Пример #1
 public async Task DisposeAsync()
     using (_documentClient as IDisposable)
         await _documentClient?.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(_cosmosDataStoreConfiguration.GetRelativeCollectionUri(_cosmosCollectionConfiguration.CollectionId));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the underlying DocumentDB collection. NOTE: Each time you create a collection, you incur a charge for at least one hour of use, as determined by the specified performance level of the collection.
        /// If you create a collection and delete it within an hour, you are still charged for one hour of use
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <bool> RemoveAsync(RequestOptions requestOptions = null)
            var result = await _client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync((await _collection).SelfLink, requestOptions);

            bool isSuccess = result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent;

            _collection = new AsyncLazy <DocumentCollection>(async() => await GetOrCreateCollectionAsync());

Пример #3
        private static async Task DeleteCollection(IDocumentClient client, string collectionId)
            Console.WriteLine($">>> Delete Collection {collectionId} in mydb <<<");

            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("mydb", collectionId);
            ResourceResponse <DocumentCollection> resourceResponse = await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(collectionUri);

            //DocumentCollection documentCollection = resourceResponse.Resource;

            //Console.WriteLine($"Deleted collection {collectionId} from database mydb");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the document collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbId">Database id.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionId">Collection id.</param>
        /// <param name="requestOptions">Request options</param>
        /// <returns>Deleted DocumentCollection.</returns>
        public async Task <ResourceResponse <DocumentCollection> > DeleteCollectionAsync(
            string dbId, string collectionId, RequestOptions requestOptions = null)
            Code.ExpectsNotNullOrWhiteSpaceArgument(dbId, nameof(dbId), TaggingUtilities.ReserveTag(0x2381b1d8 /* tag_961hy */));
            Code.ExpectsNotNullOrWhiteSpaceArgument(collectionId, nameof(collectionId), TaggingUtilities.ReserveTag(0x2381b1d9 /* tag_961hz */));

            IDocumentClient client = await GetDocumentClientAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(await DocumentDbAdapter.ExecuteAndLogAsync(TaggingUtilities.ReserveTag(0x2381b1da /* tag_961h0 */),
                                                              () => client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(
                                                                  UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(dbId, collectionId), requestOptions)).ConfigureAwait(false));
Пример #5
        public static async Task DeleteDocumentCollectionIfExistsAsync(this IDocumentClient client, string databaseId, string collectionId, RequestOptions requestOptions = null)
                var response = await client.ReadDocumentCollectionAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(databaseId, collectionId), requestOptions);

                await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(response.Resource.SelfLink, requestOptions);
            catch (DocumentClientException e)
                if (e.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    throw e.InnerException;
        private static async Task DeleteCollection(IDocumentClient client)
            Console.WriteLine($"**** Delete Collection { CollectionId } in { DatabaseId } ****");

            var query = new SqlQuerySpec
                QueryText  = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.id = @id",
                Parameters = new SqlParameterCollection
                    new SqlParameter {
                        Name = "@id", Value = CollectionId

            DocumentCollection collection = client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri(DatabaseId), query).AsEnumerable().First();

            await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(collection.SelfLink);

            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted collection {collection.Id} from database {DatabaseId}");
Пример #7
 public async Task DeleteAllAsync()
         await _client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId));
     catch (DocumentClientException e)
         if (e.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
             // nothing to delete, need to create only
     await _client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(
         new DocumentCollection { Id = CollectionId },
         new RequestOptions { OfferThroughput = 1000 });
Пример #8
 private static async Task <DocumentCollection> RecreateCollection(IDocumentClient client, string db, string collection)
         await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(db, collection));
         // Not found throws.
     return(await client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(
                new DocumentCollection
         Id = collection,
         PartitionKey =
             Paths =
 public void Dispose()
Пример #10
        private static async Task AutomaticIndexing(IDocumentClient client)
            Console.WriteLine(">>> Override Automatic Indexing <<<");

            // Create collection with automatic indexing
            PartitionKeyDefinition partitionKeyDefinition = new PartitionKeyDefinition();

            DocumentCollection collectionDefinition = new DocumentCollection
                Id           = "autoindexing",
                PartitionKey = partitionKeyDefinition
            RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions {
                OfferThroughput = 1000
            ResourceResponse <DocumentCollection> collection = await client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(MyDbDatabaseUri, collectionDefinition, options);

            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("mydb", "autoindexing");

            // Add a document (indexed)
            dynamic indexedDocumentDefinition = new
                id          = "JOHN",
                firstName   = "John",
                lastName    = "Doe",
                addressLine = "123 Main Street",
                city        = "Brooklyn",
                state       = "New York",
                zip         = "11229"
            Document indexedDocument = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, indexedDocumentDefinition);

            // Add another document (request no indexing)
            dynamic unindexedDocumentDefinition = new
                id          = "JANE",
                firstName   = "Jane",
                lastName    = "Doe",
                addressLine = "123 Main Street",
                city        = "Brooklyn",
                state       = "New York",
                zip         = "11229"
            RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions {
                IndexingDirective = IndexingDirective.Exclude
            Document unindexedDocument = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, unindexedDocumentDefinition, requestOptions);

            FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions {
                EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true

            // Unindexed document won't get returned when querying on non-ID (or self-link) property

            string sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.lastName = 'Doe'";

            List <dynamic> doeDocs = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, feedOptions).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Documents WHERE lastName = 'Doe': {doeDocs.Count}");
            foreach (dynamic doeDoc in doeDocs)
                Console.WriteLine($" ID: {doeDoc.id}, Name: {doeDoc.firstName} {doeDoc.lastName}");

            // Unindexed document will get returned when using no WHERE clause
            List <dynamic> allDocs = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, "SELECT * FROM c", feedOptions).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine($"All documents: {allDocs.Count}");
            foreach (dynamic doc in allDocs)
                Console.WriteLine($" ID: {doc.id}, Name: {doc.firstName} {doc.lastName}");

            // Unindexed document will get returned when querying by ID (or self-link) property
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.id = 'JANE'";
            dynamic janeDoc = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, feedOptions).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();

            Console.WriteLine("Unindexed document:");
            Console.WriteLine($" ID: {janeDoc.id}, Name: {janeDoc.firstName} {janeDoc.lastName}");

            // Delete the collection
            await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(collectionUri);
Пример #11
        private static async Task SetIndexPaths(IDocumentClient client)
            Console.WriteLine(">>> Set Custom Index Paths <<<");

            // Create collection with custom indexing paths
            PartitionKeyDefinition partitionKeyDefinition = new PartitionKeyDefinition();

            DocumentCollection collectionDefinition = new DocumentCollection
                Id             = "customindexing",
                PartitionKey   = partitionKeyDefinition,
                IndexingPolicy = new IndexingPolicy
                    IncludedPaths = new Collection <IncludedPath>
                        // The Title property in the root is the only string property we need to sort on
                        new IncludedPath
                            Path    = "/title/?",
                            Indexes = new Collection <Index>
                                new RangeIndex(DataType.String)
                        // Every property (also the Title) gets a hash index on strings, and a range index on numbers
                        new IncludedPath
                            Path    = "/*",
                            Indexes = new Collection <Index>
                                new HashIndex(DataType.String),
                                new RangeIndex(DataType.Number)
                    ExcludedPaths = new Collection <ExcludedPath>
                        new ExcludedPath
                            Path = "/misc/*"
            RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions {
                OfferThroughput = 1000
            ResourceResponse <DocumentCollection> collection = await client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(MyDbDatabaseUri, collectionDefinition, options);

            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("mydb", "customindexing");

            // Add some documents
            dynamic doc1Definition = new
                id       = "SW4",
                title    = "Star Wars IV - A New Hope",
                rank     = 600,
                category = "Sci-Fi",
                misc     = new
                    year   = 1977,
                    length = "2hr 1min"
            Document document1 = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, doc1Definition);

            dynamic doc2Definition = new
                id       = "GF",
                title    = "Godfather",
                rank     = 500,
                category = "Crime Drama",
                misc     = new {
                    year   = 1972,
                    length = "2hr 55min"
            Document document2 = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, doc2Definition);

            dynamic doc3Definition = new
                id       = "LOTR1",
                title    = "Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship of the Ring",
                rank     = 700,
                category = "Fantasy",
                misc     = new
                    year   = 2001,
                    length = "2hr 58min"
            Document document3 = await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionUri, doc3Definition);

            // All the queries in this demo are cross-partition queries
            FeedOptions allowCrossPartitionQuery = new FeedOptions {
                EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true

            // When trying a range query when a range index is not availalbe, must also explicitly enable scan in query
            FeedOptions allowCrossPartitionAndScanQuery = new FeedOptions {
                EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true, EnableScanInQuery = true

            // *** Querying (WHERE) ***

            // Equality on title string property (range and hash index available)
            string         sql          = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.title = 'Godfather'";
            List <dynamic> queryByTitle = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Equality on category string property (hash index available)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.category = 'Fantasy'";
            List <dynamic> queryByCategory = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Range on category string property (hash index can't be used, no range index available)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.category >= 'Fantasy'";
                List <dynamic> queryByCategoryRange = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();
                List <dynamic> queryByCategoryRange = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionAndScanQuery).ToList();

            // Equality on rank number property (range index available)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.rank = 500";
            List <dynamic> queryByRank = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Range on rank number property (range index available)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.rank > 500";
            List <dynamic> queryByRankRange = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Equality on year number property (no index available; scan required)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.misc.year = 2001";
                List <dynamic> queryByYear = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();
                List <dynamic> queryByYear = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionAndScanQuery).ToList();

            // Equality on length string property (no index available; scan required)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.misc.length = '2hr 58min'";
                List <dynamic> queryByLength = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();
                List <dynamic> queryByLength = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionAndScanQuery).ToList();

            // *** Sorting (ORDER BY) ***

            // Works with range index on title property strings
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.title";
            List <dynamic> sortByTitle = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Doesn't works without range index on category property strings (returns 0 documents, but doesn't throw error!)
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.category";
            List <dynamic> sortByCategory = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Works with range index on rank property numbers
            sql = "SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.rank";
            List <dynamic> sortByRank = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri, sql, allowCrossPartitionQuery).ToList();

            // Delete the collection
            await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(collectionUri);
        private static async Task DeleteCollectionAsync(IDocumentClient client, CollectionProperties collection)
            var collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(collection.DatabaseName, collection.CollectionName);

            await client.DeleteDocumentCollectionAsync(collectionUri);