internal void PushEvents() { try { _listener?.Refresh(); if (_enableProcessMetrics) { ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessRuntimeMetrics(out var newUserCpu, out var newSystemCpu, out var threadCount, out var memoryUsage); var userCpu = newUserCpu - _previousUserCpu; var systemCpu = newSystemCpu - _previousSystemCpu; _previousUserCpu = newUserCpu; _previousSystemCpu = newSystemCpu; // Note: the behavior of Environment.ProcessorCount has changed a lot accross version: // What we want is the number of cores attributed to the container, which is the behavior in 3.1.2+ (and, I believe, in 2.x) var maximumCpu = Environment.ProcessorCount * _delay.TotalMilliseconds; var totalCpu = userCpu + systemCpu; _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.ThreadsCount, threadCount); _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.CommittedMemory, memoryUsage); // Get CPU time in milliseconds per second _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.CpuUserTime, userCpu.TotalMilliseconds / _delay.TotalSeconds); _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.CpuSystemTime, systemCpu.TotalMilliseconds / _delay.TotalSeconds); _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.CpuPercentage, Math.Round(totalCpu.TotalMilliseconds * 100 / maximumCpu, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); Log.Debug("Sent the following metrics: {metrics}", ProcessMetrics); } if (!_exceptionCounts.IsEmpty) { foreach (var element in _exceptionCounts) { _statsd.Increment(MetricsNames.ExceptionsCount, element.Value, tags: new[] { $"exception_type:{element.Key}" }); } // There's a race condition where we could clear items that haven't been pushed // Having an exact exception count is probably not worth the overhead required to fix it _exceptionCounts.Clear(); Log.Debug("Sent the following metrics: {metrics}", MetricsNames.ExceptionsCount); } else { Log.Debug("Did not send the following metrics: {metrics}", MetricsNames.ExceptionsCount); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning(ex, "Error while updating runtime metrics"); } }
public void Refresh() { // Can't use a Timing because Dogstatsd doesn't support local aggregation // It means that the aggregations in the UI would be wrong _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.ContentionTime, _contentionTime.Clear()); _statsd.Counter(MetricsNames.ContentionCount, Interlocked.Exchange(ref _contentionCount, 0)); _statsd.Gauge(MetricsNames.ThreadPoolWorkersCount, ThreadPool.ThreadCount); }
private void TryUpdateGauge(string path, PerformanceCounterWrapper counter) { var value = counter.GetValue(_instanceName); if (value != null) { _statsd.Gauge(path, value); } }
public void Publish(NamedPerformanceMetric metric) { if (metric != null) { dogStatsdService.Gauge( metric.FullyQualifiedName, metric.Value, sampleRate: 1, metric.Tags.Select(x => $"{x.Key}:{x.Value}").ToArray()); } }
private void UpdateGuildPopulationCounter(IGuild guild, string counterName) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guild?.Name)) { var tags = new[] { "guild:" + guild.Name }; _stats.Increment(counterName, tags: tags); if (guild is ISocketGuild socketGuild) { _stats.Gauge("user_count", socketGuild.MemberCount, tags: tags); } } }
public async Task FlushTracesAsync() { var traces = _tracesBuffer.Pop(); if (_statsd != null) { var spanCount = traces.Sum(t => t.Length); _statsd.Increment(TracerMetricNames.Queue.DequeuedTraces, traces.Length); _statsd.Increment(TracerMetricNames.Queue.DequeuedSpans, spanCount); _statsd.Gauge(TracerMetricNames.Queue.MaxTraces, _tracesBuffer.MaxSize); } if (traces.Length > 0) { await _api.SendTracesAsync(traces).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public static void Gauge <T>(this IDogStatsd stats, string statsName, T value, double sampleRate = 1, List <string> tags = null) { stats?.Gauge(statsName, value, sampleRate, tags?.ToArray()); }
private void GcHeapHistory(HeapHistory heapHistory) { if (heapHistory.MemoryLoad != null) { _statsd.Gauge("runtime.dotnet.gc.memory_load", heapHistory.MemoryLoad.Value); } _statsd.Increment(GcCountMetricNames[heapHistory.Generation], 1, tags: heapHistory.Compacting ? CompactingGcTags : NotCompactingGcTags); }