Пример #1
        public static void QueueMessage(
            this IDiscordTextChannel channel,
            IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> worker,
            DiscordEmbed embed = null,
            string message     = "",
            Stream stream      = null,
            Func <IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage>, IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage> > modifier = null)
            if (worker == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(worker));
            var @ref = worker.CreateRef(new MessageBucketArgs()
                Attachment = stream,
                Channel    = channel,
                Properties = new MessageArgs(message, embed)

            if (modifier != null)
                @ref = modifier(@ref);
Пример #2
        public static async Task <IDiscordMessage> SendToChannelAsync(
            this DiscordEmbed embed, IDiscordTextChannel channel)
            if (channel is IDiscordGuildChannel guildChannel)
                var currentGuildUser = await guildChannel.GetSelfAsync();

                var permissions = await guildChannel.GetPermissionsAsync(currentGuildUser);

                if (!permissions.HasFlag(GuildPermission.EmbedLinks))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embed.Image?.Url ?? ""))
                        using WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                        byte[] image = wc.DownloadData(embed.Image.Url);
                        await using MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
                        return(await channel.SendFileAsync(ms, "output.png", embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build()));
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embed.Thumbnail?.Url ?? ""))
                        using WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                        byte[] image = wc.DownloadData(embed.Thumbnail.Url);
                        await using MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
                        return(await channel.SendFileAsync(ms, "output.png", embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build()));
                        return(await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build()));
            return(await channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed));
Пример #3
 public static Task QueueAsync(
     this DiscordEmbed embed,
     IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> worker,
     IDiscordTextChannel channel,
     string content = "",
     Func <IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage>, IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage> > modifier = null)
     /*var currentUser = await client.GetSelfAsync();
      * var currentGuildUser = await guildChannel.GetUserAsync(currentUser.Id);
      * var permissions = await guildChannel.GetPermissionsAsync(currentGuildUser);
      * if(permissions.HasFlag(GuildPermission.EmbedLinks))
      * {
      *          if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embed.Image?.Url ?? ""))
      * {
      *  using HttpClient wc = new HttpClient(embed.Image.Url);
      *  await using Stream ms = await wc.GetStreamAsync();
      *  return channel.QueueMessage(worker, stream: ms, message: embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build());
      * }
      * if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embed.Thumbnail?.Url ?? ""))
      * {
      *  using HttpClient wc = new HttpClient(embed.Thumbnail.Url);
      *  await using Stream ms = await wc.GetStreamAsync();
      *  return channel.QueueMessage(worker, stream: ms, message: embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build());
      * }
      * return channel.QueueMessage(worker, message: embed.ToMessageBuilder().Build());
      * }*/
     QueueMessage(channel, worker, embed, content, modifier: modifier);
Пример #4
        public async Task StartAsync(IDiscordTextChannel channel)
            message = await Root.Build().SendToChannel(channel);

            (Root as BaseItem).SetMenu(this);
            (Root as BaseItem).SetParent(null);
            await Root.SelectAsync();
Пример #5
        static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // Enables library wide logging for all Miki libraries. Consider using this logging for debugging or general information.
            new LogBuilder().SetLogHeader(x => $"[{DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString()}]")
            .AddLogEvent((msg, level) =>
                if (level >= logLevel)

            // A cache client is needed to store ratelimits and entities.
            // This is an in-memory cache, and will be used as a local storage repository.
            IExtendedCacheClient cache = new InMemoryCacheClient(
                new ProtobufSerializer()

            // Discord REST API implementation gets set up.
            IApiClient api = new DiscordApiClient(Token, cache);

            // Discord direct gateway implementation.
            IGateway gateway = new GatewayCluster(new GatewayProperties
                ShardCount             = 1,
                ShardId                = 0,
                Token                  = Token,
                Compressed             = true,
                WebSocketClientFactory = () => new BasicWebSocketClient()

            // This function adds additional utility, caching systems and more.
            DiscordClient bot = new DiscordClient(new DiscordClientConfigurations
                ApiClient   = api,
                Gateway     = gateway,
                CacheClient = cache

            // Add caching events for the gateway.
            new BasicCacheStage().Initialize(gateway, cache);

            // Hook up on the MessageCreate event. This will send every message through this flow.
            bot.MessageCreate += async(msg) => {
                if (msg.Content == "ping")
                    IDiscordTextChannel channel = await msg.GetChannelAsync();

                    await channel.SendMessageAsync("pong!");

            // Start the connection to the gateway.
            await gateway.StartAsync();

            // Wait, else the application will close.
            await Task.Delay(-1);
Пример #6
 private async Task SendNotADonatorErrorAsync(IDiscordTextChannel channel)
     await new EmbedBuilder()
         Title       = "Sorry!",
         Description = "... but you haven't donated yet, please support us with a small donation to unlock these commands!",
     }.AddField("Already donated?", "Make sure to join the Miki Support server and claim your donator status!")
     .AddField("Where do I donate?", "You can find our patreon at https://patreon.com/mikibot")
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlocks the achievement and if not yet added to the database, It'll add it to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">sql context</param>
        /// <param name="id">user id</param>
        /// <param name="r">rank set to (optional)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UnlockAsync(IAchievement achievement, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user, int r = 0)
            long userid = user.Id.ToDbLong();

            if (await UnlockIsValid(achievement, userid, r))
                await CallAchievementUnlockEventAsync(achievement, user, channel);

                await Notification.SendAchievementAsync(achievement, channel, user);
Пример #8
        private async Task OnLevelUpAchievementsAsync(
            IDiscordUser user, IDiscordTextChannel channel, int level)
            var achievements = achievementService.GetAchievement(AchievementIds.LevellingId);

            int achievementToUnlock = -1;

            if (level >= 3 && level < 5)
                achievementToUnlock = 0;
            else if (level >= 5 && level < 10)
                achievementToUnlock = 1;
            else if (level >= 10 && level < 20)
                achievementToUnlock = 2;
            else if (level >= 20 && level < 30)
                achievementToUnlock = 3;
            else if (level >= 30 && level < 50)
                achievementToUnlock = 4;
            else if (level >= 50 && level < 100)
                achievementToUnlock = 5;
            else if (level >= 100 && level < 150)
                achievementToUnlock = 6;
            else if (level >= 150)
                achievementToUnlock = 7;

            if (achievementToUnlock != -1)
                if (app is MikiBotApp botApp)
                    using var context = await botApp.CreateFromUserChannelAsync(user, channel);

                    await achievementService.UnlockAsync(
Пример #9
        public static void QueueMessage(
            this IDiscordTextChannel channel,
            IContext context,
            DiscordEmbed embed = null,
            string message     = "",
            Stream stream      = null,
            Func <IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage>, IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage> > modifier = null)
            var worker = context.GetService <IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> >();

            QueueMessage(channel, worker, embed, message, stream, modifier);
Пример #10
 public static Task QueueAsync(
     this DiscordEmbed embed,
     IContext context,
     IDiscordTextChannel channel,
     string content = "",
     Func <IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage>, IMessageReference <IDiscordMessage> > modifier = null)
                context.GetService <IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> >(),
Пример #11
        public static async Task SendAchievementAsync(IAchievement d, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user)
            if (channel is IDiscordGuildChannel c)
                using (var scope = MikiApp.Instance.Services.CreateScope())
                    var context            = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <MikiDbContext>();
                    var achievementSetting = await Setting.GetAsync(context, channel.Id, DatabaseSettingId.Achievements);

                    if (achievementSetting != 0)

            await CreateAchievementEmbed(d, user)
Пример #12
        public static async Task SendAchievementAsync(IAchievement d, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user)
            if (channel is IDiscordGuildChannel c)
                using (var context = new MikiContext())
                    var guild = await c.GetGuildAsync();

                    int achievementSetting = await Setting.GetAsync(context, (long)guild.Id, DatabaseSettingId.Achievements);

                    if (achievementSetting != 0)

            await CreateAchievementEmbed(d, user)
Пример #13
        public static async Task SendAchievementAsync(
            AchievementEntry d, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user)
            using var scope = MikiApp.Instance.Services.CreateScope();
            if (channel is IDiscordGuildChannel)
                var context            = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <ISettingsService>();
                var achievementSetting = await context.GetAsync <AchievementNotificationSetting>(
                    SettingType.Achievements, (long)channel.Id);

                if (achievementSetting != AchievementNotificationSetting.All)

            var worker = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> >();

            await CreateAchievementEmbed(d, user).QueueAsync(worker, channel);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Notification for local user level ups.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task OnUserLevelUpAsync(IDiscordUser user, IDiscordTextChannel channel, int level)
            using var scope = app.Services.CreateScope();
            var services = scope.ServiceProvider;

            var context         = services.GetService <MikiDbContext>();
            var settingsService = services.GetService <ISettingsService>();
            var localeService   = services.GetService <ILocalizationService>();

            Locale locale = await localeService.GetLocaleAsync((long)channel.Id)

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                 .SetColor(1, 0.7f, 0.2f);

            if (channel is IDiscordGuildChannel guildChannel)
                var guild = await guildChannel.GetGuildAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var guildId = (long)guild.Id;

                var rolesObtained = await context.LevelRoles
                                    .Where(p => p.GuildId == guildId &&
                                           p.RequiredLevel == level &&

                var notificationSetting = await settingsService.GetAsync <LevelNotificationsSetting>(
                    SettingType.LevelUps, (long)channel.Id)

                var setting = notificationSetting

                switch (setting)
                case LevelNotificationsSetting.None:
                case LevelNotificationsSetting.RewardsOnly when rolesObtained.Count == 0:

                case LevelNotificationsSetting.All:

                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                if (rolesObtained.Count > 0)
                    var roles = (await guild.GetRolesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList();
                    if (user is IDiscordGuildUser guildUser)
                        foreach (var role in rolesObtained)
                            var r = roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == (ulong)role.RoleId);
                            if (r == null)

                            await guildUser.AddRoleAsync(r).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var rewards = string.Join(
                        "\n", rolesObtained.Select(x =>
                                                   $"New Role: **{roles.FirstOrDefault(z => (long)z.Id == x.RoleId)?.Name}**"));
                    embed.AddInlineField("Rewards", rewards);

            await embed.ToEmbed()
            .QueueAsync(scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IMessageWorker <IDiscordMessage> >(), channel)
Пример #15
 public static async ValueTask SendAchievementAsync(
     AchievementObject d, int rank, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user)
 => await SendAchievementAsync(d.Entries[rank], channel, user);
Пример #16
 public static async ValueTask SendAchievementAsync(AchievementDataContainer d, int rank, IDiscordTextChannel channel, IDiscordUser user)
 => await SendAchievementAsync(d.Achievements[rank], channel, user);
Пример #17
        public async Task CallAchievementUnlockEventAsync(IAchievement achievement, IDiscordUser user, IDiscordTextChannel channel)
            if (achievement as AchievementAchievement == null)

            long id = user.Id.ToDbLong();

            using (var scope = MikiApp.Instance.Services.CreateScope())
                var context = scope.ServiceProvider
                              .GetService <MikiDbContext>();
                int achievementCount = await context.Achievements
                                       .Where(q => q.UserId == id)

                AchievementPacket p = new AchievementPacket()
                    discordUser    = user,
                    discordChannel = channel,
                    achievement    = achievement,
                    count          = achievementCount

                await OnAchievementUnlocked?.Invoke(p);
Пример #18
 public static void QueueMessage(
     this IDiscordTextChannel channel,
     IContext context,
     string message)
 => QueueMessage(channel, context, null, message);
Пример #19
        public async Task CallAchievementUnlockEventAsync(IAchievement achievement, IDiscordUser user, IDiscordTextChannel channel)
            DogStatsd.Counter("achievements.gained", 1);

            if (achievement as AchievementAchievement != null)

            long id = user.Id.ToDbLong();

            using (var context = new MikiContext())
                int achievementCount = await context.Achievements
                                       .Where(q => q.UserId == id)

                AchievementPacket p = new AchievementPacket()
                    discordUser    = user,
                    discordChannel = channel,
                    achievement    = achievement,
                    count          = achievementCount

                await OnAchievementUnlocked?.Invoke(p);