private CylinderTargetBehaviour CreateCylinderTargetBehaviour(CylinderTarget cylinderTarget)
        GameObject cylinderTargetObject = new GameObject();
        CylinderTargetBehaviour newCTB  =
            cylinderTargetObject.AddComponent <CylinderTargetBehaviour>();

        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour newEditorCTB = newCTB;

        Debug.Log("Creating Cylinder Target with values: " +
                  "\n ID:           " + cylinderTarget.ID +
                  "\n Name:         " + cylinderTarget.Name +
                  "\n Path:         " + newEditorCTB.DataSetPath +
                  "\n Side Length:  " + cylinderTarget.GetSideLength() +
                  "\n Top Diameter: " + cylinderTarget.GetTopDiameter() +
                  "\n Bottom Diam.: " + cylinderTarget.GetBottomDiameter());

        // Set Cylinder Target attributes.
        var sidelength = cylinderTarget.GetSideLength();

        newEditorCTB.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sidelength, sidelength, sidelength);
        newEditorCTB.SetAspectRatio(cylinderTarget.GetTopDiameter() / sidelength,
                                    cylinderTarget.GetBottomDiameter() / sidelength);
Пример #2
    private static void UpdateGeometry(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, float sideLength, float topDiameter, float bottomDiameter, bool hasTopGeometry, bool hasBottomGeometry)
        GameObject   gameObject = ct.gameObject;
        MeshRenderer component  = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (component == null)
            component = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        component.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;
        MeshFilter filter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        if (filter == null)
            filter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        filter.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;
        Mesh mesh = CylinderMeshFactory.CreateCylinderMesh(sideLength, topDiameter, bottomDiameter, 0x20, hasTopGeometry, hasBottomGeometry, true);

        filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
        MaskOutAbstractBehaviour behaviour = gameObject.GetComponent <MaskOutAbstractBehaviour>();

        if (behaviour == null)
            Material material = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Qualcomm Augmented Reality/Materials/DepthMask.mat", typeof(Material));
            behaviour = BehaviourComponentFactory.Instance.AddMaskOutBehaviour(gameObject);
            behaviour.maskMaterial = material;
        behaviour.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;
Пример #3
    // This method updates the respective Trackable appearance (e.g.
    // aspect ratio and texture) with data set data.
    public override void ApplyDataSetAppearance()
        // Prefabs should not be editable
        if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(mTarget) == PrefabType.Prefab)

        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ctb = (CylinderTargetBehaviour)mTarget;

        ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig;
        if (TrackableInDataSet(ctb.TrackableName, ctb.DataSetName))
            ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(ctb.DataSetName);
            dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(ctb.TrackableName, out ctConfig);
            // If the Trackable has been removed from the data set we reset it to default.
            ConfigData dataSetData =
            dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.DEFAULT_TRACKABLE_NAME, out ctConfig);

        //update geometry based on properties from dataset
        CylinderTargetEditor.UpdateAspectRatio(ctb, ctConfig);
Пример #4
    public void OnEnable()
        CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour target = (CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour);

        if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(target) != PrefabType.Prefab)
            if (!SceneManager.Instance.SceneInitialized)
            IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct = target;
            if (!ct.InitializedInEditor && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                ConfigData.CylinderTargetData data;
                ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData("--- EMPTY ---").GetCylinderTarget("--- EMPTY ---", out data);
                ct.SetDataSetPath("--- EMPTY ---");
                ct.SetNameForTrackable("--- EMPTY ---");
                UpdateAspectRatio(ct, data);
                UpdateScale(ct, data.sideLength);
            else if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
Пример #5
    public static void UpdateAspectRatio(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig)
        float topRatio    = ctConfig.topDiameter / ctConfig.sideLength;
        float bottomRatio = ctConfig.bottomDiameter / ctConfig.sideLength;

        ct.SetAspectRatio(topRatio, bottomRatio);
        UpdateGeometry(ct, 1f, topRatio, bottomRatio, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry);
        UpdateMaterials(ct, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Define the ratio between sidelength, top diameter, and bottom diameter.
    /// Geometry and materials are updated according to the new parameters.
    /// </summary>
    public static void UpdateAspectRatio(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig)
        var topRatio    = ctConfig.topDiameter / ctConfig.sideLength;
        var bottomRatio = ctConfig.bottomDiameter / ctConfig.sideLength;

        ct.SetAspectRatio(topRatio, bottomRatio);
        UpdateGeometry(ct, 1.0f, topRatio, bottomRatio, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry);

        //assign materials
        UpdateMaterials(ct, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, INSIDE_MATERIAL);
    /// <summary>
    /// Define the ratio between sidelength, top diameter, and bottom diameter.
    /// Geometry and materials are updated according to the new parameters.
    /// </summary>
    public static void UpdateAspectRatio(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig)
        var topRatio = ctConfig.topDiameter/ctConfig.sideLength;
        var bottomRatio = ctConfig.bottomDiameter/ctConfig.sideLength;

        ct.SetAspectRatio(topRatio, bottomRatio);
        UpdateGeometry(ct, 1.0f, topRatio, bottomRatio, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry);

        //assign materials
        UpdateMaterials(ct, ctConfig.hasBottomGeometry, ctConfig.hasTopGeometry, INSIDE_MATERIAL);
Пример #8
    private static void CheckMesh(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCtb)
        GameObject   gameObject = editorCtb.gameObject;
        MeshFilter   component  = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer renderer   = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (((component == null) || (component.sharedMesh == null)) || (((renderer == null) || (renderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0)) || (renderer.sharedMaterials[0] == null)))
            ConfigData.CylinderTargetData data2;
            ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(editorCtb.DataSetName).GetCylinderTarget(editorCtb.TrackableName, out data2);
            UpdateAspectRatio(editorCtb, data2);
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates CylinderTarget. Deletes all parts and recreates them.
    /// Creates a mesh with vertices, normals, and texture coordinates.
    /// Top and bottom geometry are represented as separate submeshes,
    /// i.e. resulting mesh contains 1, 2, or 3 submeshes.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateGeometry(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct,
                                       float sideLength, float topDiameter, float bottomDiameter,
                                       bool hasTopGeometry, bool hasBottomGeometry)
        GameObject gameObject = ct.gameObject;

        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (!meshRenderer)
            meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        //disable the editing functionality of meshRenderer in inspector UI
        meshRenderer.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        if (!meshFilter)
            meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        //disable the editing functionality of meshFilter in inspector UI
        meshFilter.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        Mesh cylinderMesh = CylinderMeshFactory.CreateCylinderMesh(sideLength, topDiameter, bottomDiameter,
                                                                   NUM_PERIMETER_VERTICES, hasTopGeometry,
                                                                   hasBottomGeometry, INSIDE_MATERIAL);

        meshFilter.sharedMesh = cylinderMesh;

        //create and attach mask-out material (if not existing yet)
        MaskOutBehaviour script = gameObject.GetComponent <MaskOutBehaviour>();

        if (!script)
            Material maskMaterial =

            script = gameObject.AddComponent <MaskOutBehaviour>();
            script.maskMaterial = maskMaterial;
        //disable the editing functionality of the script in inspector UI
        script.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        // Cleanup assets that have been created temporarily.
Пример #10
    public static void UpdateScale(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, float scale)
        float num = ct.transform.localScale.x / scale;

        ct.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
        if (ct.PreserveChildSize)
            foreach (Transform transform in ct.transform)
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x * num, transform.localPosition.y * num, transform.localPosition.z * num);
                transform.localScale    = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x * num, transform.localScale.y * num, transform.localScale.z * num);
Пример #11
    private CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour CreateCylinderTargetBehaviour(CylinderTarget cylinderTarget)
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour  = BehaviourComponentFactory.Instance.AddCylinderTargetBehaviour(gameObject);
        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour  behaviour2 = behaviour;

        Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Creating Cylinder Target with values: \n ID:           ", cylinderTarget.ID, "\n Name:         ", cylinderTarget.Name, "\n Path:         ", behaviour2.DataSetPath, "\n Side Length:  ", cylinderTarget.GetSideLength(), "\n Top Diameter: ", cylinderTarget.GetTopDiameter(), "\n Bottom Diam.: ", cylinderTarget.GetBottomDiameter() }));
        float sideLength = cylinderTarget.GetSideLength();

        behaviour2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sideLength, sideLength, sideLength);
        behaviour2.SetAspectRatio(cylinderTarget.GetTopDiameter() / sideLength, cylinderTarget.GetBottomDiameter() / sideLength);
Пример #12
 public override void ApplyDataSetProperties()
     if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(base.mTarget) != PrefabType.Prefab)
         ConfigData.CylinderTargetData  data;
         IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour mTarget = (CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour)base.mTarget;
         if (this.TrackableInDataSet(mTarget.TrackableName, mTarget.DataSetName))
             ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(mTarget.DataSetName).GetCylinderTarget(mTarget.TrackableName, out data);
             ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData("--- EMPTY ---").GetCylinderTarget("--- EMPTY ---", out data);
             mTarget.SetDataSetPath("--- EMPTY ---");
             mTarget.SetNameForTrackable("--- EMPTY ---");
         CylinderTargetEditor.UpdateScale(mTarget, data.sideLength);
    // Initializes the Cylinder Target when it is drag-dropped into the scene.
    public void OnEnable()
        var ctb = (CylinderTargetBehaviour)target;

        // We don't want to initialize if this is a prefab.
        if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(ctb) == PrefabType.Prefab)

        // Make sure the scene and config.xml file are synchronized.
        if (!SceneManager.Instance.SceneInitialized)

        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCtb = ctb;

        // Only setup target if it has not been set up previously.
        if (!editorCtb.InitializedInEditor && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig;

            ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.DEFAULT_DATA_SET_NAME);
            dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.DEFAULT_TRACKABLE_NAME, out ctConfig);


            UpdateAspectRatio(editorCtb, ctConfig);
            UpdateScale(editorCtb, ctConfig.sideLength);
        else if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)

        // Cache the current scale of the target:
    private static void CheckMesh(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCtb)
        // when copy-pasting targets between scenes, the mesh and materials of
        // the game objects get lost. This checks for them and re-creates them if they are found missing.
        GameObject itObject = editorCtb.gameObject;

        MeshFilter   meshFilter   = itObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = itObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (meshFilter == null || meshFilter.sharedMesh == null ||
            meshRenderer == null || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0 || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[0] == null)
            ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(editorCtb.DataSetName);

            ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig;
            dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(editorCtb.TrackableName, out ctConfig);

            //geometry has to be updated when a new target has been selected
            UpdateAspectRatio(editorCtb, ctConfig);
    /// <summary>
    /// Define a new scale for the cylinder target, which corresponds to the sidelength.
    /// If PreserveChildSize is true, all child objects will be scaled inversely in order to keep their original size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">Local scale of this cylinder target will be updated</param>
    /// <param name="scale">Uniform scale of the target, corresponds to the sidelength</param>
    public static void UpdateScale(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, float scale)
        var childScaleFactor = ct.transform.localScale.x / scale;

        ct.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

        // Check if 3D content should keep its size or if it should be scaled
        // with the target.
        if (ct.PreserveChildSize)
            foreach (Transform child in ct.transform)
                child.localPosition =
                    new Vector3(child.localPosition.x * childScaleFactor,
                                child.localPosition.y * childScaleFactor,
                                child.localPosition.z * childScaleFactor);

                child.localScale =
                    new Vector3(child.localScale.x * childScaleFactor,
                                child.localScale.y * childScaleFactor,
                                child.localScale.z * childScaleFactor);
    /// <summary>
    /// Define a new scale for the cylinder target, which corresponds to the sidelength.
    /// If PreserveChildSize is true, all child objects will be scaled inversely in order to keep their original size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">Local scale of this cylinder target will be updated</param>
    /// <param name="scale">Uniform scale of the target, corresponds to the sidelength</param>
    public static void UpdateScale(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, float scale)
        var childScaleFactor = ct.transform.localScale.x / scale;

        ct.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

        // Check if 3D content should keep its size or if it should be scaled
        // with the target.
        if (ct.PreserveChildSize)
            foreach (Transform child in ct.transform)
                child.localPosition =
                    new Vector3(child.localPosition.x*childScaleFactor,

                child.localScale =
                    new Vector3(child.localScale.x*childScaleFactor,
    private static void CheckMesh(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCtb)
        // when copy-pasting targets between scenes, the mesh and materials of
        // the game objects get lost. This checks for them and re-creates them if they are found missing.
        GameObject itObject = editorCtb.gameObject;

        MeshFilter meshFilter = itObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = itObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        if (meshFilter == null || meshFilter.sharedMesh == null ||
            meshRenderer == null || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0 || meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[0] == null)
            ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(editorCtb.DataSetName);

            ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig;
            dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(editorCtb.TrackableName, out ctConfig);

            //geometry has to be updated when a new target has been selected
            UpdateAspectRatio(editorCtb, ctConfig);
    // Lets the user choose a Cylinder Target from a drop down list. Cylinder Target
    // must be defined in the "config.xml" file.
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()


        CylinderTargetBehaviour        ctb       = (CylinderTargetBehaviour)target;
        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCtb = ctb;

        if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(ctb) ==
            GUILayout.Label("You can't choose a target for a prefab.");
        else if (ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects > 1)
            // Draw list for choosing a data set.
            string[] dataSetList = new string[ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects];
            int currentDataSetIndex =
                QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(editorCtb.DataSetName, dataSetList);

            // If name is not in array we automatically choose default name;
            if (currentDataSetIndex < 0)
                currentDataSetIndex = 0;

            int newDataSetIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Data Set",

            string chosenDataSet = dataSetList[newDataSetIndex];

            ConfigData dataSetData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(chosenDataSet);

            // Draw list for choosing a Trackable.
            string[] namesList = new string[dataSetData.NumCylinderTargets];
            dataSetData.CopyCylinderTargetNames(namesList, 0);
            int currentTrackableIndex =
                QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(editorCtb.TrackableName, namesList);

            // If name is not in array we automatically choose default name;
            if (currentTrackableIndex < 0)
                currentTrackableIndex = 0;

            int newTrackableIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Cylinder Target",

            if (namesList.Length > 0)
                if (newDataSetIndex != currentDataSetIndex || newTrackableIndex != currentTrackableIndex)
                    editorCtb.SetDataSetPath("QCAR/" + dataSetList[newDataSetIndex] + ".xml");


                    ConfigData.CylinderTargetData ctConfig;
                    dataSetData.GetCylinderTarget(ctb.TrackableName, out ctConfig);

                    //geometry has to be updated when a new target has been selected
                    UpdateAspectRatio(editorCtb, ctConfig);
                    UpdateScale(editorCtb, ctConfig.sideLength);

            //Expose editors for setting sideLength and diameterss
            //these values are not really stored, but instead the scale-factor is updated
            var sideLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Side Length", ctb.SideLength);
            if (sideLength != ctb.SideLength)

            float topDiameter = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Top Diameter ", ctb.TopDiameter);
            if (topDiameter != ctb.TopDiameter)

            float bottomDiameter = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Bottom Diameter", ctb.BottomDiameter);
            if (bottomDiameter != ctb.BottomDiameter)

            // Draw check box to de-/activate "preserve child size" mode.
            editorCtb.SetPreserveChildSize(EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Preserve child size", editorCtb.PreserveChildSize));
            if (GUILayout.Button("No targets defined. Press here for target " +

        if (GUI.changed)
Пример #19
 internal void AssociateTrackableBehavioursForDataSet(DataSet dataSet)
     DataSetTrackableBehaviour[] behaviourArray = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour[])UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(DataSetTrackableBehaviour));
     foreach (DataSetTrackableBehaviour behaviour in behaviourArray)
         if (!this.mBehavioursMarkedForDeletion.Contains(behaviour))
             IEditorDataSetTrackableBehaviour behaviour2 = behaviour;
             if (behaviour2.TrackableName == null)
                 Debug.LogError("Found Trackable without name.");
             else if (behaviour2.DataSetPath.Equals(dataSet.Path))
                 bool flag = false;
                 foreach (Trackable trackable in dataSet.GetTrackables())
                     if (trackable.Name.Equals(behaviour2.TrackableName))
                         if (this.mTrackableBehaviours.ContainsKey(trackable.ID))
                             if (!this.mAutomaticallyCreatedBehaviours.Contains(trackable.ID) && !this.mBehavioursMarkedForDeletion.Contains(this.mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID]))
                                 flag = true;
                         if ((behaviour is ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour) && (trackable is ImageTarget))
                             IEditorImageTargetBehaviour behaviour3 = (ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour)behaviour;
                             flag = true;
                             this.mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = behaviour;
                             Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found Trackable named ", behaviour.Trackable.Name, " with id ", behaviour.Trackable.ID }));
                         else if ((behaviour is MultiTargetAbstractBehaviour) && (trackable is MultiTarget))
                             flag = true;
                             IEditorMultiTargetBehaviour behaviour4 = (MultiTargetAbstractBehaviour)behaviour;
                             this.mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = behaviour;
                             Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found Trackable named ", behaviour.Trackable.Name, " with id ", behaviour.Trackable.ID }));
                         else if ((behaviour is CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour) && (trackable is CylinderTarget))
                             flag = true;
                             IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour behaviour5 = (CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour)behaviour;
                             this.mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = behaviour;
                             Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found Trackable named ", behaviour.Trackable.Name, " with id ", behaviour.Trackable.ID }));
                         else if ((behaviour is IEditorRigidBodyTargetBehaviour) && (trackable is InternalRigidBodyTarget))
                             flag = true;
                             this.mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = behaviour;
                             Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found Trackable named ", behaviour.Trackable.Name, " with id ", behaviour.Trackable.ID }));
                 if (!flag)
                     Debug.LogError("Could not associate DataSetTrackableBehaviour '" + behaviour2.TrackableName + "' - no matching Trackable found in DataSet!");
     VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour[] vbBehaviours = (VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour[])UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour));
     this.AssociateVirtualButtonBehaviours(vbBehaviours, dataSet);
Пример #20
    private static void UpdateMaterials(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, bool hasBottomGeometry, bool hasTopGeometry, bool insideMaterial)
        string   assetPath = "Assets/Qualcomm Augmented Reality/Materials/DefaultTarget.mat";
        Material source    = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Material));

        if (source == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find reference material at " + assetPath + " please reimport Unity package.");
            string        str2 = "Assets/Editor/QCAR/CylinderTargetTextures/" + ct.DataSetName + "/" + ct.TrackableName;
            List <string> list = new List <string> {
                str2 + ".Body_scaled"
            if (hasBottomGeometry)
                list.Add(str2 + ".Bottom_scaled");
            if (hasTopGeometry)
                list.Add(str2 + ".Top_scaled");
            int        count         = list.Count;
            Material[] materialArray = new Material[insideMaterial ? (count * 2) : count];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                string str3 = list[i];
                if (File.Exists(str3 + ".png"))
                    str3 = str3 + ".png";
                else if (File.Exists(str3 + ".jpg"))
                    str3 = str3 + ".jpg";
                else if (File.Exists(str3 + ".jpeg"))
                    str3 = str3 + ".jpeg";
                    materialArray[i] = source;
                    if (insideMaterial)
                        materialArray[i + count] = source;
                Texture2D textured  = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(str3, typeof(Texture2D));
                Material  material2 = new Material(source);
                if (textured != null)
                    material2.mainTexture      = textured;
                       = + "Material";
                    material2.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1f, -1f);
                materialArray[i] = material2;
                if (insideMaterial)
                    Material material3 = new Material(material2)
                        shader = Shader.Find("Custom/BrightTexture")
                    materialArray[i + count] = material3;
            ct.renderer.sharedMaterials = materialArray;
    /// <summary>
    /// Create and assign materials for cylinder targets. The newly created materials
    /// are based on the default material.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateMaterials(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, bool hasBottomGeometry, bool hasTopGeometry, bool insideMaterial)
        // Load reference material.
        var referenceMaterialPath =
        var referenceMaterial =

        if (referenceMaterial == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find reference material at " +
                           referenceMaterialPath +
                           " please reimport Unity package.");

        // Load texture from texture folder. Textures have per convention the
        // same name as Image Targets + "_scaled" as postfix.
        var pathToTextures = QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.CYLINDER_TARGET_TEXTURES_PATH + ct.DataSetName + "/" + ct.TrackableName;
        var textureFiles   = new List <string> {
            pathToTextures + ".Body_scaled"

        if (hasBottomGeometry)
            textureFiles.Add(pathToTextures + ".Bottom_scaled");
        if (hasTopGeometry)
            textureFiles.Add(pathToTextures + ".Top_scaled");

        var numSubMeshes = textureFiles.Count;
        var materials    = new Material[insideMaterial ? numSubMeshes * 2 : numSubMeshes];

        for (var i = 0; i < textureFiles.Count; i++)
            var textureFile = textureFiles[i];
            if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".png"))
                textureFile += ".png";
            else if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".jpg"))
                textureFile += ".jpg";
            else if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".jpeg"))
                textureFile += ".jpeg";
                materials[i] = referenceMaterial;
                if (insideMaterial)
                    materials[i + numSubMeshes] = referenceMaterial;

            var targetTexture =

            // We create a new material that is based on the reference material but
            // also contains a texture.
            var materialForTargetTexture = new Material(referenceMaterial);
            if (targetTexture != null)
                materialForTargetTexture.mainTexture      = targetTexture;
                   = + "Material";
                materialForTargetTexture.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            materials[i] = materialForTargetTexture;

            if (insideMaterial)
                var brightMaterial = new Material(materialForTargetTexture);
                brightMaterial.shader       = Shader.Find("Custom/BrightTexture");
                materials[i + numSubMeshes] = brightMaterial;

        ct.renderer.sharedMaterials = materials;

Пример #22
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour target = (CylinderTargetAbstractBehaviour);
        IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour  ct     = target;

        if (QCARUtilities.GetPrefabType(target) == PrefabType.Prefab)
            GUILayout.Label("You can't choose a target for a prefab.", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        else if (ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects > 1)
            string[] configDataNames = new string[ConfigDataManager.Instance.NumConfigDataObjects];
            int indexFromString = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(ct.DataSetName, configDataNames);
            if (indexFromString < 0)
                indexFromString = 0;
            int        index       = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Data Set", indexFromString, configDataNames, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            string     dataSetName = configDataNames[index];
            ConfigData configData  = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetConfigData(dataSetName);
            string[]   arrayToFill = new string[configData.NumCylinderTargets];
            configData.CopyCylinderTargetNames(arrayToFill, 0);
            int selectedIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(ct.TrackableName, arrayToFill);
            if (selectedIndex < 0)
                selectedIndex = 0;
            int num4 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Cylinder Target", selectedIndex, arrayToFill, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if ((arrayToFill.Length > 0) && ((index != indexFromString) || (num4 != selectedIndex)))
                ConfigData.CylinderTargetData data2;
                ct.SetDataSetPath("QCAR/" + configDataNames[index] + ".xml");
                configData.GetCylinderTarget(target.TrackableName, out data2);
                UpdateAspectRatio(ct, data2);
                UpdateScale(ct, data2.sideLength);
            float num5 = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Side Length", target.SideLength, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (num5 != target.SideLength)
            float num6 = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Top Diameter ", target.TopDiameter, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (num6 != target.TopDiameter)
            float num7 = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Bottom Diameter", target.BottomDiameter, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (num7 != target.BottomDiameter)
            ct.SetExtendedTracking(EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Extended tracking", ct.ExtendedTracking, new GUILayoutOption[0]));
            ct.SetPreserveChildSize(EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Preserve child size", ct.PreserveChildSize, new GUILayoutOption[0]));
        else if (GUILayout.Button("No targets defined. Press here for target creation!", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
        if (GUI.changed)
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds DataSetTrackableBehaviours for this dataset and associates them with the Trackables in the DataSet.
    /// VirtualButtonBehaviours created in the scene are associated with the VirtualButtons in the DataSet or created there.
    /// If there is a Trackable in the DataSet where no TrackableBehaviour exists yet, this Behaviour is created, together with its VirtualButtons.
    /// </summary>
    public void AssociateTrackableBehavioursForDataSet(DataSet dataSet)
        // Step: Add all TrackableBehaviours that belong to this data set and
        // are already instantiated in the scene to the dictionary.
        DataSetTrackableBehaviour[] trackableBehaviours = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour[])

        // Initialize all Image Targets
        foreach (DataSetTrackableBehaviour trackableBehaviour in trackableBehaviours)
            // trackable has been destroyed and shouldn't be associated
            if (mBehavioursMarkedForDeletion.Contains(trackableBehaviour))

            IEditorDataSetTrackableBehaviour editorTrackableBehaviour = trackableBehaviour;
            if (editorTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName == null)
                Debug.LogError("Found Trackable without name.");

            // check if the TrackableBehaviour references this DataSet
            if (editorTrackableBehaviour.DataSetPath.Equals(dataSet.Path))
                bool matchFound = false;

                // find the trackable to be associated with this TrackableBehaviour:
                foreach (Trackable trackable in dataSet.GetTrackables())
                    if (trackable.Name.Equals(editorTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName))
                        if (mTrackableBehaviours.ContainsKey(trackable.ID))
                            // don't replace existing behaviour if it has been created manually
                            if (!mAutomaticallyCreatedBehaviours.Contains(trackable.ID) && !mBehavioursMarkedForDeletion.Contains(mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID]))
                                matchFound = true;

                            // destroy automatically created behaviour - will be replaced by new one

                        if (trackableBehaviour is ImageTargetBehaviour &&
                            trackable is ImageTarget)
                            IEditorImageTargetBehaviour editorImageTargetBehaviour = (ImageTargetBehaviour)trackableBehaviour;

                            matchFound = true;

                            mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = trackableBehaviour;
                            Debug.Log("Found Trackable named " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.Name +
                                      " with id " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.ID);
                        else if (trackableBehaviour is MultiTargetBehaviour &&
                                 trackable is MultiTarget)
                            matchFound = true;

                            IEditorMultiTargetBehaviour editorMultiTargetBehaviour = (MultiTargetBehaviour)trackableBehaviour;
                            mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = trackableBehaviour;
                            Debug.Log("Found Trackable named " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.Name +
                                      " with id " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.ID);
                        else if (trackableBehaviour is CylinderTargetBehaviour &&
                                 trackable is CylinderTarget)
                            matchFound = true;

                            IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour editorCylinderTargetBehaviour = (CylinderTargetBehaviour)trackableBehaviour;
                            mTrackableBehaviours[trackable.ID] = trackableBehaviour;
                            Debug.Log("Found Trackable named " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.Name +
                                      " with id " + trackableBehaviour.Trackable.ID);

                if (!matchFound)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not associate DataSetTrackableBehaviour '" + editorTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName +
                                   "' - no matching Trackable found in DataSet!");

        // Step 2: Add all VirtualButtonBehaviours that belong to this data set
        // and are already instantiated in the scene to the dictionary.
        VirtualButtonBehaviour[] vbBehaviours = (VirtualButtonBehaviour[])
        AssociateVirtualButtonBehaviours(vbBehaviours, dataSet);

        // Step 3: Create TrackableBehaviours that are not existing in the scene.
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates CylinderTarget. Deletes all parts and recreates them.
    /// Creates a mesh with vertices, normals, and texture coordinates. 
    /// Top and bottom geometry are represented as separate submeshes, 
    /// i.e. resulting mesh contains 1, 2, or 3 submeshes.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateGeometry(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct,
                                       float sideLength, float topDiameter, float bottomDiameter,
                                       bool hasTopGeometry, bool hasBottomGeometry)
        GameObject gameObject = ct.gameObject;

        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        if (!meshRenderer)
            meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        //disable the editing functionality of meshRenderer in inspector UI
        meshRenderer.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        if (!meshFilter)
            meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
        //disable the editing functionality of meshFilter in inspector UI
        meshFilter.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        Mesh cylinderMesh = CylinderMeshFactory.CreateCylinderMesh(sideLength, topDiameter, bottomDiameter,
                                                                   NUM_PERIMETER_VERTICES, hasTopGeometry,
                                                                   hasBottomGeometry, INSIDE_MATERIAL);
        meshFilter.sharedMesh = cylinderMesh;

        //create and attach mask-out material (if not existing yet)
        MaskOutBehaviour script = gameObject.GetComponent<MaskOutBehaviour>();
        if (!script)
            Material maskMaterial =
                (Material) AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(
                    typeof (Material));

            script = gameObject.AddComponent<MaskOutBehaviour>();
            script.maskMaterial = maskMaterial;
        //disable the editing functionality of the script in inspector UI
        script.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        // Cleanup assets that have been created temporarily.
    /// <summary>
    /// Create and assign materials for cylinder targets. The newly created materials
    /// are based on the default material.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateMaterials(IEditorCylinderTargetBehaviour ct, bool hasBottomGeometry, bool hasTopGeometry, bool insideMaterial)
        // Load reference material.
        var referenceMaterialPath =
        var referenceMaterial =
        if (referenceMaterial == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find reference material at " +
                           referenceMaterialPath +
                           " please reimport Unity package.");

        // Load texture from texture folder. Textures have per convention the
        // same name as Image Targets + "_scaled" as postfix.
        var pathToTextures = QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.CYLINDER_TARGET_TEXTURES_PATH + ct.DataSetName + "/" + ct.TrackableName;
        var textureFiles = new List<string> { pathToTextures + ".Body_scaled" };
        if (hasBottomGeometry) textureFiles.Add(pathToTextures + ".Bottom_scaled");
        if (hasTopGeometry) textureFiles.Add(pathToTextures + ".Top_scaled");

        var numSubMeshes = textureFiles.Count;
        var materials = new Material[insideMaterial ? numSubMeshes * 2 : numSubMeshes];

        for(var i = 0; i < textureFiles.Count; i++)
            var textureFile = textureFiles[i];
            if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".png"))
                textureFile += ".png";
            else if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".jpg"))
                textureFile += ".jpg";
            else if (File.Exists(textureFile + ".jpeg"))
                textureFile += ".jpeg";
                materials[i] = referenceMaterial;
                if (insideMaterial)
                    materials[i + numSubMeshes] = referenceMaterial;

            var targetTexture =

            // We create a new material that is based on the reference material but
            // also contains a texture.
            var materialForTargetTexture = new Material(referenceMaterial);
            if (targetTexture != null)
                materialForTargetTexture.mainTexture = targetTexture;
       = + "Material";
                materialForTargetTexture.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            materials[i] = materialForTargetTexture;

            if (insideMaterial)
                var brightMaterial = new Material(materialForTargetTexture);
                brightMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("Custom/BrightTexture");
                materials[i + numSubMeshes] = brightMaterial;

        ct.renderer.sharedMaterials = materials;
