Пример #1
        public HelpAboutViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IVersionCheck checker, IDaxStudioHost host)
            _eventAggregator     = eventAggregator;
            _host                = host;
            DisplayName          = "About DaxStudio";
            CheckingUpdateStatus = true;
            UpdateStatus         = "Checking for Updates...";
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);

            // start version check async
            VersionChecker = checker;
            VersionChecker.PropertyChanged += VersionChecker_PropertyChanged;
            Task.Run(() =>
            .ContinueWith((previous) => {
                // todo - should we be checking for exceptions in this continuation
                CheckingUpdateStatus = false;
                UpdateStatus         = VersionChecker.VersionStatus;
                VersionIsLatest      = VersionChecker.VersionIsLatest;
                DownloadUrl          = VersionChecker.DownloadUrl;
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => VersionIsLatest);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => DownloadUrl);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => CheckingUpdateStatus);
            }, TaskScheduler.Default);
Пример #2
 public ShellViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, RibbonViewModel ribbonViewModel, StatusBarViewModel statusBar, IConductor conductor, IDaxStudioHost host, IVersionCheck versionCheck)
     Ribbon           = ribbonViewModel;
     Ribbon.Shell     = this;
     StatusBar        = statusBar;
     _windowManager   = windowManager;
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     Tabs = (DocumentTabViewModel)conductor;
     //Tabs.CloseStrategy = new ApplicationCloseStrategy();
     Tabs.CloseStrategy = IoC.Get <ApplicationCloseAllStrategy>();
     _host = host;
     if (_host.CommandLineFileName != string.Empty)
     VersionChecker = versionCheck;
     DisplayName    = string.Format("DaxStudio - {0}", Version.ToString(3));
     Application.Current.Activated += OnApplicationActivated;
     Log.Verbose("============ Shell Started - v{version} =============", Version.ToString());
     //Execute.OnUIThread(() => { notifyIcon = new NotifyIcon(); });
Пример #3
 public QueryResultsPaneViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IDaxStudioHost host, IGlobalOptions options) : this(new DataTable("Empty"))
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     _host    = host;
     _options = options;
        public QueryResultsPaneViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IDaxStudioHost host, IGlobalOptions options) : this(new DataTable("Empty"))
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _host    = host;
            _options = options;
            var items = new ObservableCollection <ListItem>(ScreenUnitsHelper.GenerateScreenUnitList());

            SizeUnits = new UnitViewModel(items, new ScreenConverter(_options.ResultFontSizePx), 0);
Пример #5
 public RibbonViewModel(IDaxStudioHost host, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWindowManager windowManager, OptionsViewModel options)
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     _host          = host;
     _windowManager = windowManager;
     Options        = options;
     CanCut         = true;
     CanCopy        = true;
     CanPaste       = true;
     RecentFiles    = RegistryHelper.GetFileMRUListFromRegistry();
        public ConnectionDialogViewModel(string connectionString
                                         , IDaxStudioHost host
                                         , IEventAggregator eventAggregator
                                         , bool hasPowerPivotModel
                                         , DocumentViewModel document
                                         , ISettingProvider settingProvider
                                         , IGlobalOptions options)
                _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
                _connectionString = connectionString;
                _activeDocument   = document;
                SettingProvider   = settingProvider;
                _ppvtRegex        = new Regex(@"http://localhost:\d{4}/xmla", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                PowerPivotEnabled = true;
                Host = host;
                ServerModeSelected = true;
                Options            = options;


                ParseConnectionString(); // load up dialog with values from ConnStr

                if (Host.IsExcel)
                    //using (new StatusBarMessage("Checking for PowerPivot model 2..."))
                    //bool hasPpvt = false;
                    //HasPowerPivotModelAsync().ContinueWith(t => hasPpvt = t.Result).Wait();

                    if (hasPowerPivotModel)
                        ServerModeSelected     = false;
                        PowerPivotModeSelected = true;
                        HasPowerPivotModel     = true;


                WorkbookName = host.Proxy.WorkbookName;
                DisplayName  = "Connect To";
                //MdxCompatibility = "3 - (Default) Placeholder members are not exposed";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("{class} {method} {message} {stacktrace}", "ConnectionDialogViewModel", "ctor", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
        public ConnectionDialogViewModel(string connectionString, IDaxStudioHost host, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, bool hasPowerPivotModel, DocumentViewModel document )
                _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
                _connectionString = connectionString;
                _activeDocument = document;
                _ppvtRegex = new Regex(@"http://localhost:\d{4}/xmla", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                PowerPivotEnabled = true;
                Host = host;
                ServerModeSelected = true;

                if (PowerBIHelper.Instances.Count > 0)
                    PowerBIDesignerDetected = true;
                    SelectedPowerBIInstance = PowerBIHelper.Instances[0];
                    NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => PowerBIDesignerDetected);
                    NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => PowerBIDesignerInstances);
                    NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SelectedPowerBIInstance);

                ParseConnectionString(); // load up dialog with values from ConnStr

                if (Host.IsExcel)
                    //using (new StatusBarMessage("Checking for PowerPivot model 2..."))
                    //bool hasPpvt = false;
                    //HasPowerPivotModelAsync().ContinueWith(t => hasPpvt = t.Result).Wait(); 

                    if (hasPowerPivotModel)
                        ServerModeSelected = false;
                        PowerPivotModeSelected = true;


                WorkbookName = host.Proxy.WorkbookName;
                DisplayName = "Connect To";
                //MdxCompatibility = "3 - (Default) Placeholder members are not exposed";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("{class} {method} {message} {stacktrace}", "ConnectionDialogViewModel", "ctor", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Пример #8
 public RibbonViewModel(IDaxStudioHost host, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWindowManager windowManager, IGlobalOptions options, ISettingProvider settingProvider)
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     _host           = host;
     _windowManager  = windowManager;
     SettingProvider = settingProvider;
     Options         = options;
     _theme          = Options.Theme;
     CanCut              = true;
     CanCopy             = true;
     CanPaste            = true;
     _sqlProfilerCommand = SqlProfilerHelper.GetSqlProfilerLaunchCommand();
     RecentFiles         = SettingProvider.GetFileMRUList();
Пример #9
        public HelpAboutViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IVersionCheck checker, IDaxStudioHost host, IGlobalOptions options)
            _eventAggregator     = eventAggregator;
            _host                = host;
            Options              = options;
            DisplayName          = "About DaxStudio";
            CheckingUpdateStatus = true;

            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);

            // start version check async
            VersionChecker = checker;
            VersionChecker.UpdateStartingCallback = this.VersionUpdateStarting;
            VersionChecker.UpdateCompleteCallback = this.VersionUpdateComplete;

            VersionChecker.PropertyChanged += VersionChecker_PropertyChanged;
            //Task.Run(() =>
            //    {
            //        this.VersionChecker.Update();
            //    })
            //    .ContinueWith((previous)=> {
            //        //  checking for exceptions and log them
            //        if (previous.IsFaulted)
            //        {
            //            Log.Error(previous.Exception, "{class} {method} {message}", nameof(HelpAboutViewModel), "ctor", $"Error updating version information: {previous.Exception.Message}");
            //            _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new OutputMessage(MessageType.Warning, "Unable to check for an updated release on github"));
            //            CheckingUpdateStatus = false;
            //            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => CheckingUpdateStatus);
            //            return;
            //        }

            //        CheckingUpdateStatus = false;
            //        UpdateStatus = VersionChecker.VersionStatus;
            //        VersionIsLatest = VersionChecker.VersionIsLatest;
            //        DownloadUrl = VersionChecker.DownloadUrl;
            //        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => VersionIsLatest);
            //        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => DownloadUrl);
            //        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);
            //        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => CheckingUpdateStatus);
            //    },TaskScheduler.Default);
Пример #10
        public HelpAboutViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IVersionCheck checker, IDaxStudioHost host)
            _eventAggregator     = eventAggregator;
            _host                = host;
            DisplayName          = "About DaxStudio";
            CheckingUpdateStatus = true;
            UpdateStatus         = "Checking for Updates...";
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);

            // start version check async
            VersionChecker = checker;
            VersionChecker.PropertyChanged += VersionChecker_PropertyChanged;
            Task.Run(() =>
            .ContinueWith((previous) => {
                //  checking for exceptions and log them
                if (previous.IsFaulted)
                    Log.Error(previous.Exception, "{class} {method} {message}", nameof(HelpAboutViewModel), "ctor", $"Error updating version information: {previous.Exception.Message}");
                    _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new OutputMessage(MessageType.Warning, "Unable to check for an updated release on github"));
                    CheckingUpdateStatus = false;
                    NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => CheckingUpdateStatus);

                CheckingUpdateStatus = false;
                UpdateStatus         = VersionChecker.VersionStatus;
                VersionIsLatest      = VersionChecker.VersionIsLatest;
                DownloadUrl          = VersionChecker.DownloadUrl;
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => VersionIsLatest);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => DownloadUrl);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => UpdateStatus);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => CheckingUpdateStatus);
            }, TaskScheduler.Default);
Пример #11
        public ShellViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager
                              , IEventAggregator eventAggregator
                              , RibbonViewModel ribbonViewModel
                              , StatusBarViewModel statusBar
                              , IConductor conductor
                              , IDaxStudioHost host
                              , IVersionCheck versionCheck
                              , IGlobalOptions options
                              , IAutoSaver autoSaver
            Ribbon           = ribbonViewModel;
            Ribbon.Shell     = this;
            StatusBar        = statusBar;
            Options          = options;
            AutoSaver        = autoSaver;
            _windowManager   = windowManager;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            Tabs = (DocumentTabViewModel)conductor;
            //Tabs.CloseStrategy = new ApplicationCloseStrategy();
            Tabs.CloseStrategy = IoC.Get <ApplicationCloseAllStrategy>();
            _host = host;
            _app  = Application.Current;
            var recoveringFiles = false;

            // get master auto save indexes and only get crashed index files...
            var autoSaveInfo   = AutoSaver.LoadAutoSaveMasterIndex();
            var filesToRecover = autoSaveInfo.Values.Where(idx => idx.IsCurrentVersion && idx.ShouldRecover).SelectMany(entry => entry.Files);

            // check for auto-saved files and offer to recover them
            if (filesToRecover.Any())
                recoveringFiles = true;
                // if there are no auto-save files to recover, start the auto save timer
                eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThreadAsync(new StartAutoSaveTimerEvent());

            // if a filename was passed in on the command line open it
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_host.CommandLineFileName))

            // if no tabs are open at this point and we are not recovering autosave file then, open a blank document
            if (Tabs.Items.Count == 0 && !recoveringFiles)

            VersionChecker = versionCheck;

            DisplayName = string.Format("DaxStudio - {0} (PREVIEW)", Version.ToString(4));
            DisplayName = string.Format("DaxStudio - {0}", Version.ToString(3));
            Application.Current.Activated += OnApplicationActivated;
            Log.Verbose("============ Shell Started - v{version} =============", Version.ToString());

            AutoSaveTimer          = new Timer(Constants.AutoSaveIntervalMs);
            AutoSaveTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(AutoSaveTimerElapsed);
Пример #12
 public ResultsTargetExcelLinkedOdc(IDaxStudioHost host, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
     _host            = host;
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
Пример #13
 public ResultsTargetExcelStatic(IDaxStudioHost host)
     _host = host;
Пример #14
        public ShellViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator
                              , RibbonViewModel ribbonViewModel
                              , StatusBarViewModel statusBar
                              , IConductor conductor
                              , IDaxStudioHost host
                              , IVersionCheck versionCheck
                              , IGlobalOptions options
                              , IAutoSaver autoSaver
                              , IThemeManager themeManager)
            Log.Debug(Constants.LogMessageTemplate, nameof(ShellViewModel), "ctor", "Starting Constructor");
            _utcSessionStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
            Ribbon           = ribbonViewModel;
            Ribbon.Shell     = this;
            StatusBar        = statusBar;
            Options          = options;
            AutoSaver        = autoSaver;
            ThemeManager     = themeManager;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;

            Tabs = (DocumentTabViewModel)conductor;
            //Tabs.CloseStrategy = new ApplicationCloseStrategy();
            Tabs.CloseStrategy = IoC.Get <ApplicationCloseAllStrategy>();
            _host     = host;
            _username = UserHelper.GetUser();
            var recoveringFiles = false;

            // get master auto save indexes and only get crashed index files...
            var autoSaveInfo   = AutoSaver.LoadAutoSaveMasterIndex();
            var filesToRecover = autoSaveInfo.Values.Where(idx => idx.IsCurrentVersion && idx.ShouldRecover).SelectMany(entry => entry.Files);

            // check for auto-saved files and offer to recover them
            if (filesToRecover.Any())
                Log.Debug(Constants.LogMessageTemplate, nameof(ShellViewModel), "ctor", "Found auto-save files, beginning recovery");
                recoveringFiles = true;
                // if there are no auto-save files to recover, start the auto save timer
                Log.Debug(Constants.LogMessageTemplate, nameof(ShellViewModel), "ctor", "Starting auto-save timer");
                eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThreadAsync(new StartAutoSaveTimerEvent());

            // if a filename was passed in on the command line open it
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_host.CommandLineFileName))
                Log.Debug(Constants.LogMessageTemplate, nameof(ShellViewModel), "ctor", $"Opening file from command line: '{_host.CommandLineFileName}'");

            // if no tabs are open at this point and we are not recovering auto-save file then, open a blank document
            if (Tabs.Items.Count == 0 && !recoveringFiles)
                Log.Debug(Constants.LogMessageTemplate, nameof(ShellViewModel), "ctor", "Opening a new blank query window");

            VersionChecker = versionCheck;

            DisplayName = AppTitle;

            Application.Current.Activated += OnApplicationActivated;

            AutoSaveTimer          = new Timer(Constants.AutoSaveIntervalMs);
            AutoSaveTimer.Elapsed += AutoSaveTimerElapsed;

            Log.Debug("============ Shell Started - v{version} =============", Version.ToString());
Пример #15
        public ShellViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager
                              , IEventAggregator eventAggregator
                              , RibbonViewModel ribbonViewModel
                              , StatusBarViewModel statusBar
                              , IConductor conductor
                              , IDaxStudioHost host
                              , IVersionCheck versionCheck
                              , ISettingProvider settingProvider)
            Ribbon           = ribbonViewModel;
            Ribbon.Shell     = this;
            StatusBar        = statusBar;
            SettingProvider  = settingProvider;
            _windowManager   = windowManager;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            Tabs = (DocumentTabViewModel)conductor;
            //Tabs.CloseStrategy = new ApplicationCloseStrategy();
            Tabs.CloseStrategy = IoC.Get <ApplicationCloseAllStrategy>();
            _host = host;
            _app  = Application.Current;

            // TODO - get master auto save indexes and only get crashed index files...

            // check for auto-saved files and offer to recover them
            var autoSaveInfo = AutoSaver.LoadAutoSaveMasterIndex();

            if (autoSaveInfo.Values.Where(idx => idx.ShouldRecover).Count() > 0)
                // if a filename was passed in on the command line open it
                if (_host.CommandLineFileName != string.Empty)

                // if no tabs are open at this point open a blank one
                if (Tabs.Items.Count == 0)

                // if there are no auto-save files to recover, start the auto save timer
                eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThreadAsync(new StartAutoSaveTimerEvent());

            VersionChecker = versionCheck;

            DisplayName = string.Format("DaxStudio - {0} (PREVIEW)", Version.ToString(4));
            DisplayName = string.Format("DaxStudio - {0}", Version.ToString(3));
            Application.Current.Activated += OnApplicationActivated;
            Log.Verbose("============ Shell Started - v{version} =============", Version.ToString());

            _autoSaveTimer          = new Timer(Constants.AutoSaveIntervalMs);
            _autoSaveTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(AutoSaveTimerElapsed);
Пример #16
 public ResultsTargetExcelLinked(IDaxStudioHost host)
     _host = host;