Пример #1
    private static void IE_NavigateError(object sender, DWebBrowserEvents2_NavigateErrorEvent e)
        AxWebBrowser wb   = (AxWebBrowser)sender;
        IECaptForm   main = (IECaptForm)wb.Parent;

        // Ignore errors for embedded documents
        if (wb.Application != e.pDisp)

        // If we get here, the main document cannot be navigated
        // to meaning there is nothing to draw, so we just croak.
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to navigate to {0} (0x{1:X08})",
                                e.uRL, e.statusCode);

Пример #2
    private static void IE_DocumentComplete(object sender,
                                            DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)
        AxWebBrowser wb   = (AxWebBrowser)sender;
        IECaptForm   main = (IECaptForm)wb.Parent;

        // Skip document complete event for embedded frames.
        if (wb.Application != e.pDisp)

        // Skip the initial about:blank document; this is not necessarily
        // the best thing to do, e.g. if the requested page is about:blank
        // or redirects to it, we might never exit. This could be avoided
        // by remembering whether we saw the first document complete event.
        if (e.uRL.Equals("about:blank"))

Пример #3
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string URL      = null;
        string file     = null;
        int    minWidth = 800;
        int    delay    = 1;

        if (args.Length == 0)

        // Parse command line parameters
        foreach (string arg in args)
            string[] tmp = arg.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);

            if (tmp.Length < 2)
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("--url"))
                URL = tmp[1];
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("--out"))
                file = tmp[1];;
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("--min-width"))
                minWidth = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("--delay"))
                delay = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: unknown parameter {0}", tmp[0]);

        if (delay < 1 || URL == null || file == null)

        AxWebBrowser wb = new AxWebBrowser();

        System.Windows.Forms.Form main = new IECaptForm(URL, file, minWidth, delay, wb);

        wb.Parent = main;

        // Set the initial dimensions of the browser's client area.
        wb.SetBounds(0, 0, minWidth, 600);

        object oBlank = "about:blank";
        object oURL   = URL;
        object oNull  = String.Empty;

        // Internet Explorer should show no dialog boxes; this does not dis-
        // able script debugging however, I am not aware of a method to dis-
        // able that, other than manual configuration in he Internet Settings
        // or perhaps the registry.
        wb.Silent = true;

        // The custom UI handler can only be registered on a document, so we
        // navigate to about:blank as a first step, then register the handler.
        wb.Navigate2(ref oBlank, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull);

        ICustomDoc cdoc = wb.Document as ICustomDoc;

        cdoc.SetUIHandler(new IECaptUIHandler());

        // Register a document complete handler. It will be called whenever a
        // document completes loading, including embedded documents and the
        // initial about:blank document.
        wb.DocumentComplete +=
            new DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler(IE_DocumentComplete);

        // Register an error handler. If the main document cannot be loaded,
        // the document complete event will not fire, so we have to listen to
        // this and shut the application down in case of a fatal error.
        wb.NavigateError +=
            new DWebBrowserEvents2_NavigateErrorEventHandler(IE_NavigateError);

        // Now navigate to the final destination.
        wb.Navigate2(ref oURL, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string URL       = null;
        string file      = null;
        int    minWidth  = 800;
        int    minHeight = 600;
        int    delay     = 1;
        string mode      = "edge";
        bool   diff      = false;
        string reference = null;
        string tmpPath   = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + @"IECapt\";

        bool   debug     = false;
        bool   silent    = false;
        string IEversion = "";

        string debugMessage = "";

        if (args.Length == 0)

        // Parse command line parameters
        foreach (string arg in args)
            string[] tmp = arg.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);

            if (tmp.Length < 2)
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-u") || tmp[0].Equals("--url"))
                URL = tmp[1];
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-o") || tmp[0].Equals("--out"))
                file = tmp[1];;
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-rf") || tmp[0].Equals("--reference"))
                reference = tmp[1];;
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-mw") || tmp[0].Equals("--min-width"))
                minWidth = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-mh") || tmp[0].Equals("--min-height"))
                minHeight = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-dy") || tmp[0].Equals("--delay"))
                delay = int.Parse(tmp[1]);
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-df") || tmp[0].Equals("--diff"))
                diff = (tmp[1].ToString() == "yes");
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-ie") || tmp[0].Equals("--internet-explorer"))
                Dictionary <string, int> dic = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                dic.Add("quirks", 0x1388);
                dic.Add("7", 0x1b58);
                dic.Add("8", 0x1f40);
                dic.Add("8+", 0x22b8);
                dic.Add("9", 0x2328);
                dic.Add("9+", 0x270f);
                dic.Add("10", 0x3e8);

                object o = "edge";
                IEversion = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector", "IE", o).ToString();

                Int32 value = 0;
                mode = tmp[1];

                if (mode == "edge")
                    value = dic[IEversion.Split('.')[0]];
                else if (dic.ContainsKey(mode))
                    value     = dic[mode];
                    IEversion = value.ToString();

                    Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", Path.GetFileName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath), value, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
                catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e)
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-dg") || tmp[0].Equals("--debug"))
                debug = (tmp[1].ToString() == "yes");
            else if (tmp[0].Equals("-s") || tmp[0].Equals("--silent"))
                silent = (tmp[1].ToString() == "yes");
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: unknown parameter {0}", tmp[0]);

        if (delay < 1 || URL == null)

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
            file = tmpPath + URL.ToLower().Replace("http://", "").Replace("/", "-") + "-" + mode + ".png";

        Debug dbg = new Debug(debug);

        debugMessage += "URL: " + URL + "\n";
        debugMessage += "Output: " + file + "{" + (File.Exists(reference)) + "}\n";
        debugMessage += "Reference: " + reference + "{" + (File.Exists(reference)) + "}\n";
        debugMessage += "Min-width: " + minWidth + "px\n";
        debugMessage += "Min-height: " + minHeight + "px\n";
        debugMessage += "Delay: " + delay + "ms\n";
        debugMessage += "Diff: " + diff + "\n";
        debugMessage += "IE Mode: " + IEversion + "\n";
        debugMessage += "IE Silent Mode: " + silent + "\n";

        ImageDiff imageDiff = null;

        if (reference != null)
            imageDiff = new ImageDiff(reference, file);
        AxWebBrowser wb = new AxWebBrowser();

        System.Windows.Forms.Form main = new IECaptForm(URL, file, minWidth, delay, wb, imageDiff);

        wb.Parent = main;

        // Set the initial dimensions of the browser's client area.
        wb.SetBounds(0, 0, minWidth, minHeight);

        object oBlank = "about:blank";
        object oURL   = URL;
        object oNull  = String.Empty;

        // Internet Explorer should show no dialog boxes; this does not dis-
        // able script debugging however, I am not aware of a method to dis-
        // able that, other than manual configuration in he Internet Settings
        // or perhaps the registry.
        wb.Silent = silent;

        // The custom UI handler can only be registered on a document, so we
        // navigate to about:blank as a first step, then register the handler.
        wb.Navigate2(ref oBlank, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull);

        ICustomDoc cdoc = wb.Document as ICustomDoc;

        cdoc.SetUIHandler(new IECaptUIHandler());

        // Register a document complete handler. It will be called whenever a
        // document completes loading, including embedded documents and the
        // initial about:blank document.
        wb.DocumentComplete +=
            new DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler(IE_DocumentComplete);

        // Register an error handler. If the main document cannot be loaded,
        // the document complete event will not fire, so we have to listen to
        // this and shut the application down in case of a fatal error.
        wb.NavigateError +=
            new DWebBrowserEvents2_NavigateErrorEventHandler(IE_NavigateError);

        // Now navigate to the final destination.
        wb.Navigate2(ref oURL, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull, ref oNull);
