public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("{"); IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <object, V> > iter1 = IDictionaryExtensions.EntrySet(this).GetEnumerator(); while (iter1.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <object, V> entry = iter1.Current; if (sb.Length > 1) { sb.Append(", "); } if (entry.Key.GetType().Equals(typeof(char[]))) { sb.Append(new string((char[])entry.Key)); } else { sb.Append(entry.Key); } sb.Append("="); sb.Append(entry.Value); } return(sb.Append('}').ToString()); }
public bool Equals(HttpFieldParameters other) { if (other != null) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.DictionaryEquals <string, string>((IDictionary <string, string>) this._parameters, (IDictionary <string, string>)other._parameters)); } return(false); }
public bool Equals(HttpHeader other) { if (other != null) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.DictionaryEquals <string, HttpField>((IDictionary <string, HttpField>) this._fields, (IDictionary <string, HttpField>)other._fields)); } return(false); }
public async Task Transform(BuildContext context) { if (IDictionaryExtensions.Value(context.Build.Parameters, SCRIPT, out string script) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(script)) { using (var serviceScope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope()) { var helper = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <OfficialRazorViewToStringRenderer>(); await helper.RenderViewToStringAsync(script, context); } } }
private static void CountErrors(Dictionary <string, int> map, ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> diagnostics) { if (diagnostics.IsDefaultOrEmpty) { return; } foreach (var group in diagnostics.GroupBy(d => d.Id)) { map[group.Key] = IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrDefault(map, group.Key) + group.Count(); } }
public void Initialize(IDictionary <string, object> parameters) { if (parameters != null) { if (IDictionaryExtensions.Value(parameters, "XmlPath", out string xmlPath)) { _xmlPath = xmlPath; } } LoadMap(); Initialized = true; }
public void Initialize(IDictionary <string, object> parameters) { Initialized = true; if (parameters != null) { if (IDictionaryExtensions.Value(parameters, "Name", out string name)) { Name = name; } if (IDictionaryExtensions.Value(parameters, "Root", out string root)) { _root = root; } } InitializeServices(); }
public void Initialize(IDictionary <string, object> paramters) { var connectionString = $"Data Source={AppPath.Relative(DB_NAME)};Version=3;"; if (IDictionaryExtensions.Value(paramters, CONNECTION_STRING, out string connStr)) { connectionString = connStr; } SqlMapper = SmartSqlMapperFactory.Create(new SmartSqlMapperFactory.CreateSmartSqlMapperOptions { Alias = "SQLiteETLRepository", LoggerFactory = _loggerFactory, ProviderName = "SQLite", SqlMapPath = DEFAULT_SQLMAP_PATH, DataSource = new DataSource { ConnectionString = connectionString, Name = "SQLiteETL" } }); Initialized = true; }
private static ISuspendState GetSuspendState(this DependencyObject depObj, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, bool create) { var suspendProps = create ? depObj.GetValueOrCreate(SuspendedPropertiesProperty, () => new Dictionary <DependencyProperty, ISuspendState>()) : depObj.GetValue <Dictionary <DependencyProperty, ISuspendState> >(SuspendedPropertiesProperty); if (suspendProps == null) { return(DummySuspendState.Instance); } return(create ? suspendProps.GetValueOrCreate(dependencyProperty, () => new SuspendState()) : IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrDefault(suspendProps, dependencyProperty, DummySuspendState.Instance)); }
public TValue GetValueOrDefault(TKey key, TValue defaultValue = default(TValue)) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrDefault(_key2ValueDictionary, key, defaultValue)); }
public TValue GetValueOrCreate(TKey key, Func <TKey, TValue> factory) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrCreate(_key2ValueDictionary, key, factory)); }
public TKey GetKeyOrDefault(TValue value, TKey defaultKey = default(TKey)) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrDefault(_value2KeyDictionary, value, defaultKey)); }
public TKey GetKeyOrCreate(TValue value, Func <TValue, TKey> factory) { return(IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrCreate(_value2KeyDictionary, value, factory)); }
public Size GetCustomSize(int reduceLevel) { EnsureCustomSizeDictionary(); return(IDictionaryExtensions.GetValueOrDefault(_customSizes, reduceLevel, Size.Empty)); }
public virtual void TestMethods() { CharArrayMap <int?> cm = new CharArrayMap <int?>(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, 2, false); //Dictionary<string, int?> hm = new Dictionary<string, int?>(); Dictionary <object, int?> hm = new Dictionary <object, int?>(); // TODO: In .NET, we cannot implicitly convert from string to object using generics hm["foo"] = 1; hm["bar"] = 2; cm.PutAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.Count, cm.Count); hm["baz"] = 3; cm.PutAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.Count, cm.Count); // TODO: In .NET we cannot make this conversion implicitly. CharArraySet cs = cm.Keys as CharArraySet; int n = 0; foreach (object o in cs) { assertTrue(cm.ContainsKey(o)); char[] co = (char[])o; assertTrue(cm.ContainsKey(co, 0, co.Length)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.Count, n); assertEquals(hm.Count, cs.Count); assertEquals(cm.Count, cs.Count); // TODO: This directly contradicts the TestModifyOnUnmodifiable test, // where clear is not allowed from the Keys property. //cs.Clear(); //assertEquals(0, cs.Count); //assertEquals(0, cm.Count); try { cs.Add("test"); fail("keySet() allows adding new keys"); } catch (System.NotSupportedException) { // pass } cm.PutAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.Count, cs.Count); assertEquals(cm.Count, cs.Count); IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <object, int?> > iter1 = IDictionaryExtensions.EntrySet(cm).GetEnumerator(); n = 0; while (iter1.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <object, int?> entry = iter1.Current; object key = entry.Key; int? val = entry.Value; assertEquals(cm.Get(key), val); // TODO: In .NET the Value property of KeyValuePair is read-only. Do we need a solution? //entry.Value = val * 100; //assertEquals(val * 100, (int)cm.Get(key)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.Count, n); cm.Clear(); cm.PutAll(hm); assertEquals(cm.size(), n); CharArrayMap <int?> .EntryIterator iter2 = cm.EntrySet().GetEnumerator() as CharArrayMap <int?> .EntryIterator; n = 0; while (iter2.MoveNext()) { char[] keyc = (char[])iter2.Current.Key; int? val = iter2.Current.Value; assertEquals(hm[new string(keyc)], val); // TODO: In .NET the Value property of KeyValuePair is read-only. Do we need a solution? //iter2.Value = val * 100; //assertEquals(val * 100, (int)cm.Get(keyc)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.Count, n); // TODO: In .NET, the EntrySet extension method makes a copy of the data // so clearing it won't work like this. cm.EntrySet().clear(); assertEquals(0, cm.size()); assertEquals(0, cm.EntrySet().size()); assertTrue(cm.Count == 0); }