Пример #1
        public static PlanarSurface PlanarSurface(ICurve externalBoundary, List <ICurve> internalBoundaries = null, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance)
            if (externalBoundary == null || internalBoundaries == null || internalBoundaries.Where(x => x != null).Count() == 0)
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot create planar surface from null curves.");

            if (!externalBoundary.IIsPlanar(tolerance))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("External edge curve is not planar");

            if (!externalBoundary.IIsClosed(tolerance))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("External edge curve is not closed");

            if (!externalBoundary.ISubParts().Any(y => y is NurbsCurve) && externalBoundary.IIsSelfIntersecting(tolerance))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("The provided external boundary is self-intersecting.");

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries ?? new List <ICurve>();

            int count = internalBoundaries.Count;

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.IIsClosed(tolerance)).ToList();

            if (internalBoundaries.Count != count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internal boundaries is not closed and has been ignored on creation of the planar surface.");

            count = internalBoundaries.Count;

            Plane p = externalBoundary.IFitPlane(tolerance);

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.IIsInPlane(p, tolerance)).ToList();

            if (internalBoundaries.Count != count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internal boundaries is not coplanar with the external edge curve and has been ignored on creation of the planar surface.");

            if (internalBoundaries.SelectMany(x => x.ISubParts()).Any(x => x is NurbsCurve || x is Ellipse))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internal boundaries is a NurbsCurve or Ellipse and has not been checked for validity on creation of the planar surface.");

            count = internalBoundaries.Count;

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.ISubParts().Any(y => y is NurbsCurve) || !x.IIsSelfIntersecting(tolerance)).ToList();

            if (internalBoundaries.Count != count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internal boundaries is self-intersecting and has been ignored on creation of the planar surface.");

            count = internalBoundaries.Count;

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.ISubParts().Any(y => y is NurbsCurve || y is Ellipse))
                                 .Concat(internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.ISubParts().All(y => !(y is NurbsCurve) && !(y is Ellipse))).BooleanUnion()).ToList();

            if (internalBoundaries.Count != count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internalBoundaries was overlapping another one. BooleanUnion was used to resolve it.");

            if (externalBoundary.ISubParts().Any(x => x is NurbsCurve || x is Ellipse))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("External boundary is a nurbs curve or Ellipse. Necessary checks to ensure validity of a planar surface based on nurbs curve cannot be run, therefore correctness of the surface boundaries is not guaranteed.");
                // External done
                return(new PlanarSurface(externalBoundary, internalBoundaries));

            for (int i = 0; i < internalBoundaries.Count; i++)
                ICurve intCurve = internalBoundaries[i];
                if (intCurve.ISubParts().Any(x => x is NurbsCurve || x is Ellipse))

                if (externalBoundary.ICurveIntersections(intCurve, tolerance).Count != 0)
                    externalBoundary = externalBoundary.BooleanDifference(new List <ICurve>()
                    Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internalBoundaries is intersecting the externalBoundary. BooleanDifference was used to resolve the issue.");

            count = internalBoundaries.Count;

            internalBoundaries = internalBoundaries.Where(x => x.ISubParts().Any(y => y is NurbsCurve || y is Ellipse) || externalBoundary.IIsContaining(x, true, tolerance)).ToList();

            if (internalBoundaries.Count != count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("At least one of the internalBoundaries is not contained by the externalBoundary. And have been disregarded.");

            return(new PlanarSurface(externalBoundary, internalBoundaries));