private void tabControl_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e)
            Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "BEGIN");
            if (e.TabPage == tabPageSetup)
                buttonSaveInRepository.Visible = SetupTabSelected_MakeSaveInRepositoryVisible;
            // if it was modified, then we need to apply it or switch back to
            //  the setup tab (unless it was the about tab that was selected)
            else if (e.TabPage != tabPageAbout)
                // Test or Advanced tab.
                // If the configuration was modified, then make the user go back
                if (IsModified && !OnApply())
                    MessageBox.Show("You must configure the conversion process on the Setup tab first", EncConverters.cstrCaption);
                    IEncConverter aEC = InitializeEncConverter;
                    if (aEC != null)
                        if (e.TabPage == tabPageTestArea)
                            string strLhsFont, strRhsFont;
                            if (GetFontMapping(aEC.Name, out strLhsFont, out strRhsFont))
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLhsFont))
                                    ecTextBoxInput.Font = new Font(strLhsFont, 14);

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strRhsFont))
                                    ecTextBoxOutput.Font = new Font(strRhsFont, 14);

                            TestTabInputChanged();  // doesn't happen automatically the first time for some reason
                            checkBoxTestReverse.Visible = !EncConverters.IsUnidirectional(aEC.ConversionType);
                        else // if (e.TabPage == tabPageAdvanced)
                            m_bAdvancedTabVisited          = true;
                            dataGridViewProperties.Visible = labelProperties.Visible = false;   // pessimistic
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FriendlyName))
                                textBoxFriendlyName.Text = DefaultFriendlyName;
                                IsModified = true;
                                textBoxFriendlyName.Text = FriendlyName;

                                // we shouldn't get here with a temporary converter...
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(FriendlyName.IndexOf(EncConverters.cstrTempConverterPrefix) != 0);

                                // load the grid with any existing converter property keys and their values
                                // (but only do this if this is already in the collection object (or there
                                //  won't be any properties by definition) and if there *are* any properties
                                //  (because many sub-classes don't have any properties)
                                EncConverters aECs  = (EncConverters)m_aECs;
                                ECAttributes  attrs = null;
                                if (aECs.ContainsKey(FriendlyName) &&
                                    ((attrs = m_aECs.Attributes(FriendlyName, AttributeType.Converter)) != null) &&
                                    (attrs.Count > 0))
                                    dataGridViewProperties.Visible = labelProperties.Visible = true;
                                    foreach (DictionaryEntry kvp in attrs)
                                        object[] aos = new object[] { kvp.Key, kvp.Value };

                            // certain sub-classes don't allow the friendly name to be modified (e.g. spellfixer)
                            textBoxFriendlyName.ReadOnly = ShouldFriendlyNameBeReadOnly;

                            // load the combo boxes with the existing Encoding names
                            foreach (string strEncodingName in m_aECs.Encodings)

                            // if the left-hand side Encoding name is already configured, then select that
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LhsEncodingId))
                                if (!comboBoxEncodingNamesLhs.Items.Contains(LhsEncodingId))
                                comboBoxEncodingNamesLhs.SelectedItem = LhsEncodingId;

                            // if the right-hand side Encoding name is already configured, then select that
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RhsEncodingId))
                                if (!comboBoxEncodingNamesRhs.Items.Contains(RhsEncodingId))
                                comboBoxEncodingNamesRhs.SelectedItem = RhsEncodingId;

                            // initialize the check boxes for the Process Types
                            checkBoxUnicodeEncodingConversion.Checked = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.UnicodeEncodingConversion) != 0);
                            checkBoxTransliteration.Checked           = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.Transliteration) != 0);
                            checkBoxICUTransliteration.Checked        = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.ICUTransliteration) != 0);
                            checkBoxICUConverter.Checked = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.ICUConverter) != 0);
                            checkBoxCodePage.Checked     = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.CodePageConversion) != 0);
                            checkBoxNonUnicodeEncodingConversion.Checked = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.NonUnicodeEncodingConversion) != 0);
                            checkBoxSpellingFixerProject.Checked         = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.SpellingFixerProject) != 0);
                            checkBoxICURegularExpression.Checked         = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.ICURegularExpression) != 0);
                            checkBoxPythonScript.Checked   = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.PythonScript) != 0);
                            checkBoxPerlExpression.Checked = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.PerlExpression) != 0);
                            checkBoxSpare1.Checked         = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.UserDefinedSpare1) != 0);
                            checkBoxSpare2.Checked         = ((ProcessType & (int)ProcessTypeFlags.UserDefinedSpare2) != 0);