public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate positions.
            Vector3F[] positions = DemoHelper.GenerateSinPoints(MapSize);

            // Creation of surface data presentation.
            var surface = new ValueSurface
                // Data reader approach is used to improve performance for big data sets and their updates.
                Reader = new StructuredValueSurfaceDataReader(
                    positions,                                                           // Surface positions.
                    DemoHelper.ExtractZValues(positions, out OneAxisBounds valueBounds), // Surface values, for demo purposes values are extracted from Z position component, but in real world they are independent, size of array should be the same as for positions.
                    MapSize,                                                             // Width and height are required for triangulation of structured grid.
                    valueBounds),                                                        //Bounds of value axes.
                // Set presentation option.
                PresentationType = ValueSurfacePresentationType.SolidAndWireframe,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Surface"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = surface;
Пример #2
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Load bitmap image.
            var bitmapSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/Demo.Features;component/Resources/OldBronze.jpg"));

            // Setup the bitmap as enviroment image of the chart.
            chartControl.LitSphereBitmap = bitmapSource;

            // Generate surface mesh.
            Mesh mesh = GridHelper.GetStructuredParametricGridMesh((x, y) => new Vector3F(x, y, (float)(Math.Sin(x) * Math.Sin(x * x + y * y))),
                                                                   new Vector2F(-3f), new Vector2F(3f), SurfaceResolution, SurfaceResolution);

            // Create testing surface.
            var sphere = new Surface
                // Set the sphere color.
                Color = Colors.DarkBlue,
                // Setup the surface mesh.
                SurfaceMesh = mesh,
                // Setup material that will reflect environment image.
                Material = new RenderMaterial(0.75f, 0.6f, 0.3f, 0f, 1f),
                // Set name.
                Name = "Surface"

            // Setup chart control options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Setup chart control data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = sphere;
Пример #3
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate positions.
            var positions = new Vector3F[PointsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
                positions[i] = new Vector3F(
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius);

            // Creation of data presentation.
            var points = new ValuePoints
                // Reader can be reused and we can create several presentations for 1 reader.
                Reader = new DefaultPositionValueMaskDataReader(
                    positions,                                                           // Points positions.
                    DemoHelper.ExtractZValues(positions, out OneAxisBounds valueBounds), // Points values, for demo purposes values are extracted from Z position component, but in real world they are independent.
                    valueBounds),                                                        // We must specify value axis bounds.
                // Set name.
                Name = "Points"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = points;
Пример #4
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Load bitmap image.
            var colorTextureSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/Demo.Features;component/Resources/bump01.bmp"));
            float ratio             = (float)colorTextureSource.PixelHeight / colorTextureSource.PixelWidth;

            // Create default reader for Wpf bitmap sources.
            var reader = new BitmapSourceRasterImage2DReader(colorTextureSource);

            // Create bump reader.
            var bumpReader = new BitmapSourceRasterImage2DReader(bumpTextureSource);

            // Create geometry for both raster data-s.
            var geometry = new RectTextureGeometry
                Origin     = Vector3F.Zero,
                DirectionX = Vector3F.UnitX,
                DirectionY = Vector3F.UnitY,
                Size       = new Vector2F(1f, ratio)

            // Create non-bump raster data object.
            var rasterData = new RasterData
                // Set image interpolation type.
                InterpolationType = RasterDataInterpolationType.Linear,
                // Set image reader.
                Reader = reader,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Default",
                // Set geometry
                Geometry = geometry

            // Create bump render data object.
            var bumpRasterData = new RasterData
                // Set image interpolation type.
                InterpolationType = RasterDataInterpolationType.Linear,
                // Set image reader.
                Reader = reader,
                // Set bump image reader.
                BumpReader = bumpReader,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Bump",
                // Specify some material custom settings.
                Material = new RenderMaterial(0.25f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0f, 0f),
                // Set geometry
                Geometry = geometry

            // Setup bump raster data offset matrix.
            bumpRasterData.Transform = Matrix4F.Translation(1.25f, 0, 0);

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new RenderData[] { rasterData, bumpRasterData };
Пример #5
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate positions. Note: making Z and Y positions scaled.
            var positions = new Vector3F[PointsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
                positions[i] = new Vector3F(
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius * ScalingY,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius * ScalingZ);

            // Creation of data presentation.
            var points = new SingleColorPoints
                // Reader approach is used to improve performance for big data sets and their updates.
                Reader = new DefaultPositionMaskDataReader(positions),
                // Set points color.
                Color = Colors.DarkBlue,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Points"

            // Setup camera 3D aspect ratio.
            // Here we specify that we want to fit our data into [1; 1; 1] cube.
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera3D.AspectRatio = new AspectRatio(PreferableAxis.Z, new Vector3 <float?>(1, 1, 1));

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = points;
Пример #6
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            const float distToLarge = 0.5f;
            const float distToSmall = 1.0f;

            var largeCenters = new Vector3F[6];
            var smallCenters = new Vector3F[6];

            // Create positions.
            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                var cos = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 3 * i);
                var sin = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI / 3 * i);
                largeCenters[i] = new Vector3F(cos * distToLarge, sin * distToLarge, 0);
                smallCenters[i] = new Vector3F(cos * distToSmall, sin * distToSmall, 0);

            var list = new List <RenderData>();

                new AtomsDescription {
                    Col = Colors.Purple, R = 0.57f, Positions = largeCenters
                new AtomsDescription {
                    Col = Colors.Gold, R = 0.3f, Positions = smallCenters

            // Show result.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;
            chartControl.DataSource           = list;
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Create custom data reader.
            var floatReader = new MyRasterDataReader(Width, Height, new OneAxisBounds(0, 1, 0, 0.1f));

            // Create raster data object.
            var floatRasterData = new ValueRasterData
                // Enable value linear interpolation.
                InterpolationType = RasterDataInterpolationType.Linear,
                // Set data reader.
                Reader = floatReader,
                // Set geometry.
                Geometry = new RectTextureGeometry
                    Origin = Vector3F.Zero,
                    Size   = new Vector2F(1f, 1f)
                // Set name.
                Name = "Image"

            // Setup view settings.
            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;

            // Set data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new RenderData[] { floatRasterData };

            // Start animation.
                (f) => f > 1 ? 0 : f,
                rf => floatReader.RandomizeValues(rf),
                0, 0.00025f, 16);
Пример #8
 public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
     chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;
     chartControl.DataSource           = new Prism[]
         new Prism
             //Prism side should be defined in 2d space by convex polygon
             Side = new[] { new Vector2F(-0.5f, 0), new Vector2F(-0.5f, 1), new Vector2F(1, 1) },
             //Vector that define translate between top and bottom sides
             BottomToTopVector = Vector3F.UnitZ,
             Color             = Colors.Cyan,
             Transform         = Matrix4F.RotationAxis(Vector3F.UnitY, -Math.PI / 4),
             Name = "Prism 1"
         new Prism
             //Prism side should be defined in 2d space by convex polygon
             Side = new[] { new Vector2F(1, 0), new Vector2F(0.4f, 0.5f), new Vector2F(1) },
             //Vector that define translate between top and bottom sides
             BottomToTopVector = new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
             Color             = Colors.Blue,
             Name = "Prism 2"
Пример #9
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Create custom data reader.
            var dataReader = new CustomSeriesDataReader(PointCount);

            // Create series.
            var series = new Series
                // Set data reader.
                Reader = dataReader,
                // Set series line color.
                Color = Colors.Blue,
                // Set series line thickness.
                Thickness = 2.0f,
                // Set series line pattern style.
                PatternStyle = PatternStyle.Solid,
                // Set series marker color.
                MarkerColor = Colors.Red,
                // Set series marker style.
                MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Cross,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Line"

            // Setup chart view settings.
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;
            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;
            chartControl.ViewResetOptions.ResetOnDataChanged = false;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = series;

            // Start animation.
            animationHelper.Start(value => value, value => dataReader.RandomizePoint(5f, 25), 0f, 0f, 25);
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            var random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            // Generate demo structured surface.
            Vector3F[] positions = DemoHelper.GenerateSinPoints(size);

            // Randomly remove points from that grid for irregular grid, only 30% will be taken from original grid.
            Vector3F[] irregularPositions = positions.Where(t => random.NextDouble() > 0.7).ToArray();
            // Surface data presentation creation.
            var surface = new ValueSurface
                // Reader can be reused and we can create several presentations for 1 reader.
                // Note: this reader provider default implementation, so feel free to implement your own logic.
                Reader = new IrregularValueSurfaceDataReader(
                    irregularPositions,                                                           // Define surface points.
                    DemoHelper.ExtractZValues(irregularPositions, out OneAxisBounds valueBounds), // Surface values, here they are equal to Z values .
                    2,                                                                            // As data is irregular in 2D space we should specify exclude axis index for triangulation.
                    valueBounds),                                                                 //Value axis bounds.
                // Setup presentation option.
                PresentationType = ValueSurfacePresentationType.SolidAndWireframe,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Surface"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible            = true;
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;

            // Set data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = surface;
Пример #11
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            var points = new SingleColorPoints
                // Reader approach is used to improve performance for big data sets and their updates.
                Reader = new DefaultPositionMaskDataReader(GetPoints()),
                // Set points color.
                Color = Colors.DarkBlue,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Points"

            // Setup chart settings. Note: for cylindrical system feel free to specify any axis as height axis.
            // Currently we're using Z as height axis.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;
            chartControl.Axes.CylindricalSettings.ZAxisAxisIndex = 2;
            chartControl.Axes.CoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.Cylindrical;

            // Setup several axis settings.
            chartControl.Axes.R.AxisThickness   = 2.0f;
            chartControl.Axes.R.AxisColor       = Colors.Red;
            chartControl.Axes.Phi.AxisThickness = 2.0f;
            chartControl.Axes.Phi.AxisColor     = Colors.Green;
            chartControl.Axes.Z.AxisThickness   = 2.0f;
            chartControl.Axes.Z.AxisColor       = Colors.Blue;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = points;
Пример #12
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate error bar data as a set of error points.
            ErrorPoint[] data = DemoDataHelper.GetStripData(-5, 5, PointCount,
                                                            arg => new ErrorPoint(
                                                                new Vector3F(arg, 0, 2 + (float)Math.Sin(arg) * (float)Math.Sin(arg)),
                                                                (float)Math.Sin(arg * 21) / 15 - 0.1f,
                                                                (float)Math.Sin(arg * 29) / 15 + 0.1f)

            // Create error bar render data.
            var errorBars = new ErrorBars
                // Set data.
                Data = data,
                // Set color.
                Color = Colors.BlueViolet,
                // Set bar types.
                ErrorBarType = ErrorBarType.Bars,
                // Set type.
                Name = "Errors",

            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosZPos;
            chartControl.DataSource = errorBars;
Пример #13
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Create our widget.
            var distanceWidget = new DistanceWidget
                Name = "Widget"

            // Bounding box.
            var boundingCube = new Cube
                Size             = new Vector3F(1f),
                Position         = new Vector3F(0.5f),
                Color            = Colors.Red,
                PresentationType = PrimitivePresentationType.Wireframe,
                Name             = "Bounds"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new RenderData[]
                boundingCube, distanceWidget
Пример #14
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            var data = new List <Cube>();

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
                        var cube = new Cube
                            Position        = new Vector3F(x, y, z),
                            Size            = new Vector3F(0.9f),
                            Color           = Colors.DarkBlue,
                            Interactor      = new MyDataInteractor(),
                            IsLegendVisible = false,
                            Name            = "Cube " + z * 9 + y * 3 + x
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = false;
            chartControl.DataSource           = data;
Пример #15
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate positions.
            var positions = new Vector3F[PointsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
                positions[i] = new Vector3F(
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius,
                    (float)Random.NextDouble() * MaxRadius);

            // Creation of data presentation.
            var points = new SingleColorPoints
                // Reader approach is used to improve performance for big data sets and their updates.
                Reader = new DefaultPositionMaskDataReader(positions),
                // Set points color.
                Color = Colors.DarkBlue,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Points"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = points;
Пример #16
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            const int   pointsCount = 10_000;
            const float amplitude   = 0.6f;

            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;

            // Generate points for line.
            var points = new Vector3F[pointsCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++)
                float scaledCoord = i / (float)pointsCount;
                points[i] = new Vector3F(
                    amplitude * (float)(Math.Cos(5 * 2 * Math.PI * scaledCoord) + 0.5f),
                    amplitude * (float)(Math.Sin(5 * Math.PI * scaledCoord) + 0.5f));
            // Create line.
            chartControl.DataSource = new Line
                Points = points,
                //If strip is true - than points are connected one by one, otherwise line list is used which means that pair of points is used to create one line segment.
                Strip     = true,
                Thickness = 2f,
                Color     = Colors.DarkBlue,
                Name      = "Line"
Пример #17
        public override void Stop(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Don't forget to remove event listener when it's not required.

            // Stop the animation.
Пример #18
 public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
     chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;
     chartControl.DataSource           = new Cone[]
         new Cone
             //Cone direction
             Direction = Vector3F.UnitZ,
             Color     = Colors.Cyan,
             //Position relative to base center
             Position = new Vector3F(),
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 20,
             Height = 0.5f,
             //Base radius
             Radius = 0.5f,
             //Primitive presentation type
             PresentationType = PrimitivePresentationType.Solid,
             Name             = "Cone 1"
         new Cone
             //Cone direction
             Direction = -Vector3F.UnitZ,
             Color     = Colors.Blue,
             //Position relative to base center
             Position = new Vector3F(0, 0, 1),
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 200,
             Height = 0.5f,
             //Base radius
             Radius = 0.3f,
             //Primitive presentation type
             PresentationType = PrimitivePresentationType.Solid,
             Name             = "Cone 2"
         new Cone
             //Cone direction
             Direction = new Vector3F(0, 1, 0),
             Color     = Colors.DarkBlue,
             //Position relative to base center
             Position = new Vector3F(0, -0.5f, 0.5f),
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 30,
             Height = 0.5f,
             //Base radius
             Radius = 0.1f,
             //Primitive presentation type
             PresentationType = PrimitivePresentationType.Wireframe,
             Name             = "Cone 3"
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Demo volumetric binary data from resources.
            byte[] data = Properties.Resources.skull;

            // Size of data is the same in all 3 dimensions.
            var size = (int)Math.Round(Math.Pow(data.Length, 1d / 3d));

            // Create default transfer function and customize it.
            var transferFunction = new DefaultTransferFunction1D(
                new []
                new Vector2DRef(0.2, 0.0),
                new Vector2DRef(0.2, 1.0),

            // Initialization of rendering technique.
            var rayCasting = new VolumeRayCasting
                // Link to data. Several rendering techniques can use the same data. For reader we should specify link to binary data, slice size, and value axis bounds.
                // For dynamic updates of data you can implement your own reader, basic reader interface provide neccessary methods for updating separate data regions.
                // Byte, Short, Float types are supported.
                Reader = new ByteIntensityImage3DReader(data, size, size, new OneAxisBounds(data.Min(), data.Max())),
                // Geometry specify bounding box to that volume data will be fitted. Geometry can be more complex than just box.
                // Mostly it does nothave limits, you can specify even sphere.
                Geometry = new BoxVolumeGeometry
                    Origin = Vector3F.Zero,
                    Size   = new Vector3F(1f),
                // Interpolation type between voxels/
                InterpolationType = VolumeInterpolationType.Linear,
                // Parameter for ray casting technique that will specify how much steps will be on a each ray.
                // Directly effects performance and render quality. By default it is calculated automatically.
                SamplingStepCount = size,
                // Threshold for transparent areas that will no be visible for hit testing.
                // 0 will increase picking performance due to item will be picked by bounding box.
                HitTestThreshold = 0.25f,
                // The same as HitTestThreshold, but for highlighting. This parameter was set just for demo purposes.
                HighlightThreshold = 0.25f,
                // Global value transparency scale.
                ValueScale = 0.25f,
                // Setup custom transfer function.
                TransferFunction1D = transferFunction,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Volume"

            // Setup highlight interactor.
            rayCasting.Interactor = new HighlightInteractor(rayCasting);

            // Decrease multisampling level to improve interaction experience.
            chartControl.Multisampling = Multisampling.Low2X;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = rayCasting;
Пример #20
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Demo volumetric binary data from resources.
            byte[] data = Properties.Resources.skull;
            // Size of data is the same in all 3 dimensions.
            var size = (int)Math.Round(Math.Pow(data.Length, 1d / 3d));

            // Very simple sphere generation algorithm.
            const int   resolution = 50;
            const float r          = 0.5f;
            var         center     = new Vector3F(0.5f);
            var         vertex     = new Vector3F[resolution * resolution];
            int         index      = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
                // We use here inversed order due to triangle list indicies generation algorythm.
                // It is very important to use correct counterclockwise triangle indices generation for raycasting.
                for (int k = resolution - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    var t = Math.PI * i / (resolution - 1);
                    var f = Math.PI * 2 * k / (resolution - 1);
                    vertex[index++] = new Vector3F((float)(r * Math.Sin(t) * Math.Cos(f)), (float)(r * Math.Sin(t) * Math.Sin(f)), (float)(r * Math.Cos(t))) + center;

            // Section geometry.
            var complexGeometry = new CustomVolumeGeometry(new VolumeMesh(vertex, vertex, GridHelper.GetStructuredTriangleListIndices(0, resolution, resolution, 1)));

            // Initialization of rendering technique.
            var rayCasting = new VolumeRayCasting
                //Link to data. Several rendering techniques can use the same data. For reader we should specify link to binary data, slice size, and value axis bounds.
                //For dynamic updates of data you can implement your own reader, basic reader interface provide neccessary methods for updating separate data regions.
                //Byte, Short, Float types are supported.
                Reader   = new ByteIntensityImage3DReader(data, size, size, new OneAxisBounds(data.Min(), data.Max())),
                Geometry = complexGeometry,
                //Interpolation type between voxels
                InterpolationType = VolumeInterpolationType.Linear,
                //Parameter for ray casting technique that will specify how much steps will be on a each ray. Directly effects performance and render quality. By default it is calculated automatically.
                SamplingStepCount = size,
                //Threshold for transparent areas that will no be visible for hit testing. 0 will increase picking performance due to item will be picked by bounding box.
                HitTestThreshold = 0.25f,
                //Global value transparency scale
                ValueScale = 0.5f

            // Decrease multisampling level to improve interaction experience.
            chartControl.Multisampling = Multisampling.Low2X;

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = rayCasting;
Пример #21
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Enable 3D axes.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Setup data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new MyMulticolorPrimitive
                Name = "My object"
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            List <RenderData> renderDatas = new List <RenderData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < SeriesCount; i++)
                // Create custom data reader.
                var dataReader = new CustomSeriesDataReader(PointCount, 1f, i);

                // Create series.
                Color4 color  = DemoHelper.RandomizeColor();
                var    series = new Series
                    // Set data reader.
                    Reader = dataReader,
                    // Set series line color.
                    Color = color,
                    // Set series line thickness.
                    Thickness = 2f,
                    // Set series line pattern style.
                    PatternStyle = PatternStyle.Solid,
                    // Set series marker style.
                    MarkerStyle = markers[i % markers.Length],
                    // Set marker size.
                    MarkerSize = 12,
                    // Set marker color.
                    MarkerColor = color,
                    // Set name.
                    Name = $"Line {i}"

            // Setup chart view settings.
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;
            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;

            // Tell the chart that we wanna update view on bounds change.
            chartControl.ViewResetOptions.ResetOnDataChanged = true;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = renderDatas;

            // Start animation.
            animationHelper.Start(value => value, value =>
                foreach (CustomSeriesDataReader dataReader in dataReaders)
            }, 0f, 0f, 25);
Пример #23
 public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
     chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;
     chartControl.DataSource           = new Disk[]
         new Disk
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 200,
             //Item position relative to center
             Position = new Vector3F(),
             Color    = Colors.Cyan,
             //Item direction vector
             Direction = Vector3F.UnitZ,
             //Item radius
             Radius = 0.5f,
             //Item total height
             Height = 0.4f,
             Name   = "Disk 1"
         new Disk
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 20,
             //Item position relative to center
             Position = new Vector3F(0f, 0f, 0.3f),
             Color    = Colors.Blue,
             //Item direction vector
             Direction = Vector3F.UnitX,
             //Item radius
             Radius = 0.1f,
             //Item height
             Height = 0.8f,
             Name   = "Disk 2"
         new Disk
             //Resolution for radial part of item. Means number of generated points
             Resolution = 100,
             //Item position relative to center
             Position = new Vector3F(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f),
             Color    = Colors.DarkBlue,
             //Item direction vector
             Direction = new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
             //Item radius
             Radius = 0.2f,
             //Item height
             Height           = 0.04f,
             PresentationType = PrimitivePresentationType.Wireframe,
             Name             = "Disk 3"
Пример #24
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            const int   pointsCount = 1_000;
            const float amplitude   = 0.6f;

            // Calculate points on line.
            var points = new Vector3F[pointsCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++)
                float scaledCoord = i / (float)pointsCount;
                points[i] = new Vector3F(
                    amplitude * (float)(Math.Cos(5 * 2 * Math.PI * scaledCoord) + 0.5f),
                    amplitude * (float)(Math.Sin(5 * Math.PI * scaledCoord) + 0.5f));

            // Create line.
            var line = new Line
                Points    = points,
                Strip     = true,
                Color     = Colors.Blue,
                Thickness = 3,
                Name      = "Main line"

            // Add labels.
            const int labelStep  = 100;
            var       renderData = new List <RenderData> {
            int labelIndex = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; i += labelStep)
                renderData.Add(new Label
                    Text       = (i / labelStep).ToString(),
                    FontFamily = "Arial",
                    FontSize   = 18,
                    Transform  = Matrix4F.Translation(points[i]),
                    Background = Colors.White,
                    Name       = $"Label {labelIndex++}"

            // Show axes.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Show result.
            chartControl.DataSource = renderData.ToArray();
Пример #25
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Create check marker.
            var crossMarker = new CrossMarker
                Name            = "Marker",
                IsLegendVisible = false

            // Here we'll store our render datas and its snap targets.
            var snapTargets = new List <ISnapTarget>();
            var renderDatas = new List <RenderData> {

            // Create some visual data.
            for (int i = 0; i < Sizes.Length; i++)
                // Generate vertices.
                Vector3F[] vertices = GetPositions(Sizes[i]);

                // Create series.
                Series series = GetSeries(vertices, ShapeColors[i]);
                series.Name = $"Series {i}";

                // Create line snap target.
                var lineSnapTarget = new LineSnapTarget(vertices, true)
                    // Specify vertex snap distance (measured in snap context distance units).
                    VertexSnapDistance = 0.025f

            // Create colletion snap target since we want to snap to several lines.
            var snapTarget = new CollectionSnapTarget(snapTargets);

            // Regsiter event listener.
            chartControl.ActionController.RegisterHandler(1, eventListener = new ChartEventListener(crossMarker, snapTarget));

            // Setup chart view options.
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;
            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D = true;
            chartControl.ViewResetOptions.ResetOnDataChanged = false;

            // Setup chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = renderDatas;
Пример #26
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generates surface positions.
            const int   resolution = 50;
            const float r          = 0.5f;
            var         center     = new Vector3F(0.5f);
            var         vertex     = new Vector3F[resolution * resolution];
            var         index      = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
                for (var k = 0; k < resolution; k++)
                    double t = Math.PI * i / (resolution - 1);
                    double f = Math.PI * 2 * k / (resolution - 1);
                    vertex[index++] = new Vector3F((float)(r * Math.Sin(t) * Math.Cos(f)), (float)(r * Math.Sin(t) * Math.Sin(f)), (float)(r * Math.Cos(t))) + center;

            // Section geometry.
            var complexGeometry = new CustomVolumeGeometry(new VolumeMesh(vertex, vertex, GridHelper.GetStructuredTriangleListIndices(0, resolution, resolution, 1)));

            // Demo volumetric binary data from resources.
            byte[] data = Properties.Resources.skull;

            // Size of data is the same in all 3 dimensions.
            var size = (int)Math.Round(Math.Pow(data.Length, 1d / 3d));

            // Byte, Short, Float types are supported.
            var reader = new ByteIntensityImage3DReader(data, size, size, new OneAxisBounds(data.Min(), data.Max()));

            // Create volume section render data.
            var section = new VolumeSection
                // Set section data reader.
                Reader = reader,
                // Set section geometry.
                Geometry = complexGeometry,
                // Set section interpolation type.
                InterpolationType = VolumeInterpolationType.Linear,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Section"

            // Enable 3D axis.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new RenderData[] { section };
Пример #27
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate surface mesh.
            Mesh mesh = GridHelper.GetStructuredParametricGridMesh((x, y) => new Vector3F(x, y, (float)(Math.Sin(x) * Math.Sin(x * x + y * y))),
                                                                   new Vector2F(-3f), new Vector2F(3f), SurfaceResolution, SurfaceResolution);

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data soruce.
            chartControl.DataSource = new Surface
                SurfaceMesh = mesh,
                Name        = "Surface"
Пример #28
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Adding some intersecting semi-transparent objects.
            var cube = new Cube
                Position = new Vector3F(0.5f),
                Size     = new Vector3F(1f),
                Color    = new Color4(Colors.DarkBlue, 150),
                Name     = "Cube"

            var sphere = new Sphere
                Position = new Vector3F(0.5f),
                Radius   = 0.6f,
                Color    = new Color4(Colors.Green, 175),
                Name     = "Sphere"

            var cone = new Cone
                Color     = new Color4(Colors.DarkRed, 225),
                Direction = new Vector3F(0, 0, 1),
                Height    = 1.25f,
                Position  = new Vector3F(0.5f),
                Name      = "Cone"

            var disk = new Disk
                Color     = new Color4(Colors.Yellow, 125),
                Direction = new Vector3F(0, 0, 1),
                Height    = 0.25f,
                Radius    = 0.8f,
                Position  = new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.15f),
                Name      = "Disk"

            // Enable order-independent transparency technique.
            chartControl.IsOitEnabled = true;

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = new RenderData[] { cube, sphere, cone, disk };
Пример #29
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Create mesh for rendering. We need a cube.
            Mesh cubeMesh = CubeMeshFactory.GenerateCube();

            // Generates cube transformation matrixes and it's colors.
            Matrix4F[] transformations = new Matrix4F[TotalBarCount];
            Color4[]   colors          = new Color4[TotalBarCount];
            int        index           = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < GridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < GridSize; y++)
                    // Randomize block height.
                    float height = (float)random.NextDouble() * MaxHeight;
                    // Compute current bar transformation matrix.
                    // Scaling matrix is used for size scaling. Translation matrix is used for positioning.
                    transformations[index] = Matrix4F.Scaling(BlockSize, BlockSize, height) *
                                             Matrix4F.Translation(GridStep * x, GridStep * y, height / 2);
                    // Randomize color.
                    colors[index] = DemoHelper.RandomizeColor();

            // Create presentation object.
            var primitiveCollection = new MultiColorPrimitiveCollection
                // Set mesh.
                Mesh = cubeMesh,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Bars",
                // Set custom material.
                Material = new RenderMaterial(0.35f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f)

            // Set transforms.
            primitiveCollection.SetTransformsAndColor(transformations, colors);

            // Set chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible = true;

            // Set data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = primitiveCollection;
        public override void Do(IDemoChartControl chartControl)
            // Generate vertex positions.
            Vector3F[] positions = DemoHelper.GenerateSinPoints(Resolution);

            // Generates initial values (for this case extract it as Z coordinates of positions).
            initialValues = DemoHelper.ExtractZValues(positions, out OneAxisBounds valueRange);

            // Current values storage.
            var currentValues = new float[initialValues.Length];

            Array.Copy(initialValues, currentValues, initialValues.Length);

            // Create value surface data reader.
            var reader = new StructuredValueSurfaceDataReader(positions, currentValues, Resolution, Resolution, valueRange);

            // Create value surface presentation data.
            var valueSurface = new ValueSurface
                // Set data reader.
                Reader = reader,
                // Set presentation type.
                PresentationType = ValueSurfacePresentationType.Solid,
                // Set name.
                Name = "Surface"

            // Setup chart options.
            chartControl.Axes.IsAxes3DVisible            = true;
            chartControl.ContextView.Mode2D              = false;
            chartControl.ContextView.Camera2D.Projection = Projection2DTypes.XPosYPos;

            // Set chart data source.
            chartControl.DataSource = valueSurface;

            // Start animation.
                argument => argument,
                argument =>
                // Generates new values and update reader with it.
                float[] randomizedValues = GenerateValues(argument, reader.ValueRange);
                reader.UpdateValues(randomizedValues, 0, reader.VertexCount, 0);
                0, 0.025f * ((float)UpdateInterval / 16), UpdateInterval);