Пример #1
    public void AddToInventory(int alienID)
        if (idManager.GetInventorySlot(alienID) == -1) // If the alien doesn't have a pre-defined slot
            // Get an empty slot index
            for (int i = 0; i < invSlots.Length; i++)
                if (invSlots[i].IsEmpty())
                    emptySlotIndex = i;

            // Set the inventory slot of the alien to the empty one we just found
            idManager.SetInventorySlot(alienID, emptySlotIndex);
            // If the alien already has a slot then set the empty slot index to that slot
            emptySlotIndex = idManager.GetInventorySlot(alienID);

        // Set slot value to a string of the aliens stats. Slot4 = "1/0/1/etc.." so we can retrieve anywhere
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("slot" + emptySlotIndex.ToString(), alienID.ToString());

        // Set the image of the slot to be identical to the alien
        itemParent.transform.GetChild(emptySlotIndex).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true;
        itemParent.transform.GetChild(emptySlotIndex).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite  = alienIcons[idManager.GetAlienType(alienID)];

        if (idManager.GetPosition(alienID) == 2) // If the alien is on the floor make it's button un-interactable
            itemParent.transform.GetChild(emptySlotIndex).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;

        // Set the inventory slot we're inserting into to be not empty
Пример #2
 public void AddToBreedingSlot(int alienID)
     if (!slot1Occupied || !slot2Occupied)
         idManager.SetPosition(alienID, 3);
         itemParent.transform.GetChild(idManager.GetInventorySlot(alienID)).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false; // Make the aliens inventory slot un-interactable
         if (!slot1Occupied)
             id1           = alienID;                                                                                                   // Set the first id slot variable to the alien ID
             slot1Occupied = true;                                                                                                      // Set the first slot variable to be occupied
             Alien1Slot.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true;                                        // Enable the image
             Alien1Slot.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite  = alienIcons[idManager.GetAlienType(alienID)]; // Set the sprite based on the alien type
         else if (!slot2Occupied)
             id2           = alienID;
             slot2Occupied = true;
             Alien2Slot.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true;
             Alien2Slot.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite  = alienIcons[idManager.GetAlienType(alienID)];
Пример #3
    void Start()
        invent    = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <InventoryManager>(); // Grab inventory so we can add to it
        idManager = GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>();

        alienIdsArray = PlayerPrefs.GetString("alienIdsString").Split('/'); // Give each of the ID's a place in an array

        foreach (string id in alienIdsArray)                                // Then pair the id's with it's corresponding string, which will hold the alien data
            int.TryParse(id, out idStringToInt);                            // TryParse instead of just parsing (i don't know why)
            alienDataDict[idStringToInt] = PlayerPrefs.GetString(id);

        if (alienDataDict.ContainsValue("")) // Removes initial value at the start which has no value

        //PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("alienIdsString"); // Useful for clearing both data structures

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> id in alienDataDict) // Add aliens to lists so we can load them into the correct scenes
            if (idManager.GetPosition(id.Key) == 1)              // If the alien's in the inventory add it to the inventory
            else if (idManager.GetPosition(id.Key) == 2) // If the alien should b on the floor (2)
            else if (idManager.GetPosition(id.Key) == 3)   // If it was in the breeding slot, reset it so that it's in the inventory
                idManager.SetPosition(id.Key, 1);

        switch (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex) // Decide which aliens to load and where to load them based on what scene we're in
        case 0:                                           // Home
            foreach (int item in ToAddToInvent)
            foreach (int item in ToAddToFloor)

        case 1:     // Fighting scene

        case 2:     // Breeding scene
            foreach (int item in ToAddToInvent)
            foreach (int item in ToAddToFloor)
                GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>().SetInventorySlot(item, idManager.GetInventorySlot(item));                                                   // Set the inventory slot to be the slot of the inventory alien
                GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <InventoryManager>().AlienOnFloor(false, GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>().GetInventorySlot(item)); // Make it's inventory slot un-interactable

        case 3:     // Shop scene

        case 4:     // Evotree scene
Пример #4
    public void AddAlienToFloor(int id)
        // Using it's data we know what type it is, so we instantiate it on the floor. this allows us to retain a ghost copy in the inventory
        createdAlien = Instantiate(aliensArray[idManager.GetAlienType(id)]);                                                                                                // Instantiate an alien based on it's type
        createdAlien.GetComponent <AlienBase>().SetID(id);                                                                                                                  // Set the id of the new alien to the id of the inventory alien

        GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>().SetInventorySlot(id, idManager.GetInventorySlot(id));                                                     // Set the inventory slot to be the slot of the inventory alien
        GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>().SetPosition(id, 2);                                                                                       // Set it's position to be on the floor

        createdAlien.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.0f, 2.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 3.0f), 0);                                                               // Randomize it's position

        GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <InventoryManager>().AlienOnFloor(false, GameObject.Find("DataManager").GetComponent <IDManager>().GetInventorySlot(id)); // Make it's inventory slot un-interactable