public IDbDataParameter CreateDbParameter(IDbCommand command, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { var result = command.CreateParameter(); result.ParameterName = dbAdapter.FormatParameterName(Name); result.Value = dbAdapter.ConvertToDbType(Value); return result; }
public DbConnectException(Exception InnerException, NameValueList Config) : base(string.Empty, InnerException) { this.ConnectionString = Config.Get<string>("ConnectionString"); this.DbProviderFactory = Config.Get<DbProviderFactory>("DbProviderFactory"); this.DbAdapter = Config.Get<IDbAdapter>("DbAdapter"); }
public static void AppendSelect(Command cmd, Select select, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (select == null) { cmd.Append(" *"); return; } switch (select.Type) { case SelectType.All: default: cmd.Append(" *"); break; case SelectType.Custom: if (select.Fields.Count == 0) { return; } cmd.Append(" "); foreach (string s in select.Fields) { cmd.AppendFormat("{0},", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(s)); } cmd.RemoveLastChar(); break; } }
public DbConnectException(Exception InnerException, NameValueList Config) : base(string.Empty, InnerException) { this.ConnectionString = Config.Get <string>("ConnectionString"); this.DbProviderFactory = Config.Get <DbProviderFactory>("DbProviderFactory"); this.DbAdapter = Config.Get <IDbAdapter>("DbAdapter"); }
/// <summary> /// Indexes a set of columns defined by the dictionary that is passed. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table the index will be created on.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the index is created.</returns> private static bool CreateIndexes(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary <string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error creating index: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return(false); } foreach (var column in columns) { try { var indexName = column.Key + "_idx"; adapter.CreateIndexOnTable(schema.TableName, column.Key, indexName); if (column.Value == true) { adapter.ClusterIndex(schema.TableName, indexName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error creating index on column '{0}' for table '{1}': {2}", column.Key, schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Repository using an EntityMap to define the database mapping. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbAdapter">DbAdapter class for the database being used</param> /// <param name="entityMap">Entity map class used to define the mapping for this repository</param> public DbRepository(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, EntityMap <T> entityMap) { DbAdapter = dbAdapter; ConnectionString = dbAdapter.ConnectionString; TableName = entityMap.TableName; Mappings = new MappingModel <T>(entityMap); }
public SessionFactory(string connectionString, IDbAdapter dbAdapter, IDomainMap domainMap, Func<ISessionCache> sessionCacheProvider) { this.connectionString = connectionString; this.dbAdapter = dbAdapter; this.domainMap = domainMap; this.sessionCacheProvider = sessionCacheProvider; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Repository with the table name and maps passed directly into the contructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbAdapter">DbAdapter class for the database being used</param> /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table</param> /// <param name="maps">List of maps for this tabe</param> public DbRepository(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, string tableName, IEnumerable <IMap> maps) { DbAdapter = dbAdapter; ConnectionString = dbAdapter.ConnectionString; TableName = tableName; Mappings = new MappingModel <T>(maps); }
public Spid3r(string seed, int maxThreads, IDbAdapter adapter) { SeedUrl = seed; Adapter = adapter; Home = ExtractHome(seed); MaxThreads = maxThreads; }
public ResignAccountHanlderController(IResignAccountHanlderViewer viewer, IExecutioner executor, IDbAdapter adapter) { Viewer = viewer; Executioner = executor; Adapter = adapter; Logic = new BussiessLogic(Adapter, ResignAccountHandlerUI.Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteAfter); }
public SubtotalTest() { m_Adapter = Facade.Create(db: "accounting-test"); m_Adapter.DeleteVouchers(VoucherQueryUnconstrained.Instance); m_Adapter.Upsert( new Voucher { Date = new(2016, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc), Remark = "xrmk1", Details = new() { new() { User = "******", Currency = "JPY", Title = 1234, SubTitle = 56, Content = "cnt1", Fund = 123.45, Remark = "rmk1", }, new() { User = "******", Currency = "JPY", Title = 6541, SubTitle = 98, Content = "cnt1", Fund = -123.45, Remark = "rmk2", }, }, });
public static async ValueTask <IDbAdapter> UnVirtualize(IDbAdapter db) { var vir = db as Virtualizer ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Not virtualized"); await vir.DisposeAsync(); return(vir.Db); }
/// <summary> /// 使用若干参数初始化数据连接参数。 /// </summary> /// <param name="Parameters">参数,包括DbProviderFactory(String类型表示的完整限定名称或DbProviderFactory类型)、DbAdapter(String类型表示的类型完整限定名称或DbAdapter类型),及连接字符串(ConnectionString)或当前IDbAdapter.BuildConnectionString所需参数。</param> /// <returns>初始化成功时,返回DbProvider,否则,返回null。</returns> public static DbProvider Initialize(NameValueList Parameters) { DbConnection _conn = null; DbProvider res = new DbProvider(); try { IDbAdapter DbAdapter = _getInstance <IDbAdapter>(Parameters["DbAdapter"]); if (DbAdapter != null) { res._config["DbAdapter"] = DbAdapter; DbAdapter.InitializeOptions(res.Options); } DbProviderFactory DbProviderFactory = _getInstance <DbProviderFactory>(Parameters["DbProviderFactory"]); if (DbProviderFactory != null) { res._config["DbProviderFactory"] = DbProviderFactory; } else if (res.Options["DefaultDbProviderFactory"] != null) { res._config["DbProviderFactory"] = _getInstance <DbProviderFactory>(res.Options["DefaultDbProviderFactory"]); } if (Parameters["ConnectionString"] is string) { res._config["ConnectionString"] = Parameters["ConnectionString"]; } else { res._config["ConnectionString"] = res.Adapter.BuildConnectionString(Parameters); } _conn = res.Provider.CreateConnection(); _conn.ConnectionString = res.ConnectionString; _conn.Open(); res._config["DbSchema"] = res.Adapter.GetSchema(_conn); if (Current == null) { Current = res; } return(res); } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG DbConnectException dce = new DbConnectException(e, res._config); Debug.WriteLine(dce); throw dce; #endif return(null); } finally { try { _conn.Close(); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of Database. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter"></param> public Database(IDbAdapter adapter) { if (adapter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("adapter"); } Adapter = adapter; }
public DbTest() { m_Adapter = Facade.Create(db: "accounting-test"); m_Adapter.DeleteVouchers(VoucherQueryUnconstrained.Instance); ClientUser.Set("b1"); }
public UsuarioService(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { this.dbAdapter = dbAdapter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbAdapter)); logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger <UsuarioService>() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggerFactory)); }
public IDbDataParameter CreateDbParameter(IDbCommand command, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { var result = command.CreateParameter(); result.ParameterName = dbAdapter.FormatParameterName(Name); result.Value = dbAdapter.ConvertToDbType(Value); return(result); }
public DapperStoredProcedure(string name, IReadOnlyList <IDbDataParameter> parameters, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction, ILogger <DapperStoredProcedure> logger, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { = name; this.parameters = parameters; this.connection = connection; this.transaction = transaction; this.logger = logger; this.dbAdapter = dbAdapter; }
public DbManipulator(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, Assembly migrationAssembly, params string[] tags) { _dbAdapter = dbAdapter; _migrationAssembly = migrationAssembly; Tags = new List <string>(tags ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>()); SetServiceProvider(); }
public static void AppendOrders(Command cmd, IEnumerable<Order> orders, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (orders != null) if (orders.Count() > 0) { cmd.Append(" order by "); foreach (Order oo in orders) cmd.AppendFormat("{0},", oo.ToString(adapter)); cmd.RemoveLastChar(); } }
public IDbCommand CreateCommand(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, IDbConnection connection) { var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = dbAdapter.FormatCommandText(CommandText); foreach (var parameter in Parameters) { var p = parameter.CreateDbParameter(command, dbAdapter); command.Parameters.Add(p); } return command; }
private static void InsertResource(IDbAdapter db, object name, string description, Guid resourceGuid, Guid sensor1Guid, Guid sensor2Guid) { db.SimpleData.Resource.Insert(name: name, description: description, guid: resourceGuid.ToString()); long resourceId = db.SimpleData.Resource.FindByGuid(resourceGuid.ToString()).Id; db.SimpleData.Sensor.Insert(guid: sensor1Guid.ToString(), metric: "CPU", unit: "%", complex: 0, resourceId: resourceId); db.SimpleData.Sensor.Insert(guid: sensor2Guid.ToString(), metric: "Memory usage", unit: "MB", complex: 0, resourceId: resourceId); }
public IDbCommand CreateCommand(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, IDbConnection connection) { var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = dbAdapter.FormatCommandText(CommandText); foreach (var parameter in Parameters) { var p = parameter.CreateDbParameter(command, dbAdapter); command.Parameters.Add(p); } return(command); }
public StatsApi(IDbAdapter database, bool cacheOn) { _db = database; _enableCache = cacheOn; // Cache setup _playerStatsCache = new WeakCache <string, string>(_db.MakePlayerStats); _serverStatsCache = new WeakCache <string, string>(_db.MakeServerStats); _recentMatchesReportCache = new WeakCache <int, string>(_db.MakeRecentMatchesReport); _bestPlayersReportCache = new WeakCache <int, string>(_db.MakeBestPlayersReport); _popularServersReportCache = new WeakCache <int, string>(_db.MakePopularServersReport); }
/// <summary> /// Initializing <see cref="SqlDataProvider{TEntity}"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="dbConnectionFactory">Factory providing database connection</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Parameter dbConnectionFactory is null</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Parameter dbAdapter is null</exception> public SqlDataProvider(IDbConnectionFactory dbConnectionFactory, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { DbConnectionFactory = dbConnectionFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(DbConnectionFactory)); DbAdapter = dbAdapter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbAdapter)); TableName = typeof(TEntity).Name; if (!TableName.EndsWith("s")) { TableName += "s"; } EntityFields = GetEntityFields(); }
internal QueryBuilder(string tableName, IEnumerable <IMap> maps, IDbAdapter dbAdapter, Type domainType) { TableName = tableName; Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <string> columns = new List <string>(); foreach (IMap map in maps) { columns.Add(dbAdapter.GetSelectColumnCast(domainType, tableName, map)); } SqlQuery = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", columns) + " FROM " + TableName + " "; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Repository using attributes to define the database mapping. /// All non-virtual properties with public getters and setters will be mapped /// unless overridden with an attribute. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbAdapter">DbAdapter class for the database being used</param> /// <param name="overrideTableName">Overrides the table name generated from the object name or the table attribute.</param> /// <param name="ignoreObjectMaps">Sets if properties that end with _Object or _Objects will be ignored by the automatic mapping</param> public DbRepository(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, string overrideTableName = null, bool ignoreObjectMaps = true) { DbAdapter = dbAdapter; ConnectionString = dbAdapter.ConnectionString; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(overrideTableName)) { TableName = GetTableName(); } else { TableName = overrideTableName; } Mappings = new MappingModel <T>(ignoreObjectMaps); }
public static void AppendOrders(Command cmd, IEnumerable <Order> orders, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (orders != null) { if (orders.Count() > 0) { cmd.Append(" order by "); foreach (Order oo in orders) { cmd.AppendFormat("{0},", oo.ToString(adapter)); } cmd.RemoveLastChar(); } } }
public LogParser(LogReader reader, IFileRepository fileService, IDbAdapter db, params ITransformation[] transformations) { if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); if (fileService == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("files"); if (db == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("db"); this.reader = reader; this.fileService = fileService; this.db = db; this.transformations = transformations; }
/// <summary> /// Updates whether or not indexes are clustered. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the clusters on indexes were properly updated.</returns> private static bool UpdateIndexClusters(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary <string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating index cluster status: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return(false); } try { Log.Debug(String.Format("Checking to see if clusters on indexes should be updated for table '{0}'..", schema.TableName)); var dbIndexes = adapter.GetIndexes(schema.TableName); // For every column associated with an index in the DB, gather the Index Name from the DB, whether the DB index is clustered, // the name of the indexed column in the config, and whether or not the index is clustered IF the column exists in both the config and DB. var indexesToCheck = from dbIndex in dbIndexes from indexedColumn in dbIndex.IndexedColumns join columnName in columns on indexedColumn equals columnName.Key select new { dbIndexName = dbIndex.IndexName, dbIsCluster = dbIndex.IsClustered, indexedColumn = columnName.Key, isClustered = columnName.Value }; foreach (var index in indexesToCheck) { if (index.dbIsCluster == false && index.isClustered == true) { adapter.ClusterIndex(schema.TableName, index.dbIndexName); } else if (index.dbIsCluster == true && index.isClustered == false) { adapter.DropIndex(index.dbIndexName); adapter.CreateIndexOnTable(schema.TableName, index.indexedColumn, index.dbIndexName); } } return(true); } catch { Log.Error(String.Format("Unable to update index cluster status for table '{0}'.", schema.TableName)); return(false); } }
public ISessionFactory Build() { if (dbAdapter == null) { dbAdapter = new NullDbAdapter(); } var domainMap = new DomainMap(dbAdapter); if (domainConfig != null) { domainConfig(domainMap); } domainMap.Done(); if (sessionCacheProvider == null) { sessionCacheProvider = () => new SessionCache(); } return new SessionFactory(connString, dbAdapter, domainMap, sessionCacheProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a table on a remote database server. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table to create.</param> /// <returns>True if table is successfully created.</returns> public static bool CreateTable(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema) { try { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { adapter.CreateTable(schema); } else { Log.Debug(String.Format("Database table '{0}' already exists; skipping creation.", schema.TableName)); } return true; } catch (DbException ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Failed to create database table '{0}': {1}", schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Register a named adapter. Allows a database to be created using Database.CreateDB(name). /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="adapter"></param> /// <remarks>Register adapters in the startup of your application so you don't need to pass connection strings around.</remarks> public static void RegisterAdapter(string name, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (name.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (adapter == null) { sAdapters.Remove(name); } else if (sAdapters.ContainsKey(name)) { sAdapters[name] = adapter; } else { sAdapters.Add(name, adapter); } }
public static void AppendWhereByEnsuredKey(Command cmd, Where where, string keyFieldName, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (where == null) return; switch (where.Type) { case WhereType.Key: cmd.AppendFormat(" where {0}=@0WhereKey", keyFieldName); cmd.AddParameter("@0WhereKey", where.SingleObject); break; case WhereType.Custom: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where.QueryString)) { cmd.AppendFormat(" where {0}", where.QueryString); for (int i = 0; i < where.Parameters.Count; i++) cmd.AddParameter("@" + i, where.Parameters[i]); } break; } AppendOrders(cmd, where.Orders, adapter); }
/// <summary> /// Uses an in-memory schema to initialize a database table according to a set of initialization options. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema to use to initialize.</param> /// <param name="tableInitializationOptions">A set of options to determine initialization behavior.</param> public static void InitializeTable(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, DbTableInitializationOptions tableInitializationOptions) { if (tableInitializationOptions.CreateTableDynamically) { CreateTable(adapter, schema, tableInitializationOptions.IndexesToGenerate); } if (tableInitializationOptions.UpdateDbTableToMatchSchema) { UpdateTableToMatchSchema(adapter, schema); } if (tableInitializationOptions.UpdateSchemaToMatchDbTable) { UpdateSchemaToMatchTable(adapter, schema); } if (tableInitializationOptions.UpdateIndexes) { AddDbIndexesToMatch(adapter, schema, tableInitializationOptions.IndexesToGenerate); RemoveDBIndexesToMatch(adapter, schema, tableInitializationOptions.IndexesToGenerate); UpdateIndexClusters(adapter, schema, tableInitializationOptions.IndexesToGenerate); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a table on a remote database server and indexes the table. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table to create.</param> /// <param name="indexes">A dictionary that contains the indexes to create and whether the indexes are clustered.</param> /// <returns>True if table is successfully created.</returns> public static bool CreateTable(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary <string, bool> indexes) { try { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { adapter.CreateTable(schema); CreateIndexes(adapter, schema, indexes); } else { Log.Debug(String.Format("Database table '{0}' already exists; skipping creation.", schema.TableName)); } return(true); } catch (DbException ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Failed to create database table '{0}': {1}", schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates an existing database table to 'match' a schema by adding any missing columns. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema to use to update the database.</param> /// <returns>True if table is successfully updated to match schema.</returns> public static bool UpdateTableToMatchSchema(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema) { // Check if we need to update the db schema and/or this result schema. var dbTable = adapter.GetSchema(schema.TableName); if (!schema.SchemaEquals(dbTable)) { try { // Insert any missing columns into the database. adapter.AddColumnsToTableToMatchSchema(dbTable.TableName, schema); return true; } catch (DbException ex) { Log.Error("Failed to initialize database writer: " + ex.Message); return false; } } Log.Debug("Database table already matches schema; nothing to update."); return true; }
static async Task Index(Queue <ChangeInfo> changeQueue, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { while (true) { if (changeQueue.Count > 0) { var change = changeQueue.Dequeue(); System.Console.WriteLine(change.EventType + " " + change.Path); switch (change.EventType) { case "Renamed": await dbAdapter.UpdateIndexes(IndexUtils.CreateUpdateIndex(change.Path.ToLower(), change.NewPath.ToLower())); break; case "Created": var newIdx = new Index { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(change.Path), Extention = Path.GetExtension(change.Path), Folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(change.Path), SearchKey = change.Path, }; dbAdapter.SetIndexes(new List <Index> { newIdx }, false); break; case "Deleted": await dbAdapter.UpdateIndexes(IndexUtils.CreateUpdateIndex(change.Path.ToLower(), null)); break; default: break; } } await Task.Delay(100); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds indexes to the database if the existing indexes do not match the dictionary passed in. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if we were successfully able to update the indexes.</returns> private static bool AddDbIndexesToMatch(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary <string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating indexes: table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return(false); } try { Log.Debug(String.Format("Checking to see if indexes should be added to table '{0}'..", schema.TableName)); var dbIndexList = adapter.GetIndexes(schema.TableName.ToString()); var indexesToCreate = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); var existingIndexes = new List <string>(); foreach (var listItem in dbIndexList) { existingIndexes.Add(listItem.IndexName); } foreach (var configEntry in columns) { var indexName = BuildIndexName(schema.TableName, configEntry.Key); if (!existingIndexes.Contains(indexName)) { indexesToCreate.Add(configEntry.Key, configEntry.Value); } } CreateIndexes(adapter, schema, indexesToCreate); return(true); } catch { Log.Error(String.Format("Unable to update indexes for table '{0}'.", schema.TableName)); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates an existing database table to 'match' a schema by adding any missing columns. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema to use to update the database.</param> /// <returns>True if table is successfully updated to match schema.</returns> public static bool UpdateTableToMatchSchema(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema) { // Check if we need to update the db schema and/or this result schema. var dbTable = adapter.GetSchema(schema.TableName); if (!schema.SchemaEquals(dbTable)) { try { // Insert any missing columns into the database. adapter.AddColumnsToTableToMatchSchema(dbTable.TableName, schema); return(true); } catch (DbException ex) { Log.Error("Failed to initialize database writer: " + ex.Message); return(false); } } Log.Debug("Database table already matches schema; nothing to update."); return(true); }
private static ISessionFactory Bootstrap(IDatabaseMigration createSchema, IDbAdapter dbAdapter, Action<string> createDatabaseFunc) { Log.Level = LogLevel.Off; const string dbFileName = "main.db"; const string connectionString = "Data source=" + dbFileName; File.Delete(dbFileName); if (createDatabaseFunc != null) { createDatabaseFunc(connectionString); } var sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure .ConnectionString(connectionString) .DatabaseAdapter(dbAdapter) .Domain(DomainMapping.Get()) .Build(); UnitOfWork.Initialize(sessionFactory); using (var s = sessionFactory.Create()) { s.Open(); new DatabaseMigratorUtility(s).Migrate(createSchema); } return sessionFactory; }
public static void AppendSelect(Command cmd, Select select, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (select == null) { cmd.Append(" *"); return; } switch (select.Type) { case SelectType.All: default: cmd.Append(" *"); break; case SelectType.Custom: if (select.Fields.Count == 0) return; cmd.Append(" "); foreach (string s in select.Fields) cmd.AppendFormat("{0},", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(s)); cmd.RemoveLastChar(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates a schema to 'match' an existing database table by copying it. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema to update.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool UpdateSchemaToMatchTable(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema) { // Copy the DB table's schema back over the top of our in-memory schema to ensure parity. try { // Check to see if overwriting the schema will yield inconsistencies. var existingTableSchema = adapter.GetSchema(schema.TableName); foreach (DataColumn column in schema.Columns) { if (!existingTableSchema.Columns.Contains(column.ColumnName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Cannot update local schema to match database table; column '{0}' exists in the schema, but not the database table.", column.ColumnName)); return false; } if (existingTableSchema.Columns[column.ColumnName].DataType != column.DataType) { Log.Error(String.Format("Cannot update local schema to match database table; data types are inconsistent. [Schema='{0}', DbTable='{1}']", column.DataType, existingTableSchema.Columns[column.ColumnName].DataType)); return false; } if (existingTableSchema.Columns[column.ColumnName].AllowDBNull != column.AllowDBNull) { Log.Error(String.Format("Cannot update local schema to match database table; inconsistencies in 'AllowDBNull' parameter. [Schema='{0}', DbTable='{1}']", column.AllowDBNull, existingTableSchema.Columns[column.ColumnName].AllowDBNull)); return false; } } // Copy the remote database's schema over the top of our in-memory schema. schema = existingTableSchema.Copy(); Log.Debug(String.Format("Updated internal schema to match database table '{0}'.", schema.TableName)); return true; } catch (DbException ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating schema '{0}' from database: {1}", schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return false; } }
public DbModelerLoader(IDbAdapter adapter) { this.adapter = adapter; }
public string ToString(IDbAdapter adapter) { return string.Format("{0} {1}", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(Field), sql_type); }
public IConfigurator DatabaseAdapter(IDbAdapter adapter) { dbAdapter = adapter; return this; }
/// <summary> /// Indexes a set of columns defined by the dictionary that is passed. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table the index will be created on.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the index is created.</returns> private static bool CreateIndexes(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary<string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error creating index: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return false; } foreach (var column in columns) { try { var indexName = column.Key + "_idx"; adapter.CreateIndexOnTable(schema.TableName, column.Key, indexName); if (column.Value == true) { adapter.ClusterIndex(schema.TableName, indexName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error creating index on column '{0}' for table '{1}': {2}", column.Key, schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return false; } } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Uses an in-memory schema to initialize a database table according to a set of initialization options. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to a database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema to use to initialize.</param> /// <param name="tableInitializationOptions">A set of options to determine initialization behavior.</param> public static void InitializeTable(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, DbTableInitializationOptions tableInitializationOptions) { if (tableInitializationOptions.CreateTableDynamically) { CreateTable(adapter, schema); } if (tableInitializationOptions.UpdateDbTableToMatchSchema) { UpdateTableToMatchSchema(adapter, schema); } if (tableInitializationOptions.UpdateSchemaToMatchDbTable) { UpdateSchemaToMatchTable(adapter, schema); } }
public static void Initialize(string connectionString, IDbAdapter dbAdapter) { ConnectionString = connectionString; DbAdapter = dbAdapter; }
public DbAdapterSwitch(IDbAdapter db) { this.db = db; }
/// <summary> /// Adds indexes to the database if the existing indexes do not match the dictionary passed in. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if we were successfully able to update the indexes.</returns> private static bool AddDbIndexesToMatch(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary<string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating indexes: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return false; } try { Log.Debug(String.Format("Checking to see if indexes should be added to table '{0}'..", schema.TableName)); var dbIndexList = adapter.GetIndexes(schema.TableName.ToString()); var indexesToCreate = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); var existingIndexes = new List<string>(); foreach (var listItem in dbIndexList) { existingIndexes.Add(listItem.IndexName); } foreach (var configEntry in columns) { var indexName = configEntry.Key + "_idx"; if (!existingIndexes.Contains(indexName)) { indexesToCreate.Add(configEntry.Key, configEntry.Value); } } CreateIndexes(adapter, schema, indexesToCreate); return true; } catch { Log.Error(String.Format("Unable to update indexes for table '{0}'.", schema.TableName)); return false; } }
public static void AppendPage(Command cmd, string keyFieldName, string tableName, Page page, Where where, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (page == null) return; adapter.AppendPage(cmd, keyFieldName, tableName, page, where); }
public DbCommandFactory(IDbAdapter dbAdapter, IDbConnection connection) { this.dbAdapter = dbAdapter; this.connection = connection; }
/// <summary> /// Removes indexes from database if indexes are not in the dictionary. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the index(es) were properly removed.</returns> private static bool RemoveDBIndexesToMatch(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary<string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating indexes: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return false; } try { Log.Debug(String.Format("Checking to see if indexes should be removed from table '{0}'..", schema.TableName)); var dbIndexes = adapter.GetIndexes(schema.TableName.ToString()); var indexesToDrop = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var dbIndex in dbIndexes) { foreach (var indexedColumn in dbIndex.IndexedColumns) { if (!columns.Keys.Contains(indexedColumn)) { indexesToDrop.Add(dbIndex.IndexName); } } } foreach (var indexToDrop in indexesToDrop) { adapter.DropIndex(indexToDrop); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Unable to remove indexes from table '{0}': {1}", schema.TableName, ex.Message)); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates whether or not indexes are clustered. /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter">Open adapter to the database.</param> /// <param name="schema">The schema of the table.</param> /// <param name="columns">A dictionary where keys are the column names and boolean statements for whether the index is clustered.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the clusters on indexes were properly updated.</returns> private static bool UpdateIndexClusters(IDbAdapter adapter, DataTable schema, IDictionary<string, bool> columns) { if (!adapter.ExistsTable(schema.TableName)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error updating index cluster status: Table {0} does not exist", schema.TableName)); return false; } try { Log.Debug(String.Format("Checking to see if clusters on indexes should be updated for table '{0}'..", schema.TableName)); var dbIndexes = adapter.GetIndexes(schema.TableName); // For every column associated with an index in the DB, gather the Index Name from the DB, whether the DB index is clustered, // the name of the indexed column in the config, and whether or not the index is clustered IF the column exists in both the config and DB. var indexesToCheck = from dbIndex in dbIndexes from indexedColumn in dbIndex.IndexedColumns join columnName in columns on indexedColumn equals columnName.Key select new { dbIndexName = dbIndex.IndexName, dbIsCluster = dbIndex.IsClustered, indexedColumn = columnName.Key, isClustered = columnName.Value }; foreach (var index in indexesToCheck) { if (index.dbIsCluster == false && index.isClustered == true) { adapter.ClusterIndex(schema.TableName, index.dbIndexName); } else if (index.dbIsCluster == true && index.isClustered == false) { adapter.DropIndex(index.dbIndexName); adapter.CreateIndexOnTable(schema.TableName, index.indexedColumn, index.dbIndexName); } } return true; } catch { Log.Error(String.Format("Unable to update index cluster status for table '{0}'.", schema.TableName)); return false; } }
public static Where ToWhere(this IEnumerable<Compare> cos, IDbAdapter adapter) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); List<Object> pms = new List<Object>(); foreach (Compare _co in cos) { Compare co = _co.Clone() as Compare; switch (co.Type) { default: case CompareType.Custom: where.AppendFormat("{0} and ", co.CustomCondition); pms.AddRange(co.CompareValues); break; case CompareType.Equals: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0}=@{1} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), pms.Count); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[0]); } break; case CompareType.Unequals: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0}<>@{1} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), pms.Count); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[0]); } break; case CompareType.GreaterThan: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0}>@{1} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), pms.Count); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[0]); } break; case CompareType.LessThan: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0}<@{1} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), pms.Count); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[0]); } break; case CompareType.Like: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0} like {1} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), adapter.Concat("'%'", "@" + pms.Count, "'%'")); pms.Add(adapter.LikePattern(co.CompareValues[0].ToString())); } break; case CompareType.Between: if (_compareGetBetweenValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0} between @{1} and @{2} and ", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), pms.Count, pms.Count + 1); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[0]); pms.Add(co.CompareValues[1]); } break; case CompareType.In: if (_compareGetInValue(co)) { where.AppendFormat("{0} in (", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)); foreach (var o in co.CompareValues) { where.AppendFormat("@{0},", pms.Count); pms.Add(o); } where.Remove(where.Length - 1, 1); where.Append(") and "); } break; } } if (where.Length == 0) return null; where.Remove(where.Length - 5, 5); return new Where(where.ToString(), pms.ToArray()); }
public static Where ToWhere(this Compare _co, IDbAdapter adapter) { Compare co = _co.Clone() as Compare; switch (co.Type) { default: case CompareType.Custom: return new Where(co.CustomCondition, co.CompareValues); case CompareType.Equals: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0}=@0", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)), co.CompareValues[0]); return null; case CompareType.Unequals: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0}<>@0", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)), co.CompareValues[0]); return null; case CompareType.GreaterThan: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0}>@0", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)), co.CompareValues[0]); return null; case CompareType.LessThan: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0}<@0", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)), co.CompareValues[0]); return null; case CompareType.Like: if (_compareGetSingleValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0} like {1}", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), adapter.Concat("'%'", "@0", "'%'")), adapter.LikePattern(co.CompareValues[0].ToString())); return null; case CompareType.Between: if (_compareGetBetweenValue(co)) return new Where(string.Format("{0} between @0 and @1", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field)), co.CompareValues[0], co.CompareValues[1]); return null; case CompareType.In: if (_compareGetInValue(co)) { List<object> in_pms = new List<object>(); StringBuilder in_query = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var o in co.CompareValues) { in_query.AppendFormat("@{0},", in_pms.Count); in_pms.Add(o); } in_query.Remove(in_query.Length - 1, 1); return new Where(string.Format("{0} in ({1})", adapter.EnsureIdentifier(co.Field), in_query), in_pms.ToArray()); } return null; } }
public DataTableDbWriter(DbDriverType driverType, IDbConnectionInfo connectionInfo, DbTableInitializationOptions tableInitializationOptions = default(DbTableInitializationOptions)) { Adapter = new DbAdapter(driverType, connectionInfo); this.tableInitializationOptions = tableInitializationOptions; }
public static void RegisterQueryAdapter(string provider, IDbAdapter adapter) { if (provider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); Adapters[provider.ToLowerInvariant()] = adapter; }