public WeatherForecastViewModel()
     model          = new WeatherForecast();
     owms           = new OpenWeatherMapService();
     City           = "Lugano";
     WeatherCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnWeather);
Пример #2
        public MainViewModel()
            Modules = new ObservableCollection <Module>
                new Module()
                    Name = "Module 1", Description = "A description"
                new Module()
                    Name = "Module 2", Description = "A description"
                new Module()
                    Name = "Module 3", Description = "A description"
                new Module()
                    Name = "Module 4", Description = "A description"

            SelectModuleCommand              = new DelegateCommand(OnSelectModule);
            SelectModuleFromElementCommand   = new DelegateCommand <Module>(OnSelectModule);
            SelectModuleFromItemClickCommand = new DelegateCommand <ItemClickEventArgs>(OnSelectModuleFromItemClick);
Пример #3
 public ViewModel()
     RunTrigger = new DelegateCommand(() => OnSomeEvent(new Payload()
         Value = 10
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename of the workflow to run</param>
        public ExecutionViewModel(string filename)
            _filename       = filename;
            Cancel          = new DelegateCommand(OnCancel, () => IsRunning);
            CopyToClipboard = new DelegateCommand(OnCopyToClipboard);

            var log = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            log.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
                    foreach (var item in e.NewItems.Cast <string>())
                    foreach (var item in log)
                RaisePropertyChanged(() => ReadOnlyLogText);
            Log = log;
Пример #5
 protected void RegisterCommands()
     ShowInstalledCommand   = new DelegateCommand(OnShowInstalled, CanShowInstalled);
     DeleteCommand          = new DelegateCommand(OnDelete, CanDelete);
     SearchInstalledCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnSearchInstalled, CanSearchInstalled);
     GenerateCommand        = new DelegateCommand(OnGenerate, CanGenerate);
Пример #6
 public DialogVM(string title, string message, Action <object> action)
     Title       = title;
     Message     = message;
     this.action = new DelegateCommand(action);
     this.exit   = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteExit);
Пример #7
        public MainViewModel(IPreferencesManager preferencesManager, 
                             IWindowFactory windowFactory, 
                             IDelegateCommand selectedPreferenceCommand, 
                             IDelegateCommand savePreferenceCommand,
                             IDelegateCommand saveAllCommand,
                             IDelegateCommand openFileCommand,
                             IPreferenceTypeViewModel preferenceTypeViewModel)
            : base()
            _PreferencesManager = preferencesManager;
            _WindowFactory = windowFactory;
            _PreferenceTypeViewModel = preferenceTypeViewModel;

            selectedPreferenceCommand.ExecuteAction = p => SetSelectedPreference(p);
            savePreferenceCommand.ExecuteAction = p => SavePreference(p);
            saveAllCommand.ExecuteAction = p => SaveAll();
            openFileCommand.ExecuteAction = p => OpenFile();

            SelectedPreferenceCommand = selectedPreferenceCommand;
            SavePreferenceCommand = savePreferenceCommand;
            SaveAllCommand = saveAllCommand;
            OpenFileCommand = openFileCommand;

            Preferences = new ObservableCollection<IPreferenceViewModel>();
Пример #8
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            _defaultPatientsFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\..\Patients.xml"));
            _defaultDoctorsFilePath  = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\..\Doctors.xml"));
            _patients = Load <Patient>(_defaultPatientsFilePath);
            _doctors  = Load <Doctor>(_defaultDoctorsFilePath);

            #region InitializeCommands
            AddPatientCommand          = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteAddPatient);
            RemovePatientCommand       = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteRemovePatient, CanExecuteRemovePatient);
            EditPatientCommand         = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteEditPatient, CanExecuteEditPatient);
            CompleteEditPatientCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteComleteEditPatient, CanExecuteComleteEditPatient);
            RefreshPatient             = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteRefreshPatient, CanExecuteRefreshPatient);
            FindPatients      = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteFindPatients, CanExecuteFindPatients);
            AddAppointment    = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteAddAppointment);
            RemoveAppointment = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteRemoveAppointment, CanExecuteRemoveAppointment);

            AddDoctorCommand          = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteAddDoctor);
            RemoveDoctorCommand       = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteRemoveDoctor, CanExecuteRemoveDoctor);
            EditDoctorCommand         = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteEditDoctor, CanExecuteEditDoctor);
            CompleteEditDoctorCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteComleteEditDoctor, CanExecuteComleteEditDoctor);
            RefreshDoctor             = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteRefreshDoctor, CanExecuteRefreshDoctor);
            FindDoctors = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteFindDoctors, CanExecuteFindDoctors);
Пример #9
        public TabControlRegionViewModel(IViewResolver viewResolver, IRegionService regionService)
            AddNewGammaViewCommand =
                .OnExecute(x =>
                var view = viewResolver.GetView <GammaView>();
                if (view != null)
                    regionService.GetKnownRegionManager <TabControlRegionView>()
                    .GetRegion <ISwitchingElementsRegion>("MainTabRegion")

            ActivateGammaViewCommand =
                .OnExecute(x =>
                var region = regionService.GetKnownRegionManager <TabControlRegionView>()
                             .GetRegion <ISwitchingElementsRegion>("MainTabRegion");

                var elements = region.GetElements <DependencyObject>()
                               .OfType <GammaView>()
                               .Cast <DependencyObject>()

                if (elements.Count > 0)
                    var index = elements.IndexOf(region.ActiveContent);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        DependencyObject viewToActivate = index + 1 < elements.Count
                                                                                 ? elements[index + 1]
                                                                                 : elements[0];


            RemoveLastViewCommand =
                .OnExecute(x =>
                var region = regionService.GetKnownRegionManager <TabControlRegionView>()
                             .GetRegion <ISwitchingElementsRegion>("MainTabRegion");

                var lastElement = region.GetElements <DependencyObject>().LastOrDefault();
                if (lastElement != null)
Пример #10
 public MainViewModel()
     Color      = "White";
     ShowPrompt = new DelegateCommand(OnClickButton);
     MouseEnter = new AsyncDelegateCommand(OnGoForward, () => !_isChanging, () => _isChanging = false);
     MouseLeave = new AsyncDelegateCommand(OnGoBackward, () => !_isChanging, () => _isChanging = false);
     RunAction  = new DelegateCommand(DoRunAction);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the specified command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        /// <param name="component">The component.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandManager Bind(IDelegateCommand command, IComponent component)
            if (!Commands.Contains(command))

            FindBinder(component).Bind(command, component);
            return this;
        public VisualizzaViewModel()
            AppDbContext ctx = new AppDbContext();

            repoQdc       = new QdcDbDataRepository(ctx);
            MenuCommand   = new DelegateCommand(OnMenuClick, CanMenuClick);
            VisualizzaQdc = new DelegateCommand(OnVisualizzaClick, CanVisualizzaClick);
Пример #13
 public static void Register(IDelegateCommand command)
     if (commands.Contains(command))
Пример #14
 public MainViewModel()
     SettingPageCommand   = new DelegateCommand(OnSettingPage, CanSettingPage);
     NugetPageCommand     = new DelegateCommand(OnNugetPage, CanNugetPage);
     InstalledPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnInstalledPage, CanInstalledPage);
     AboutPageCommand     = new DelegateCommand(OnAboutPage, CanAboutPage);
     CurrentViewModel     = ViewModelLocator.Nuget;
Пример #15
        protected static void ExecuteCommand(IDelegateCommand cmd, object parameter)
            if (cmd == null || !cmd.CanExecute(parameter))

Пример #16
 protected void RegisterCommands()
     SaveCommand         = new DelegateCommand(OnSave, CanSave);
     SaveFastCommand     = new DelegateCommand(OnSaveFast, CanSaveFast);
     ShowCommand         = new DelegateCommand(OnShow, CanShow);
     SearchCommand       = new DelegateCommand(OnSearch, CanSearch);
     SearchNewsCommand   = new DelegateCommand(OnSearchNews, CanSearchNews);
     CheckDeletedCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnCheckDeleted, CanCheckDeleted);
Пример #17
 public IDelegateCommand RegisterCommand <TParam>(IDelegateCommand command, [CallerMemberName] string commandName = null)
     if (!CommandList.ContainsKey(commandName))
         CommandList.Add(commandName, command);
     command.Parent = ViewModel;
     command.Name   = commandName;
Пример #18
 public TrayViewModel(IAuthorizationService authorizationService, IWindowFactory windowFactory, IApplicationService applicationService, IWindowService windowService)
     _authorizationService            = authorizationService;
     _windowFactory                   = windowFactory;
     _applicationService              = applicationService;
     _windowService                   = windowService;
     TransitionToMainCommand          = new DelegateCommandAsync(ExecuteTransitionToMainAsync);
     TransitionToAuthorizationCommand = new DelegateCommand.DelegateCommand(ExecuteTransitionToAuthorization);
     TransitionToExitCommand          = new DelegateCommand.DelegateCommand(ExecuteTransitionToExit);
Пример #19
 public MainViewModel()
     Carta.ChooseView     = 0;
     NextPage             = new DelegateCommand(OnNextPage, CanNextPage);
     CameraPageCommand    = new DelegateCommand(OnCameraPage, CanCameraPage);
     GameIAPageCommand    = new DelegateCommand(OnGameIAPage, CanGameIAPage);
     GameUserPageCommand  = new DelegateCommand(OnGameUserPage, CanGameUserPage);
     SettingsPageCommand  = new DelegateCommand(OnSettingsPage, CanSettingsPage);
     StartGamePageCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnStartGamePage, CanStartGamePage);
     CurrentViewModel     = ViewModelLocator.Camera;
        public VideoPlaygroundViewModel(Compositor compositor, Grid videoContentGrid)
            // Stash the dispatcher so that we can make calls off the UI thread (or rather, request
            // the UI thread to make calls on our behalf) that influence the UI.
            _dispatcher = videoContentGrid.Dispatcher;
            _compositor = compositor;
            // Set up our composition objects.

            EffectIndex = -1;
            _lights     = new List <Light>();

            EffectItems = new ObservableCollection <EffectItem>();

            // No effect.
            // Saturation effect with an adjustable Sturation property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem()
                EffectName = "Saturation", AnimatablePropertyName = "Saturation", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = 1, SmallChange = 0.1f, LargeChange = 0.3f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateSaturationEffectFactory
            // Blur effect with an adjustable BlurAmount property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem()
                EffectName = "Blur", AnimatablePropertyName = "BlurAmount", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = 20, SmallChange = 1.0f, LargeChange = 3.0f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateBlurEffectFactory
            // Invert effect with no adjustable properties.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem()
                EffectName = "Invert", AnimatablePropertyName = null, CreateEffectFactory = CreateInvertEffectFactory
            // HueRotation effect with an adjustable Angle property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem()
                EffectName = "HueRotation", AnimatablePropertyName = "Angle", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = (float)(2.0 * Math.PI), SmallChange = 0.1f, LargeChange = 1.0f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateHueRotationEffectFactory

            Durations = new ObservableCollection <double>();

            // Setup our duration values, from 0.5 seconds to 5 seconds.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                Durations.Add(i * 0.5);

            AddLightCommand       = new DelegateCommand(AddLightButton);
            RemoveLightCommand    = new DelegateCommand(RemoveLightButton);
            AnimateCommand        = new DelegateCommand(Animate);
            OpenFileCommand       = new DelegateCommand(OpenFile);
            OpenLinkDialogCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenLinkDialog);
            OpenLinkCommand       = new DelegateCommand(OpenLink);

            DurationIndex = 0;
Пример #21
        public SettingsViewModel(
            ISettingsStore settingsStore,
            IWebClient webClient,
            IErrorHandler errorHandler,
            IImagesProvider imagesProvider)
            this.settingsStore = settingsStore;
            this.webClient     = webClient;
            this.errorHandler  = errorHandler;

            this.testServiceCommand = new BaseCommand(this.ExecuteTestCommand, this.CanExecuteTestCommand);
            this.Logo = imagesProvider.GetImage(ImageType.PluginIcon);
Пример #22
        internal void RegisterCommand(IDelegateCommand command)
            if (command != null)
                DelegateCommand delegateCommand = command as DelegateCommand;//this command does not have any parameter for CanExecute
                if (delegateCommand != null)
                    //check if the command has been already registered
                    foreach (var item in m_commandsWithoutParameter)
                        IDelegateCommand existingCommand;
                        if (item.Command.TryGetTarget(out existingCommand))
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(existingCommand != command);
                    //check if the command has been already registered
                    foreach (var item in m_commandsWithParameter)
                        IDelegateCommand existingCommand;
                        if (item.TryGetTarget(out existingCommand))
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(existingCommand != command);
                if (delegateCommand != null)
                    m_commandsWithoutParameter.Add(new CommandItem()
                        Command = new WeakReference <IDelegateCommand>(command)
                    m_commandsWithParameter.Add(new WeakReference <IDelegateCommand>(command));

                if (!m_canExecuteTimer.IsEnabled)
        public EquationViewModel()
            model = new Equation();
            A     = 1;
            B     = 2;
            C     = -8;

            Points         = new ObservableCollection <Point2D>();
            timer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SLEEPTIME);
            timer.Tick    += Timer_Tick;

            DrawCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnDraw);
Пример #24
        public MainViewModel()
            _title              = "MVVM Test";
            _color              = "White";
            Elements            = new ObservableCollection <Element>();
            _collectionObserver = new CollectionChangeUndoObserver(Elements, Resolve <IUndoService>());

            ActivatedCommand       = new DelegateCommand(() => IsActive = true);
            DeactivatedCommand     = new DelegateCommand(() => IsActive = false);
            LoadedCommand          = new DelegateCommand(OnLoaded);
            ClosingCommand         = new DelegateCommand <CancelEventArgs>(OnClosing);
            ExitCommand            = new DelegateCommand(RaiseCloseRequest);
            ShowColorDialogCommand = new DelegateCommand <Element>(ShowColorDialog);
            ShowPropertiesCommand  = new DelegateCommand(ShowPropertyDialog);
            MouseEnterLeaveCommand = new DelegateCommand <RoutedEventArgs>(OnMouseEnterLeave);
            ChangeBackground       = new DelegateCommand <string>(OnChangeBackground);
Пример #25
        internal void UnregisterCommand(IDelegateCommand command)
            if (command != null)
                DelegateCommand  delegateCommand = command as DelegateCommand;
                IDelegateCommand existingCommand;

                if (delegateCommand != null)
                    m_commandsWithoutParameter.RemoveAll((item) => !item.Command.TryGetTarget(out existingCommand) || existingCommand == command);
                    m_commandsWithParameter.RemoveAll((item) => !item.TryGetTarget(out existingCommand) || existingCommand == command);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Destroys the command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IDelegateCommand DestroyCommand(this GameObject target, IDelegateCommand command)
            var commands = target.GetComponents <DelegateCommand>();

            if (commands == null)

            DelegateCommand res = null;

            foreach (var cmd in commands)
                if (!cmd.Equals(command))
                res = cmd;

Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors the specified properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">The properties to monitor.</param>
        /// <returns>The original command.</returns>
        public static IDelegateCommand Observe <TSource>(this IDelegateCommand command, TSource source, params Expression <Func <TSource, Object> >[] properties)
            where TSource : INotifyPropertyChanged
            Ensure.That(properties).Named(() => properties).IsNotNull();

            if (properties.Any())
                var observer = PropertyObserver.For(source);

                foreach (var prop in properties)

                var observer = PropertyObserver.ForAllPropertiesOf(source);

		protected override void SetInputBindings( DependencyObject target, ICommandSource source, IDelegateCommand command )
			//Not supported ?
Пример #29
 partial void OnSampleCommandChanging(ref IDelegateCommand newValue);
Пример #30
 void Initialize(StreamingContext context)
     SelectSpecificColor = new DelegateCommand <ItemClickEventArgs>(OnSelectColor);
     Colors = new ObservableCollection <ColorViewModel>(
         typeof(Colors).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.Select(pn => new ColorViewModel(pn.Name)));
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Metodo costruttore del ViewModel.
 /// </summary>
 public BenvenutoViewModel()
     ImpostazioniBaseCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnImpostazioniBase, CanImpostazioniBase);
     EsercizioCommand        = new DelegateCommand(OnEsercizio, CanEsercizio);
     ProvaCommand            = new DelegateCommand(OnProva, CanProva);
Пример #32
 public MainWindowViewModel()
     StartCommand = new DelegateCommand(StartCommandCallback);
        protected virtual void SetInputBindings( DependencyObject target, ICommandSource source, IDelegateCommand command )
            if ( source != null && command != null && command.InputBindings != null )
                var rootElement = this.GetRootElement( target as FrameworkElement );
                foreach ( InputBinding ib in command.InputBindings )
                    if ( ib.CommandParameter != source.CommandParameter )
                        ib.CommandParameter = source.CommandParameter;

                    rootElement.InputBindings.Add( ib );
 protected override void SetInputBindings(DependencyObject target, ICommandSource source, IDelegateCommand command)
     //Not supported ?
Пример #35
 public KeypadViewModel() {
     AddCharacterCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteAddCharacter);
     DeleteCharacterCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteDeleteCharacter, CanExecuteDeleteCharacter);
        public VideoPlaygroundViewModel(Compositor compositor, Grid videoContentGrid)
            // Stash the dispatcher so that we can make calls off the UI thread (or rather, request
            // the UI thread to make calls on our behalf) that influence the UI.
            _dispatcher = videoContentGrid.Dispatcher;
            _compositor = compositor;
            // Set up our composition objects.

            EffectIndex = -1;
            _lights = new List<Light>();

            EffectItems = new ObservableCollection<EffectItem>();

            // No effect.
            // Saturation effect with an adjustable Sturation property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem() { EffectName = "Saturation", AnimatablePropertyName = "Saturation", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = 1, SmallChange = 0.1f, LargeChange = 0.3f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateSaturationEffectFactory });
            // Blur effect with an adjustable BlurAmount property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem() { EffectName = "Blur", AnimatablePropertyName = "BlurAmount", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = 20, SmallChange = 1.0f, LargeChange = 3.0f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateBlurEffectFactory });
            // Invert effect with no adjustable properties.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem() { EffectName = "Invert", AnimatablePropertyName = null, CreateEffectFactory = CreateInvertEffectFactory });
            // HueRotation effect with an adjustable Angle property.
            EffectItems.Add(new EffectItem() { EffectName = "HueRotation", AnimatablePropertyName = "Angle", ValueMin = 0, ValueMax = (float)(2.0 * Math.PI), SmallChange = 0.1f, LargeChange = 1.0f, CreateEffectFactory = CreateHueRotationEffectFactory });

            Durations = new ObservableCollection<double>();

            // Setup our duration values, from 0.5 seconds to 5 seconds.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                Durations.Add(i * 0.5);

            AddLightCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddLightButton);
            RemoveLightCommand = new DelegateCommand(RemoveLightButton);
            AnimateCommand = new DelegateCommand(Animate);
            OpenFileCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenFile);
            OpenLinkDialogCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenLinkDialog);
            OpenLinkCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenLink);

            DurationIndex = 0;