Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the SIF Version from the version attribute or namespace. If not able
        /// to parse the version, the default version is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="dtd"></param>
        /// <param name="zone"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultVersion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SifVersion ParseVersion(
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            IZone zone,
            SifParserFlags flags,
            SifVersion defaultVersion)
            SifVersion version;
            String     verAttr = reader.GetAttribute("Version");

            // Order of precedence:
            // 1) Version attribute of message
            // 2) The version passed in (if not null)
            // 3) The namespace version (if able to parse)
            // 4) The ADK SIF Version

            if (verAttr != null)
                version = SifVersion.Parse(verAttr);
            else if (defaultVersion != null)
                version = defaultVersion;
                String namespc = reader.NamespaceURI;
                version = SifVersion.ParseXmlns(namespc);
                if (version == null)
                    version = Adk.SifVersion;

            // Do validation on the version
            if (!Adk.IsSIFVersionSupported(version))
                throw new SifException(
                          string.Format("SIF {0} not supported", version.ToString()), reader.NamespaceURI, zone);
            else if (zone != null && zone.Properties.StrictVersioning)
                if (version.CompareTo(Adk.SifVersion) != 0)
                    throw new SifException(
                              "SIF " + version.ToString() + " message support disabled by this agent",
                              string.Format("This agent is running in strict SIF {0} mode", Adk.SifVersion.ToString()), zone);
Пример #2
        private void SetFieldValueFromAttribute(
            SifElement element,
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            SifVersion version,
            SifFormatter formatter,
            IZone zone)
            IElementDef elementDef = element.ElementDef;
            IElementDef field      = dtd.LookupElementDef(element.ElementDef, reader.LocalName);

            if (field == null && reader.Prefix != null)
                if (reader.LocalName == SifWriter.NIL && reader.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace)
                    TypeConverter converter = elementDef.TypeConverter;
                    if (converter != null)
                        SifSimpleType sst = converter.GetSifSimpleType(null);
                        element.SetField(elementDef, sst);
                else if (reader.Name.StartsWith("xmlns"))
                    field = dtd.LookupElementDef(elementDef, reader.Prefix + ":" + reader.LocalName);

            if (field != null)
                string        strVal = reader.Value.Trim();
                SifSimpleType val    = ParseValue(field, strVal, version, formatter, zone);
                element.SetField(field, val);
            else if (element.ElementDef.EarliestVersion >= SifVersion.SIF20 && version < SifVersion.SIF20)
                Adk.Log.Warn("Field " + element.ElementDef.ClassName + "." + (reader.Prefix == null ? reader.LocalName : reader.Prefix + ":" + reader.LocalName) + " does not exist in the sif 2.0 specification onwards.  It may or may not be valid in sif 1.5r1.  It will be ignored.");
                // TODO: Log and gracefully ignore, depending on whether the ADK is set to strict or loose parsing
                throw new SifException
                          (SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_GENERIC_VALIDATION_3,
                          "Unknown element or attribute",
                          reader.LocalName + " is not a recognized attribute of the " +
                          elementDef.Name + " element (SIF " +
                          element.EffectiveSIFVersion.ToString() + ")", zone);
Пример #3
        private IElementDef LookupElementDef(SifElement parent,
                                             XmlReader reader,
                                             IDtd dtd,
                                             SifVersion version,
                                             IZone zone)
            //  Lookup the ElementDef metadata in the SifDtd object for the
            //  version of SIF we are parsing. First try looking up a ElementDef
            //  for a field or complex object that is a child of another element,
            //  such as StudentPersonal_Name, SIF_Ack_SIF_Header, etc. If none
            //  found then look for a root-level element such as StudentPersonal,
            //  SIF_Ack, etc. If still nothing is found we don't know how to
            //  parse this element -- it is neither a top-level object element
            //  nor a child field element for this version of SIF.
            String      elementName = reader.LocalName;
            IElementDef def         = null;

            if (parent != null)
                def = dtd.LookupElementDef(parent.ElementDef, elementName);

            if (def == null)
                def = dtd.LookupElementDef(elementName);

            //	Beginning with SIF 1.5 *any* object can have a SIF_ExtendedElements
            //	child, so we need to check for that case since the Adk metadata
            //	does not add SIF_ExtendedElements to all object types
            if (def == null && elementName.Equals("SIF_ExtendedElements"))
                def = GlobalDTD.SIF_EXTENDEDELEMENTS;

            //	Beginning with SIF 2.0 *any* object can have a SIF_ExtendedElements
            //	child, so we need to check for that case since the Adk metadata
            //	does not add SIF_ExtendedElements to all object types
            if (def == null && elementName.Equals("SIF_Metadata"))
                // TODO: Add support for SIF_Metadata back in to the .NET ADK
                def = null; // DatamodelDTD.SIF_METADATA;

            // Note: def returned can be null.
Пример #4
        private SifElement ReadSifElementFromElementNode(
            IElementDef def,
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            SifElement parent,
            SifFormatter formatter,
            SifVersion version,
            IZone zone)
            SifElement element;

                element = SifElement.Create(parent, def);
            catch (TypeLoadException tle)
                throw new AdkParsingException
                          ("Could not create an instance of " + def.FQClassName + " to wrap a " +
                          reader.LocalName + " element because that class doesn't exist", zone, tle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new AdkParsingException
                          ("Could not create an instance of " + def.FQClassName, zone, ex);

            element.ElementDef = def;
            element.SifVersion = version;

            if (parent != null)
                element = formatter.AddChild(parent, element, version);

            // Set the attributes to fields of the SifElement
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                SetFieldValueFromAttribute(element, reader, dtd, version, formatter, zone);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a SIF_Message element, which sets the version and namespace scope for the rest of the
        /// xml parsing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="dtd"></param>
        /// <param name="zone"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultVersion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="OpenADK.Library.AdkParsingException">AdkParsingException is thrown if unable to
        /// parse the message</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> IOException is thrown if an error is reported while reading
        /// the message content</exception>
        private SifElement ReadSIFMessageElement(
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            IZone zone,
            SifParserFlags flags,
            SifVersion defaultVersion)
            SifVersion version = ParseVersion(reader, dtd, zone, flags, defaultVersion);

            SIF_Message message = new SIF_Message();

            // Set the namespace from our working version
            if (version.CompareTo(SifVersion.SIF11) >= 0)
                // If we are at SifVersion 1.1 or greater, set the version attribute

            // Advance to the next element
            if (reader.Read())
                while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (!reader.Read())
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    SifElement element = ParseElementStream(reader, version, dtd, zone, flags);

Пример #6
        private SifElement ParseElementStream(XmlReader reader,
                                              SifVersion version,
                                              IDtd dtd,
                                              IZone zone,
                                              SifParserFlags flags)
            bool legacyParse = version.CompareTo(SifVersion.SIF20) < 0;

            // The current SIFElement being parsed
            SifElement currentElement = null;
            // The actual tag name of the current element
            SifFormatter formatter = Adk.Dtd.GetFormatter(version);

            bool doneParsing = false;

            while (!(reader.EOF || doneParsing))
                switch (reader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    if (reader.LocalName == "SIF_Message")
                        // Special case for embedded SIF_Message envelopes
                        if ((flags & SifParserFlags.ExpectInnerEnvelope) != 0)
                            SifElement msgElement =
                                ReadSIFMessageElement(reader, dtd, zone, SifParserFlags.None, version);
                            currentElement = msgElement;
                            throw new AdkParsingException
                                      ("Unexpected SIF_Message encountered in parsing", zone);
                        String xmlName = reader.LocalName;
                        if (xmlName == "Teacher")
                            Console.WriteLine("Ready to break");

                        IElementDef foundDef = LookupElementDef(currentElement, reader, dtd, version, zone);
                        if (foundDef == null)
                            if (legacyParse)
                                ParseLegacyXML(reader, version, zone, currentElement, formatter, xmlName);
                            else if (currentElement != null && currentElement.ElementDef.Name.Equals("XMLData"))
                                // Parse this into a DOM and set on the XMLData
                                // element
                                XmlReader   nestedReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                                XmlDocument doc          = new XmlDocument();
                                ((XMLData)currentElement).Xml = doc;
                                String _tag = currentElement != null ? currentElement.ElementDef.Name
                                              + "/" + xmlName
                                            : xmlName;
                                throw new SifException(SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_GENERIC_VALIDATION_3, "Unknown element or attribute", _tag
                                                       + " is not a recognized element of SIF "
                                                       + version.ToString(), zone);

                        if (legacyParse)
                            IElementVersionInfo evi = foundDef.GetVersionInfo(version);
                            if (evi != null)
                                IRenderSurrogate rs = evi.GetSurrogate();
                                if (rs != null)
                                    using (XmlReader subtreeReader = reader.ReadSubtree())
                                        bool shouldContinue = true;
                                            shouldContinue = rs.ReadRaw(subtreeReader, version, currentElement, formatter);
                                        catch (AdkTypeParseException atpe)
                                            HandleTypeParseException("Unable to parse value: " + atpe.Message, atpe,
                                        // advance to the next tag
                                        if (shouldContinue)
                                            throw new SifException(SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml,
                                                                   "Unknown element or attribute", reader.LocalName
                                                                   " was not able to be parsed by "
                                                                   + rs, zone);

                        if (foundDef.Field)
                                (foundDef, currentElement, reader, version, formatter, zone);
                            // Advance to the next tag
                            } while (
                                !(reader.EOF || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ||
                                  reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement));
                        else if (reader.IsEmptyElement)
                            // The .Net XmlReader does not return an EndElement event for
                            // tags with empty content. Therefore, this region of the code is
                            // slightly different from Java
                            ReadSifElementFromElementNode(foundDef, reader, dtd, currentElement, formatter,
                                                          version, zone);
                            currentElement =
                                ReadSifElementFromElementNode(foundDef, reader, dtd, currentElement, formatter,
                                                              version, zone);

                case XmlNodeType.Text:
                    if (currentElement.ElementDef.HasSimpleContent)
                        SetFieldValueFromElement(currentElement.ElementDef, currentElement, reader, version,
                                                 formatter, zone);
                        // The XML Reader cursor is automatically advanced by this method, so we
                        // need to continue on without calling read()

                case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                    if (currentElement.Parent != null)
                        currentElement = (SifElement)currentElement.Parent;
                        while (legacyParse && currentElement.ElementDef.IsCollapsed(version))
                            currentElement = (SifElement)currentElement.Parent;
                    if (reader.LocalName == "SIF_Message")
                        // We need to return here. If we let the reader keep reading, and we are reading an embedded
                        // SIF_Message, it will keep parsing the end tags and not let the stack of SifElement objects
                        // propertly unwind. We're done anyway.
                        doneParsing = true;

                // Advance the cursor

            if (currentElement == null)
                // Now, unwind and pop off the top element parsed
                Element top = currentElement;
                Element current;
                while ((current = top.Parent) != null)
                    top = current;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a SIF_Message element, which sets the version and namespace scope for the rest of the 
        /// xml parsing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="dtd"></param>
        /// <param name="zone"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultVersion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="OpenADK.Library.AdkParsingException">AdkParsingException is thrown if unable to 
        /// parse the message</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> IOException is thrown if an error is reported while reading 
        /// the message content</exception>
        private SifElement ReadSIFMessageElement(
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            IZone zone,
            SifParserFlags flags,
            SifVersion defaultVersion )
            SifVersion version = ParseVersion( reader, dtd, zone, flags, defaultVersion );

            SIF_Message message = new SIF_Message();
            // Set the namespace from our working version
            message.SetXmlns( version.Xmlns );
            if ( version.CompareTo( SifVersion.SIF11 ) >= 0 )
                // If we are at SifVersion 1.1 or greater, set the version attribute
                message.SetVersionAttribute( version.ToString() );

            // Advance to the next element
            if ( reader.Read() )
                while ( reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element )
                    if ( !reader.Read() )
                if ( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element )
                    SifElement element = ParseElementStream( reader, version, dtd, zone, flags );
                    message.AddChild( element );

            return message;
Пример #8
        private void SetFieldValueFromAttribute(
            SifElement element,
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            SifVersion version,
            SifFormatter formatter,
            IZone zone )
            IElementDef elementDef = element.ElementDef;
            IElementDef field = dtd.LookupElementDef( element.ElementDef, reader.LocalName );
            if ( field == null && reader.Prefix != null )
                if(reader.LocalName == SifWriter.NIL && reader.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace )
                    TypeConverter converter = elementDef.TypeConverter;
                    if ( converter != null )
                        SifSimpleType sst = converter.GetSifSimpleType( null );
                        element.SetField(elementDef, sst);
                else if( reader.Name.StartsWith( "xmlns" ) )
                    field = dtd.LookupElementDef(elementDef, reader.Prefix + ":" + reader.LocalName);

            if( field != null )
                string strVal = reader.Value.Trim();
                SifSimpleType val = ParseValue( field, strVal, version, formatter, zone );
                element.SetField( field, val );
            else if (element.ElementDef.EarliestVersion >= SifVersion.SIF20 && version < SifVersion.SIF20)
                Adk.Log.Warn("Field " + element.ElementDef.ClassName + "." + (reader.Prefix == null ? reader.LocalName : reader.Prefix + ":" + reader.LocalName ) + " does not exist in the sif 2.0 specification onwards.  It may or may not be valid in sif 1.5r1.  It will be ignored."  );
                // TODO: Log and gracefully ignore, depending on whether the ADK is set to strict or loose parsing
                throw new SifException
                    (SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_GENERIC_VALIDATION_3,
                      "Unknown element or attribute",
                      reader.LocalName + " is not a recognized attribute of the " +
                      elementDef.Name + " element (SIF " +
                      element.EffectiveSIFVersion.ToString() + ")", zone);
Пример #9
        private SifElement ReadSifElementFromElementNode(
            IElementDef def,
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            SifElement parent,
            SifFormatter formatter,
            SifVersion version,
            IZone zone )
            SifElement element;
                element = SifElement.Create( parent, def );
            catch ( TypeLoadException tle )
                throw new AdkParsingException
                    ( "Could not create an instance of " + def.FQClassName + " to wrap a " +
                      reader.LocalName + " element because that class doesn't exist", zone, tle );
            catch ( Exception ex )
                throw new AdkParsingException
                    ( "Could not create an instance of " + def.FQClassName, zone, ex );

            element.ElementDef = def;
            element.SifVersion = version;

            if ( parent != null )
                element = formatter.AddChild( parent, element, version );

            // Set the attributes to fields of the SifElement
            while ( reader.MoveToNextAttribute() )
                SetFieldValueFromAttribute( element, reader, dtd, version, formatter, zone );

            return element;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the SIF Version from the version attribute or namespace. If not able
        /// to parse the version, the default version is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="dtd"></param>
        /// <param name="zone"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultVersion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SifVersion ParseVersion(
            XmlReader reader,
            IDtd dtd,
            IZone zone,
            SifParserFlags flags,
            SifVersion defaultVersion)
            SifVersion version;
            String verAttr = reader.GetAttribute( "Version" );

            // Order of precedence:
            // 1) Version attribute of message
            // 2) The version passed in (if not null)
            // 3) The namespace version (if able to parse)
            // 4) The ADK SIF Version

            if ( verAttr != null )
                version = SifVersion.Parse( verAttr );
            else if ( defaultVersion != null )
                version = defaultVersion;
                String namespc = reader.NamespaceURI;
                version = SifVersion.ParseXmlns( namespc );
                if ( version == null )
                    version = Adk.SifVersion;

            // Do validation on the version
            if ( !Adk.IsSIFVersionSupported( version ) )
                throw new SifException(
                    string.Format( "SIF {0} not supported", version.ToString() ), reader.NamespaceURI, zone );
            else if ( zone != null && zone.Properties.StrictVersioning )
                if ( version.CompareTo( Adk.SifVersion ) != 0 )
                    throw new SifException(
                        "SIF " + version.ToString() + " message support disabled by this agent",
                        string.Format( "This agent is running in strict SIF {0} mode", Adk.SifVersion.ToString() ), zone );
            return version;
Пример #11
        private SifElement ParseElementStream( XmlReader reader,
                                               SifVersion version,
                                               IDtd dtd,
                                               IZone zone,
                                               SifParserFlags flags )
            bool legacyParse = version.CompareTo( SifVersion.SIF20 ) < 0;

            // The current SIFElement being parsed
            SifElement currentElement = null;
            // The actual tag name of the current element
            SifFormatter formatter = Adk.Dtd.GetFormatter( version );
            bool doneParsing = false;
            while ( !(reader.EOF || doneParsing) )
                switch ( reader.NodeType )
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if ( reader.LocalName == "SIF_Message" )
                            // Special case for embedded SIF_Message envelopes
                            if ( (flags & SifParserFlags.ExpectInnerEnvelope) != 0 )
                                SifElement msgElement =
                                    ReadSIFMessageElement( reader, dtd, zone, SifParserFlags.None, version );
                                currentElement.AddChild( msgElement );
                                currentElement = msgElement;
                                throw new AdkParsingException
                                    ( "Unexpected SIF_Message encountered in parsing", zone );
                            String xmlName = reader.LocalName;
                            if( xmlName == "Teacher" )
                                Console.WriteLine( "Ready to break" );

                            IElementDef foundDef = LookupElementDef( currentElement, reader, dtd, version, zone );
                            if (foundDef == null)
                                if (legacyParse)
                                    ParseLegacyXML(reader, version, zone, currentElement, formatter, xmlName);
                                else if (currentElement != null && currentElement.ElementDef.Name.Equals("XMLData"))
                                    // Parse this into a DOM and set on the XMLData
                                    // element
                                    XmlReader nestedReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                                    doc.Load( nestedReader );
                                    ((XMLData)currentElement).Xml = doc;
                                    String _tag = currentElement != null ? currentElement.ElementDef.Name
                                            + "/" + xmlName
                                            : xmlName;
                                    throw new SifException( SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_GENERIC_VALIDATION_3, "Unknown element or attribute", _tag
                                            + " is not a recognized element of SIF "
                                            + version.ToString(), zone);

                            if ( legacyParse )
                                IElementVersionInfo evi = foundDef.GetVersionInfo( version );
                                if (evi != null)
                                    IRenderSurrogate rs = evi.GetSurrogate();
                                    if (rs != null)

                                        using (XmlReader subtreeReader = reader.ReadSubtree())
                                            bool shouldContinue = true;
                                                shouldContinue = rs.ReadRaw( subtreeReader, version, currentElement, formatter );
                                            catch ( AdkTypeParseException atpe )
                                                HandleTypeParseException( "Unable to parse value: " + atpe.Message, atpe,
                                                                          zone );
                                            // advance to the next tag
                                            if ( shouldContinue )
                                                throw new SifException( SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml,
                                                                        "Unknown element or attribute", reader.LocalName
                                                                                                        " was not able to be parsed by "
                                                                                                        + rs, zone );

                            if ( foundDef.Field )
                                    ( foundDef, currentElement, reader, version, formatter, zone );
                                // Advance to the next tag
                                } while (
                                    !(reader.EOF || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ||
                                      reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) );
                            else if ( reader.IsEmptyElement )
                                // The .Net XmlReader does not return an EndElement event for
                                // tags with empty content. Therefore, this region of the code is
                                // slightly different from Java
                                ReadSifElementFromElementNode( foundDef, reader, dtd, currentElement, formatter,
                                                               version, zone );
                                currentElement =
                                    ReadSifElementFromElementNode( foundDef, reader, dtd, currentElement, formatter,
                                                                   version, zone );
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        if ( currentElement.ElementDef.HasSimpleContent )
                            SetFieldValueFromElement( currentElement.ElementDef, currentElement, reader, version,
                                                      formatter, zone );
                            // The XML Reader cursor is automatically advanced by this method, so we
                            // need to continue on without calling read()
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        if ( currentElement.Parent != null )
                            currentElement = (SifElement) currentElement.Parent;
                            while ( legacyParse && currentElement.ElementDef.IsCollapsed( version ) )
                                currentElement = (SifElement) currentElement.Parent;
                        if ( reader.LocalName == "SIF_Message" )
                            // We need to return here. If we let the reader keep reading, and we are reading an embedded
                            // SIF_Message, it will keep parsing the end tags and not let the stack of SifElement objects
                            // propertly unwind. We're done anyway.
                            doneParsing = true;

                // Advance the cursor

            if ( currentElement == null )
                return null;
                // Now, unwind and pop off the top element parsed
                Element top = currentElement;
                Element current;
                while ( (current = top.Parent) != null )
                    top = current;
                return (SifElement) top;
Пример #12
        private IElementDef LookupElementDef( SifElement parent,
                                              XmlReader reader,
                                              IDtd dtd,
                                              SifVersion version,
                                              IZone zone )
            //  Lookup the ElementDef metadata in the SifDtd object for the
            //  version of SIF we are parsing. First try looking up a ElementDef
            //  for a field or complex object that is a child of another element,
            //  such as StudentPersonal_Name, SIF_Ack_SIF_Header, etc. If none
            //  found then look for a root-level element such as StudentPersonal,
            //  SIF_Ack, etc. If still nothing is found we don't know how to
            //  parse this element -- it is neither a top-level object element
            //  nor a child field element for this version of SIF.
            String elementName = reader.LocalName;
            IElementDef def = null;
            if ( parent != null )
                def = dtd.LookupElementDef( parent.ElementDef, elementName );

            if ( def == null )
                def = dtd.LookupElementDef( elementName );

            //	Beginning with SIF 1.5 *any* object can have a SIF_ExtendedElements
            //	child, so we need to check for that case since the Adk metadata
            //	does not add SIF_ExtendedElements to all object types
            if ( def == null && elementName.Equals( "SIF_ExtendedElements" ) )
                def = GlobalDTD.SIF_EXTENDEDELEMENTS;

            //	Beginning with SIF 2.0 *any* object can have a SIF_ExtendedElements
            //	child, so we need to check for that case since the Adk metadata
            //	does not add SIF_ExtendedElements to all object types
            if ( def == null && elementName.Equals( "SIF_Metadata" ) )
                // TODO: Add support for SIF_Metadata back in to the .NET ADK
                def = null; // DatamodelDTD.SIF_METADATA;

            // Note: def returned can be null.
            return def;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>  Initialize the Adk to use the specified version of SIF.
        /// Calling this method when the Adk has already been initialized has no effect.
        /// This method must be called at agent startup to initialize 
        /// various resources of the Adk, establish global settings for the 
        /// class framework, and set the default version of SIF to which
        /// all messages originating from the agent will conform.
        /// Beginning with Adk 1.5.0, this method also configures the global 
        /// Adk <c>ServerLog</c> instance with a logging module that 
        /// will be inherited by the ServerLog of all zones. It installs a 
        /// single logging module implementation: <c>DefaultServerLogModule</c>. 
        /// The behavior of this module is to report SIF_LogEntry objects to 
        /// the zone integration server via an Add SIF_Event message whenever 
        /// <c>ServerLog.reportLogEntry</c> is called on a zone and 
        /// the agent is running in SIF 1.5 or later. DefaultServerLogModule
        /// also echos server log messages to the zone's local logging framework Category
        /// so that agents do not need to duplicate logging to both the server
        /// and local agent log. If you want to install a custom <i>ServerLogModule</i> 
        /// implementation -- or need to adjust the settings of the default 
        /// module installed when the Adk is initialized -- call the 
        /// <c>Adk.getServerLog</c> method to obtain a reference to the 
        /// root of the <c>ServerLog</c> chain, then call its methods 
        /// to add and remove modules. Refer to the ServerLog class for more 
        /// information on server logging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">The version of SIF that will be used by the agent this
        /// session. Supported versions are enumerated by constants of the
        /// <see cref="OpenADK.Library.SifVersion"/> class. Once initialized,
        /// the version cannot be changed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sdoLibraries">One or more of the constants defined by the SdoLibrary
        /// class, identifying the SIF Data Object libraries to be loaded into
        /// memory (e.g. SdoLibraryType.STUDENT | SdoLibraryType.HR )
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="AdkException">If the ADK cannot be initialized</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OpenADK.Library.AdkNotSupportedException"> AdkNotSupportedException is thrown if the specified SIF
        /// version is not supported by the Adk, or if the <i>sdoLibraries</i>
        /// parameter is invalid
        /// </exception>
        public static void Initialize(SifVersion version, SIFVariant dataModel,
                                       int sdoLibraries)
            if (Initialized)

            //	TODO: This code could be done in more of a modular way so that it
            //	doesn't need to be hand-edited each time a new SIFVariant is added.
            if (dataModel == SIFVariant.SIF_US)
                sDtd = new OpenADK.Library.us.SifDtd();
            else if (dataModel == SIFVariant.SIF_UK)
                sDtd = new OpenADK.Library.uk.SifDtd();
            else if (dataModel == SIFVariant.SIF_AU)
                sDtd = new OpenADK.Library.au.SifDtd();

            //if (dataModel == null)
            //    Console.Out.WriteLine("ERROR - No variant DTD loaded");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Using datamodel - " + dataModel.ToString("G"));

            catch (Exception e)

            if (version == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("SifVersion cannot be null");

            sSingleton = new Adk();

            // the default formatter for String APIs in the ADK is the SIF 1.x formatter
            // for backwards compatibility
            sSingleton.fDefaultFormatter = SifDtd.SIF_1X_FORMATTER;

            //	Set up the ServerLog

            ServerLog sl = ServerLog;
            if (sl != null)
                sl.AddLogger(new DefaultServerLogModule());

            //  HTTP and HTTPS transports always available
            TransportPlugin tp = new HttpTransportPlugin();
            sSingleton.fTransports[tp.Protocol] = tp;

            tp = new HttpsTransportPlugin();
            sSingleton.fTransports[tp.Protocol] = tp;

            if (Debug != AdkDebugFlags.None)
                sLog.Debug("Using Adk " + AdkVersion);

            sSingleton.fVersion = version;
