/// <summary> /// Returns the names of the frame objects that did not pass the design check or have not yet been checked, if any. /// </summary> /// <param name="numberNotPassedOrChecked">The number of concrete frame objects that did not pass the design check or have not yet been checked.</param> /// <param name="numberDidNotPass">The number of concrete frame objects that did not pass the design check.</param> /// <param name="numberNotChecked">The number of concrete frame objects that have not yet been checked.</param> /// <param name="namesNotPassedOrChecked">This is an array that includes the name of each frame object that did not pass the design check or has not yet been checked.</param> /// <exception cref="CSiException"><see cref="CSiApiBase.API_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE" /></exception> protected void verifyPassed(IDesignCode app, out int numberNotPassedOrChecked, out int numberDidNotPass, out int numberNotChecked, out string[] namesNotPassedOrChecked) { }
/// <summary> /// Modifies the design section for all specified frame objects that have a frame design procedure. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameFrame">Name of an existing frame object.</param> /// <param name="nameSection">Name of an existing frame section property to be used as the design section for the specified frame objects. /// This item applies only when resetToLastAnalysisSection = False.</param> /// <param name="resetToLastAnalysisSection">True: The design section for the specified frame objects is reset to the last analysis section for the frame object. /// False: The design section is set to that specified by nameFrame.</param> /// <exception cref="CSiException"><see cref="CSiApiBase.API_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE" /></exception> protected void setDesignSection(IDesignCode app, string nameFrame, string nameSection, bool resetToLastAnalysisSection) { app.SetDesignSection(nameFrame, nameSection, resetToLastAnalysisSection); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the names of the frame objects that have different analysis and design sections, if any. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="CSiException"><see cref="CSiApiBase.API_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE" /></exception> protected string[] verifySections(IDesignCode app) { }
// === /// <summary> /// Retrieves the design section for a specified frame object. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameFrame">Name of a frame object with a frame design procedure.</param> protected string getDesignSection(IDesignCode app, string nameFrame) { return(app.GetDesignSection(nameFrame)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the code. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="CSiException"><see cref="CSiApiBase.API_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE" /></exception> protected void setCode(IDesignCode app) { app.SetCode(Code); }
// === Get/Set === /// <summary> /// Gets the code name. /// </summary> protected void getCode(IDesignCode app) { Code = app.GetCode(); }