Пример #1
        private static bool HasExpression(ConnectionManager connectionManager, List <string> listConfigPaths, out bool HasConfiguration)
            IDTSPropertiesProvider dtsObject = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)connectionManager;
            bool returnValue = false;

            HasConfiguration = false;

#if !DENALI && !SQL2014 //connection managers already have built-in expression highlighting in Denali, so don't run this code in Denali
            foreach (DtsProperty p in dtsObject.Properties)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsObject.GetExpression(p.Name)))
                        returnValue = true;
                catch { }

            //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
            foreach (DtsProperty p in dtsObject.Properties)
                string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(dtsObject);
                if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                    HasConfiguration = true;
        private void CheckForLoop(IDTSPropertiesProvider forLoop, TreeNode parent)
            // Check regular properties of the loop for variables and regular property expressions
            ScanProperties(forLoop, parent);

            DtsProperty property;
            object      propertyValue;

            // Check explicit expression properties as expressions, missed if we are looking for literal variables.
            property      = forLoop.Properties["AssignExpression"];
            propertyValue = property.GetValue(forLoop);
            if (propertyValue != null)
                PropertyAsExpressionMatch(property, propertyValue.ToString(), parent);

            property      = forLoop.Properties["EvalExpression"];
            propertyValue = property.GetValue(forLoop);
            if (propertyValue != null)
                PropertyAsExpressionMatch(property, propertyValue.ToString(), parent);

            property      = forLoop.Properties["InitExpression"];
            propertyValue = property.GetValue(forLoop);
            if (propertyValue != null)
                PropertyAsExpressionMatch(property, propertyValue.ToString(), parent);
Пример #3
        private void ScanProperties(IDTSPropertiesProvider provider, TreeNode parent)
            if (this.CancellationPending)

            TreeNode properties  = AddFolder("Properties", parent);
            TreeNode expressions = AddFolder("PropertyExpressions", parent);

            // New 2012 + interface implemented by Package, Sequence, DtsEventHandler, ForLoop, ForEachLoop
            // There are other objects that implement IDTSPropertiesProvider, and therefore support expressions, e.g. ConnectionManager, Variable
            // However we can use it to skip objects that have no expressions set, by using HasExpressions property
            bool hasExpressions = true;
            IDTSPropertiesProviderEx providerEx = provider as IDTSPropertiesProviderEx;

            if (providerEx != null)
                hasExpressions = providerEx.HasExpressions;

            foreach (DtsProperty property in provider.Properties)
                TypeCode propertyType = property.Type;
                string   propertyName = property.Name;

                #region Check property value
                string match;
                if (property.Type == TypeCode.String && property.Get)
                    string value = property.GetValue(provider) as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        PropertyMatch(properties, new DisplayProperty(property, value), propertyName, value);

                #region Check property expression
                string expression = provider.GetExpression(property.Name);
                if (expression == null)

                // Check this for a while, before we trust it, simce it is undocumented.
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(hasExpressions, "HasExpressions was false, but we have an expression.");

                if (ExpressionMatch(expression, out match))
                    VariableFoundEventArgs foundArgument = new VariableFoundEventArgs();
                    foundArgument.Match = match;
                    AddNode(expressions, propertyName, GetImageIndex(IconKeyVariableExpression), new PropertyExpression(propertyName, expression, PackageHelper.GetTypeFromTypeCode(property.Type)), true);
        public SlackSingleAttachmentTaskForm(IDTSPropertiesProvider propertiesProvider,
                                             IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : this()
            _propertiesProvider   = propertiesProvider;
            this._serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

            _providerProperties = ExtractPropetiesFromProvider(propertiesProvider);

            var timeStampProperty = (DateTime)_providerProperties.Single(z => z.Item1 == "AttachmentTimeStamp").Item3;

            this.AttachmentTimeStampDatePicker.Value = timeStampProperty;
        private void ProcessObject(object component, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, string path)
            if (worker.CancellationPending)

            DtsContainer container = component as DtsContainer;

            // Should only get package as we call GetPackage up front. Could make scope like, but need UI indicator that this is happening
            Package package = component as Package;

            if (package != null)
                path = "\\Package";
                CheckConnectionManagers(package, worker, path);
            else if (!(component is DtsEventHandler))
                path = path + "\\" + container.Name;

            IDTSPropertiesProvider propertiesProvider = component as IDTSPropertiesProvider;

            if (propertiesProvider != null)
                CheckProperties(propertiesProvider, worker, path);

            EventsProvider eventsProvider = component as EventsProvider;

            if (eventsProvider != null)
                foreach (DtsEventHandler eventhandler in eventsProvider.EventHandlers)
                    ProcessObject(eventhandler, worker, path + ".EventHandlers[" + eventhandler.Name + "]");

            IDTSSequence sequence = component as IDTSSequence;

            if (sequence != null)
                ProcessSequence(container, sequence, worker, path);
                ScanPrecedenceConstraints(worker, path, container.ID, sequence.PrecedenceConstraints);
Пример #6
        //Determine if the task has an expression
        private bool HasExpression(Executable executable, System.Collections.Generic.List <string> listConfigPaths, out bool HasConfiguration)
            IDTSPropertiesProvider task = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)executable;
            bool returnValue            = false;

            HasConfiguration = false;

            //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
            foreach (DtsProperty p in task.Properties)
                string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(task);
                if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                    HasConfiguration = true;

            if (executable is ForEachLoop)
                ForEachEnumeratorHost forEachEnumerator = ((ForEachLoop)executable).ForEachEnumerator;

                // Check the for each loop has been configured, else it won't have an enumerator yet
                if (forEachEnumerator == null)

                if (!HasConfiguration)
                    //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
                    foreach (DtsProperty p in forEachEnumerator.Properties)
                        string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(forEachEnumerator);
                        if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                            HasConfiguration = true;

        private Tuple <string, Type, object>[] ExtractPropetiesFromProvider(IDTSPropertiesProvider propertiesProvider)
            //get properties with category custom attribute
            var properties = typeof(SlackSingleAttachmentTask).GetProperties()
                             .Where(z => z.CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(CategoryAttribute)));

            var list = new List <Tuple <string, Type, object> >();

            foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                var prop      = propertiesProvider.Properties[propertyInfo.Name];
                var propValue = prop.GetValue(_propertiesProvider);

                list.Add(new Tuple <string, Type, object>(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.PropertyType, propValue));

Пример #8
        private void CheckProperties(IDTSPropertiesProvider propProvider, BackgroundWorker worker, string path)
            if (worker.CancellationPending)

            if (propProvider is DtsContainer)
                DtsContainer container      = (DtsContainer)propProvider;
                string       containerKey   = PackageHelper.GetContainerKey(container);
                string       objectTypeName = container.GetType().Name;

                if (container is TaskHost)
                    if (((TaskHost)container).InnerObject is MainPipe)
                        objectTypeName = typeof(MainPipe).Name; // Prevents it from saying COM Object
                        objectTypeName = ((TaskHost)container).InnerObject.GetType().Name;

                    ScanProperties(worker, path, typeof(TaskHost), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);
                else if (container is ForEachLoop)
                    ForEachLoop loop = container as ForEachLoop;
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, typeof(ForEachLoop), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);
                    ScanProperties(worker, path + "\\ForEachEnumerator.", typeof(ForEachEnumerator), objectTypeName, container.ID, loop.ForEachEnumerator.ID, container.Name, loop.ForEachEnumerator, containerKey);
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, container.GetType(), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);

                ScanVariables(worker, path, objectTypeName, container.ID, container.Variables);
Пример #9
        private bool HasExpression(TaskHost taskHost, string transformName, List <string> listConfigPaths, out bool HasConfiguration)
            IDTSPropertiesProvider dtsObject = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)taskHost;
            bool returnValue = false;

            HasConfiguration = false;
            transformName    = "[" + transformName + "]";

            foreach (DtsProperty p in dtsObject.Properties)
                if (p.Name.StartsWith(transformName))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsObject.GetExpression(p.Name)))
                            returnValue = true;
                    catch { }

            //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
            foreach (DtsProperty p in dtsObject.Properties)
                if (p.Name.StartsWith(transformName))
                    string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(dtsObject);
                    if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                        HasConfiguration = true;
        private void CheckProperties(IDTSPropertiesProvider propProvider, BackgroundWorker worker, string path)
            if (worker.CancellationPending)

            if (propProvider is DtsContainer)
                DtsContainer container      = (DtsContainer)propProvider;
                string       containerKey   = PackageHelper.GetContainerKey(container);
                string       objectTypeName = container.GetType().Name;

                TaskHost taskHost = container as TaskHost;
                if (taskHost != null)
                    objectTypeName = CheckTaskHost(taskHost, worker, path, container, containerKey);
                else if (container is ForEachLoop)
                    ForEachLoop loop = container as ForEachLoop;
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, typeof(ForEachLoop), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);
                    if (loop.ForEachEnumerator != null)
                        // A For Each Loop that has not been configured yet will not have an enumerator, so ensure we check
                        ScanProperties(worker, path + "\\ForEachEnumerator.", typeof(ForEachEnumerator), objectTypeName, container.ID, loop.ForEachEnumerator.ID, container.Name, loop.ForEachEnumerator, containerKey);
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, container.GetType(), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);

                ScanVariables(worker, path, objectTypeName, container.ID, container.Variables);
Пример #11
        private object SetPropertyValue(DtsObject dtsObject, string propertyPath, object value)
            propertyPath = propertyPath.Replace("\\", ".");
            object returnValue  = null;
            string firstPart    = propertyPath;
            string restOfString = string.Empty;

            if (propertyPath.Contains("."))
                //Can have periods in object names (like connection manager names)
                //Need to verify that period is not between an index marker
                int delimiterIndex = propertyPath.IndexOf(".");
                //while (delimiterIndex > propertyPath.IndexOf("[") &&
                //    delimiterIndex < propertyPath.IndexOf("]"))
                //    delimiterIndex = propertyPath.IndexOf(".", delimiterIndex + 1 );
                if (delimiterIndex > propertyPath.IndexOf("[") &&
                    delimiterIndex < propertyPath.IndexOf("]"))
                    delimiterIndex = propertyPath.IndexOf(".", propertyPath.IndexOf("]"));

                if (delimiterIndex > -1)
                    firstPart    = propertyPath.Substring(0, delimiterIndex);
                    restOfString = propertyPath.Substring(delimiterIndex + 1, (propertyPath.Length - (delimiterIndex + 1)));
                    if (firstPart.Length == 0)
                        return(SetPropertyValue(dtsObject, restOfString, value));

            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("PACKAGE"))
                if (!(dtsObject is Package))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The initial object must be of type Package.", "dtsObject");
                return(SetPropertyValue(dtsObject, restOfString, value));

            //    \Package.Variables[User::TestVar].Properties[Value]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("VARIABLES"))
                if (!(dtsObject is DtsContainer))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type DtsContainer to reference variables.", "dtsObject");
                Variables vars    = null;
                string    varName = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");

                DtsContainer cont = (DtsContainer)dtsObject;
                cont.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead(varName, ref vars);
                returnValue = SetPropertyValue(vars[varName], restOfString, value);

            //    \Package.Properties[CreationDate]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("PROPERTIES"))
                if (!(dtsObject is IDTSPropertiesProvider))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type IDTSPropertiesProvider to reference properties.", "dtsObject");
                IDTSPropertiesProvider propProv = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)dtsObject;
                string propIndex = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");

                DtsProperty prop = propProv.Properties[propIndex];
                if (dtsObject is Variable && prop.Name == "Value")
                    Variable var = (Variable)dtsObject;
                    prop.SetValue(dtsObject, Convert.ChangeType(value, var.DataType));
                    prop.SetValue(dtsObject, Convert.ChangeType(value, propProv.Properties[propIndex].Type));

                //Flag value as changing
                changesvc.OnComponentChanging(prop, null);
                changesvc.OnComponentChanged(prop, null, null, null); //marks the package designer as dirty


            //    \Package.Connections[localhost.AdventureWorksDW2008].Properties[Description]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("CONNECTIONS"))
                if (!(dtsObject is Package))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type Package to reference Connections.", "dtsObject");
                string  connIndex = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");
                Package pkg       = (Package)dtsObject;
                return(SetPropertyValue(pkg.Connections[connIndex], restOfString, value));

            //    \Package.EventHandlers[OnError].Properties[Description]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("EVENTHANDLERS"))
                if (!(dtsObject is EventsProvider))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type EventsProvider to reference events.", "dtsObject");
                EventsProvider eventProvider = (EventsProvider)dtsObject;
                string         eventIndex    = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");
                return(SetPropertyValue(eventProvider.EventHandlers[eventIndex], restOfString, value));

            //First Part of string is not one of the hard-coded values - it's either a task or container
            if (!(dtsObject is IDTSSequence))
                throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type IDTSSequence to reference other tasks or containers.", "dtsObject");

            IDTSSequence seq = (IDTSSequence)dtsObject;

            if (seq.Executables.Contains(firstPart))
                return(SetPropertyValue(seq.Executables[firstPart], restOfString, value));

            //            \Package\Sequence Container\Script Task.Properties[Description]
            //    \Package\Sequence Container.Properties[Description]
            //    \Package\Execute SQL Task.Properties[Description]

            //    \Package.EventHandlers[OnError]\Script Task.Properties[Description]

            if (restOfString.Length > 0)
                returnValue = SetPropertyValue(dtsObject, restOfString, value);

        private void ScanProperties(BackgroundWorker worker, string objectPath, Type objectType, string objectTypeName, string containerID, string objectID, string objectName, IDTSPropertiesProvider provider, string containerKey)
            if (worker.CancellationPending)

            foreach (DtsProperty property in provider.Properties)
                    string expression = provider.GetExpression(property.Name);
                    if (expression == null)


                    ExpressionInfo info = new ExpressionInfo();
                    info.ContainerID = containerID;
                    info.ObjectID = objectID;
                    info.Type = objectType;
                    info.ObjectName = objectName;

                    if (property.Name.StartsWith("["))
                        info.ObjectPath = objectPath + ".Properties" + property.Name + "";
                        info.ObjectPath = objectPath + ".Properties[" + property.Name + "]";

                    info.ObjectType = objectTypeName;
                    info.PropertyName = property.Name;
                    info.Expression = expression;
                    info.HasExpression = (info.Expression != null);
                    info.Icon = PackageHelper.ControlFlowInfos[containerKey].Icon;
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, info);
                catch { }
        private void CheckProperties(IDTSPropertiesProvider propProvider, BackgroundWorker worker, string path)
            if (worker.CancellationPending) return;

            if (propProvider is DtsContainer)
                DtsContainer container = (DtsContainer)propProvider;
                string containerKey = PackageHelper.GetContainerKey(container);
                string objectTypeName = container.GetType().Name;

                if (container is TaskHost)
                    if (((TaskHost)container).InnerObject is MainPipe)
                        objectTypeName = typeof(MainPipe).Name; // Prevents it from saying COM Object
                        objectTypeName = ((TaskHost)container).InnerObject.GetType().Name;

                    ScanProperties(worker, path, typeof(TaskHost), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);
                else if (container is ForEachLoop)
                    ForEachLoop loop = container as ForEachLoop;
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, typeof(ForEachLoop), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);
                    ScanProperties(worker, path + "\\ForEachEnumerator.", typeof(ForEachEnumerator), objectTypeName, container.ID, loop.ForEachEnumerator.ID, container.Name, loop.ForEachEnumerator, containerKey);
                    ScanProperties(worker, path, container.GetType(), objectTypeName, container.ID, container.ID, container.Name, propProvider, containerKey);

                ScanVariables(worker, path, objectTypeName, container.ID, container.Variables);
Пример #14
        private object LocatePropertyValue(object project, DtsObject dtsObject, string propertyPath, PropertyOperation operation, object value)
            propertyPath = propertyPath.Replace("\\", ".");
            object returnValue  = null;
            string firstPart    = propertyPath;
            string restOfString = string.Empty;

            if (propertyPath.Contains("."))
                // Can have periods in object names (like connection manager names)
                // Need to verify that period is not between an index marker
                int delimiterIndex = propertyPath.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal);

                if (delimiterIndex > propertyPath.IndexOf("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                    delimiterIndex < propertyPath.IndexOf("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    delimiterIndex = propertyPath.IndexOf(".", propertyPath.IndexOf("]", StringComparison.Ordinal), StringComparison.Ordinal);

                if (delimiterIndex > -1)
                    firstPart    = propertyPath.Substring(0, delimiterIndex);
                    restOfString = propertyPath.Substring(delimiterIndex + 1, propertyPath.Length - (delimiterIndex + 1));
                    if (firstPart.Length == 0)
                        return(LocatePropertyValue(project, dtsObject, restOfString, operation, value));

            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("PROJECT"))
                if (!(project is Project))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The initial object must be of type Project.", "project");
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, (DtsObject)project, restOfString, operation, value));

            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("CONNECTIONMANAGERS"))
                string            connIndex = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");
                ConnectionManager cm        = (((Project)project).ConnectionManagerItems[connIndex]).ConnectionManager;
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, cm, restOfString, operation, value));

            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("PACKAGE"))
                if (!(dtsObject is Package))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The initial object must be of type Package.", "dtsObject");
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, dtsObject, restOfString, operation, value));

            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("VARIABLES"))
                if (!(dtsObject is DtsContainer))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type DtsContainer to reference variables.", "dtsObject");
                Variables vars    = null;
                string    varName = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");

                DtsContainer cont = (DtsContainer)dtsObject;
                cont.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead(varName, ref vars);
                returnValue = LocatePropertyValue(project, vars[varName], restOfString, operation, value);

            // \Package.Properties[CreationDate]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("PROPERTIES"))
                string propIndex = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");

                if (!(dtsObject is IDTSPropertiesProvider))
                    if (!(dtsObject is Project))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type Project or IDTSPropertiesProvider to reference properties.", "dtsObject");
                        if (operation == PropertyOperation.Set)
                            dtsObject.GetType().GetProperty(propIndex).SetValue(dtsObject, Convert.ChangeType(value, dtsObject.GetType()));
                        return(dtsObject.GetType().GetProperty(propIndex).GetValue(dtsObject, null));
                IDTSPropertiesProvider propProv = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)dtsObject;

                DtsProperty prop = propProv.Properties[propIndex];

                if (operation == PropertyOperation.Set)
                    if (dtsObject is Variable)
                        Variable var = (Variable)dtsObject;
                        prop.SetValue(dtsObject, Convert.ChangeType(value, var.DataType));
                        prop.SetValue(dtsObject, Convert.ChangeType(value, propProv.Properties[propIndex].Type));

            // \Package.Connections[localhost.AdventureWorksDW2008].Properties[Description]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("CONNECTIONS"))
                if (!(dtsObject is Package))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type Package to reference Connections.", "dtsObject");
                string  connIndex = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");
                Package pkg       = (Package)dtsObject;
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, pkg.Connections[connIndex], restOfString, operation, value));

            // \Package.EventHandlers[OnError].Properties[Description]
            if (firstPart.ToUpper().StartsWith("EVENTHANDLERS"))
                if (!(dtsObject is EventsProvider))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type EventsProvider to reference events.", "dtsObject");
                EventsProvider eventProvider = (EventsProvider)dtsObject;
                string         eventIndex    = GetSubStringBetween(firstPart, "[", "]");
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, eventProvider.EventHandlers[eventIndex], restOfString, operation, value));

            // First Part of string is not one of the hard-coded values - it's either a task or container
            if (!(dtsObject is IDTSSequence))
                throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type IDTSSequence to reference other tasks or containers.", "dtsObject");

            IDTSSequence seq = (IDTSSequence)dtsObject;

            if (seq.Executables.Contains(firstPart))
                return(LocatePropertyValue(project, seq.Executables[firstPart], restOfString, operation, value));

            // \Package\Sequence Container\Script Task.Properties[Description]
            // \Package\Sequence Container.Properties[Description]
            // \Package\Execute SQL Task.Properties[Description]
            // \Package.EventHandlers[OnError].Variables[System::Cancel].Properties[Value]
            // \Package.EventHandlers[OnError]\Script Task.Properties[Description]
            if (restOfString.Length > 0)
                returnValue = LocatePropertyValue(project, dtsObject, restOfString, operation, value);

        void expressionListWindow_EditExpressionSelected(object sender, EditExpressionSelectedEventArgs e)
                Package      package   = null;
                DtsContainer container = null;

                if (win == null)

                    package = GetCurrentPackage();
                    if (package == null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.ToString());

                // Parameters for Expression Editor
                Variables         variables         = null;
                VariableDispenser variableDispenser = null;
                string            propertyName      = string.Empty;
                Type propertyType = null;

                // Target objects
                IDTSPropertiesProvider propertiesProvider = null;
                Variable             variable             = null;
                PrecedenceConstraint constraint           = null;

                // Get the container
                container = SSISHelpers.FindContainer(package, e.ContainerID);

                // Get the property details and variable objects for the editor
                if (e.Type == typeof(Variable))
                    variable = SSISHelpers.FindVariable(container, e.ObjectID);

                    propertyName = "Value";
                    propertyType = System.Type.GetType("System." + variable.DataType.ToString());

                    variables         = container.Variables;
                    variableDispenser = container.VariableDispenser;
                else if (e.Type == typeof(PrecedenceConstraint))
                    constraint = SSISHelpers.FindConstraint(container, e.ObjectID);

                    propertyName = "Expression";
                    propertyType = typeof(bool);

                    variables         = container.Variables;
                    variableDispenser = container.VariableDispenser;
                    if (e.Type == typeof(ConnectionManager))
                        propertiesProvider = SSISHelpers.FindConnectionManager(package, e.ObjectID) as IDTSPropertiesProvider;
                    else if (e.Type == typeof(ForEachEnumerator))
                        ForEachLoop forEachLoop = container as ForEachLoop;
                        propertiesProvider = forEachLoop.ForEachEnumerator as IDTSPropertiesProvider;
                        propertiesProvider = container as IDTSPropertiesProvider;

                    if (propertiesProvider != null)
                        DtsProperty property = propertiesProvider.Properties[e.Property];
                        propertyName      = property.Name;
                        propertyType      = PackageHelper.GetTypeFromTypeCode(property.Type);
                        variables         = container.Variables;
                        variableDispenser = container.VariableDispenser;
                        throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Expression editing not supported on this object ({0}).", e.ObjectID));

                // Show the editor
                Konesans.Dts.ExpressionEditor.ExpressionEditorPublic editor = new Konesans.Dts.ExpressionEditor.ExpressionEditorPublic(variables, variableDispenser, propertyType, propertyName, e.Expression);
                editor.Editor.ExpressionFont  = ExpressionFont;
                editor.Editor.ExpressionColor = ExpressionColor;
                editor.Editor.ResultFont      = ResultFont;
                editor.Editor.ResultColor     = ResultColor;
                if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    // Get expression
                    string expression = editor.Expression;
                    if (expression == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression.Trim()))
                        expression = null;

                    // Set the new expression on the target object
                    object objectChanged = null;
                    if (variable != null)
                        if (expression == null)
                            variable.EvaluateAsExpression = false;

                        variable.Expression = expression;
                        objectChanged       = variable;
                    else if (constraint != null)
                        if (expression == null)
                            constraint.EvalOp = DTSPrecedenceEvalOp.Constraint;

                        constraint.Expression = expression;
                        objectChanged         = constraint;
                    else if (propertiesProvider != null)
                        // TaskHost, Sequence, ForLoop, ForEachLoop and ConnectionManager
                        propertiesProvider.SetExpression(e.Property, expression);
                        objectChanged = propertiesProvider;

                    expressionListWindow_RefreshExpressions(null, null);

                    // Finish displaying expressions list before you mark the package
                    // as dirty (which runs the expression highlighter)

                    SetPackageAsDirty(package, expression, objectChanged);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        private void ScanProperties(BackgroundWorker worker, string objectPath, Type objectType, string objectTypeName, string containerID, string objectID, string objectName, IDTSPropertiesProvider provider, string containerKey)
            if (worker.CancellationPending)

            foreach (DtsProperty property in provider.Properties)
                    string expression = provider.GetExpression(property.Name);
                    if (expression == null)


                    ExpressionInfo info = new ExpressionInfo();
                    info.ContainerID = containerID;
                    info.ObjectID    = objectID;
                    info.Type        = objectType;
                    info.ObjectName  = objectName;

                    if (property.Name.StartsWith("["))
                        info.ObjectPath = objectPath + ".Properties" + property.Name + "";
                        info.ObjectPath = objectPath + ".Properties[" + property.Name + "]";

                    info.ObjectType    = objectTypeName;
                    info.PropertyName  = property.Name;
                    info.Expression    = expression;
                    info.HasExpression = (info.Expression != null);
                    info.Icon          = PackageHelper.ControlFlowInfos[containerKey].Icon;
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, info);
                catch { }
Пример #17
        //Determine if the task has an expression
        private bool HasExpression(Executable executable, System.Collections.Generic.List <string> listConfigPaths, out bool HasConfiguration)
            IDTSPropertiesProvider task = (IDTSPropertiesProvider)executable;
            bool returnValue            = false;

            HasConfiguration = false;

#if !DENALI && !SQL2014 //has built-in expression highlighting
            foreach (DtsProperty p in task.Properties)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.GetExpression(p.Name)))
                        returnValue = true;
                catch { }

            //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
            foreach (DtsProperty p in task.Properties)
                string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(task);
                if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                    HasConfiguration = true;

            if (executable is ForEachLoop)
                ForEachEnumeratorHost forEachEnumerator = ((ForEachLoop)executable).ForEachEnumerator;

#if !DENALI && !SQL2014 //has built-in expression highlighting
                if (!returnValue)
                    foreach (DtsProperty p in forEachEnumerator.Properties)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forEachEnumerator.GetExpression(p.Name)))
                                returnValue = true;
                        catch { }

                if (!HasConfiguration)
                    //check for package configurations separately so you can break out of the expensive expressions search as soon as you find one
                    foreach (DtsProperty p in forEachEnumerator.Properties)
                        string sPackagePath = p.GetPackagePath(forEachEnumerator);
                        if (listConfigPaths.Contains(sPackagePath))
                            HasConfiguration = true;
