Пример #1
        public static                            IDistributionWrapper[] NegateNormalDistributions(Normal[] distributions)
            var    result  = new IDistributionWrapper[distributions.Length];
            double epsilon = Math.Pow(2, -52);

            for (int i = 0; i < distributions.Length; i++)
                result[i] = new NegatedDistribution(distributions[i], distributions[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(epsilon), distributions[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(1 - epsilon));
                //-distributions[i].Mean, distributions[i].StdDev, distributions[i].RandomSource);
Пример #2
        public static void TestQuantileTrap()
            Xoshiro256StarStar rand          = new Xoshiro256StarStar(8675309);
            const int          numberOfDists = 10;

            //const double meanOfNormals = 50;
            //const double stdDevOfNormals = 0.002;
            double Shape() => 2 *rand.NextDouble() - 1;
            double Scale() => 0.002 *rand.NextDouble() + 0;
            double Location() => 180 *rand.NextDouble();

            IDistributionWrapper[] dists = new IDistributionWrapper[numberOfDists];
            for (int i = 0; i < dists.Length; i++)
                //dists[i] = new WrappedDistribution(new Normal(rand.NextDouble() * meanOfNormals * 2, 0 + Math.Abs(rand.NextDouble() * stdDevOfNormals)), -100, 200); // Bounds are unused here
                dists[i] = new WrappedDistribution(new GEV(Location(), Scale(), Shape(), rand), -100, 100);
            double[] exact = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsTrapezoid(dists, 50000);
            for (int i = 0; i < exact.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {dists[i].GetWrappedDistribution()} 1-P(D_i) = {exact[i]}");
            exact = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsMonteCarloMaximizing(dists);
            for (int i = 0; i < exact.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {dists[i].GetWrappedDistribution()} 1-P(D_i) = {exact[i]}");
            double[] est;
            int[]    its = new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 20000 };
            for (int i = 0; i < its.Length; i++)
                int size = its[i];
                est = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsQuantileTrapRule(dists, size);
                Console.WriteLine($"Size {size}:");
                for (int j = 0; j < est.Length; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{j}: {dists[j].GetWrappedDistribution()} 1-P(D_i) = {est[j]}");
Пример #3
        public static void TestGEVComplementComputations()
            double ep           = Math.Pow(2, -50);
            double complementEp = 1.0 - ep;

            int testSize = 20;

            //GEV[] dists = new GEV[] { new GEV(0,200,-1), new GEV(0,100,-1) };

            GEV[]  dists = new GEV[testSize];
            Random rand  = new Xoshiro256StarStar(8675309);

            for (int i = 0; i < dists.Length; i++)
                dists[i] = new GEV(rand.NextDouble(), rand.NextDouble(), -rand.NextDouble(), rand);

            IDistributionWrapper[] wrappedDists = new IDistributionWrapper[dists.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dists.Length; i++)
                wrappedDists[i] = new WrappedDistribution(dists[i], dists[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(ep), dists[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(complementEp));

            double[] complements     = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsClenshawCurtisAutomatic(wrappedDists);
            double[] complemetnsTrap = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsTrapezoid(wrappedDists, 10000);
            double[] mcComplements   = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsMonteCarlo(wrappedDists, iterations: 10000000);
            double   totalc          = 0;
            double   totalmc         = 0;
            double   totalTrap       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < complements.Length; i++)
                GEV dist = dists[i];
                Program.logger.WriteLine($"Distribution Scale: {dist.scale} Loc {dist.location} Shape {dist.shape} " +
                                         $"1-P(D) {complements[i]} MC {mcComplements[i]} Trap {complemetnsTrap[i]}");
                totalc    += complements[i];
                totalmc   += mcComplements[i];
                totalTrap += complemetnsTrap[i];

            Program.logger.WriteLine($"Total probability: {totalc} Total by MC: {totalmc} Total by Trap 10k: {totalTrap}");
Пример #4
        public Branch[] BranchAndBound(int sampleSize, int iterations, double confidenceLevel = 0.95, bool cullDuplicates = true, bool multiThread = true)
            // Sanity check the initial sample size
            if (sampleSize < 30)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Sample size must be at least 30.");

            BestFitnessObserved = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double branchingFactor = 0; // Keeps track of average branches per active region per layer, which may not be constant if there is overlap between regions

            //double BestObservedValue = double.PositiveInfinity;
            Branch[] activeBranches = new Branch[] { SolutionSpace };
            //List<Branch> discardedRegions = new List<Branch>(512); // Tentative

            // === Main Loop ===
            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
                Console.WriteLine($"On iteration {iteration + 1} of {iterations}");
                #region Branch Step
                var newActiveBranches = new List <Branch>();
                foreach (Branch branch in activeBranches)
                    if (branch != null)

                Program.logger.WriteLine($"Branched to produce {newActiveBranches.Count} new regions.");

                // Cull duplicates if desired
                if (cullDuplicates)
                    for (int i = 1; i < newActiveBranches.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            if (newActiveBranches[i].Equals(newActiveBranches[j]))
                    Program.logger.WriteLine($"Duplicates culled. {newActiveBranches.Count} regions remain.");

                // Update branching factor
                branchingFactor = (branchingFactor * iteration + newActiveBranches.Count / activeBranches.Length) / (iteration + 1);
                Program.logger.WriteLine($"Branching factor revised to {branchingFactor}");
                activeBranches = newActiveBranches.ToArray();

                // Storage for the estimating distribution of the guiding parameter of each branch
                var negatedDistributions = new IDistributionWrapper[activeBranches.Length];

                #region Sampling
                // --- Sample the regions (now with more threads!) ---
                var batches = new BranchSamplingBatch <T> [activeBranches.Length];
                // This provides deterministic RNG without race conditions for multithreaded execution at a modest memory cost
                for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++)
                    batches[i] = new BranchSamplingBatch <T>(activeBranches[i], new Xoshiro256StarStar(Program.rand.Next()));

                void GetParameterDistribution(int index)
                    // Inefficient allocation, but not a big deal
                    double[] fitnessStorage   = new double[sampleSize];
                    double[] bootstrapStorage = new double[MONTE_CARLO_SAMPLE_SIZE];

                    // Run the sampling
                    batches[index].SampleNonAlloc(fitnessStorage, FitnessFunction);

                    // Compute the estimating distribution of the guiding parameter
                    switch (GuidingParam)
                    case GuidingParameter.Mean:
                        Normal dist = ParameterDistributions.MeanCLT(fitnessStorage);
                        negatedDistributions[index] = new NegatedDistribution(dist, dist.Mean - NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev, dist.Mean + NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev);

                    case GuidingParameter.Median:
                        // Sort the fitness data in place
                        Normal dist = ParameterDistributions.MedianBootstrapMemoryFriendly(fitnessStorage, bootstrapStorage, activeBranches[index].rand);
                        negatedDistributions[index] = new NegatedDistribution(dist, dist.Mean - NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev, dist.Mean + NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev);

                    case GuidingParameter.LowerMean:
                        Normal dist = ParameterDistributions.MeanOfLessThanQuantile(fitnessStorage, 0.1);
                        negatedDistributions[index] = new NegatedDistribution(dist, dist.Mean - NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev, dist.Mean + NormalBoundStdDevs * dist.StdDev);

                    case GuidingParameter.OneOverNthQuantile:
                        for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                            fitnessStorage[j] *= -1.0;
                        negatedDistributions[index] = ParameterDistributions.OneOverNthQuantileViaSampleMinimumParameterDistribution(fitnessStorage, bootstrapStorage, activeBranches[index].rand);

                if (multiThread)
                    //int threadCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; // # of logical processors, including hyperthreading etc.
                    int threadCount = 6; // Temp limit
                    Parallel.For(0, batches.Length, new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = threadCount
                    }, (int i) => { GetParameterDistribution(i); });
                else // Synchronous case
                    var fitnessStorage    = new double[sampleSize];
                    var monteCarloStorage = new double[MONTE_CARLO_SAMPLE_SIZE];
                    for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++)
                        batches[i].SampleNonAlloc(fitnessStorage, FitnessFunction);
                        // Assuming 1/nth quantile for testing
                        // Negate the observations to get observations from -X
                        for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                            fitnessStorage[j] *= -1.0;

                        negatedDistributions[i] = ParameterDistributions.OneOverNthQuantileViaSampleMinimumParameterDistribution(fitnessStorage, monteCarloStorage, activeBranches[i].rand);
                    Program.logger.WriteLine("Break SID 172");


                // Update the best observation so far
                for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++)
                    if (batches[i].BestObservedFitness < BestFitnessObserved)
                        BestFitnessObserved = batches[i].BestObservedFitness;
                        BestElementObserved = batches[i].BestObservation;

                #region Discarding
                // --- Pre-emptive discarding ---

                // Normal Pairwise Discarding
                if (negatedDistributions[0].GetWrappedDistribution().GetType() == typeof(Normal))
                    // Manual recast to a non-negated Normal[]
                    Normal[] normals = new Normal[negatedDistributions.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                        normals[i] = (Normal)(negatedDistributions[i].GetWrappedDistribution());

                    for (int i = 0; i < negatedDistributions.Length - 1; i++)
                        int discardIndex = DiscardProbabilityComputation.BestPairwiseDiscardNormal(normals, out double discardProb);
                        if (discardProb > PreemptiveDiscardConfidenceThreshold)
                            negatedDistributions[discardIndex] = null;
                            normals[discardIndex]        = null;
                            activeBranches[discardIndex] = null;
                else // Non-normal case
                    // We have negated the distributions at this point, so we need to compare upper bounds against the largest lower bound
                    double maxLowerBound = double.NegativeInfinity;
                    for (int i = 0; i < negatedDistributions.Length; i++)
                        maxLowerBound = Math.Max(maxLowerBound, negatedDistributions[i].GetLowerBound());
                    // Discard any distribution with an upper bound less than max lower bound
                    for (int i = 0; i < negatedDistributions.Length; i++)
                        if (negatedDistributions[i].GetUpperBound() < maxLowerBound)
                            negatedDistributions[i] = null;
                            activeBranches[i]       = null;

                // Compact the arrays of active branches and their corresponding negated distributions, keeping them paired by their indices
                var compactBranches     = new List <Branch>(activeBranches.Length);
                var compactNegatedDists = new List <IDistributionWrapper>(activeBranches.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < activeBranches.Length; i++)
                    if (activeBranches[i] != null)
                activeBranches       = compactBranches.ToArray();
                negatedDistributions = compactNegatedDists.ToArray();

                // --- Compute Discard Probabilities ---
                double[] discardComplements; // The discard probabilities are in complement form (1 - P(D_i)) in this array
                if (GuidingParam == GuidingParameter.OneOverNthQuantile)
                    //discardComplements = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsMonteCarloMaximizing(negatedDistributions);
                    //discardComplements = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsQuantileTrapRule(negatedDistributions);
                    discardComplements = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsClenshawCurtisAutomatic(negatedDistributions);
                    discardComplements = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsClenshawCurtisAutomatic(negatedDistributions, errorTolerance: 1E-8, maxIterations: 10);
                    //discardComplements = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsMonteCarloMaximizing(negatedDistributions);

                // --- Discarding ---
                // Note: Nullifying a branch in activeBranches[] will discard it
                // Find the largest discard complement for reference
                double largestComplementDiscard = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < discardComplements.Length; i++)
                    largestComplementDiscard = Math.Max(largestComplementDiscard, discardComplements[i]);

                double confidence = 1.0;
                while (true)
                    // Find the branch with the best probability to discard
                    double smallestComplementDiscard = 1;
                    int    smallestCDIndex           = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < discardComplements.Length; i++)
                        if (activeBranches[i] != null && discardComplements[i] < smallestComplementDiscard)
                            smallestComplementDiscard = discardComplements[i];
                            smallestCDIndex           = i;
                    // Try to discard the associated branch
                    if (smallestComplementDiscard < 0.5 * largestComplementDiscard && // Relative size requirement
                        confidence - smallestComplementDiscard >= confidenceLevel) // Maintain the confidence level
                        activeBranches[smallestCDIndex] = null;                    // Discard the branch
                        confidence -= smallestComplementDiscard;                   // Account for the cost in confidence
                        break;  // If we can't discard that one, then we can't do any better, so end the discard loop

                // Print the list to the log
                Program.logger.WriteLine($"Completed iteration {iteration}. Active branches:");
                for (int i = 0; i < activeBranches.Length; i++)
                    if (activeBranches[i] != null)


            // Compact the result and return
            var compactedBranches = new List <Branch>(activeBranches);
            compactedBranches.RemoveAll(b => b == null); // Remove null
            activeBranches = compactedBranches.ToArray();
