void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewTimeInterval) { this.dtpStartTime.Value = DateTime.Now; this.dtpEndTime.Value = DateTime.Now; this.Text = "Agregar nuevo Intervalo"; this.iOriginalTimeInterval = (ScheduleEntryDTO)pNewTimeInterval; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewSlide) { this.txtDuration.Text = String.Empty; //transicion this.Text = "Agregar nuevo Slide"; this.iOriginalSlide = (SlideDTO)pNewSlide; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewCampaign) { this.txtTitle.Text = String.Empty; this.txtDescription.Text = String.Empty; this.Text = "Agregar nueva Campaña"; this.iOriginalCampaign = (CampaignDTO)pNewCampaign; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewBanner) { this.txtName.Text = String.Empty; this.txtDescription.Text = String.Empty; this.Text = "Agregar nuevo Banner"; this.iOriginalBanner = (AdminBannerDTO)pNewBanner; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewStaticText) { this.txtTitle.Text = String.Empty; this.txtDescription.Text = String.Empty; this.txtText.Text = String.Empty; this.Text = "Agregar nuevo Texto Fijo"; this.iOriginalStaticText = (StaticTextDTO)pNewStaticText; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewRSSSource) { this.txtTitle.Text = String.Empty; this.txtDescription.Text = String.Empty; this.txtURL.Text = String.Empty; this.Text = "Agregar nueva FuenteRSS"; this.iOriginalRSSSource = (RssSourceDTO)pNewRSSSource; }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Add(IDTO pNewDateInterval) { this.txtTitle.Text = String.Empty; this.dtpStartDate.Value = DateTime.Now; this.dtpEndDate.Value = DateTime.Now; this.Text = "Agregar nuevo Intervalo"; this.iOriginalDateInterval = (ScheduleDTO)pNewDateInterval; }
/*public DataGridView DateSource { get { return this.dgv.DataSource; } }*/ public void Agregar(IAddModifyViewForm pForm ,IDTO pDTO) { pForm.Agregar(pDTO); DialogResult resultado = pForm.ShowForm(); if (resultado == DialogResult.OK) { //turno de la fachada } }
public void Eliminar(IDTO pDTO) { DialogResult resultado = MessageBox.Show("¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este elemento?", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); switch (resultado) { case DialogResult.Yes: //this.iFachada.Delete(persona); //this.iBinding.Remove(persona); break; case DialogResult.No: break; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pSlide) { if (pSlide == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalSlide = (SlideDTO)pSlide; this.txtDuration.Text = iOriginalSlide.Duration.ToString(); this.Text = "Modificar Slide"; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pBanner) { if (pBanner == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("El Banner indicado es nulo"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalBanner = (AdminBannerDTO)pBanner; this.txtName.Text = iOriginalBanner.Name; this.txtDescription.Text = iOriginalBanner.Description; this.Text = "Modificar Banner"; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pCampaign) { if (pCampaign == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("La campaña indicada es nula"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalCampaign = (CampaignDTO)pCampaign; this.txtTitle.Text = iOriginalCampaign.Name; this.txtDescription.Text = iOriginalCampaign.Description; this.Text = "Modificar Campaña"; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pTimeInterval) { if (pTimeInterval == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("El intervalo de tiempo indicado es nulo"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalTimeInterval = (ScheduleEntryDTO)pTimeInterval; this.dtpStartTime.Value = DateTime.MinValue + iOriginalTimeInterval.StartTime; this.dtpEndTime.Value = DateTime.MinValue + iOriginalTimeInterval.EndTime; this.Text = "Modificar Intervalo"; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pStaticText) { if (pStaticText == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("El texto fijo indicado es nulo"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalStaticText = (StaticTextDTO)pStaticText; this.txtTitle.Text = iOriginalStaticText.Title; this.txtDescription.Text = iOriginalStaticText.Description; this.txtText.Text = iOriginalStaticText.Text; this.Text = "Modificar Texto Fijo"; } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pRSSSource) { if (pRSSSource == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("La fuente RSS indicada es nula"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalRSSSource = (RssSourceDTO)pRSSSource; this.txtTitle.Text = iOriginalRSSSource.Title; this.txtDescription.Text = iOriginalRSSSource.Description; this.txtURL.Text = iOriginalRSSSource.URL; this.Text = "Modificar FuenteRSS"; } }
private static void FillData(IDTO dto, EntityBase entity, bool populateEntityFromDTO) { var dtoType = dto.GetType(); var entityType = entity.GetType(); if (!VerifyValidEntityType(entityType, dtoType)) { throw new EntityConversionException(); } var properties = dtoType.GetProperties(); var sourceObject = populateEntityFromDTO ? (dto as object) : (entity as object); var destinationObject = populateEntityFromDTO ? (entity as object) : (dto as object); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { var attributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EntityPropertyMappingAttribute), false); if (attributes.Length == 0) { continue; } bool skipThisProperty = false; foreach (object customAttribute in attributes) { EntityPropertyMappingAttribute entityPropertyMappingAttribute = (EntityPropertyMappingAttribute)customAttribute; if (entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.None || (populateEntityFromDTO && entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.DTOFromEntity) || (!populateEntityFromDTO && entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.EntityFromDTO)) { skipThisProperty = true; break; } } if (skipThisProperty) { continue; } var entityProperty = entityType.GetProperty(property.Name); var sourceProperty = populateEntityFromDTO ? property : entityProperty; var destinationProperty = populateEntityFromDTO ? entityProperty : property; var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceObject, null); if (destinationProperty.CanWrite) { destinationProperty.SetValue(destinationObject, sourceValue, null); } } }
void IAddModifyViewForm.Modify(IDTO pDateInterval) { if (pDateInterval == null) { throw new EntidadNulaException("El intervalo de fechas indicado es nulo"); //TODO excepcion argumentexception creo } else { this.iOriginalDateInterval = (ScheduleDTO)pDateInterval; this.txtTitle.Text = iOriginalDateInterval.Name; this.dtpStartDate.Value = iOriginalDateInterval.ActiveFrom; this.dtpEndDate.Value = iOriginalDateInterval.ActiveUntil; this.Text = "Modificar Intervalo"; foreach (Days dia in iOriginalDateInterval.Days) { switch (dia) { case Days.Domingo: this.chkSunday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Lunes: this.chkMonday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Martes: this.chkTuesday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Miercoles: this.chkWednesday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Jueves: this.chkThursday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Viernes: this.chkFriday.Checked = true; break; case Days.Sabado: this.chkSaturday.Checked = true; break; default: break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Fills the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewModel">The dto.</param> /// <param name="dto">The viewModel.</param> /// <param name="viewModelFromDto">if private set to <c>true</c> [viewModel from dto].</param> private static void FillData(ViewModelBase viewModel, IDTO dto, bool viewModelFromDto) { var dtoType = dto.GetType(); var viewModelType = viewModel.GetType(); MappingType mappingType; if (!VerifyForViewModelType(viewModelType, dtoType, out mappingType)) { throw new DTOConversionException(string.Format(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, "ViewModel type '{0}' must match with type specified in ViewModelMappingAttribute on type '{1}' !", viewModelType.ToString(), dtoType.ToString())); } var properties = dtoType.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { bool skipThisProperty = false; object[] customAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute), false); if (mappingType == MappingType.TotalExplicit && customAttributes.Length == 0) { continue; } foreach (object customAttribute in customAttributes) { ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute entityPropertyMappingAttribute = (ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute)customAttribute; if (entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.None) { skipThisProperty = true; break; } } if (skipThisProperty) { continue; } var entityPropertyName = GetEntityPropertyName(property, mappingType, viewModelFromDto); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityPropertyName)) { var entityProperty = viewModelType.GetProperty(entityPropertyName); if (entityProperty == null) { throw new DTOConversionException(entityPropertyName, dto); } var sourceProperty = viewModelFromDto ? property : entityProperty; var destinationProperty = viewModelFromDto ? entityProperty : property; var sourceObject = viewModelFromDto ? (object)dto : (object)viewModel; var destinationObject = viewModelFromDto ? (viewModel as object) : (dto as object); var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceObject, null); if (destinationProperty.CanWrite) { if (sourceProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum && destinationProperty.PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { sourceValue = (byte)(int)sourceValue; } destinationProperty.SetValue(destinationObject, sourceValue, null); } } } }
public UpdateToDoItemCommandHandler(IUserManager userAccessor, IDTO dtoMapper, IInstanceDB instanceDB) { _userAccessor = userAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userAccessor)); _dtoMapper = dtoMapper; _instanceDB = instanceDB; }
/// <summary> /// Fills the viewModel from DTO. /// </summary> /// <param name="toViewModel"> /// The View Model to copy to. /// </param> /// <param name="fromDTO"> /// The DTO to copy from. /// </param> public static void FillViewModelFromDTO(object toViewModel, IDTO fromDTO) { FillData(toViewModel, fromDTO, true); }
public UpdatePatchToDoListCommandHandler(IPatchToDo patchToDo, IDTO dtoMapper, IInstanceDB instanceDB) { _patchToDo = patchToDo; _dtoMapper = dtoMapper; _instanceDB = instanceDB; }
/// <summary> /// Fills the DTO from entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromEntity">From entity.</param> /// <param name="toDTO">To DTO.</param> public static void FillDTOFromEntity(object fromEntity, IDTO toDTO) { FillData(toDTO, fromEntity, false); }
public IViewModel SaveFonogram(IDTO idto) { _repository.Fonogram(idto); return(ConvertToViewModel.GetFonogramViewModel(_repository.GetViewable())); }
public CommonData.ReturnCode SearchData(IDTO searchDto, out DataTable dtResult) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public CommonData.ReturnCode InsertData(IDTO insertDto) { CommonData.ReturnCode returnCode = CategoryDAO.InsertData(insertDto as CategoryDTO); return(returnCode); }
public CommonData.ReturnCode UpdateData(IDTO updateDto) { CommonData.ReturnCode returnCode = CategoryDAO.UpdateData(updateDto as CategoryDTO); return(returnCode); }
public CommonData.ReturnCode SearchData(IDTO searchDto, out List <CategoryDTO> list) { CommonData.ReturnCode returnCode = CategoryDAO.SearchData(searchDto as CategoryDTO, out list); return(returnCode); }
public int UpdateData(IDTO updateDto) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int InsertData(IDTO insertDto) { int returnCode = ItemDAO.InsertData(insertDto as ItemDTO); return(returnCode); }
public IViewModel SaveAlbum(IDTO idto) { _repository.Album(idto); return(ConvertToViewModel.GetAlbumViewModel(_repository.GetViewable())); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the viewModel from DTO. /// </summary> /// <param name="toViewModel"> /// The View Model to copy to. /// </param> /// <param name="fromDTO"> /// The DTO to copy from. /// </param> public static void FillViewModelFromDTO(ViewModelBase toViewModel, IDTO fromDTO) { FillData(toViewModel, fromDTO, true); }
/// <summary> /// Fills Entity from DTO /// </summary> /// <param name="fromDTO">From DTO</param> /// <param name="toEntity"></param> public static void FillEntityFromDTO(IDTO fromDTO, EntityBase toEntity) { FillData(fromDTO, toEntity, true); }
public override IDataParameter CreateParameter(string key, IDTO value) => new SqlParameter($"@{key}", value.Id);
/// <summary> /// Fills the DTO from Complex object. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromComplex"> /// The from Complex Object. /// </param> /// <param name="toDTO"> /// To DTO. /// </param> public static void FillDTOFromComplexObject(object fromComplex, IDTO toDTO) { FillData(toDTO, fromComplex, false); }
public DataSaver(IDTO inputDTO) { _repository = new RepSaver(); _localSaveService = new AppSaveService(_repository); evaluateInput(inputDTO); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the entity from DTO. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromDTO">From DTO.</param> /// <param name="toEntity">To entity.</param> public static void FillEntityFromDTO(IDTO fromDTO, object toEntity) { FillData(fromDTO, toEntity, true); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">The dto.</param> /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param> /// <param name="entityFromDto">if private set to <c>true</c> [entity from dto].</param> private static void FillData(IDTO dto, object entity, bool entityFromDto) { var dtoType = dto.GetType(); var entityType = entity.GetType(); MappingType mappingType; if (!VerifyForEntityType(entityType, dtoType, out mappingType)) { throw new EntityConversionException(string.Format(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, "Entity type '{0}' must match with type specified in EntityMappingAttribute on type '{1}' !", entityType.ToString(), dtoType.ToString())); } var properties = dtoType.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { bool skipThisProperty = false; object[] customAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EntityPropertyMappingAttribute), false); if (mappingType == MappingType.TotalExplicit && customAttributes.Length == 0) { continue; } foreach (object customAttribute in customAttributes) { EntityPropertyMappingAttribute entityPropertyMappingAttribute = (EntityPropertyMappingAttribute)customAttribute; if (entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.None) { skipThisProperty = true; break; } } if (skipThisProperty) { continue; } var entityPropertyName = GetEntityPropertyName(property, mappingType, entityFromDto); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityPropertyName)) { var entityProperty = entityType.GetProperty(entityPropertyName); if (entityProperty == null) { throw new EntityConversionException(entityPropertyName, entity); } var sourceProperty = entityFromDto ? property : entityProperty; var destinationProperty = entityFromDto ? entityProperty : property; var sourceObject = entityFromDto ? (dto as object) : (entity as object); var destinationObject = entityFromDto ? (entity as object) : (dto as object); bool isComplexProperty = false; DTOType DTOTypeOfComplexProperty = DTOType.Undefined; //var allTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); //var aa = allTypes.GetTypes(); object[] complexPropertyMappingAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComplexPropertyMappingAttribute), false); if (complexPropertyMappingAttributes.Length != 0) { if (complexPropertyMappingAttributes.Length > 1) { throw new EntityConversionException(string.Format("More than one {0} is not allowed at {1}.", "ComplexPropertyMappingAttribute", property.ToString())); } ComplexPropertyMappingAttribute complexPropertyMappingAttribute = (ComplexPropertyMappingAttribute)complexPropertyMappingAttributes[0]; isComplexProperty = true; DTOTypeOfComplexProperty = complexPropertyMappingAttribute.DTOType; } if (isComplexProperty) { object sourcePropertyObject = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceObject); if (sourcePropertyObject != null) { object destinationPropertyObject = destinationProperty.GetValue(destinationObject); if (destinationPropertyObject == null) { object obj = null; if (entityFromDto) { // create the entity object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(destinationProperty.PropertyType); } else { // create the DTO object obj = DTOFactory.Instance.Create(DTOTypeOfComplexProperty, null); } destinationProperty.SetValue(destinationObject, obj, null); destinationPropertyObject = destinationProperty.GetValue(destinationObject); } if (entityFromDto) { FillData((IDTO)sourcePropertyObject, destinationPropertyObject, true); } else { FillData((IDTO)destinationPropertyObject, sourcePropertyObject, false); } } } else { var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceObject, null); if (destinationProperty.CanWrite) { if (sourceProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum && destinationProperty.PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { sourceValue = (byte)(int)sourceValue; } destinationProperty.SetValue(destinationObject, sourceValue, null); } } } } }
public int InsertData(IDTO insertDto) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public Search(IDTO inputDTO, ISearcher inputRepository) { _repository = inputRepository; _localService = new AppSearchService(_repository); evaluateInput(inputDTO); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the DTO from viewModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="toDTO">To dto.</param> /// <param name="fromViewModel">from view model.</param> public static void FillDTOFromViewModel(IDTO toDTO, object fromViewModel) { FillData(fromViewModel, toDTO, false); }
public CommonData.ReturnCode SearchData(IDTO searchDto, out List <IDTO> list) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewModel">The dto.</param> /// <param name="dto">The viewModel.</param> /// <param name="viewModelFromDto">if private set to <c>true</c> [viewModel from dto].</param> private static void FillData(object viewModel, IDTO dto, bool viewModelFromDto) { var dtoType = dto.GetType(); var viewModelType = viewModel.GetType(); MappingType mappingType; if (!VerifyForViewModelType(viewModelType, dtoType, out mappingType)) { throw new DTOConversionException(string.Format(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, "ViewModel type '{0}' must match with type specified in ViewModelMappingAttribute on type '{1}' !", viewModelType.ToString(), dtoType.ToString())); } var properties = dtoType.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { bool skipThisProperty = false; object[] customAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute), false); if (mappingType == MappingType.TotalExplicit && customAttributes.Length == 0) { continue; } foreach (object customAttribute in customAttributes) { ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute entityPropertyMappingAttribute = (ViewModelPropertyMappingAttribute)customAttribute; if (entityPropertyMappingAttribute.MappingDirection == MappingDirectionType.None) { skipThisProperty = true; break; } } if (skipThisProperty) { continue; } var entityPropertyName = GetEntityPropertyName(property, mappingType, viewModelFromDto); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityPropertyName)) { var entityProperty = viewModelType.GetProperty(entityPropertyName); if (entityProperty != null) { var sourceProperty = viewModelFromDto ? property : entityProperty; var destinationProperty = viewModelFromDto ? entityProperty : property; var sourceObject = viewModelFromDto ? (object)dto : (object)viewModel; var destinationObject = viewModelFromDto ? (viewModel as object) : (dto as object); var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceObject, null); if (destinationProperty.CanWrite) { if (sourceProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum && destinationProperty.PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { sourceValue = (byte)(int)sourceValue; } destinationProperty.SetValue(destinationObject, sourceValue, null); } } } } }
public int SearchData(IDTO searchDto, out DataTable dtResult) { int returnCode = MeasureDAO.SearchData(searchDto as MeasureDTO, out dtResult); return(returnCode); }
public AddToDoItemCommandHandler(IUserManager userAccessor, IDTO dTO, IInstanceDB instanceDB) { _userAccessor = userAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userAccessor)); _dTO = dTO; _instanceDB = instanceDB; }
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { Type modelType = bindingContext.ModelType; bool hasComposedKey = modelType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDTO <,>)); typeProperties.TryGetValue(modelType, out PropertyInfo[] properties); if (properties == null) { properties = modelType.GetProperties(); typeProperties.Add(modelType, properties); } IValueProvider valueProvider = bindingContext.ValueProvider; object result = bindingContext.Model ?? Activator.CreateInstance(modelType); IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> filteredProperties = properties.Where(i => i.CanWrite); if (hasComposedKey) { filteredProperties = filteredProperties.Where(i => i.Name != "Id"); } foreach (PropertyInfo property in filteredProperties) { string name = property.Name; Type propertyType = property.PropertyType; ValueProviderResult propertyValueResult = valueProvider.GetValue(name); string propertyValue = propertyValueResult?.AttemptedValue; if (propertyValue != null && property.GetCustomAttribute <DataTypeAttribute>()?.DataType != DataType.Password) { propertyValue = propertyValue.Trim(); } propertiesValidations.TryGetValue(property, out IEnumerable <ValidationAttribute> validationAttributes); if (validationAttributes == null) { validationAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes().Where(i => typeof(ValidationAttribute).IsAssignableFrom(i.GetType())).Cast <ValidationAttribute>(); propertiesValidations.Add(property, validationAttributes); } bool isValid = true; string errorMessage = null; if (validationAttributes.FirstOrDefault(i => i is RequiredAttribute) is RequiredAttribute || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyValue)) { foreach (ValidationAttribute validation in validationAttributes) { if (!validation.IsValid(propertyValue)) { isValid = false; errorMessage = validation.ErrorMessage; break; } } } if (isValid) { if (typeof(IDTO).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { Type basePropertyType = propertyType.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsGenericType && (i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDTO <>) || i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDTO <,>))); if (basePropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDTO <>)) { Type basePropertyTypeArgument = basePropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; IDTO propertyObjectValue = Activator.CreateInstance(propertyType) as IDTO; if (basePropertyTypeArgument == typeof(string)) { propertyObjectValue.Id = propertyValue; } else if (basePropertyTypeArgument == typeof(Guid) && propertyValue != null) { propertyObjectValue.Id = Guid.Parse(propertyValue); } else if (basePropertyTypeArgument == typeof(byte) && propertyValue != null) { propertyObjectValue.Id = byte.Parse(propertyValue); } property.SetValue(result, propertyObjectValue); } else { Type[] basePropertyTypeArguments = basePropertyType.GetGenericArguments(); Type basePropertyTypeFirstArgument = basePropertyTypeArguments.First(), basePropertyTypeSecondArgument = basePropertyTypeArguments.Last(); IDTO propertyObjectValue = Activator.CreateInstance(propertyType) as IDTO; Type idType = typeof(CompositeKey <,>).MakeGenericType(basePropertyTypeFirstArgument, basePropertyTypeSecondArgument); object idObject = Activator.CreateInstance(idType); object idFirstKey = null, idSecondKey = null; string[] propertyValues = propertyValue.Split('|'); string firstPropertyValue = propertyValues.First(), secondPropertyValue = propertyValues.Last(); if (basePropertyTypeFirstArgument == typeof(string)) { idFirstKey = firstPropertyValue; } else if (typeof(IDTO <string>).IsAssignableFrom(basePropertyTypeFirstArgument)) { IDTO <string> idFirstKeyObject = Activator.CreateInstance(basePropertyTypeFirstArgument) as IDTO <string>; idFirstKeyObject.Id = firstPropertyValue; idFirstKey = idFirstKeyObject; } if (basePropertyTypeSecondArgument == typeof(string)) { idSecondKey = secondPropertyValue; } else if (typeof(IDTO <string>).IsAssignableFrom(basePropertyTypeSecondArgument)) { IDTO <string> idSecondKeyObject = Activator.CreateInstance(basePropertyTypeSecondArgument) as IDTO <string>; idSecondKeyObject.Id = secondPropertyValue; idSecondKey = idSecondKeyObject; } idType.GetProperty("FirstKey").SetValue(idObject, idFirstKey); idType.GetProperty("SecondKey").SetValue(idObject, idSecondKey); propertyObjectValue.Id = idObject; property.SetValue(result, propertyObjectValue); } } else { if (propertyType == typeof(Guid) && propertyValue != null) { property.SetValue(result, Guid.Parse(propertyValue)); } else { property.SetValue(result, propertyValue); } } } else { bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(name, errorMessage); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the DTO from viewModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="toDTO">To dto.</param> /// <param name="fromViewModel">from view model.</param> public static void FillDTOFromViewModel(IDTO toDTO, ViewModelBase fromViewModel) { FillData(fromViewModel, toDTO, false); }
public void Album(IDTO idto) { Album album = Deleter.DeleteAlbum(idto.Id); _viewable = DbModelsToViewable.ConvertToAlbumViewable(album); }
/// <summary> /// Fills DTO from Entity /// </summary> /// <param name="fromEntity">From Entity</param> /// <param name="toDTO">DTO to be filled</param> public static void FillDTOFromEntity(EntityBase fromEntity, IDTO toDTO) { FillData(toDTO, fromEntity, false); }
public void Fonogram(IDTO idto) { Fonogram fonogram = Deleter.DeleteFonogram(idto.Id); _viewable = DbModelsToViewable.ConvertToFonogramViewable(fonogram); }
public void Izvodjac(IDTO idto) { Izvodjac izvodjac = Deleter.DeleteIzvodjac(idto.Id); _viewable = DbModelsToViewable.ConvertToIzvodjacViewable(izvodjac); }
public IViewModel SaveIzvodjac(IDTO idto) { _repository.Izvodjac(idto); return(ConvertToViewModel.GetIzvodjacViewModel(_repository.GetViewable())); }
public SaveReadUpdate(IDTO inputDTO, IRepository inputRepository) { _repository = inputRepository; _localService = new AppMainService(_repository); evaluateInput(inputDTO); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the DTO from Complex object. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromComplex"> /// The from Complex Object. /// </param> /// <param name="toDTO"> /// To DTO. /// </param> public static void FillDTOFromComplexObject(ComplexObject fromComplex, IDTO toDTO) { FillData(toDTO, fromComplex, false); }