Пример #1
        private DB4Comment validateAndAward(DB4Thing qualifiedComment)
            // Validate comment
            var commentValidationResult = _commentValidator.Validate(qualifiedComment);

            if (commentValidationResult.IsValidDelta)
                // Award the delta
                // parentThing must be a Comment here - deltas are only
                // valid when the parent is a Comment
                Assert.That(qualifiedComment.ParentThing.Type == DB4ThingType.Comment);


Пример #2
        public void Handle(DB4Thing privateMessage)
            // The body should be the URL to a comment
            string commentUrl = privateMessage.Body.Trim();

                // Get comment by url
                var comment = _redditService.GetCommentByUrl(commentUrl);

                // If that succeeded, we need the full comment with children to check for replies

                // Check for replies
                var db4ReplyResult = _commentDetector.DidDB4Reply(comment);

                // If a the parent authorname is DeltaBot, bail
                if (comment.ParentThing.AuthorName == _appConfiguration.DB4Username)
                    _redditService.ReplyToPrivateMessage(privateMessage.Id, AddFailedCantAwardDeltaBot);

                // If a the parent authorname is [deleted], bail
                if (comment.ParentThing.AuthorName == Constants.DeletedAuthorName)
                    _redditService.ReplyToPrivateMessage(privateMessage.Id, AddFailedAuthorDeletedMessage);

                // If a delta was already awarded successfully, bail
                if (db4ReplyResult.HasDB4Replied && db4ReplyResult.WasSuccessReply || db4ReplyResult.CommentType == DB4CommentType.ModeratorAdded)
                    _redditService.ReplyToPrivateMessage(privateMessage.Id, AddFailedAlreadyAwardedMessage);

                // Build the normal success message
                // IMPORTANT: Build reply *before* awarding. This has to do with a quirk with getting the correct
                // delta count to build the reply. My bad...
                var reply = _commentBuilder.BuildReply(DB4CommentType.SuccessDeltaAwarded, comment);

                // Award delta

                // Don't edit the existing comment - delete it and reply with the mod added reply
                // db4ReplyResult.Comment will be null if the mod is adding a delta directly to a comment
                if (db4ReplyResult.Comment != null)

                _replier.Reply(comment, reply);

                // Build modmail body
                string body = _appConfiguration.PrivateMessages.ModAddedDeltaNotificationMessage
                              .Replace(_appConfiguration.ReplaceTokens.UsernameToken, privateMessage.AuthorName)
                              .Replace(_appConfiguration.ReplaceTokens.CommentLink, commentUrl);

                // Reply with modmail indicating success
                                                  body, $"/r/{_appConfiguration.SubredditName}");

                // Reply to user
                _redditService.ReplyToPrivateMessage(privateMessage.Id, AddSucceededMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Reply indicating failure
                                                     string.Format(AddFailedErrorMessageFormat, ex.ToString()));

                // Rethrow for logging purposes