Пример #1
 private void handleDynamicObjects(IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
     addInterface <IGameStart>(dynamicObject);
     addInterface <IGamePause>(dynamicObject);
     addInterface <IGameRestart>(dynamicObject);
     addInterface <IGameResume>(dynamicObject);
 public override void Store(IDynamicObject storage, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
     storage.Set("botEngine", BotEngine.ToString());
     storage.Set("botKey", BotKey);
     storage.Set("masterProcessId", MasterProcessId);
     storage.Set("chatProcessIdentity", ChatProcessIdentity);
Пример #3
 public void HandleDynamicCollision(string collisionDirection, IDynamicObject dynamicObjectState)
     if (Mario.Instance.PlayableObjectState.ToString() != "SuperMario.MarioStates.DeadMario")
         PlayableObjectStateTransitionMachine.DynamicStateChange(collisionDirection, PlayableObjectState.ToString(), dynamicObjectState);
Пример #4
        private void MainForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

            // 运动路径定位点
            point = new GeometryFactory().CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ);
            //point.SpatialCRS = new CRSFactory().CreateFromWKT(wkt) as ISpatialCRS;

            // 加载运动路径
            dynamicObject = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateDynamicObject(rootId);
            //dynamicObject.CrsWKT = wkt;

            // 画出运动路径
            line = new GeometryFactory().CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IPolyline;
            //line.SpatialCRS = new CRSFactory().CreateFromWKT(wkt) as ISpatialCRS;


            this.cbFlyMode.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // 获取设置参数
            cbAutoRepeat.Checked            = dynamicObject.AutoRepeat;
            numTurnSpeed.Value              = (decimal)dynamicObject.TurnSpeed;
            comboxMotionStyle.SelectedIndex = getIndexFromEnum(dynamicObject.MotionStyle);
            numAspectRatio.Value            = (decimal)tv.AspectRatio;
            numFarClip.Value     = (decimal)tv.FarClip;
            numFieldOfView.Value = (decimal)tv.FieldOfView;

                this.helpProvider1.SetShowHelp(this.axRenderControl1, true);
                this.helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.axRenderControl1, "");
                this.helpProvider1.HelpNamespace = "DynamicViewshed.html";
Пример #5
        private void DynamicObjectAction(IDynamicObject obj)
            // get the AutoResetEvent associated with the object id
            ares.TryGetValue(obj.Id, out AutoResetEvent are);

            // put the task to sleep until the main thread calls the Set() method.

            //As long as the object is alive
            while (obj.State != State.Dead)
                //at the end of the action go to sleep

                // if the object is not sleeping
                // at the end of the day we inceremnt the number of finished tasks of the day.
                Interlocked.Increment(ref finishedTasksOfTheDay);

                // we call Set() with the AutoResetEvent variable associated with the main thread

                // we are withing for the main thread to call Set() at the next day.
            // after the object died we remove the key-value pair associated with it
            Interlocked.Increment(ref finishedTasksOfTheDay);
            ares.TryRemove(obj.Id, out _);
Пример #6
        public override void Fight(IDynamicObject other)
            // a local Action for the winner and the loser
            void act(IDynamicObject winner, IDynamicObject loser)
                // add 2 to the strength of the winner
                // the loser is now depressed

                ProducerConsumer.Produce(String.Format("Object number {0} won agains object number {1}",
                                                       winner.Id, loser.Id));

            /// the winner of the fight is the object with more strength. if the strengths of objects are the same
            /// than there is no winner
            if (Strength > other.Strength || other.DeBuff == DeBuff.Cocoon)
                act(this, other);
            else if (other.Strength > Strength)
                act(other, this);
Пример #7
        public bool TryImportScriptFromFile(FileEntry scriptPath, IDynamicObject scriptObject, ScriptFlags flags, out object result, TemplateContext context = null)
            if (scriptPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scriptPath));
            if (scriptObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scriptObject));
            result = null;

            var scriptExist = scriptPath.Exists;

            if ((flags & ScriptFlags.Expect) != 0)
                if (!scriptExist)
                    Site.Error($"Config file [{scriptPath}] does not exist");

            if (scriptExist)
                var configAsText = scriptPath.ReadAllText();
                return(TryImportScript(configAsText, scriptPath.Path, scriptObject, flags, out result, context));
 public override void Store(IDynamicObject storage, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
     storage.Set("chatId", CorrelationId.Value);
     storage.Set("bookmarkId", BookmarkId);
     storage.Set("botEngine", BotEngine.ToString());
     storage.Set("botKey", BotKey);
Пример #9
 private void LoadPeople(IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
     if (skinMesh == null)
         // 构造ModelPoint
         mp = geoFac.CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryModelPoint, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IModelPoint;
         string modelName = (strMediaPath + @"\x\Character\QiYeYuanGong.X");
         mp.ModelName  = modelName;
         mp.SpatialCRS = dataset_Road.SpatialReference;
         // 设置位置
         IMatrix matrix = new Matrix();
         IPoint startPoint = null;
         double speed      = 0.0;
         dynamicObject.GetWaypoint2(0, out startPoint, out speed);
         mp.SelfScale(5, 5, 5);
         // 创建骨骼动画
         skinMesh = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateSkinnedMesh(mp, rootId);
         if (skinMesh == null)
         skinMesh.Loop = true;
         skinMesh.MaxVisibleDistance = 10000;
         skinMesh.ViewingDistance    = 100;
         // 绑定到运动路径
         IMotionable m = skinMesh as IMotionable;
         pos.Set(0, 0, 0);
         m.Bind2(dynamicObject, pos, 0, 0, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="SqlParameter"/> and initializes its properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">
        /// The source object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="SqlParameter"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public SqlParameter CreateParameter(IDynamicObject source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            int? stateId;

            var infoClass = source as IInfoClass;
            if (infoClass != null)
                var property = infoClass.GetPropertyByName(Constants.CurrentStateIdColumnName);
                if (property == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"Info class is not supported.", "source");

                stateId = (int?)infoClass.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);
                if (stateId == 0)
                    stateId = null;
                stateId = (int?)source.GetValueByPropertyName(Constants.CurrentStateColumnName);

            return new SqlParameter(ParameterName, SqlDbType.Int) { Value = (object)stateId ?? DBNull.Value };
Пример #11
        private void TryCreateObject()
            // get a random position on the board
            int x, y;

            switch (randomOption)
            case RandomOption.RealTime:
                x = MyRandom.Next(0, info.Length);
                y = MyRandom.Next(0, info.Hight);

                x = rnd.Next(0, info.Length);
                y = rnd.Next(0, info.Hight);

            //try to create an object at position (x,y)
            IDynamicObject obj = board.TryCreate(x, y);

            if (obj != null)
                /// if an object was created, add a new enrty in the dictinory and create
                /// a new task for the dynamic object
                AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                ares.TryAdd(obj.Id, are);
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DynamicObjectAction(obj), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
Пример #12
 private void LoadCar(IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
     if (renderModelPoint == null)
         // 构造ModelPoint
         mp = geoFac.CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryModelPoint, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IModelPoint;
         string modelName = (strMediaPath + @"\osg\Vehicles\Car\TCJ006.osg");
         mp.ModelName  = modelName;
         mp.SpatialCRS = dataset_Road.SpatialReference;
         // 设置位置
         IMatrix matrix = new Matrix();
         IPoint startPoint = null;
         double speed      = 0.0;
         dynamicObject.GetWaypoint2(0, out startPoint, out speed);
         mp.SelfScale(0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
         // 创建骨骼动画
         renderModelPoint = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateRenderModelPoint(mp, null, rootId);
         renderModelPoint.MaxVisibleDistance = 10000;
         renderModelPoint.ViewingDistance    = 200;
         // 绑定到运动路径
         IMotionable m = renderModelPoint as IMotionable;
         pos.Set(0, 0, 0);
         m.Bind2(dynamicObject, pos, 90, 0, 0);
Пример #13
 public override void Restore(IDynamicObject store, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
     IsWaiting  = store.Get <Boolean>("isWaiting");
     BookmarkId = store.Get <Guid>("bookmarkId");
     BotEngine  = store.Get <BotEngine>("botEngine");
     BotKey     = store.Get <String>("botKey");
Пример #14
        private void axRenderControl1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // 运动路径定位点
            point = new GeometryFactory().CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ);
            //point.SpatialCRS = new CRSFactory().CreateFromWKT(wkt) as ISpatialCRS;

            // 加载运动路径
            dynamicObject = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateDynamicObject(rootId);
            //dynamicObject.CrsWKT = wkt;

            // 画出运动路径
            line = new GeometryFactory().CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IPolyline;
            //line.SpatialCRS = new CRSFactory().CreateFromWKT(wkt) as ISpatialCRS;


            this.axRenderControl1.Camera.FlyToObject(this.skinMeshPlane.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionFollowCockpit);
            this.cbFlyMode.SelectedIndex = 6;

            // 获取设置参数
            cbAutoRepeat.Checked            = dynamicObject.AutoRepeat;
            numTurnSpeed.Value              = (decimal)dynamicObject.TurnSpeed;
            comboxMotionStyle.SelectedIndex = getIndexFromEnum(dynamicObject.MotionStyle);

                this.helpProvider1.SetShowHelp(this.axRenderControl1, true);
                this.helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.axRenderControl1, "");
                this.helpProvider1.HelpNamespace = "DynamicObject.html";
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="SqlParameter"/> and initializes its properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">
        /// The source object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="SqlParameter"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public SqlParameter CreateParameter(IDynamicObject source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            int? itemId;

            var infoClass = source as IInfoClass;
            if (infoClass != null)
                var property = infoClass.GetPropertyByName(_fieldName + "Id");
                if (property == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"Info class is not supported.", "source");

                itemId = (int?)infoClass.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);
                if (itemId == 0)
                    itemId = null;
                itemId = (int?)source.GetValueByPropertyName(_fieldName);

            return new SqlParameter(_parameterName, SqlDbType.Int) { Value = (object)itemId ?? DBNull.Value };
Пример #16
        public StandardRule <T> GetRule <T>(CodeContext callerContext, DynamicAction action, object[] args)
            Contract.RequiresNotNull(action, "action");
            //Debug.Assert(action.Kind != ActionKind.GetMember || ((GetMemberAction)action).Name != SymbolTable.StringToId("x"));

            StandardRule <T> rule = _ruleCache.FindRule <T>(callerContext, action, args);

            if (rule != null)

            NoteRuleCreation(action, args);

            IDynamicObject ndo = args[0] as IDynamicObject;

            if (ndo != null)
                rule = ndo.GetRule <T>(action, callerContext, args);
                Debug.Assert(rule == null || rule.Target != null && rule.Test != null);

            rule = rule ?? MakeRule <T>(callerContext, action, args);
            Debug.Assert(rule != null && rule.Target != null && rule.Test != null);
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new dynamic object of given type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of dynamic object to return.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="entity">An instance of the class that extends DynamicObject.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The model of the object in string format.</param>
 /// <param name="rotation">The rotation to spawn the object at(degrees).</param>
 /// <param name="isDynamic">(Optional): Set object dynamic or not.</param>
 /// <param name="frozen">(Optional): Set object frozen.</param>
 /// <param name="lodDistance">(Optional): Set LOD distance.</param>
 /// <param name="lightColor">(Optional): set light color.</param>
 /// <param name="onFire">(Optional): set object on fire(DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY YET!)</param>
 /// <param name="textureVariation">(Optional): Set object texture variation.</param>
 /// <param name="visible">(Optional): Set object visibility.</param>
 /// <returns>Newly created dynamic object of given type.</returns>
 public static T CreateDynamicObject <T>(
     IDynamicObject entity, string model, Vector3 rotation, bool?isDynamic = null, bool?frozen = null, uint?lodDistance = null,
     Rgb lightColor = null, bool?onFire = null, TextureVariation?textureVariation = null, bool?visible = null
     return(CreateDynamicObject <T>(entity, Alt.Hash(model), rotation, isDynamic, frozen, lodDistance, lightColor, onFire, textureVariation, visible));
Пример #18
 public override void Store(IDynamicObject storage, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
     storage.Set("chatId", CorrelationId.Value);
     storage.Set("botEngine", BotEngine.ToString());
     storage.Set("botKey", BotKey);
     storage.Set("message", DynamicObjectConverters.From(Message));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a delegate with a given signature that could be used to invoke this object from non-dynamic code (w/o code context).
        /// A stub is created that makes appropriate conversions/boxing and calls the object.
        /// The stub should be executed within a context of this object's language.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The delegate or a <c>null</c> reference if the object is not callable.</returns>
        public static Delegate GetDelegate(object callableObject, Type delegateType)
            Contract.RequiresNotNull(delegateType, "delegateType");

            Delegate result = callableObject as Delegate;

            if (result != null)
                if (!delegateType.IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType()))
                    throw RuntimeHelpers.SimpleTypeError(String.Format("Cannot cast {0} to {1}.", result.GetType(), delegateType));


#if FULL
            IDynamicObject dynamicObject = callableObject as IDynamicObject;
            if (dynamicObject != null)
                MethodInfo invoke;

                if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(delegateType) || (invoke = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke")) == null)
                    throw RuntimeHelpers.SimpleTypeError("A specific delegate type is required.");

                // using IDynamicObject.LanguageContext for now, we need todo better
                Debug.Assert(dynamicObject.LanguageContext != null, "Invalid implementation");

                ParameterInfo[] parameters = invoke.GetParameters();

                dynamicObject.LanguageContext.CheckCallable(dynamicObject, parameters.Length);

                DelegateSignatureInfo signatureInfo = new DelegateSignatureInfo(

                DelegateInfo delegateInfo = _dynamicDelegateCache.GetOrCreateValue(signatureInfo,
                                                                                   delegate() {
                    // creation code

                result = delegateInfo.CreateDelegate(delegateType, dynamicObject);
                if (result != null)

            throw RuntimeHelpers.SimpleTypeError("Object is not callable.");
Пример #20
        public void Test_TryMove_Both_Should_Fail()
            IInfo       info = A.Fake <IInfo>();
            IRandomTest rnd  = A.Fake <IRandomTest>();
            IProducerConsumerMessages <string> producerConsumer = A.Fake <IProducerConsumerMessages <string> >();

            int length = 4;
            int hight  = 4;

            int[] values = new int[50];
            ITile[,] tiles = new ITile[length, hight];

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < hight; j++)
                    ITile tile = A.Fake <ITile>();
                    tiles[i, j]        = tile;
                    tile.DynamicObject = null;
                    ReaderWriterLockSlim readerWriterLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
                    A.CallTo(() => tile.Lock).ReturnsLazily(() => readerWriterLock);

            var positions = new List <(int, int)> {
                (0, 0), (1, 1)

            foreach (var t in positions)
                int            x       = t.Item1;
                int            y       = t.Item2;
                IDynamicObject fakeObj = A.Fake <IDynamicObject>();
                A.CallTo(() => fakeObj.X).ReturnsLazily(() => x);
                A.CallTo(() => fakeObj.Y).ReturnsLazily(() => y);
                A.CallTo(() => tiles[x, y].DynamicObject).ReturnsLazily(() => fakeObj);
                A.CallTo(() => tiles[x, y].StaticObject).Returns(null);

            A.CallTo(() => info.Length).Returns(length);
            A.CallTo(() => info.Hight).Returns(hight);

            IBoard board = new Board();

            board.TestBoard(tiles, info, rnd, producerConsumer);

            bool   ans1 = false, ans2 = false;
            Thread t1 = new Thread(() => ans1 = board.TryToMove(tiles[0, 0].DynamicObject.X, tiles[0, 0].DynamicObject.Y, 1, 1));
            Thread t2 = new Thread(() => ans2 = board.TryToMove(tiles[1, 1].DynamicObject.X, tiles[1, 1].DynamicObject.Y, 0, 0));

            t1.Start(); t2.Start();
            t1.Join(); t2.Join();

            //Assert, both sould fail
            Assert.AreEqual(false, ans1);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, ans2);
 public void HandleDynamicCollision(string collisionDirection, IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
     // The state of blocks should not change at all unless the dynamic object is Mario.
     if (!Mario.Instance.InCoinRoom && dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Mario" && collisionDirection == "Bottom")
         blockStateTransitionMachine.DynamicStateChange(collisionDirection, this, dynamicObject);
Пример #22
        public void FieldNonExisting()
            IDynamicObject dyn = _json;


            Assert.That(dyn.TryGetValue("someValue", out var value, out var type), Is.False);
Пример #23
        public void Test_UpdateStatusAll()
            IInfo       info  = A.Fake <IInfo>();
            IRandomTest rnd   = A.Fake <IRandomTest>();
            IBoard      board = A.Fake <IBoard>();

            int[] values = new int[50];
            ITile[,] tiles = new ITile[3, 3];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    ITile tile = A.Fake <ITile>();
                    tiles[i, j] = tile;

            var positions = new List <(int, int)> {
                (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 1)
            var objects = new List <IDynamicObject>();

            foreach (var t in positions)
                int            x       = t.Item1;
                int            y       = t.Item2;
                IDynamicObject fakeObj = A.Fake <IDynamicObject>();
                A.CallTo(() => fakeObj.X).ReturnsLazily(() => x);
                A.CallTo(() => fakeObj.Y).ReturnsLazily(() => y);
                A.CallTo(() => fakeObj.Strength).Returns(2);

            var obj      = A.Fake <IDynamicObject>();
            int strength = 1;

            A.CallTo(() => obj.Strength).ReturnsLazily(() => strength);
            A.CallTo(() => obj.X).Returns(2);
            A.CallTo(() => obj.Y).Returns(2);
            A.CallTo(() => obj.AddStrength(-1)).Invokes(() => strength--);


            A.CallTo(() => info.Length).Returns(3);
            A.CallTo(() => info.Hight).Returns(3);
            A.CallTo(() => info.ObjectStrengthDecay).Returns(1);

            A.CallTo(() => board.GetAlive()).Returns(objects);

            var gameLogic = new GameLogic();

            gameLogic.GameLogicTest(info, board, rnd);
            A.CallTo(() => obj.SetState(State.Dead)).MustHaveHappened();
Пример #24
 private void ResetDynamicObj()
     if (traceDynamicObj != null)
         traceDynamicObj = null;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <returns>The column filter.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException"></exception>
        public ColumnFilter GetFilter(IDynamicObject source)
            var value = _valueCalculator.GetValue(source, _field.MappingKey);

            if (value == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Key field \"{0}\" is null.", _field.Name));

            return new ColumnFilter(_property.Name, value);
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new dynamic object of given type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of dynamic object to return.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="entity">An instance of the class that extends DynamicObject.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The model of the object in hash format.</param>
 /// <param name="rotation">The rotation to spawn the object at(degrees).</param>
 /// <param name="dimension">The dimension to spawn the object in.</param>
 /// <param name="isDynamic">(Optional): Set object dynamic or not.</param>
 /// <param name="frozen">(Optional): Set object frozen.</param>
 /// <param name="lodDistance">(Optional): Set LOD distance.</param>
 /// <param name="lightColor">(Optional): set light color.</param>
 /// <param name="onFire">(Optional): set object on fire(DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY YET!)</param>
 /// <param name="textureVariation">(Optional): Set object texture variation.</param>
 /// <param name="visible">(Optional): Set object visibility.</param>
 /// <returns>Newly created dynamic object of given type.</returns>
 public static T CreateDynamicObject <T>(
     IDynamicObject entity, uint model, Vector3 rotation, bool?isDynamic = null, bool?frozen = null, uint?lodDistance = null,
     Rgb lightColor = null, bool?onFire = null, TextureVariation?textureVariation = null, bool?visible = null
     if (!(entity is T))
         Console.WriteLine($"[OBJECT-STREAMER] Given object is of type { entity.GetType() } but type { typeof(T) } was expected.");
        public void Restore(IDynamicObject store, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();

            settings.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter());
            settings.Converters.Add(new InterfaceMapConverter <Keyboard, IKeyboard>());
            settings.Converters.Add(new InterfaceMapConverter <Button, IButton>());
            Message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OutgoingMessage>(store.ToJson(), settings);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the collection of items referenced by this field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">
        /// The source item.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The collection of items.
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable<IDynamicObject> GetItems(IDynamicObject item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");

            var sampleList = (ISampleList)item.GetValueByPropertyName(Property.Name);

            return sampleList != null ? sampleList.Cast<IDynamicObject>() : Enumerable.Empty<IDynamicObject>();
Пример #29
 public void AddDynamicObject(IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
     dynamicObject.ParentSimulation = this;
     if (dynamicObject.Name == string.Empty)
         _name = dynamicObject.GetType().ToString() + DynamicObjects.Count.ToString() ?? "0";
Пример #30
        public void printLabel(IDynamicObject dynamicObject)

            if(dynamicObject.getDisplayed().Equals(TextDisplayed.None)) return;

            GUI.Label(objectCaptionRectangle, dynamicObject.getItem().getDescription().dCaption, captionStyle);
Пример #31
        public void BoolValue()
            IDynamicObject dyn = (JsonObject)true;


            Assert.That(dyn.TryGetValue(out var value, out var type), Is.True);
            Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo(true));
            Assert.That(type, Is.EqualTo(typeof(bool)));
Пример #32
        public void IntValue()
            IDynamicObject dyn = (JsonObject)123;


            Assert.That(dyn.TryGetValue(out var value, out var type), Is.True);
            Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo(123));
            Assert.That(type, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int)));
        public override void Restore(IDynamicObject store, IResourceWrapper wrapper)
            BotEngine = store.Get <BotEngine>("botEngine");
            BotKey    = store.Get <String>("botKey");
            ChatId    = store.Get <Guid>("chatId");
            var m = new StorableOutgoingMessage();

            m.Restore(store.GetDynamicObject("message"), wrapper);
            Message = m;
        public void DynamicStateChange(String collisionDirection, Item item, IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
            IPlayableObject playableObject = dynamicObject as IPlayableObject;

            if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Mario")
                new ItemIsConsumedCommand(playableObject, item).Execute();

            else if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Block" || dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Pipe")
                // Stars are supposed to ignore collisions with blocks
                bool starBlockCollision = false;

                if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Block")
                    Block block = dynamicObject as Block;

                    if (block.BlockState.ToString() != "SuperMario.BlockStates.MetalBlock" && item.ItemState.ToString() == "SuperMario.ItemStates.Star")
                        starBlockCollision = true;

                    if (block.IsMoving)
                        item.Velocity = new Vector2(-item.Velocity.X, item.Velocity.Y);

                if (!starBlockCollision)
                    if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionTop)
                        new GenericDynamicGroundCollisionCommand(item, dynamicObject).Execute();

                    else if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionBottom || item.CollisionRectangle.Center.Y < dynamicObject.CollisionRectangle.Top)
                        if (item.ItemState.ToString() == "SuperMario.ItemStates.Star")
                            item.Velocity = new Vector2(item.Velocity.X, Vector2.Zero.Y);
                            item.InAir = false;

                        new GenericDynamicBottomCollisionCommand(item, dynamicObject).Execute();

                    else if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionLeft || collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionRight)
                        new GenericSideCollisionCommand(item).Execute();
Пример #35
        public void DynamicStateChange(String collisionDirection, Item item, IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
            IPlayableObject playableObject = dynamicObject as IPlayableObject;

            if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Mario")
                new ItemIsConsumedCommand(playableObject, item).Execute();

            else if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Block" || dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Pipe")
                // Stars are supposed to ignore collisions with blocks
                bool starBlockCollision = false;

                if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Block")
                    Block block = dynamicObject as Block;

                    if (block.BlockState.ToString() != "SuperMario.BlockStates.MetalBlock" && item.ItemState.ToString() == "SuperMario.ItemStates.Star")
                        starBlockCollision = true;

                    if (block.IsMoving)
                        item.Velocity = new Vector2(-item.Velocity.X, item.Velocity.Y);

                if (!starBlockCollision)
                    if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionTop)
                        new GenericDynamicGroundCollisionCommand(item, dynamicObject).Execute();

                    else if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionBottom || item.CollisionRectangle.Center.Y < dynamicObject.CollisionRectangle.Top)
                        if (item.ItemState.ToString() == "SuperMario.ItemStates.Star")
                            item.Velocity = new Vector2(item.Velocity.X, Vector2.Zero.Y);
                            item.InAir    = false;

                        new GenericDynamicBottomCollisionCommand(item, dynamicObject).Execute();

                    else if (collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionLeft || collisionDirection == GameValues.CollisionDirectionRight)
                        new GenericSideCollisionCommand(item).Execute();
Пример #36
        public bool TryImportScript(string scriptText, UPath scriptPath, IDynamicObject scriptObject, ScriptFlags flags, out object result, TemplateContext context = null)
            if (scriptText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scriptText));
            if (scriptPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scriptPath));
            if (scriptObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scriptObject));

            result  = null;
            context = context ?? new TemplateContext(Builtins);

            var scriptResult = ParseScript(scriptText, scriptPath.FullName, ScriptMode.ScriptOnly);

            if (!scriptResult.HasErrors)
                if ((flags & ScriptFlags.AllowSiteFunctions) != 0)

                context.EnableOutput   = false;
                context.TemplateLoader = (flags & ScriptFlags.AllowSiteFunctions) != 0 ? unauthorizedTemplateLoader : new TemplateLoaderFromIncludes(Site);

                    result = scriptResult.Template.Evaluate(context);
                catch (ScriptRuntimeException exception)
                    if ((flags & ScriptFlags.AllowSiteFunctions) != 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="SqlParameter"/> and initializes its properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">
        /// The source object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="SqlParameter"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public SqlParameter CreateParameter(IDynamicObject source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            if (!(source is IEditableRoot))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Editable root source expected. Actual type: {0}.", source.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName),

            var crList = (IList)source.GetValueByPropertyName(_fieldName);
            var idList = crList != null ? crList.OfType<IDynamicObject>().Select(x => x.Id) : Enumerable.Empty<int>();

            return new SqlParameter(_parameterName, SqlDbType.Xml) { Value = ConvertToXml(idList) };
Пример #38
        private static object GetFieldValue(IDynamicObject source, string fieldName)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            var property = source.GetPropertyByName(fieldName);
            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Could not find the property '{0}' in type '{1}'.",

            return source.GetValueByPropertyName(fieldName);
Пример #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the specified source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination.</param>
        public void Update(IDynamicObject source, IEditableRoot destination)
            var currentState = ESyncTypeConverter.Convert<string>(_valueCalculator.GetValue(source, _field.MappingKey));

            if (currentState == null)

            var supportStates = destination as ISupportStates;

            if (supportStates == null)

            var state =
                    s => string.Compare(s.Name, currentState, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

            if (state != null)
                supportStates.CurrentState = state.Id;
Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the source property information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object.</param>
        /// <param name="referencePropertyName">Name of the reference property.</param>
        /// <returns>PropertyInfo.</returns>
        public PropertyInfo GetSourcePropertyInfo(IDynamicObject obj, string referencePropertyName)
            var prop = obj.GetPropertyByName(referencePropertyName);
            if (prop == null || prop.Name == Constants.IdColumnName)
                return prop;

            var refAttr = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ReferenceDisplayFieldAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as ReferenceDisplayFieldAttribute;
            if (refAttr == null) return null;

            var sourceType = TheDynamicTypeManager.GetEditableRootType(refAttr.DefinedIn);

            if (sourceType == null) return null;

            var sourceProp = sourceType.GetPropertyByName(refAttr.SystemName);

            if (sourceProp == null) return null;

            var sourceAttrs = sourceProp.GetCustomAttributes(false);

            var isFinal = !sourceAttrs.Any(a => a is CrossRefFieldAttribute || a is ReverseCrossRefFieldAttribute);

            if (isFinal)
                return sourceProp;

            var crAttr = sourceAttrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a is CrossRefFieldAttribute) as CrossRefFieldAttribute;

            if (crAttr != null)
                return GetSourcePropertyInfo(crAttr.ReferenceTableName, crAttr.RefFieldName);

            var reverseCrAttr = sourceAttrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a is ReverseCrossRefFieldAttribute) as ReverseCrossRefFieldAttribute;

            if (reverseCrAttr != null)
                return GetSourcePropertyInfo(reverseCrAttr.ReferenceTableName, reverseCrAttr.CrossReferenceFieldName);

            return null;
        public void DynamicStateChange(String location, Fireball fireball, IDynamicObject dynamicObject)
            if (dynamicObject.ToString() == "SuperMario.Block")
                if (location == GameValues.CollisionDirectionTop || location == GameValues.CollisionDirectionBottom)
                    new GenericTopOrBottomCollisionCommand(fireball).Execute();

                    fireball.IsAlive = false;

            else if (dynamicObject.ToString() != "SuperMario.Mario")
                fireball.IsAlive = false;
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        /// формирует список свойств из статов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dynamicObject"></param>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        private void checkStates(IDynamicObject dynamicObject, ref List<PropertyItem> list)
            if (dynamicObject == null)

            IChangedStatesType changedStates = dynamicObject as IChangedStatesType;

            if (changedStates == null)

            PlayerStates states = changedStates.getStates();

            if (states == null)

            // общие статы
            if (states.maxHealth != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_HEALTH,states.maxHealth, true));
            if (states.maxEnergy != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_ENERGY,states.maxEnergy, true));
            if (states.maxMana   != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_MANA,  states.maxMana,   true));

            if (states.health != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_HEALTH_REST,states.health, true));
            if (states.mana   != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_MANA_REST,states.mana, true));
            if (states.energy != 0f) list.Add(create(DictionaryPlayer.States.K_ENERGY_REST,states.energy, true));
Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the multi cross reference value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="prop">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetMultiCrossRefValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            if (item is IEditableRoot)
                var crList = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name) as IEnumerable;

                if (crList == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                var crValues = crList.OfType<ICrossRefItemInfo>().Select(crItem => crItem.ToString()).ToList();

                return Encode(string.Join(", ", crValues), isHtml);

            return Encode(item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name), isHtml);
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the multi reverse cross reference value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="prop">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetMultiReverseCrossRefValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            if (item is IEditableRoot)
                var rcrList = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name) as IEnumerable;

                if (rcrList == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                var itemValues = rcrList.OfType<IReverseCrossReferenceItem>().Select(x => x.ToString());

                return Encode(string.Join(", ", itemValues), isHtml);

            return Encode(item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name), isHtml);
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the single cross reference value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="prop">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private string GetSingleCrossRefValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            var editableRoot = item as IEditableRoot;
            if (editableRoot != null)
                var crId = editableRoot.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name) as int?;

                if (!crId.HasValue)
                    return string.Empty;

                var ancestor = editableRoot.GetAncestor(prop);

                if (ancestor == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                var crItem = DynamicTypeManager.GetCrossReferenceItem(ancestor.ProcessName, prop.Name, crId.Value);

                if (crItem == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                return Encode(crItem.ToString(), isHtml);

            var value = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name);
            return value != null ? Encode(value.ToString(), isHtml) : string.Empty;
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the date time field value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="formatAttribute">The format attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetDateTimeFieldValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo property, DateTimeFormatAttribute formatAttribute, bool isHtml)
            var value = (DateTime?)item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);

            if (value == null)
                return string.Empty;

            var dtFormat = (DateTimeFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(DateTimeFormat), formatAttribute.Value, true);

            switch (dtFormat)
                case DateTimeFormat.Date:
                    return Encode(value.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), isHtml);

                case DateTimeFormat.Time:
                    return Encode(value.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), isHtml);

                                CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern + " " + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the reverse single cross reference value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="prop">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetReverseSingleCrossRefValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            if (item is IEditableRoot)
                var rcrItem = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name);

                if (rcrItem == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                return Encode(rcrItem.ToString(), isHtml);

            var value = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name);
            return value != null ? Encode(value.ToString(), isHtml) : string.Empty;
        private IEnumerable<IDynamicObject> GetSingleReverseCrossReferenceItems(IDynamicObject item)
            var rcrItem = (IReverseCrossReferenceItem)item.GetValueByPropertyName(Property.Name);

            if (rcrItem == null)
                return Enumerable.Empty<IDynamicObject>();

            var criteria = new DetailCriteria(rcrItem.Id) { AllowLazyLoading = true };
            var editableRoot = DynamicTypeManager.GetEditableRoot<IEditableRoot>(ElementProcessName, criteria);

            if (editableRoot == null || editableRoot.Id <= 0)
                return Enumerable.Empty<IDynamicObject>();

            return Enumerable.Repeat(editableRoot, 1);
Пример #49
        private static string GetRichTextFieldValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            var richText = item.GetValueByPropertyName(prop.Name);
            var converter = new HtmlToText();
            var plainText = converter.ConvertHtml(richText);

            return Encode(plainText, isHtml);
Пример #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="prop">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private string GetValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo prop, bool isHtml)
            if (!item.CanReadPropertyByName(prop.Name))
                return Encode(Constants.BlockedContent, isHtml);

            if (prop.Name == Constants.PaperclipsColumnName)
                return GetPaperclips(item, isHtml);

            var crossRefAttr = (CrossRefFieldAttribute)
                prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (CrossRefFieldAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (crossRefAttr != null)
                if (crossRefAttr.AllowMultiple)
                    return GetMultiCrossRefValue(item, prop, isHtml);

                return GetSingleCrossRefValue(item, prop, isHtml);

            var reverseCrossRefAttr = (ReverseCrossRefFieldAttribute)
                                      prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (ReverseCrossRefFieldAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (reverseCrossRefAttr != null)
                if (reverseCrossRefAttr.DisplayMultiple)
                    return GetMultiReverseCrossRefValue(item, prop, isHtml);

                return GetReverseSingleCrossRefValue(item, prop, isHtml);

            var dateTimeAttr =
                prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DateTimeFormatAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (dateTimeAttr != null)
                return GetDateTimeFieldValue(item, prop, dateTimeAttr, isHtml);

            var numericAttr =
                prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NumericAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (numericAttr != null)
                return GetNumericFieldValue(item, prop, numericAttr, isHtml);

            var richTextAttr = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RichTextAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (richTextAttr != null)
                return GetRichTextFieldValue(item, prop, isHtml);

            var fileAttribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute<FileProcessAttribute>();
            if (fileAttribute != null)
                return GetFileValue(item, prop, isHtml);

            return GetGenericFieldValue(item, prop, isHtml);
Пример #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the generic field value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private string GetGenericFieldValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo property, bool isHtml)
            var value = item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);

            return Encode(value == null ? "<not defined>" : string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", value), isHtml);
Пример #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the paperclips.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetPaperclips(IDynamicObject item, bool isHtml)
            var hasPaperclips = item as IHasPaperclips;

            if (hasPaperclips == null)
                var value = (string)item.GetValueByPropertyName(Constants.PaperclipsColumnName) ?? string.Empty;

                return isHtml ? HtmlEncode(value) : value;

            var result = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var paperclip in hasPaperclips.Paperclips.OfType<IPaperclip>())
                if (result.Length > 0)
                    result.Append(", ");

                if (isHtml)
                    result.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{1}</a>", paperclip.CurrentURI, HtmlEncode(paperclip.Name));

            return result.ToString();
Пример #53
        private string GetFileValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo property, bool isHtml)
            var fileUrl = string.Empty;
            string displayName;

            if (item is IEditableRoot)
                var file = item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name) as IFileProcess;
                if (file == null)
                    return string.Empty;

                var fileName = file.FileName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                    fileUrl = FileHelper.GetFullNavigateUrl(fileName);

                displayName = file.OriginalFileName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
                    displayName = fileName;
                displayName = item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);
                fileUrl = item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name + Constants.Url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUrl))
                return string.Empty;

            if (isHtml)
                return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUrl)
                           ? string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{1}</a>", fileUrl, HtmlEncode(displayName))
                           : HtmlEncode(displayName);

            return displayName;
Пример #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the fields with values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templ">The templ.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        public string ReplaceFieldsWithValues(string templ, IDynamicObject item, bool isHtml = false)
            return ReplaceRegex.Replace(
                match =>
                        var prop = item.GetPropertyByName(match.Groups[1].Value);

                        return prop == null ? match.Value : GetValue(item, prop, isHtml);
Пример #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the specified source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination.</param>
        public void Update(IDynamicObject source, IEditableRoot destination)
            var filterList = new List<ColumnFilter>();

            foreach (var filterBuilder in _filterBuilders)
                ColumnFilter filter;
                if (!filterBuilder.TryGetFilter(source, out filter))

            var itemIds = RuntimeDatabase.FindItems(_referencedProcess, filterList);
            if (itemIds.Count <= 0)

            if (_allowMultiple)
                var crList = (ICrossRefItemList)destination.GetValueByPropertyName(_property.Name);

                if (crList == null)

                foreach (var id in itemIds.Where(id => !crList.Contains(id)))
                destination.SetValueByPropertyName(_property.Name, itemIds[0]);
        private IEnumerable<IDynamicObject> GetMultiReverseCrossReferenceItems(IDynamicObject item)
            var rcrItems = (ICollection)item.GetValueByPropertyName(Property.Name);

            if (rcrItems == null)
                return Enumerable.Empty<IDynamicObject>();

            var result = new List<IDynamicObject>();

            foreach (IReverseCrossReferenceItem rcrItem in rcrItems)
                var criteria = new DetailCriteria(rcrItem.Id) { AllowLazyLoading = true };
                var editableItem = DynamicTypeManager.GetEditableRoot<IEditableRoot>(ElementProcessName, criteria);

                if (editableItem != null && editableItem.Id > 0)

            return result;
Пример #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the due date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionDefinition">The action definition.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <returns>DateTime.</returns>
        public DateTime GetDueDate(IActionDefinition actionDefinition, IDynamicObject item)
            var actionDef = actionDefinition as IAssignmentActionDefinition;

            if (actionDef == null)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            if (item == null)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionDef.DueDateFieldName))
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            var date = item.GetValueByPropertyName(actionDef.DueDateFieldName) as DateTime?;
            return date ?? DateTime.MinValue;
Пример #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the numeric field value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="formatAttribute">The format attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="isHtml">if set to <c>true</c> [is HTML].</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        private static string GetNumericFieldValue(IDynamicObject item, PropertyInfo property, NumericAttribute formatAttribute, bool isHtml)
            var value = (decimal?)item.GetValueByPropertyName(property.Name);

            if (value == null)
                return string.Empty;

            switch (formatAttribute.NumericType)
                case NumericTypes.Currency:
                    return Encode(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "${0}", value), isHtml);

                case NumericTypes.Percentage:
                    return Encode(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}%", value), isHtml);

                    return Encode(Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), isHtml);
Пример #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the action item information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionItem">The action item.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <returns>ActionItemInfo.</returns>
        public ActionItemInfo CreateActionItemInfo(IActionItemInfo actionItem, IDynamicObject item)
            if (item == null)
                return null;

            var actionManager = DynamicTypeManager.GetActionManager(actionItem.Process);
            var actionDefinition = actionManager.ActionDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(ad => string.Compare(ad.Guid.ToString(), actionItem.ActionGuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

            if (actionDefinition == null)
                return null;

            var isNotification = false;

            var assignmentActionDefinition = actionDefinition as IAssignmentActionDefinition;
            if (assignmentActionDefinition != null)
                isNotification = assignmentActionDefinition.IsNotification;

            if (assignmentActionDefinition != null && !assignmentActionDefinition.IsNotification)
                if (!actionDefinition.CanExecute(item, null))
                    return null;

            var subject = actionDefinition.GetSubject(item);
            var message = actionDefinition.GetMessageForDashboard(item);
            var dueDate = GetDueDate(actionDefinition, item);
            var actionType = GetActionType(actionDefinition);

            return new ActionItemInfo(
                actionItem.ItemId ?? 0,
                actionItem.IsActionNew ?? true,
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the collection of items referenced by this field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">
        /// The source item.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The collection of items.
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable<IDynamicObject> GetItems(IDynamicObject item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");

            return _displayMultiple ? GetMultiReverseCrossReferenceItems(item) : GetSingleReverseCrossReferenceItems(item);