <param name="memberKind">The member kind of the parent element.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated Markdown.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When the parameter (a.k.a <paramref name="elements"/>) list is empty:
        /// <para>If parent element kind is <see cref="MemberKind.Constructor"/> or <see cref="MemberKind.Method"/>, it returns a hint about "no parameters".</para>
        /// <para>If parent element kind is not the value mentioned above, it returns an empty string.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        internal static IEnumerable<string> ToMarkdown(
            IEnumerable<XElement> elements,
            IEnumerable<string> paramTypes,
            MemberKind memberKind)
            if (!elements.Any())
                    memberKind != MemberKind.Constructor &&
                    memberKind != MemberKind.Method
                    ? Enumerable.Empty<string>()
                    : new[]
                        "##### Parameters",
                        $"This {memberKind.ToLowerString()} has no parameters."

            var markdowns = elements
                .Zip(paramTypes, (element, type) => new ParamUnit(element, type))
                .SelectMany(unit => unit.ToMarkdown());

            var table = new[]
                "| Name | Type | Description |",
                "| ---- | ---- | ----------- |"

            return new[]
                "##### Parameters",
                string.Join("\n", table)
        private static IReadOnlyCollection<ClauseStates> Expand(IEnumerable<Clause> clauses, IEnumerable<ClauseStates> problem, int variable, bool value)
            return clauses.Zip(problem, (clause, state) => new { Clause = clause, State = state }).Select(
                pair =>
                        if (pair.State == ClauseStates.True)
                            return ClauseStates.True;

                        if (CanEliminateClause(pair.Clause, variable, value))
                            return ClauseStates.True;

                        var state = pair.State;
                        if (!state.HasFlag(ClauseStates.LeftFalse) && IsFalse(pair.Clause.Literal1, variable, value))
                            state |= ClauseStates.LeftFalse;

                        if (!state.HasFlag(ClauseStates.RightFalse) && IsFalse(pair.Clause.Literal2, variable, value))
                            state |= ClauseStates.RightFalse;

                        return state;
Пример #8
        static IEnumerable<MaraphoneEvent> CreateBets(IEnumerable<string> eventsNames, IEnumerable<ParsedEventData> eventsData)
            Debug.Assert(eventsNames.Count() == eventsData.Count(),
                         "Bets count and events count should match each other, but was " + eventsData.Count() + " vs " +

            return eventsNames.Zip(eventsData, (name, data) => new MaraphoneEvent(name, data.Coefficient, data.Specification));
Пример #9
        public DiscountCard(int baseDiscount, IEnumerable<DiscountPoint> discountPoints)
            Contract.Requires(baseDiscount >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(discountPoints.Zip(discountPoints.Skip(1), (a, b) => a.DiscountPrecents < b.DiscountPrecents && a.MinimumTotal < b.MinimumTotal).All(b => b),
                              "Discount points sequence should be monotonically increasing");

            points = (new[] { new DiscountPoint(0.0M, baseDiscount) }).Concat(discountPoints).Reverse().ToList();
 private static void AssertEqual(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> expected, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> result)
     Assert.Equal(expected.Count(), result.Count());
     foreach (var value in expected.Zip(result, (e, r) => new { Expected = e, Result = r }))
         Assert.Equal(value.Expected.Key, value.Result.Key);
         Assert.Equal(value.Expected.Value, value.Result.Value);
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new AxopatchDevice
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">Axopatch instance</param>
 /// <param name="c">Symphony Controller instance</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundModes">Enumerable of operating modes</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundMeasurements">Corresponding background Measurement for each operating mode</param>
 public AxopatchDevice(
     IAxopatch p,
     Controller c,
     IEnumerable<AxopatchInterop.OperatingMode> backgroundModes,
     IEnumerable<IMeasurement> backgroundMeasurements)
     : this(p, c,
                                (k, v) => new {Key = k, Value = v})
                           .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value))
Пример #12
 private bool AreEquivalent(IEnumerable<LNode> First, IEnumerable<LNode> Second)
     if (First.Count() != Second.Count())
         return false;
         return First.Zip(Second, Pair.Create).All(item => AreEquivalent(item.Item1, item.Item2));
Пример #13
        public static IImmutableList<IImmutableList<int>> BuildDlxMatrix(
            IEnumerable<TetraStick> tetraSticks,
            IEnumerable<PlacedTetraStick> placedTetraSticks)
            var tagToIndexDict = tetraSticks
                .Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue), Tuple.Create)
                .ToImmutableDictionary(t => t.Item1.Tag, t => t.Item2);

            return placedTetraSticks
                .Select(placedTetraStick => BuildDlxMatrixRow(tagToIndexDict, placedTetraStick))
Пример #14
 public Factory ToFactory(IEnumerable<Column> columns, TypeMapper typeMapper)
   if (columns.Count() != _attributes.Count())
     throw new InvalidOperationException("Did not get equal number of Columns and Attributes");
   var readers = columns.Zip<Column, Attribute, Func<object[], object>>(_attributes, (column, attribute) => {
     var mapper = typeMapper.MappingFor(column, attribute);
     return (row) => mapper(column.Read(row));
   return new Factory(_info, readers.ToArray());
Пример #15
 public static IEnumerable<Rectangle> ArrangeBlocks(IEnumerable<SizeF> wordSizes, Rectangle clientRectangle)
     var centers = GetCenters(0, clientRectangle.Width, 0, clientRectangle.Height);
     foreach (var sizeAndCenter in wordSizes.Zip(centers, (sz, center) => new {Size = sz, Center = center}))
         var center = sizeAndCenter.Center;
         var size = sizeAndCenter.Size;
         var rect = new Rectangle(center.X - (int) size.Width / 2, center.Y - (int) size.Height / 2, (int) size.Width,
             (int) size.Height);
         yield return rect;
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects the <see cref="PowerDeliveryElement"/> on the phases in <paramref name="bus1AndLinePhases"/>
 /// to the same phases on <paramref name="bus1"/>, and to the correspondingly-indexed phases <paramref name="bus2Phases"/>
 /// on <paramref name="bus2"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// The following code connects the <see cref="PowerDeliveryElement"/> to <paramref name="bus1"/>
 /// and <paramref name="bus2"/>, with the following phasing:
 /// <code>
 /// // key: line phase -> bus1 phase, bus2 phase
 /// // 1 -> 1, 2
 /// // 2 -> 2, 3
 /// // 3 -> 3, 1
 /// myPowerDeliveryElement.Connect(bus1, new[] {1,2,3}, bus2, new[] {2,3,1});
 /// </code></example>
 /// <param name="bus1">The first <see cref="Bus"/> to connect to. Shares common phases with the <see cref="PowerDeliveryElement"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="bus1AndLinePhases">The common phases to connect between the <see cref="PowerDeliveryElement"/> and the <see cref="Bus"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="bus2">The second <see cref="Bus"/> to connect to.</param>
 /// <param name="bus2Phases">Phase connections for <paramref name="bus2"/>.</param>
 public void Connect(Bus bus1, IEnumerable<int> bus1AndLinePhases, Bus bus2, IEnumerable<int> bus2Phases)
     foreach (var phasePair in bus1AndLinePhases.Zip(bus2Phases, (phase1, phase2) => new { Bus1AndLinePhase = phase1, Bus2Phase = phase2 }))
Пример #17
       private static IEnumerable<Tuple<PackageHeader, PackageVersion>> ListRequiredPackageVersions(
           IEnumerable<PackageHeader> headers, PackageVersion version)
           return headers.Zip(
               (header, v) => new Tuple<PackageHeader, string>(header, v))
                   (pair) =>
                       new Tuple<PackageHeader, PackageVersion>(
                       pair.Item1.versions.First(x => x.version == pair.Item2)));
Пример #18
 public async Task<List<string>> SendToastNotifications(string text1, string text2, IEnumerable<string> subscriberDeviceUris)
     var payload = GetToastPayload(text1, text2);
     var tasks = subscriberDeviceUris
         .Select(deviceUri => SendToastNotification(payload, deviceUri));
     bool[] succeses = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
     var failedDeviceUris = subscriberDeviceUris
         .Zip(succeses, (deviceUri, success) => new { deviceUri, success })
         .Where(pair => !pair.success)
         .Select(pair => pair.deviceUri)
     return failedDeviceUris;
Пример #19
 public async Task<List<string>> SendPushNotifications(FactTreeMemento factTree, IEnumerable<string> subscriberDeviceUris)
     var payload = GetRawPayload(factTree);
     var tasks = subscriberDeviceUris
         .Select(deviceUri => SendRawNotification(payload, deviceUri));
     bool[] succeses = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
     var failedDeviceUris = subscriberDeviceUris
         .Zip(succeses, (deviceUri, success) => new { deviceUri, success })
         .Where(pair => !pair.success)
         .Select(pair => pair.deviceUri)
     return failedDeviceUris;
Пример #20
        internal InfluxDbRecord(string name, IEnumerable<string> columns, IEnumerable<object> data, MetricTags tags, ConfigOptions config, Tuple<string, string>[] moreTags = null)
            : this(config)
            var record = BuildRecordPreamble(name, tags, moreTags);

            var fieldKeypairs = new List<string>();

            foreach (var pair in columns.Zip(data, (col, dat) => new { col, dat }))
                fieldKeypairs.Add(string.Format("{0}={1}", Escape(pair.col), StringifyValue(pair.dat)));

            record.Append(string.Join(",", fieldKeypairs));

            LineProtocol = record.ToString();
Пример #21
 public static bool AgreesAbsolute(IEnumerable<double> first, IEnumerable<double> second, double tolerance = 1e-6)
     if (first.Count() != second.Count()) return false;
     Func<double, double, bool> passes = (f, s) => Math.Abs(f - s) < tolerance;
     var diffs = first.Zip(second, (f, s) => new { First = f, Second = s }).Where(d => !passes(d.First, d.Second));
     if (diffs.Any())
         var builder = new StringBuilder();
         builder.AppendLine(string.Format("Numbers of diffs: {0}", diffs.Count()));
         foreach (var item in diffs)
             builder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0:F7} versus {1:F7} ({2:E1})", item.First, item.Second, item.First - item.Second));
     return !diffs.Any();
Пример #22
        public static Mesh InstanceMerge(
            IEnumerable<Mesh> Meshes,
            IEnumerable<Matrix> Transformation)
            var r = new Mesh();

            var totalVerticies = Meshes.Sum(m => m.VertexCount);
            var totalIndicies = Meshes.Sum(m => m.indicies.Length);

            r.verticies = new Vertex[totalVerticies];
            r.indicies = new short[totalIndicies];

            int vertexInsertLocation = 0;
            int indexInsertLocation = 0;

            foreach (var instance in Meshes.Zip(Transformation, (m, t) => Tuple.Create(m,t)))
                var mesh = instance.Item1;
                var transform = instance.Item2;

                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VertexCount; ++i)
                    r.verticies[i + vertexInsertLocation].Position = Vector3.Transform(mesh.verticies[i].Position, transform);
                    r.verticies[i + vertexInsertLocation].TextureCoordinate = mesh.verticies[i].TextureCoordinate;

                Vector3 scale;
                Vector3 trans;
                Quaternion rot;
                transform.Decompose(out scale, out rot, out trans);
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VertexCount; ++i)
                    r.verticies[i + vertexInsertLocation].Normal = Vector3.Transform(mesh.verticies[i].Normal, rot);
                    r.verticies[i + vertexInsertLocation].Tangent = Vector3.Transform(mesh.verticies[i].Tangent, rot);
                    r.verticies[i + vertexInsertLocation].BiNormal = Vector3.Transform(mesh.verticies[i].BiNormal, rot);

                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.indicies.Length; ++i)
                    r.indicies[i + indexInsertLocation] = (short)(vertexInsertLocation + mesh.indicies[i]);

                vertexInsertLocation += mesh.VertexCount;
                indexInsertLocation += mesh.indicies.Length;

            return r;
Пример #23
    internal static void AddArgumentSymbol(ISymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar originalGrammar, ISymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar grammar, IEnumerable<int> argumentIndexes, IEnumerable<CutPoint> argumentCutPoints) {
      foreach (var pair in argumentIndexes.Zip(argumentCutPoints, (a, b) => new { Index = a, CutPoint = b })) {
        var argSymbol = new Argument(pair.Index);
        grammar.SetSubtreeCount(argSymbol, 0, 0);

        foreach (var symb in grammar.Symbols) {
          if (symb is ProgramRootSymbol || symb is StartSymbol) continue;
          if (originalGrammar.IsAllowedChildSymbol(symb, pair.CutPoint.Child.Symbol))
            grammar.AddAllowedChildSymbol(symb, argSymbol);
          else {
            for (int i = 0; i < grammar.GetMaximumSubtreeCount(symb); i++) {
              if (originalGrammar.IsAllowedChildSymbol(symb, pair.CutPoint.Child.Symbol, i))
                grammar.AddAllowedChildSymbol(symb, argSymbol, i);
Пример #24
        public static Move getMove(Board state, IEnumerable<Card> toBuy, IEnumerable<int> weights)
            if (toBuy.Count() < 1) throw new Exception("BuySeeker.getMove called with no cards");
            if (toBuy.Count() != weights.Count()) throw new Exception("Buyseeker called with the wrong number of weights");
            Move target = new Move.BUY(toBuy.First());
            if (target.isLegal(state)) return target;   //Buy if possible
            target = new Move.RESERVE(toBuy.First());
            if (state.notCurrentPlayer.canBuy(state, toBuy.First()) && target.isLegal(state)) return target; //Reserve if opponent can buy

            var zipped = toBuy.Zip(weights, (c, w) => new { cd = c, wt = w });
            int[] needed = new int[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            foreach (var a in zipped)
                Gem toAdd = neededGems(state, a.cd);
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) needed[i] += toAdd[i] * a.wt;
            Gem targetGems = new Gem(needed);
            Heuristic fn = Heuristic.colors(targetGems);
            return Greedy.getGreedyMove(state, fn);
        private static int Choose(IEnumerable<Clause> clauses, IEnumerable<ClauseStates> problem)
            var clausesWithStates = clauses.Zip(problem, (clause, state) => new { Clause = clause, State = state }).ToArray();
            foreach (var pair in clausesWithStates)
                if (pair.State == ClauseStates.LeftFalse)
                    return pair.Clause.Literal2.Index;

                if (pair.State == ClauseStates.RightFalse)
                    return pair.Clause.Literal1.Index;

                    .First(x => x.State == ClauseStates.Undetermined)
Пример #26
    private static double Gini(IEnumerable<double> original, IEnumerable<double> estimated, out OnlineCalculatorError errorState) {
      var pairs =
        estimated.Zip(original, (e, o) => new { e, o })
          .OrderByDescending(p => p.e);
      if (pairs.Any()) errorState = OnlineCalculatorError.None;
      else errorState = OnlineCalculatorError.InsufficientElementsAdded;
      double giniSum = 0.0;
      double sumOriginal = 0.0;
      int n = 0;
      foreach (var p in pairs) {
        if (double.IsNaN(p.o) || double.IsNaN(p.e)) {
          errorState = OnlineCalculatorError.InvalidValueAdded;
          return double.NaN;
        sumOriginal += p.o;
        giniSum += sumOriginal;
      giniSum /= sumOriginal;

      return (giniSum - ((n + 1) / 2.0)) / n;
Пример #27
        private static MethodInfo InferMethodInfo(MethodInfo methodInfo, IEnumerable<object> arguments)
            if (methodInfo.ContainsGenericParameters)
                var typeMap = arguments.Zip(methodInfo.GetParameters(),
                (argument, parameter) => ResolveGenericType(GetType(argument), parameter.ParameterType))
                .SelectMany(x => x)
                .ToLookup(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2);

                var actuals = methodInfo.GetGenericArguments()
                    .Select(x =>
                        if (!typeMap.Contains(x))
                            throw new TypeArgumentsCannotBeInferredException(methodInfo);

                        return typeMap[x].Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1.IsAssignableFrom(t2) ? t2 : t1);

                return methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(actuals.ToArray());

            return methodInfo;
Пример #28
        public IObservable<Unit> QueueBackgroundDownloads(IEnumerable<string> urls, IEnumerable<string> localPaths, IObserver<int> progress = null)
            var fileCount = urls.Count();
            double toIncrement = 100.0 / fileCount;
            progress = progress ?? new Subject<int>();

            var ret = urls.Zip(localPaths, (u, p) => new { Url = u, Path = p }).ToObservable()
                .Select(x => Http.DownloadUrl(x.Url).Select(Content => new { x.Url, x.Path, Content }))
                .SelectMany(x => Observable.Start(() => {
                        var fi = fileSystem.GetFileInfo(x.Path);
                        if (fi.Exists) fi.Delete();

                        using (var of = fi.OpenWrite()) {
                            of.Write(x.Content, 0, x.Content.Length);
                    }, RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler))
                .Multicast(new ReplaySubject<Unit>());

            ret.Scan(0.0, (acc, _) => acc + toIncrement).Select(x => (int) x).Subscribe(progress);

            return ret.TakeLast(1).Select(_ => Unit.Default);
Пример #29
 public IEnumerable <DelaunatorEdge> CreateHull(IEnumerable <Vector> points) => points.Zip(points.Skip(1).Append(points.FirstOrDefault()), (a, b) => new DelaunatorEdge {
     Index = 0, P = a, Q = b
 }).OfType <DelaunatorEdge>();
Пример #30
 private static bool ModificationListsMatch(IEnumerable <string> list1, IEnumerable <string> list2)
     return(!list1.Zip(list2, ModificationsMatch).Contains(false));
Пример #31
 public static Task <IEnumerable <TResult> > Zip <TSource, TSecond, TResult>(this IEnumerable <TSource> @this, IEnumerable <Task <TSecond> > second, Func <TSource, TSecond, TResult> func) => @this.Zip(second.AwaitAll(), func);
Пример #32
 IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, T> > MakeEnumerable()
     return(_arguments.Zip(_names, (arg, name) => new KeyValuePair <string, T>(name, arg)));
Пример #33
 public List<Island> CreateIslands(IEnumerable<Vector2> islandPositions, IEnumerable<int> initialGolds)
     return islandPositions.Zip(initialGolds, (p, g) => this.CreateIsland(p, g)).ToList();
Пример #34
 public static IEnumerable <Tuple <TSource1, TSource2> > Zip <TSource1, TSource2>(this IEnumerable <TSource1> source1,
                                                                                  IEnumerable <TSource2> source2)
     return(source1.Zip(source2, (e1, e2) => new Tuple <TSource1, TSource2>(e1, e2)));
Пример #35
 public static double ScalarMul(IEnumerable <double> v1, IEnumerable <double> v2)
     return(v1.Zip(v2, (a, b) => a * b).Sum());
Пример #36
 public static bool SameAs(this IEnumerable <IMusicable> list1, IEnumerable <IMusicable> list2)
     return(list1?.Count() == list2?.Count() && list1.Zip(list2, (m1, m2) => m1.ToMusic().Equals(m2.ToMusic())).All(res => res));
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// 9. 与えられた2つの文字列コレクションから結合・加工したひとつの文字列コレクションを返す関数を作りなさい。2つの文字列は同じ要素番号を持つ者同士をコロンを用いて結合し、結合可能なもののみを返すこと。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_stringList1"></param>
 /// <param name="_stringList2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static IEnumerable <string> Q9(IEnumerable <string> _stringList1, IEnumerable <string> _stringList2)
     return(_stringList1.Zip(_stringList2, (a, b) => $"{a}:{b}"));
Пример #38
 private static bool IsFullCombination(this IEnumerable <SyntaxNode> nodes, IEnumerable <string> expectedTags)
     return(nodes.Zip(expectedTags, (a, b) => a.IsTag && a.TagName == b).All(p => p));
Пример #39
        //private static T[] getdataOfType<T>(int datatype) where T : struct
        //    System.Type type;
        //    switch (datatype)
        //    {
        //        case H5T.NATIVE_INT16:
        //            type = Int16.;
        //            break;
        //        case nameof(Int32):
        //            dataType = H5T.NATIVE_INT;
        //            break;
        //        case nameof(Int64):
        //            dataType = H5T.NATIVE_INT64;
        //            break;
        //        case nameof(Double):
        //            dataType = H5T.NATIVE_DOUBLE;
        //            break;
        //        case nameof(Boolean):
        //            dataType = H5T.NATIVE_INT8;
        //            break;
        //        default:
        //            throw new Exception(string.Format("Datatype {0} not supported", type));
        //    }
        //    return type;

        public static bool Similar(this IEnumerable <double> first, IEnumerable <double> second, double precision = 1e-2)
            var result = first.Zip(second, (f, s) => Math.Abs(f - s) < precision);

            return(result.All(r => r));
Пример #40
 /// <summary> Combines numbers and fruits </summary>
 /// <param name="numbers">string sequience of numbers</param>
 /// <param name="fruits">string sequence of fruits</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   Returns new sequence of merged number and fruit items
 /// </returns>
 /// <example>
 ///  {"one","two","three"}, {"apple", "bananas","pineapples"} => {"one apple","two bananas","three pineapples"}
 ///  {"one"}, {"apple", "bananas","pineapples"} => {"one apple"}
 ///  {"one","two","three"}, {"apple", "bananas" } => {"one apple","two bananas"}
 ///  {"one","two","three"}, { } => { }
 ///  { }, {"apple", "bananas" } => { }
 /// </example>
 public IEnumerable <string> CombineNumbersAndFruits(IEnumerable <string> numbers, IEnumerable <string> fruits)
     // TODO : Implement CombinesNumbersAndFruits
     return(numbers.Zip(fruits, (num, fru) => string.Format("{0} {1}", num, fru)));
Пример #41
 /// <summary>
 ///  Calcuates the sum of two vectors:
 ///  (x1, x2, ..., xn) + (y1, y2, ..., yn) = (x1+y1, x2+y2, ..., xn+yn)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector1">source vector 1</param>
 /// <param name="vector2">source vector 2</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  Returns the sum of two vectors
 /// </returns>
 /// <example>
 ///   { 1, 2, 3 } + { 10, 20, 30 } => { 11, 22, 33 }
 ///   { 1, 1, 1 } + { -1, -1, -1 } => { 0, 0, 0 }
 /// </example>
 public IEnumerable <int> GetSumOfVectors(IEnumerable <int> vector1, IEnumerable <int> vector2)
     // TODO : Implement GetSumOfVectors
     return(vector1.Zip(vector2, (x, y) => x + y));
        private static IList <ColumnMappingBuilder> CreateMappings(IEnumerable <EdmProperty> columns, params string[] propertyNames)
            var baseType = CreateMockType("Base").Object;

            return(columns.Zip(propertyNames, (t, p) => CreateColumnMapping(CreateMockType(p + "Type", baseType).Object, p, t)).ToList());
Пример #43
        private (string Msg, AlertType LogType) AddWords(Book bookToAdd, Language from, Language to, IEnumerable <string> words, IEnumerable <string> translations, IEnumerable <string> descriptions = null)
            var count1 = words?.Count();
            var count2 = translations?.Count();
            var count3 = descriptions?.Count();

            var isInputCorrect = count1 != null && count1 == count2 && (count1 == count3 || count3 == null);

            if (!isInputCorrect)
                return("Incorrect word format", AlertType.Error);

            IEnumerable <(string Word, string Definition, string Description)> collection = descriptions != null?
                                                                                            words.Zip(translations, (w, d) => (w, d)).Zip(descriptions, (tuple, ds) => (tuple.w, tuple.d, ds)) :
                                                                                                words.Zip(translations, (w, d) => (w, d, ""));

            CreateTranslations(bookToAdd, from, to, collection);

            return($"Successfully added {count1} words!", AlertType.Success);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(
            int page      = 1,
            int pageSize  = 10,
            string mode   = "",
            string region = ""
            // Create the view model with initial values we already know.
            var vm = new LeaderboardViewModel
                Page           = page,
                PageSize       = pageSize,
                SelectedMode   = mode,
                SelectedRegion = region,

                GameModes = new List <string>()

                GameRegions = new List <string>()
                    "Milky Way",
                    "NGC 1300",
                    "Messier 82",

                // Fetch the total number of results in the background.
                var countItemsTask = _dbRespository.CountScoresAsync(mode, region);

                // Fetch the scores that match the current filter.
                IEnumerable <Score> scores = await _dbRespository.GetScoresAsync(mode, region, page, pageSize);

                // Wait for the total count.
                vm.TotalResults = await countItemsTask;

                // Fetch the user profile for each score.
                // This creates a list that's parallel with the scores collection.
                var profiles = new List <Task <Profile> >();
                foreach (var score in scores)
                Task <Profile> .WaitAll(profiles.ToArray());

                // Combine each score with its profile.
                vm.Scores = scores.Zip(profiles, (score, profile) => new ScoreProfile {
                    Score = score, Profile = profile.Result

            catch (Exception)
Пример #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a map from telems to uelems.  telems and uelems must have the same number of elements.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="telems"></param>
 /// <param name="uelems"></param>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="U"></typeparam>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Dictionary <T, U> Map <T, U>(IEnumerable <T> telems, IEnumerable <U> uelems)
     return(telems.Zip(uelems).ToDictionary(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2));
Пример #46
        public CharRNNModel(CharRNNModelParameters parameters, bool training = true)
            this.parameters = parameters ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters));
            if (!training)
                this.parameters.BatchSize = 1;
                this.parameters.SeqLength = 1;

            if (!ModelTypeToCellFunction.TryGetValue(parameters.ModelType, out this.cellFactory))
                throw new NotSupportedException(parameters.ModelType.ToString());

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.LayerCount; i++)
                RNNCell cell = this.cellFactory(parameters.RNNSize);
                if (training && (parameters.KeepOutputProbability < 1 || parameters.KeepInputProbability < 1))
                    cell = new DropoutWrapper(cell,
                                              input_keep_prob: parameters.KeepInputProbability,
                                              output_keep_prob: parameters.KeepOutputProbability);
            this.rnn          = new MultiRNNCell(this.cells, state_is_tuple: true);
            this.inputData    = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, new TensorShape(parameters.BatchSize, parameters.SeqLength));
            this.targets      = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, new TensorShape(parameters.BatchSize, parameters.SeqLength));
            this.initialState = this.rnn.zero_state(parameters.BatchSize, tf.float32);

            Variable softmax_W = null, softmax_b = null;

            new variable_scope("rnnlm").UseSelf(_ => {
                softmax_W = tf.get_variable("softmax_w", new TensorShape(parameters.RNNSize, parameters.VocabularySize));
                softmax_b = tf.get_variable("softmax_b", new TensorShape(parameters.VocabularySize));

            Variable embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding", new TensorShape(parameters.VocabularySize, parameters.RNNSize));
            Tensor   input     = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, this.inputData);

            // dropout beta testing: double check which one should affect next line
            if (training && parameters.KeepOutputProbability < 1)
                input = tf.nn.dropout(input, parameters.KeepOutputProbability);

            PythonList <Tensor> inputs = tf.split(input, parameters.SeqLength, axis: 1);

            inputs = inputs.Select(i => (Tensor)tf.squeeze(i, axis: 1)).ToPythonList();

            dynamic Loop(dynamic prev, dynamic _)
                prev = tf.matmul(prev, softmax_W) + softmax_b;
                var prevSymbol = tf.stop_gradient(tf.argmax(prev, 1));

                return(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, prevSymbol));

            var decoder = tensorflow.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.legacy_seq2seq.rnn_decoder_dyn(
                decoder_inputs: inputs,
                initial_state: this.initialState.Items(),
                cell: this.rnn,
                loop_function: training ? null : PythonFunctionContainer.Of(new Func <dynamic, dynamic, dynamic>(Loop)), scope: "rnnlm");
            var     outputs             = decoder.Item1;
            var     lastState           = (seq2seqState)decoder.Item2;
            dynamic contatenatedOutputs = tf.concat(outputs, 1);
            var     output = tensorflow.tf.reshape(contatenatedOutputs, new[] { -1, parameters.RNNSize });

            this.logits = tf.matmul(output, softmax_W) + softmax_b;
            this.probs  = tf.nn.softmax(new[] { this.logits });
            this.loss   = tensorflow.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.legacy_seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example_dyn(
                logits: new[] { this.logits },
                targets: new[] { tf.reshape(this.targets, new[] { -1 }) },
                weights: new[] { tf.ones(new[] { parameters.BatchSize *parameters.SeqLength }) });

            Tensor cost = null;

            new name_scope("cost").UseSelf(_ => {
                cost = tf.reduce_sum(this.loss) / parameters.BatchSize / parameters.SeqLength;
            this.cost         = cost;
            this.finalState   = lastState;
            this.learningRate = new Variable(0.0, trainable: false);
            var tvars = tf.trainable_variables();

            IEnumerable <object> grads     = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(this.cost, tvars), parameters.GradientClip).Item1;
            AdamOptimizer        optimizer = null;

            new name_scope("optimizer").UseSelf(_ => optimizer = new AdamOptimizer(this.learningRate));
            this.trainOp = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads.Zip(tvars, (grad, @var) => (dynamic)(grad, @var)));

            tf.summary.histogram("logits", new[] { this.logits });
            tf.summary.histogram("loss", new[] { this.loss });
            tf.summary.histogram("train_loss", new[] { this.cost });
Пример #47
        //public bool Matches(string functionName, IEnumerable<Type> argumentTypes)
        //    return functionName == Name && argumentTypes.Count() == ArgumentTypes.Count() &&
        //           argumentTypes.Zip(ArgumentTypes, (call, sig) => Typecasts.CanCastTo(call,sig)).All(r => r == true);

        public bool DynamicMatches(string functionName, IEnumerable <object> arguments)
            return(functionName == Name && arguments.Count() == ArgumentTypes.Count() &&
                   arguments.Zip(ArgumentTypes, (call, sig) => Typecasts.CanCastTo(call, sig)).All(r => r == true));
Пример #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate a sample sequence by sampling a function at the provided point sequence.
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <T> Map2Sequence <TA, TB, T>(IEnumerable <TA> pointsA, IEnumerable <TB> pointsB, Func <TA, TB, T> map)
     return(pointsA.Zip(pointsB, map));
Пример #49
        public IEnumerable <TargetSupportedIn> GetMatchingTargetsAndSupportedVersions(IEnumerable <Version> usedVersions)
            var zipped = usedVersions.Zip(ReportingResult.Targets, (a, b) => { return(new TargetSupportedIn(b, a)); });

Пример #50
 public static Task <IEnumerable <TResult> > Zip <TSource, TSecond, TResult>(this IEnumerable <TSource> @this, Task <IEnumerable <TSecond> > second, Func <TSource, TSecond, Task <TResult> > func)
     return(@this.Zip(second, func));
Пример #51
        private bool AreSubnetsEqual(IEnumerable <Subnet> subnets1, IEnumerable <Subnet> subnets2)
            var subnetCollection = subnets1.Zip(subnets2, (s1, s2) => new { subnet1 = s1, subnet2 = s2 });

            return(subnetCollection.All(subnets => AreSubnetsEqual(subnets.subnet1, subnets.subnet2)));
 public static IEnumerable <double> Times(this IEnumerable <double> xs, IEnumerable <double> ys)
     return(xs.Zip(ys, (x, y) => x * y));
Пример #53
 public IEnumerable <Guid> AddItem(IEnumerable <Product> products, IEnumerable <float> amounts)
     return(products.Zip(amounts, (p, a) => AddItem(p, a)));
Пример #54
        public void NotNormalOrderedTest(bool pass, int nOrbitals, IEnumerable <int> ca, IEnumerable <int> idx)
            var ladderOperators = ca.Zip(idx, (a, b) => (a == 0 ? RaisingLowering.d : RaisingLowering.u, (int)b)).ToLadderSequence();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new HermitianFermionTerm(ladderOperators));
Пример #55
 /// <summary>
 ///  Calcuates the product of two vectors:
 ///  (x1, x2, ..., xn) + (y1, y2, ..., yn) = x1*y1 + x2*y2 + ... + xn*yn
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector1">source vector 1</param>
 /// <param name="vector2">source vector 2</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  Returns the product of two vectors
 /// </returns>
 /// <example>
 ///   { 1, 2, 3 } * { 1, 2, 3 } => 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 = 14
 ///   { 1, 1, 1 } * { -1, -1, -1 } => 1*-1 + 1*-1 + 1*-1 = -3
 ///   { 1, 1, 1 } * { 0, 0, 0 } => 1*0 + 1*0 +1*0 = 0
 /// </example>
 public int GetProductOfVectors(IEnumerable <int> vector1, IEnumerable <int> vector2)
     // TODO : Implement GetProductOfVectors
     return(vector1.Zip(vector2, (x, y) => x * y).Sum());
 public static IEnumerable <double> Add(this IEnumerable <double> xs, IEnumerable <double> ys)
     return(xs.Zip(ys, (x, y) => x + y));
Пример #57
 private static bool ShouldBeEqual(IEnumerable<bool> isA, IEnumerable<bool> usedInEquals)
     return isA.Zip(usedInEquals, (x, inEqual) => (inEqual && x) || !inEqual).All(x => x);
 public int Compare(IEnumerable <int> x, IEnumerable <int> y)
     // TODO: throw ArgumentNullException
     return(x.Zip(y, (xItem, yItem) => xItem.CompareTo(yItem))
            .Where(c => c != 0).FirstOrDefault());
 private static IEnumerable <PlanSum> GetPlanSumsInScope(Patient patient, IEnumerable <string> planSumsInScopeCourseIds, IEnumerable <string> planSumsInScopeIds) =>
 planSumsInScopeCourseIds?.Zip(planSumsInScopeIds ?? new string[0], (courseId, planSumId) => GetPlanSum(patient, courseId, planSumId));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(
            int page      = 1,
            int pageSize  = 10,
            string mode   = "",
            string region = ""
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true)
            var configurationTest = configuration["TitleValue"];
            // Create the view model with initial values we already know.
            var vm = new LeaderboardViewModel
                Page           = page,
                PageSize       = pageSize,
                SelectedMode   = mode,
                SelectedRegion = region,

                GameModes = new List <string>()
                    configurationTest ?? string.Empty

                GameRegions = new List <string>()
                    "Milky Way",
                    "NGC 1300",
                    "Messier 82",

                // Form the query predicate.
                // This expression selects all scores that match the provided game
                // mode and region (map).
                // Select the score if the game mode or region is empty.
                Expression <Func <Score, bool> > queryPredicate = score =>
                                                                  (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mode) || score.GameMode == mode) &&
                                                                  (string.IsNullOrEmpty(region) || score.GameRegion == region);

                // Fetch the total number of results in the background.
                var countItemsTask = _scoreRepository.CountItemsAsync(queryPredicate);

                // Fetch the scores that match the current filter.
                IEnumerable <Score> scores = await _scoreRepository.GetItemsAsync(
                    queryPredicate,           // the predicate defined above
                    score => score.HighScore, // sort descending by high score
                    page - 1,                 // subtract 1 to make the query 0-based

                // Wait for the total count.
                vm.TotalResults = await countItemsTask;

                // Set previous and next hyperlinks.
                if (page > 1)
                    vm.PrevLink = $"/?page={page - 1}&pageSize={pageSize}&mode={mode}&region={region}#leaderboard";
                if (vm.TotalResults > page * pageSize)
                    vm.NextLink = $"/?page={page + 1}&pageSize={pageSize}&mode={mode}&region={region}#leaderboard";

                // Fetch the user profile for each score.
                // This creates a list that's parallel with the scores collection.
                var profiles = new List <Task <Profile> >();
                foreach (var score in scores)
                Task <Profile> .WaitAll(profiles.ToArray());

                // Combine each score with its profile.
                vm.Scores = scores.Zip(profiles, (score, profile) => new ScoreProfile {
                    Score = score, Profile = profile.Result

            catch (Exception)