Пример #1
    private void Load_MenuPartial(int PatientId, string Status, int CountryId)
        ICustomForm CustomFormMgr = (ICustomForm)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(ObjFactoryParameter);
        DataSet     theDS         = CustomFormMgr.GetFormName(1, CountryId);

        foreach (DataRow dr in theDS.Tables[0].Rows)
            string theURL = string.Format("{0}", "../ClinicalForms/frmClinical_CustomForm.aspx?");

            if (Status == "0")
                //divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class ='menuitem2' id ='mnu" + dr["FormID"] + "' onClick=fnSetformID('"+dr["FeatureID"].ToString()+"'); HRef=" + theURL + " runat='server'>" + dr["FeatureName"] + "</a>"));
                divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class ='menuitem2' id ='mnu" + dr["FeatureID"] + "' onClick=fnSetformID('" + dr["FeatureID"].ToString() + "'); HRef=" + theURL + " runat='server' "));
                if (PtnARTStatus == 1)
                    divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Disabled='true'"));
                divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" >" + dr["FeatureName"] + "</a>"));
                //divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class ='menuitem2' id ='mnu" + dr["FormID"] + "' onClick=fnSetformID('" + dr["FeatureID"].ToString() + "'); runat='server'>" + dr["FeatureName"] + "</a>"));
                divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class ='menuitem2' id ='mnu" + dr["FeatureID"] + "' onClick=fnSetformID('" + dr["FeatureID"].ToString() + "'); HRef=" + theURL + " runat='server' "));
                if (PtnARTStatus == 1)
                    divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Disabled='true'"));
                divPMTCT.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" >" + dr["FeatureName"] + "</a>"));
Пример #2
    public void TabUserRights(Button save, Button print, int FeatureID, int TabID)
        ICustomForm     mgrUserValidate = (ICustomForm)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance("BusinessProcess.Clinical.BCustomForm, BusinessProcess.Clinical");
        IKNHStaticForms isTabSaved      = (IKNHStaticForms)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance("BusinessProcess.Clinical.BKNHStaticForms, BusinessProcess.Clinical");

        //int iSavedUserID = mgrUserValidate.GetCustomFormSavedByUser(Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PatientVisitId"]), TabID);

        //if user have view permission disable the buttons
        //AuthenticationManager Authentication = new AuthenticationManager();
        bool bCanView = !HasFunctionRight(FeatureID, TabID, FunctionAccess.View, (DataTable)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserRight"]);

        //if user have view permission
        save.Enabled = bCanView;

        //first time  - new user form creation
        if (Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PatientVisitId"]) == 0)
            bool bCanAdd = HasFunctionRight(FeatureID, TabID, FunctionAccess.Add, (DataTable)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserRight"]);

            save.Enabled = bCanAdd;
        else if (Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PatientVisitId"]) > 0)
            DataSet tabSaved = isTabSaved.CheckIfTabSaved(TabID, Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PatientVisitId"]));
            if (tabSaved.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                bool bCanAdd = HasFunctionRight(FeatureID, TabID, FunctionAccess.Add, (DataTable)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserRight"]);
                save.Enabled = bCanAdd;
                bool bCanUpdate = HasFunctionRight(FeatureID, TabID, FunctionAccess.Update, (DataTable)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserRight"]);
                //if (bCanUpdate == true)
                //    //if user is different from who already saved user.
                //    bCanUpdate = (iSavedUserID == Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["AppUserId"]));

                if (Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["AppUserID"]) == 1)
                    bCanUpdate = true;

                save.Enabled = bCanUpdate;

        print.Enabled = HasFunctionRight(FeatureID, TabID, FunctionAccess.Print, (DataTable)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserRight"]);
Пример #3
 private bool IsFormEnabled(ICustomForm form, List <string> disabledFeatures)
     Attribute[] formAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(form.GetType());
     foreach (Attribute formAttribute in formAttributes)
         if (formAttribute is FeatureAttribute)
             string featureName = (formAttribute as FeatureAttribute).FeatureName;
             if (disabledFeatures.Contains(featureName))
        public static async Task <ValidateResult> ValidateDate(ICustomForm state, object value)
            var result = await WitRequestFromString.ToWitResult(Convert.ToString(value));

            if (result.TryFindEntities(WitBuiltinEntities.DateTime, out var dateTimeEntities))
                var dates = DateTimeRangeWithPrecisionHelper.GetDatesFromWitEntities(dateTimeEntities);

                var date = dates.First();

                return(new ValidateResult
                    IsValid = true,
                    Value = new DateTimeA(date.StartDate)

            return(new ValidateResult
                IsValid = false,
                Feedback = "Veuillez saisir une date valide."
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// For loading Controls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlID"></param>
        /// <param name="PnlAddControl"></param>
        /// <param name="Column"></param>
        /// <param name="ID"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldValue"></param>
        /// <param name="Label"></param>
        /// <param name="Table"></param>
        private void LoadFieldTypeControl(string ControlID, Panel PnlAddControl, string Column, string ID, string CodeID, string Label, string Table)
            string strNewLine;
            int    lblength = 0;

            lblength = Label.Length;
            Label lblControlLabel = new Label();

            lblControlLabel.Name = "lblControlLabel_" + Label;
            lblControlLabel.Text = Label + ":";
            //lblControlLabel.Tag = "lblLabelPreview";
            lblControlLabel.AutoSize = false;
            lblControlLabel.Top      = 4;
            lblControlLabel.Height   = 25;
            int iStartVar = 14;
            int iEndVar   = lblControlLabel.Text.Length;

            lblControlLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Regular);
            while (iEndVar > iStartVar)
                strNewLine           = lblControlLabel.Text.Insert(iStartVar, "\n");
                lblControlLabel.Text = strNewLine;
                iStartVar            = iStartVar + 14;
                if (iStartVar > iEndVar)
            lblControlLabel.Left = 65;

            if (ControlID == "1")       ///SingleLine Text Box

                TextBox theSingleText = new TextBox();
                theSingleText.Name      = "TXTSingle-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theSingleText.Width     = 180;
                theSingleText.Height    = 20;
                theSingleText.Top       = 4;
                theSingleText.Left      = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theSingleText.MaxLength = 50;
                theSingleText.Tag       = "txtTextBox";

            else if (ControlID == "2") ///DecimalTextBox

                TextBox theSingleDecimalText = new TextBox();
                theSingleDecimalText.Name      = "TXT-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theSingleDecimalText.Width     = 180;
                theSingleDecimalText.Height    = 20;
                theSingleDecimalText.Top       = 4;
                theSingleDecimalText.Left      = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theSingleDecimalText.MaxLength = 50;
                theSingleDecimalText.Tag       = "txtTextBox";
            else if (ControlID == "3")   /// Numeric

                TextBox theNumberText = new TextBox();
                theNumberText.Name      = "TXTNUM-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theNumberText.Width     = 100;
                theNumberText.Height    = 20;
                theNumberText.MaxLength = 9;
                theNumberText.Left      = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theNumberText.Top       = 4;
                theNumberText.Tag       = "txtTextBox";

            else if (ControlID == "4") /// Dropdown

                ComboBox ddlSelectList = new ComboBox();
                ddlSelectList.Name          = "SELECTLIST-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                ddlSelectList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                ddlSelectList.Tag           = "ddlDropDownList";
                if (CodeID == "")
                    CodeID = "0";
                ddlSelectList.Width  = 220;
                ddlSelectList.Height = 20;
                ddlSelectList.Top    = 4;
                ddlSelectList.Left   = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;

                ICustomForm CustomFormMgr = (ICustomForm)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(ObjFactoryParameter);
                DataSet     theDS         = CustomFormMgr.GetPmtctDecodeTable((CodeID));
                DataTable   theDT         = theDS.Tables[0];
                theBind.Win_BindCombo(ddlSelectList, theDT, "Name", "ID");
            else if (ControlID == "5") ///Date

                TextBox theDateText = new TextBox();
                theDateText.Name = "TXTDT-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                Control ctl = (TextBox)theDateText;
                theDateText.Width     = 83;
                theDateText.Height    = 20;
                theDateText.MaxLength = 11;
                theDateText.Top       = 4;
                theDateText.Left      = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theDateText.Tag       = "txtTextBox";

                string     strGetPath   = GetPath();
                PictureBox theDateImage = new PictureBox();
                theDateImage.Size  = new System.Drawing.Size(22, 22);
                theDateImage.Left  = (theDateText.Width + theDateText.Left) + 2;
                theDateImage.Image = new Bitmap(strGetPath + "\\Preview_Img.bmp");

                Label lblDate = new Label();
                lblDate.Name = "lblControlLabelDate_" + Label;
                lblDate.Text = "(DD-MMM-YY)";
                lblDate.Top  = 4;
                lblDate.Left = (theDateImage.Width + theDateImage.Left) + 2;
            else if (ControlID == "6")  /// Radio Button

                RadioButton theYesNoRadio1 = new RadioButton();
                theYesNoRadio1.Name  = "RADIO1-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theYesNoRadio1.Text  = "Yes";
                theYesNoRadio1.Name  = "" + Column + "";
                theYesNoRadio1.Top   = 4;
                theYesNoRadio1.Width = 55;
                theYesNoRadio1.Left  = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;

                RadioButton theYesNoRadio2 = new RadioButton();
                theYesNoRadio2.Name  = "RADIO2-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theYesNoRadio2.Text  = "No";
                theYesNoRadio2.Width = 55;
                theYesNoRadio2.Name  = "" + Column + "";
                theYesNoRadio2.Top   = 4;
                theYesNoRadio2.Left  = (theYesNoRadio1.Left + theYesNoRadio1.Width) + 2;
            else if (ControlID == "7") //Checkbox

                TextBox  theMultiText = new TextBox();
                CheckBox theChk       = new CheckBox();
                theChk.Name = "Chk-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theChk.Top  = 4;
                theChk.Left = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
            else if (ControlID == "8")  /// MultiLine TextBox

                TextBox theMultiText = new TextBox();
                theMultiText.Name       = "TXTMulti-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theMultiText.Width      = 200;
                theMultiText.Height     = 30;
                theMultiText.Top        = 4;
                theMultiText.Multiline  = true;
                theMultiText.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Both;
                theMultiText.MaxLength  = 200;
                theMultiText.Tag        = "txtTextBox";
                theMultiText.Left       = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;

            else if (ControlID == "9") ///  MultiSelect List
                lblControlLabel.Top = 6;

                CheckedListBox chkMultiList = new CheckedListBox();
                chkMultiList.Name = "MULTISELECTLIST-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                if (CodeID == "")
                    CodeID = "0";
                chkMultiList.Tag    = "check";
                chkMultiList.Width  = 240;
                chkMultiList.Top    = 4;
                chkMultiList.Height = 80;
                chkMultiList.Left   = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;

                ICustomForm CustomFormMgr = (ICustomForm)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(ObjFactoryParameter);
                DataSet     theDS         = CustomFormMgr.GetPmtctDecodeTable((CodeID));
                DataTable   theDT         = theDS.Tables[0];
                theBind.Win_BindCheckListBox(chkMultiList, theDT, "Name", "ID");

            else if (ControlID == "10")    ///SingleLine Text Box(Regimen)

                TextBox theSingleText = new TextBox();
                theSingleText.Name      = "TXTSingle-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theSingleText.Width     = 165;
                theSingleText.Height    = 21;
                theSingleText.Top       = 4;
                theSingleText.Left      = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theSingleText.MaxLength = 50;
                theSingleText.Tag       = "txtTextBox";

                Button theButton = new Button();
                theButton.Name   = "Button-" + Column + "-" + Table;
                theButton.Width  = 30;
                theButton.Height = 5;
                theButton.Top    = 4;
                theButton.Left   = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + theSingleText.Left;
                theButton.Tag    = "btnH25WFlexi";

            else if (ControlID == "11")


                Button theButton = new Button();
                theButton.Name   = "Drug Selection";
                theButton.Width  = 55;
                theButton.Height = 5;
                theButton.Top    = 5;
                theButton.Left   = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theButton.Tag    = "btnH25WFlexi";
            else if (ControlID == "12")
                Button theButton = new Button();
                theButton.Name   = "Lab Selection";
                theButton.Width  = 55;
                theButton.Height = 5;
                theButton.Top    = 5;
                theButton.Left   = (lblControlLabel.Width + lblControlLabel.Left) + 2;
                theButton.Tag    = "btnH25WFlexi";
Пример #6
        private void LoadPredefinedLabel_Field(int FeatureID, int PatientID)
            ICustomForm CustomFormMgr = (ICustomForm)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(ObjFactoryParameter);
            DataSet     theDS         = CustomFormMgr.GetFieldName_and_Label(GblIQCare.iFormBuilderId, 0);

            if (theDS.Tables[1].Rows.Count <= 0)
            lblFormName.Text = theDS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["FeatureName"].ToString();
            DataTable DT = theDS.Tables[1].DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SectionID", "SectionName").Copy();
            DataTable theConditionalFields = theDS.Tables[6].Copy();
            DataView  DV;

            DV = theDS.Tables[1].DefaultView;
            int iCountCtrl;

            int Numtds = 2, iPanelTop = 93;

            Panel PnlSectionHeading = new Panel();

            PnlSectionHeading.Name      = "PnlSectionHeading_SS";
            PnlSectionHeading.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
            PnlSectionHeading.Left      = 10;
            PnlSectionHeading.Width     = 925;
            if (GblIQCare.iFormBuilderId == 126)
                PnlSectionHeading.Top = panel3.Height + 10;//iPanelTop;
                PnlSectionHeading.Top = iPanelTop + 10;
            PnlSectionHeading.Height      = iPanelTop + 10;
            PnlSectionHeading.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            PnlSectionHeading.Tag         = "pnlPanelPreview";
            int    iValueLeft = 20, iValueRight = 20, iTest = 0;
            string strPnlName = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < DT.Rows.Count; i++)
                int td = 1, iTestCount = 0, iTotalCtrl = 0, iVerify = 0;
                DV.RowFilter = " SectionID=" + DT.Rows[i]["SectionID"];
                iTotalCtrl   = DV.Count;
                iCountCtrl   = (DV.Count) % 2;
                if (iCountCtrl != 0)
                    iCountCtrl = Convert.ToInt32((DV.Count + 1) / 2);
                    iTestCount = 1;
                    iCountCtrl = Convert.ToInt32(DV.Count / 2);
                    iTestCount = 2;
                Label lblSectionHeading = new Label();
                lblSectionHeading.Name     = "lblSectionHeading_" + i;
                lblSectionHeading.Text     = DT.Rows[i]["SectionName"].ToString();
                lblSectionHeading.Tag      = "lblLabelPreviewHeader";
                lblSectionHeading.Top      = iValueLeft;
                lblSectionHeading.AutoSize = true;
                iValueLeft         = lblSectionHeading.Height + iValueLeft + 10;
                iValueRight        = lblSectionHeading.Height + iValueRight + 10;
                pnlPreviewForm.Tag = "pnlPanel";

                foreach (DataRow DRLnkTable in theDS.Tables[1].Rows)
                    if (DT.Rows[i]["SectionID"].ToString() == DRLnkTable["SectionID"].ToString())
                        if (td <= Numtds)
                            Panel pnlControlCol = new Panel();
                            pnlControlCol.Height = panel3.Height + 3;
                            if (td == 1 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() != "9")
                                if (iVerify == iTotalCtrl && iTestCount == 1)
                                    pnlControlCol.Name        = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                    strPnlName                = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                                    pnlControlCol.Left        = 12;
                                    pnlControlCol.Width       = 445;
                                    pnlControlCol.Top         = iValueLeft;
                                    pnlControlCol.Height      = 40;
                                    pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                    iValueLeft                = iValueLeft + 45;
                                    Panel pnlControlRow = new Panel();
                                    pnlControlRow.Left      = 464;
                                    pnlControlRow.Width     = 445;
                                    pnlControlRow.Top       = iValueRight;
                                    pnlControlRow.Height    = 40;
                                    pnlControlRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    iValueRight             = iValueRight + 45;
                                    td    = 1;
                                    iTest = 1;
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 45;
                                    iTest = 1;
                                    pnlControlCol.Name        = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                    strPnlName                = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                                    pnlControlCol.Left        = 12;
                                    pnlControlCol.Width       = 445;
                                    pnlControlCol.Top         = iValueLeft;
                                    pnlControlCol.Height      = 40;
                                    pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                    iValueLeft                = iValueLeft + 45;
                                    iTest = 1;
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 45;
                            else if (td == 2 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() != "9")
                                pnlControlCol.Name  = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                pnlControlCol.Left  = 464;
                                pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                                pnlControlCol.Top   = iValueRight;
                                if (iTest == 1)
                                    pnlControlCol.Height = 40;
                                else if (iTest == 2)
                                    pnlControlCol.Height     = 90;
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 15;
                                    iValueRight = iValueRight + 60;
                                pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                iValueRight = iValueRight + 45;
                                td          = 1;
                                iTest       = 1;
                            else if (td == 1 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() == "9")
                                if (iVerify == iTotalCtrl && iTestCount == 1)
                                    pnlControlCol.Name        = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                    strPnlName                = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                                    pnlControlCol.Left        = 12;
                                    pnlControlCol.Width       = 445;
                                    pnlControlCol.Top         = iValueLeft;
                                    pnlControlCol.Height      = 90;
                                    pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                    iValueLeft                = iValueLeft + 105;
                                    iTest = 2;

                                    Panel pnlControlRow = new Panel();
                                    pnlControlRow.Left      = 464;
                                    pnlControlRow.Width     = 445;
                                    pnlControlRow.Top       = iValueRight;
                                    pnlControlRow.Height    = 90;
                                    pnlControlRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    iValueRight             = iValueRight + 105;

                                    td = 1;
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 60;
                                    pnlControlCol.Name        = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                    strPnlName                = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                                    pnlControlCol.Left        = 12;
                                    pnlControlCol.Width       = 445;
                                    pnlControlCol.Top         = iValueLeft;
                                    pnlControlCol.Height      = 90;
                                    pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                    pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                    iValueLeft                = iValueLeft + 105;
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height  = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 60;
                                    iTest = 2;
                            else if (td == 2 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() == "9")
                                if (iTest == 1)
                                    PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 15;
                                    Panel pnlFindpanel;
                                    pnlFindpanel        = (Panel)PnlSectionHeading.Controls.Find(strPnlName, true)[0];
                                    pnlFindpanel.Height = 90;
                                    iValueLeft          = iValueLeft + 60;
                                pnlControlCol.Name        = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                                pnlControlCol.Left        = 464;
                                pnlControlCol.Width       = 445;
                                pnlControlCol.Top         = iValueRight;
                                pnlControlCol.Height      = 90;
                                pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                                pnlControlCol.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                                iValueRight = iValueRight + 105;
                                td          = 1;
                                iTest       = 2;

                            LoadFieldTypeControl(DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString(), pnlControlCol, DRLnkTable["FieldName"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["FieldID"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["CodeID"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["FieldLabel"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["PDFTableName"].ToString());

                        //Conditional Field

                        /*if (theConditional == true)
                         * {
                         *  if (td <= Numtds)
                         *  {
                         *      Panel pnlControlCol = new Panel();
                         *      pnlControlCol.Height = panel3.Height + 3;
                         *      if (td == 1 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() != "9")
                         *      {
                         *          if (iVerify == iTotalCtrl && iTestCount == 1)
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *              strPnlName = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                         *              pnlControlCol.Left = 12;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Top = iValueLeft;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 40;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *              iValueLeft = iValueLeft + 45;
                         *              td++;
                         *              Panel pnlControlRow = new Panel();
                         *              pnlControlRow.Left = 464;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Top = iValueRight;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Height = 40;
                         *              pnlControlRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              iValueRight = iValueRight + 45;
                         *              td = 1;
                         *              iTest = 1;
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Controls.Add(pnlControlRow);
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 45;
                         *              iTest = 1;
                         *          }
                         *          else
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *              strPnlName = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                         *              pnlControlCol.Left = 12;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Top = iValueLeft;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 40;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *              iValueLeft = iValueLeft + 45;
                         *              td++;
                         *              iTest = 1;
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 45;
                         *          }
                         *      }
                         *      else if (td == 2 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() != "9")
                         *      {
                         *          pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *          pnlControlCol.Left = 464;
                         *          pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *          pnlControlCol.Top = iValueRight;
                         *          if (iTest == 1)
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 40;
                         *          }
                         *          else if (iTest == 2)
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 90;
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 15;
                         *              iValueRight = iValueRight + 60;
                         *          }
                         *          pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *          pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *          iValueRight = iValueRight + 45;
                         *          td = 1;
                         *          iTest = 1;
                         *      }
                         *      else if (td == 1 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() == "9")
                         *      {
                         *          if (iVerify == iTotalCtrl && iTestCount == 1)
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *              strPnlName = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                         *              pnlControlCol.Left = 12;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Top = iValueLeft;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 90;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *              iValueLeft = iValueLeft + 105;
                         *              iTest = 2;
                         *              td++;
                         *              Panel pnlControlRow = new Panel();
                         *              pnlControlRow.Left = 464;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Top = iValueRight;
                         *              pnlControlRow.Height = 90;
                         *              pnlControlRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              iValueRight = iValueRight + 105;
                         *              td = 1;
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Controls.Add(pnlControlRow);
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 60;
                         *          }
                         *          else
                         *          {
                         *              pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *              strPnlName = pnlControlCol.Name.ToString();
                         *              pnlControlCol.Left = 12;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Top = iValueLeft;
                         *              pnlControlCol.Height = 90;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *              pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *              iValueLeft = iValueLeft + 105;
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 60;
                         *              td++;
                         *              iTest = 2;
                         *          }
                         *      }
                         *      else if (td == 2 && DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString() == "9")
                         *      {
                         *          if (iTest == 1)
                         *          {
                         *              PnlSectionHeading.Height = PnlSectionHeading.Height + 15;
                         *              Panel pnlFindpanel;
                         *              pnlFindpanel = (Panel)PnlSectionHeading.Controls.Find(strPnlName, true)[0];
                         *              pnlFindpanel.Height = 90;
                         *              iValueLeft = iValueLeft + 60;
                         *          }
                         *          pnlControlCol.Name = "pnl_" + DRLnkTable["FieldName"] + "";
                         *          pnlControlCol.Left = 464;
                         *          pnlControlCol.Width = 445;
                         *          pnlControlCol.Top = iValueRight;
                         *          pnlControlCol.Height = 90;
                         *          pnlControlCol.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                         *          pnlControlCol.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                         *          iValueRight = iValueRight + 105;
                         *          td = 1;
                         *          iTest = 2;
                         *      }
                         *      LoadFieldTypeControl(DRLnkTable["Controlid"].ToString(), pnlControlCol, DRLnkTable["FieldName"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["FieldID"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["CodeID"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["FieldLabel"].ToString(), DRLnkTable["PDFTableName"].ToString());
                         *      PnlSectionHeading.Controls.Add(pnlControlCol);
                         *      theStyle.setStyle(PnlSectionHeading);
                         *  }
                         * }*/

            ///For Add/Save/Close buttons

            Panel pnlButton = new Panel();

            pnlButton.Left   = 10;
            pnlButton.Width  = 925;
            pnlButton.Top    = PnlSectionHeading.Height + iPanelTop + 20;
            pnlButton.Height = 70;
            pnlButton.Tag    = "lblLabelPreviewHeader";

            pnlButton.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
            pnlButton.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            if (GblIQCare.iFormBuilderId != 126)
                Panel pnlSignature = new Panel();
                pnlSignature.Left   = 12;
                pnlSignature.Width  = 900;
                pnlSignature.Top    = 4;
                pnlSignature.Height = 35;
                //pnlSignature.Tag = "lblLabelPreviewHeader";

                pnlSignature.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                pnlSignature.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

                Label lblSignature = new Label();
                lblSignature.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                lblSignature.Left      = 365;
                lblSignature.Text      = "Signature:";
                lblSignature.Top       = 4;
                lblSignature.Font      = new Font(lblSignature.Font, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Regular);

                ComboBox ddlSignature = new ComboBox();
                ddlSignature.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                ddlSignature.Tag           = "ddlDropDownList";
                ddlSignature.Width         = 220;
                ddlSignature.Height        = 2;
                ddlSignature.Top           = 4;
                ddlSignature.Left          = (lblSignature.Width + lblSignature.Left);
                ddlSignature.Items.Insert(0, "Select");
                ddlSignature.SelectedIndex = 0;

            Button btnSave = new Button();

            btnSave.Tag     = "btnSingleText";
            btnSave.Left    = 365;
            btnSave.Text    = "Save";
            btnSave.Top     = 40;
            btnSave.Enabled = true;

            Button btnClose = new Button();

            btnClose.Tag     = "btnSingleText";
            btnClose.Left    = 445;
            btnClose.Text    = "Close";
            btnClose.Top     = 40;
            btnClose.Enabled = true;

            Button btnPrint = new Button();

            btnPrint.Tag     = "btnSingleText";
            btnPrint.Left    = 525;
            btnPrint.Top     = 40;
            btnPrint.Text    = "Print";
            btnPrint.Enabled = true;
