Пример #1
        public IObservable <KeyPress> GetKeyStream()
            // We are using an observable create to tie the lifetimes of the session switch stream and the keystream
            return(Observable.Create <KeyPress>(observer =>
                // When desktop is locked we will not get the keyup, because we track the windows key
                // specially we need to set it to not being pressed anymore
                var sessionSwitchStreamSubscription = desktopLockEventService.GetSessionSwitchStream()
                                                      .Subscribe(ss =>
                    if (ss.Reason == SessionSwitchReason.SessionLock)
                        winKeyPressed = false;
                }, observer.OnError);

                var keyStreamSubsription = interceptKeysSource.GetKeyStream()
                                           .Where(k => !IsModifierKeyPress(k) && k.KeyDirection == KeyDirection.Down)
                                           .Where(keypress => keypress != null)
                                           .Where(k => !passwordModeService.CheckPasswordMode(k.InterceptKeyEventArgs))

                return new CompositeDisposable(sessionSwitchStreamSubscription, keyStreamSubsription);
Пример #2
 public KeyProviderTests()
     passwordModeService     = new PasswordModeService();
     desktopLockEventService = Substitute.For <IDesktopLockEventService>();
     desktopLockEventService.GetSessionSwitchStream().Returns(Observable.Never <SessionSwitchEventArgs>());
     settingsProvider = Substitute.For <ISettingsProvider>();
Пример #3
 public KeyProviderTests()
     passwordModeService = new PasswordModeService();
     desktopLockEventService = Substitute.For<IDesktopLockEventService>();